Recovering from my Gardasil Nightmare#android#iPad#retweet

By Lisa Pipella, from Spokane WA

My Gardasil Nightmare is Nearly Over

When I originally wrote my Gardasil story as a cautionary tale for others, I thought the worst was over. I had battled for almost six years and was left with only periodic numbness/tingling in my hands to deal with at that point. I believed the worst was over and I could begin to get on with my life. That was in October of 2013.

In 2014, the roller coaster ride began again. My hands became worse; the tingling and numbness traveled to my legs. I would have moments of paralysis forcing me to rely on crutches to get around for a few days each month. My sleep patterns became irregular. I would stay awake for 4 days straight before collapsing from sheer exhaustion and physical weakness. The numbness and tingling I previously had in my hands progressed to tremors that never stopped, even when I was sleeping. Tremors so bad they stopped me from successful photography, hindering my ability to complete my home-based projects or even use everyday tools.

So, I began a new journey visiting more doctors, doing more tests. After some careful observation, we were able to pinpoint the exact time frame during which my symptoms got worse and I would lose normal function of my hands and feet along with the annoying hot pins and needles feelings. It was around the time of my menstrual cycle.

After determining this, I went to see a chiropracter for the first time where I was given some good lifestyle advice. I started on some new detox programs and parasite cleanses in hopes of seeing some improvement. I had been eating clean organic foods but my blood sugar would still peak and dip causing moments of confusion, mood swings, the shakes and weakness. I was able to correct these problems through a new diet that cut out all sugars. It was a great feeling to eliminate those symptoms once my blood sugar was corrected.

Shortly after, I was able to meet with a new doctor about my symptoms to try and gain a different perspective. She gave me a clinical diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Believe it or not, it was somewhat of a relief to have a diagnosis that would explain the majority of my limb symptoms including why my hands were stuck in a claw position.

Next, I went to get a full blood panel to see what that would tell me. Almost everything came back normal. This was my 3rd blood panel in the years since my Gardasil injections. It only revealed that I was low in B6 and D3. So, for the first time in my life, I started taking supplements. They did nothing for me and none of us could figure out why.

I bought several books and spoke to several amazing Gardasil-injured girls  who found healing using different methods. But, none of the methods would work for me. I was growing tired of visiting so many doctors and having to explain everything over and over again. But, I was not going to give up.

I spent all of 2014 seeking answers only to end up having a major life-threatening stroke in January of 2015. I was sitting on the couch and felt a really bad throbbing ache behind my left eye. Then, all of a sudden, I had a ”bursting” sensation. I screamed for my husband and he sat with me. I was unable to speak or even understand where I was at. I was screaming in pain as I felt a traveling sensation go up and over my left ear, resting at the base of my skull. I ended up going to bed because the pain exhausted my entire body.

I woke up in the middle of the night from the lingering pain and experienced a stroke. My left eye was fully dilated and everything was confusing. I immediately went and got an MRI. It came back ”unremarkable.”

Then, I got my eyes checked to see if anything was wrong. Those tests also came back normal.

I felt like I had come to another dead end. What if I did not survive my next stroke? My children would be motherless.

So, I set out on another research adventure and put the doctors aside. They were not finding anything and I was not healing.

Is the answer in your Methylation Cycle?

I work with many parents in the autism community and entered into a conversation with some of them about genetics and genetic mutations. I was absolutely fascinated.

They were talking about MTHFR genetic mutations which were identified by the Human Genome Project in 2003. MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This mutation is thought to be a key to all disease, autoimmune disease, and neurological issues in addition to making people more susceptible to adverse reactions to vaccines, medications and supplements.

If we look at immunogenetics and adversomics we can begin to understand why certain people have adverse reactions to vaccines. Vaccines are causing genetic expression. The methylation cycle is very important in the human body. It also dictates how the immune system functions.

After a few months researching, I ended up ordering a test from I sent my spit test in and the results came back. Guess what? I have the MTHFR C667T mutation along with other mutations that contribute to stroke (Val12Met) and cancer (BRCA). I also have the ’Fragile X’ gene (FMR1). The results were overwhelming.

I immediately sought out additional information on this and joined a MTHFR group. I started out by trying a B12 supplement tailored to my genetic mutation(s). It was called Methylcobalamin. The first time I took it, it knocked me out flat. I was wiped out for several days – almost as if I was in an alcoholic stupor. The fatigue was terrible. I felt betrayed.

But then I switched to taking it before bed, and what do you know, I slept the entire night! So I was taking this every night because research says you must be on it regularly to keep in in your system. Every day was a new milestone for me. My hands unclenched from their claw positions. My legs stopped tingling. I could feel my feet for the first time in a long time. My hands were able to feel again. My tremors, paralysis, burning, tingling, pins and needles sensations dissipated a little each night until they were no more. It was almost unbelievable. I cried tears of joy!

After regulating my methylation cycle with the B12, I decided to try the supplements again. I started taking chlorella, selenium, vitamin D3, Lithium Orotate and probiotics. It was as if every single supplement kicked in all at once.

I was happy again. I could keep up with my children. I finally have my life back!

My Gardasil injections were in 2007. This is the first time in 8 years I can finally say I feel ”normal” again. So far, it has been three entire months of being healed. I believe my Gardasil Nightmare is finally over.

I would like to take a moment to thank the autism community and particularly The Thinking Mom’s Revolution. Without them I would have never known the importance of the methylation cycle, MTHFR, and glutathione.

Please understand that what works for one Gardasil-injured girl may not work for another. Sometimes you have to take very slow steps when introducing new healing methods in order to avoid further injury. It was a very long and slow, trial and error process discovering which methods would work for me. The amount of detoxing I did through the past year set the stage for further healing.

I highly recommend genetic testing as a good place to start. It gave me a blueprint to go by; maybe it will do the same for you!

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of Sane Vax

Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents#android#iPad#retweet

By Barbara Loe Fisher

Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries a partial product liability shield under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The goal was simple: to restrict civil lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and negligent doctors whenever government mandated vaccines injure and kill Americans. 1

In the 21st century, Congress went further and directed federal agencies to develop a public-private business partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. 2 3 Today, multi-national corporations marketing vaccines enjoy a $15 billion dollar U.S. and $30 billion dollar global vaccine market that will reach $100 billion in 10 years. 4 5

At the same time, Congress appropriates billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to federal agencies working with Big Pharma to develop hundreds of new vaccines, 6 7 while vaccine licensing standards have been lowered so companies can fast-track experimental vaccines to market. 8 9 Meaningful congressional oversight on vaccine regulation and policymaking is non-existent today, in part because the pharmaceutical industry is the number one wealthiest and most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. 10 11 12 13

Obtaining Vaccine Injury Compensation: Do You Feel Lucky?

Parents, who file a claim today on behalf of a brain damaged vaccine injured child in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) under the 1986 Act, know that the odds of obtaining financial assistance from the government are not much better than the odds of winning a lottery. 14 Department of Health and Justice officials fight almost every award in the U.S. Court of Claims so two out of three vaccine injury claims are denied. 15

Parents already traumatized…

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FDA Prepares to Fast Track New Vaccines Targeting Pregnant Women#android#iPad#retweet

By Barbara Loe Fisher

Birth defects, chromosomal damage, premature birth, low birth weight, pregnancy complications and sudden infant death syndrome, not infectious diseases, are the leading causes of death for about 23,000 infants dying before their first birthday in the US every year, with half of those deaths occurring on the first day of life. 1   2  Women getting pregnant and delivering babies in America today have more than twice the risk of dying during pregnancy, childbirth or within one year of giving birth than they did three decades ago, with heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke, diabetes, and blood clots being among the leading causes of death. 3   4

In 2006, CDC officials directed doctors to give all pregnant women a flu shot 5  and, in 2011, a Tdap shot during every pregnancy, no matter how little time has elapsed between pregnancies. 6   Prior to FDA licensure, influenza, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines were not tested in or proven safe and effective for pregnant women in large clinical trials when given during every pregnancy either singly or simultaneously. 7   8

Categorized by FDA as Pregnancy Category B and C biologicals 9   because it is not known whether the vaccines are genotoxic and can cause fetal harm or can affect maternal fertility and reproduction, administering influenza and Tdap vaccines to pregnant women is an off-label use of these vaccines. 10   11   12   It is a policy that assumes maternal vaccination is necessary, safe and effective without proving it. 13

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‘Mass Sterilization Exercise’ Kenya Discovers Vaccines Laced With Anti-Fertility Agent#android#iPad#retweet

1) Population control is fully underway. 2) Kenya is asking for investigations into WHO.

An article on LifeSiteNews is making new allegations that two United Nations organizations have sterilized millions of girls using anti-tetanus vaccination programs. The programs have also been sponsored by the Kenyan government. This was discovered by the Catholic Church. The Kenyan government claims to be looking into the matter, but seeing they seem to be related to the issue, one has to wonder how unbiased this investigation will turn out.

Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine…


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Meet Kash#android#iPad#retweet


Kerri’s narrative (Kash’s mother):

On June 23rd, we took our son into the pediatrician’s office to receive his one-year vaccines. We were getting ready to go on vacation and we wanted to get it over with since they were already late. Just like most other parents, I dreaded these appointments. I couldn’t stand taking my sweet, smiling, cheerful child into the doctor to have him poked and prodded, but I didn’t know I had a choice. I ran a home-based child care facility and I thought immunizations had to be current for that, as well as future schooling, camps, etc. Kash is the youngest of 5 siblings, all of whom have been vaccinated, and we never had issues, so unfortunately, I didn’t put much thought into doing any of my own research.

Kash was immunized, I got him dressed, and we both left the doctors office in tears. The next morning I was cuddling with Kash when he first woke up, and he began to vomit. When he finished, I turned him over and tried to get him to communicate with me, or even respond, and I got nothing from him but a blank stare. His body was limp, he was staring off into space, and he wouldn’t even acknowledge his own name. Knowing something wasn’t right, we took him to the closest ER, which was about 5 minutes away. After evaluating him the attending physician told us that more than likely Kash had suffered a seizure due to “system overload” from his vaccines the day before. We were told to take him home, let him rest, keep an eye on him, but that everything SHOULD BE okay…

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Peer Review Process in Academic Publishing Untrustworthy#android#iPad#retweet

by Rishma Parpia

The peer review process is the pride of rigorous academic publishing. It is a critical component used to maintain the integrity of academic publications and a method used to ensure that information appearing in the scientific and medical literature is thoroughly vetted for accuracy.

How Does Peer Review Work?

The process begins after a researcher submits a paper to an academic journal. The editors of the journal then assign a group of independent reviewers to evaluate and critique the content of paper.1 Often, the researcher submitting the study will offer names of scholars in their field of study who are qualified to undertake the reviews. However, the final decision on the selection of reviewer typically lies in the hands of the journal editors.1

After the reviewers are appointed, they are required to investigate the research methodology used to conduct the study and provide feedback on any further improvements that can be made.1 In cases where the research methodology is flawed, reviewers have the ability to reject the paper. Typically, reviewers have no direct contact with the researchers and communicate their feedback via the editors of the journal who then decide to accept or reject the paper for publication.1

The Fake Peer Review Outbreak…

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Vaccines—Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good?#android#iPad#retweet

By Dr. Mercola

The multiple-award winning documentary, The Greater Good, was initially released three years ago.

Weaving together stories of families whose lives have been forever altered by vaccine damage, the film reveals how modern medicine, especially when driven by politics, ideology, and big business, can rob you of some of your most basic human rights, including voluntary, informed consent to medical risk-taking.

The results of such politically- and financially-driven public health policies can be devastating. The provocative, ground breaking film, The Greater Good, includes prominent voices messaging about vaccination and health today.

This includes those pushing for mandatory vaccination policies and those opposing forced vaccination policies. It focuses on how we can create positive change and reduce fear so that parents and doctors can work together to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths.

There needs to be an open, rational discussion about vaccination, infectious diseases, and health. After all, don’t all of us want our children to be healthy and safe from unnecessary harm?

If we want to protect the health of ALL children, we cannot continue to ignore the signs that we’ve gone too far with public health policies making mandatory use of multiple vaccines in early childhood as our nation’s No. 1 disease prevention strategy to the point that we may well be sacrificing too many children’s lives in the name of “the greater good”…

From my point of view, there can be little doubt that we need to review the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccination program in the US, and this review needs to include methodologically sound investigative studies that are not compromised by conflicts of interest within industry and government.

If we don’t do that now, we may not be able to stop further damage to the health of future generations…


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