What is really the cause of deaths in newborn infants? #Pertussis #Whooping Cough #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

A little insight on the dangers of infants catching pertussis from vaccinated family members


A long time ago, sounds like the beginning of a Star Wars flic.  I began the study on vaccines.  It was between myself and God.  It was so comforting to know I had put him at the helm.

 I have an avid respect for anyone who adds this style of study to an area of their lives.  No matter who they are or what their other lifestyle choices might be. 

It’s not a lazy, sedentary, unaccountable type of study; most definitely a proactive type of study. 

I was uneasy with the type of response I might receive from my prior husband.  Many moons back.  Somehow without even discussing the matter, I knew it would not be well received by him and his extended family.  I was a little concerned about close friends but not too much because they were my close friends.  I felt super close to my baby in my womb because I was doing this for her.  How rewarding it was to know I was giving her the best possible start.

The thought had come to mind so clearly, which will be difficult to write because it’s an impression.  A  little impression could take a thousand words to describe.  I’ll do my best to place in a couple of sentences. 

I felt like my Father in Heaven wanted me to consider anything put into her body.  Stop and take a moment to Think.  I loved that Heavenly Father cares so much about every little detail.  It definitely seemed like my brain expanded with that thought.  I was so committed to giving the best possible start to my first baby.

This little step began an internal movement of thought and direction. I began to learn about nutrition at a whole new level, healing of the body in ways that I was never raised or heard of before.  I will always be proud of the start I gave her and the learning that took place together without her really knowing. 

It’s funny how in life there is always progression.  A college course, a degree, an award is only the beginning. Life has little experiments all along the way. What an exciting adventure was about to begin, with just a simple insight.

In the link above is an article, written by a veteran researcher.  It’s meaty, not in layman’s terms but worth the read.  Stepping into my friend’s brain would probably cause mine to burst within a matter of seconds.

She is respected world-wide and many families have received priceless rewards from her expert witness work. Although, some media outlets attempt to demean her, but that’s their loss.  Maybe they are better at covering twerking.

I wish to thank her for looking out for the vulnerable of the world and making truth a priority.

jen vranes  🙂








Hi, I am a happy, proud mother of four. My husband Scott and I reside in Henderson, NV U.S.A. I love to travel with my family, read historical fiction, bake, watch documentaries, swim and enjoy the arts.

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