Medical Research on SIDS and Epidemics #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #SIDS

Medical Research on SIDS and Epidemics #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #SIDS

by: Scheibner, Viera, Ph.D.

Viera Scheibner is a retired principal research scientist with a doctorate in natural sciences. During her distinguished career, she has published three books and 90 scientific papers in prestigious scientific journals. Since the mid-80’s, she has done extensive research into vaccines and vaccinations. Her first research was in the area of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). She wasn’t even studying vaccinations, but she stumbled onto a relationship between SIDS and vaccinations that lead to a very deep study into vaccination literature in medical journals. In 1983, she published her book on the results of her research Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System. She often provides expert reports for court cases involving immunizations and vaccine-damaged individuals throughout the world.


In 1985, I was introduced into the world of vaccinations through a breathing monitor invented by my husband, Leif Karlsson, who was a bio-medical engineer specializing in patient monitoring systems. Leif developed a computerized breathing monitor for babies which we called “Cotwatch”,…

Very fascinating bit of history and nation to nation health comparisons.  If you have ever had questions or concerns about SIDS read on within the above link.


Hi, I am a happy, proud mother of four. My husband Scott and I reside in Henderson, NV U.S.A. I love to travel with my family, read historical fiction, bake, watch documentaries, swim and enjoy the arts.

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