Frank B. Engley, Jr., PhD – A Pioneer in the research of Thimerosal Efficacy and Toxicity#Vaccines#ASD#IBelieve

“Apparently the medical profession does not read the safety data sheets provided by Lilly and other chemical manufacturers made available to physicians, pharmacies, hospitals and health departments. It states for thimerosal: toxic, mutagen, allergen, hypersensitivity, alters genetic materials, may cause mild to severe mental retardation, may cause mild to severe motor coordination, all sounds a lot like autism.”

Frank B. Engley, Jr., PhD, by Eric Gladen and David Ayoub, MD


Hi, I am a happy, proud mother of four. My husband Scott and I reside in Henderson, NV U.S.A. I love to travel with my family, read historical fiction, bake, watch documentaries, swim and enjoy the arts.

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