Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: Fatality after Gardasil#android#iPad#retweet

By Norma Erickson

SaneVax-FeaturedGardasil®-related fatal myocardial infarction in a teenage boy – case filed in United States Court of Federal Claims Office of Special Masters.

Gomez versus USDOH: Petition No. 15-0160V1 filed by the Roberts Law Firm of Newport Beach, California for petitioners Adan Gomez and Raquel Ayon, on behalf of their deceased son Joel Gomez, states:

Joel Gomez received a Merck Gardasil vaccine on June 19, 2013 and again on August 19, 2013, and died in his sleep the following day on August 20, 2013. The death was caused in fact by receiving the Gardasil Vaccine.

This statement is reinforced by a supportive Expert Report written by Sin Hang Lee, MD, stating:

Gardasil® did cause or contributed to a myocardial infarction in the decedent, and that the second dose of Gardasil®finally caused a fatal hypotension in this case on the day of vaccination. There was no other plausible cause for the death of Joel Gomez at the night of August 19, 2013.

The record shows that Joel Gomez, the decedent, a 14-year old healthy boy who had regular visits to the pediatrician’s office for periodic check-ups since birth showed no evidence of any pre-existing health issues, specifically no evidence of cardiac abnormalities, psychological disorders or substance abuse. The teenager had been training for the high school football team from four to five hours a day for the two months prior to his death without incident.

On June 19, 2013, the boy was given the first dose of Gardasil® in his left arm in the doctor’s office. No adverse reactions were reported following this first vaccination by the boy to either his family or his physician. On August 19, 2013 the boy was given a second injection of Gardasil® as scheduled in the doctor’s office. Then he went home and went to sleep. The boy was found to be unresponsive in bed the following morning on August 20, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. by his family.

Paramedics were called in and the boy was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead at 9:07 a.m. on August 20, 2013.

An autopsy was performed on August 23, 2013 by a medical examiner (ME) of Los Angeles, California.

The autopsy report stated significant abnormal findings to include:

…a long narrow band of dark reddish discoloration which is somewhat darker than the rest of the myocardium, extends over a length of 6 cm and has a width of 0.4 cm extending from the anterior base of the heart almost to the apex. ..this lesion is limited to the anterior free wall. Both lungs are extremely heavy. The lung parenchyma is dark-purple-red and completely soaked with edema fluid and blood. Microscopically, a localized lesion was found in the left ventricle of the heart.

In the medical examiner’s opinion:

The Decedent died of myocarditis, which apparently was completely asymptomatic. By histology, the disease had been present for at least several days or weeks. The cause is unknown.

Dr. Lee reviewed the microscopic slides and concluded that the lesion of the heart was a healing myocardial infarct of a few weeks old after the first Gardasil® vaccination. In his opinion,

The HPV L1 gene DNA fragments bound to the aluminum adjuvant in Gardasil® can cause sudden and unexpected surge of tumor necrosis factor-α and other cytokines. Some of these cytokines released from macrophages are potent myocardial depressants, capable of causing hypotension with low cardiac perfusions in certain genetically or physically predisposed individuals.

Why is this case significant?

Myocardial Infarction

This was an obviously healthy, athletic young boy under the care of a pediatrician since birth. The myocardial infarction occurred between two injections of Gardasil as described in the medical examiner’s report. According to Dr. Lee, a healing infarct at the age of 14 is practically unheard of. In fact, Dr. Lee pointed out that the heart in this case presents a textbook description of myocardial infarction commonly observed in much older patients with a history of heart attack(s). The only factor in this boy’s life that changed was his Gardasil vaccinations.

According to the petition filed:

Petitioners contend that Joel suffered from Myocarditis which was caused in fact by the Gardasil vaccine. Petitioners contend that the logical sequence of cause and effect show that the vaccination was the reason for the death. Further supportive of the causal relationship is established by looking to the proximate temporal relationship between the vaccination and the death. The fact that Joel was a healthy 14 year old boy with no health problems is strong circumstantial evidence that the death was caused in fact by the Gardasil vaccine.

This means there is no way of knowing how many Gardasil-vaccinated girls (or boys) have developed permanent myocardial damage, whether one calls it myocarditis or infarct, either is a silent heart pathology. Is silent heart pathology no harm if the patient did not die?

In a telephone interview with Dr. Lee about the significance of this case for parents and medical professionals, Dr. Lee said:

Teenagers vaccinated with Gardasil® should stay away from competitive sports such as football for at least two months, and should have an electrocardiogram to rule out silent myocardial infarction if there is any incidence of syncope, chest discomfort, tachycardia or hypotension within two months after Gardasil® vaccination.


  1. petition available on request – please email or

This article in its entirety, is compliments of



The lion who had no courage#android#iPad#retweet

On my “Life with Autism” blog, it is my hope that the words you read are inspirational in some way. But on this blog — I wanted it to be different. I wanted the pictures to be more powerful than the words. Here will be some of our most powerful pictures in our “Life with Autism” – with only a few words to explain.

Doing away with vanity & dignity tonight.

I’m sure Brandon would forgive me if perhaps it would make one member of the mainstream media try and help him… I doubt they’ll ever see this, much like I doubt today’s seizures would be the last.  But, one can hope…. 

He’s had seizures yet again today…and finally at 8pm he tried to get up.  He’s been on the gymnastics mat on the floor of his bedroom right where he landed from the first seizure in falling out of bed this morning. Most parents have the luxury of waking up to the sound of an alarm.  I frequently wake up to the sound of choking, some body part banging against the wall, or a loud thud as he hits the floor.  I met him in the hallway and by the look in his eyes I knew we better go back in his room and not dare try and go downstairs.  It’s hard to describe seeing your child like that.  Hungry, or perhaps thirsty, wanting to just go downstairs to eat or drink, yet somehow not understanding why his body just isn’t willing to do what his mind wants.  So, back in his room, we sat on the bench at the foot of his bed and I gave him his beloved straws and we listened to music.  He dropped his straw and I watched as he tried to get it. His arm jerked this way and that.  Eyes focused on the straw, arm focused on anything but.  I was about to call down and ask Todd to bring something up for him to drink.  To try and get some few precious calories in.  But too late.  The arm started jerking again, his head slumped, and his entire body curled up in a ball and started to convulse right there on the bench in my arms.  All I could do was try and keep him steady…

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Stop the Lies- 30,000 people are NOT dying from the flu in the US each year!#android#iPad#retweet

And this is according to the numbers provided directly from the CDC:

The lies need to stop. We talk about evidence-based practice, so let’s look at what the evidence says.

As of today’s date there are 322,014,008 people living in the USA.

The CDC says that

During September 28, 2014–May 23, 2015, World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories in the United States tested 691,952 specimens for influenza viruses; 125,462 (18.1%) were positive.

So there were only 125,462 cases of confirmed influenza for last year’s flu season in the United States. Out of 322,014,008 people, this accounts for 0.0004% of the population that actually had confirmed influenza and not just flu-like illness.

Furthermore, the CDC states that out of these 125,462 cases,

17,911 total hospitalizations resulting from influenza during October 1, 2014–April 30, 2015

So, if only 17,911 people are hospitalized, how on earth can 30,000 people be dead of the US of influenza?

And among the adults that were hospitalized, most had other conditions that also contributed to their hospitalization as…

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UK AHVID responds to EMA conclusion that HPV vaccines do not cause POTS or CRPS#android#iPad#retweet

AHVID loco

By Steve Hinks email

The European Medicines Agency has today released the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee’s conclusion of their review of HPV vaccines in relation to two serious neurological conditions, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Complex Region Pain Syndrome (CRPS).  The PRAC assessment concluded that the available evidence does not support that CRPS and POTS are caused by HPV vaccines.

The UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) is extremely disappointed by the committee’s findings and concerned by the lack of transparency and opportunity to scrutinize the evidence considered by the PRAC before the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) adopts the committee’s findings.

Freda Birrell, Chair of AHVID said:

“Groups across Europe representing families of girls suffering new health conditions following HPV vaccination will naturally be very disappointed with this investigation and we are particularly concerned that the evidence considered by the PRAC will not be made available for scrutiny until after CHMP has reviewed the PRAC Assessment and adopted the decision. We have even been denied a request to know which experts submitted evidence. This shroud of secrecy is very concerning – something is leaving these girls seriously ill! We are however, very encouraged by the recent award of research funding from the Danish health authorities to a Danish team of doctors, to research adverse reactions to the HPV vaccination, and we await the results of that research with anticipation, particularly in light of recent reports from Denmark estimating 1 in 400 girls are suffering serious adverse reactions to the HPV vaccination.”

AHVID recently conducted a survey of members for information to submit to the EMA review.  The findings from nearly 100 members highlighted massive under-reporting of adverse reactions by health professionals, a failure of health professionals to recognize and acknowledge adverse reactions and the difficulties experienced getting a POTS diagnosis, with most girls waiting for more than two years.  Shockingly, the survey also found over 90% of respondents were initially told by their doctors that their symptoms were psychological.

The PRAC appear to have based their decision on their statement that the available estimates suggest natural rates of both POTS and CRPS to be around 150 girls per million in the age range of 10 to 19.  AHVID are unable to comment on this statement because the request for copies of evidence and reports considered by the Committee have been refused until the Review is finalized, but the group remain convinced the HPV vaccination is resulting in girls developing serious autoimmune and neurological conditions, including POTS and CRPS.

The PRAC makes reference to an overlap of CRPS and POTS symptoms with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and the ‘large published study that showed no link between HPV vaccine and CFS’, which the Committee considered particularly relevant. The study ‘Bivalent HPV vaccine and the risk of fatigue syndromes in girls in the UK’ was undertaken and authored by MHRA scientists, it was looking only at the Cervarix vaccine, used data from the CRPD database which is collected for clinical management, not research, was open to confounding and selection bias and was at the mercy of the accuracy of GPs inputting accurate diagnostic codes. The study would also have been unlikely to have picked out cases of POTS or CRPS and would certainly have missed the many girls with POTS who were initially misdiagnosed with anxiety or psychological conditions.

AHVID will continue to support families with girls suffering new health conditions following HPV vaccination and will continue to fight for better treatment for the affected girls, more transparency and full information about the risks of this vaccination to be made available to parents prior to consent. Their aim is also to ensure the MHRA are held to account and made to follow up all reports of serious adverse reactions, which currently does not happen.


  1. AHVID recently conducted a member questionnaire and, so far, has received almost 100 responses. Information for the first 94 responses had been already shared with the EMA. Many of the questionnaire responses leave no doubt whatsoever in our opinion that these vaccines have at least contributed to the girls’ side effects.

AHVID has found that in the first 94 questionnaire submissions:

  • Yellow Cards have only been submitted by 13 doctors whilst the girls had been seen by a total of approximately 858 doctors. There were also 7 doctors who refused to raise Yellow Cards.
  • 15 of these had reactions after the 1st and/or 2nd dose. They continued to have the 2nd and 3rd doses because the serious side effects were not perceived to be adverse reactions to the vaccine.  They had all been told that the vaccine is safe and side-effects are only mild and short term.
  • 27 girls had reactions on the same day as the vaccine, some of them within minutes. A further 22 had reactions within 7 days of vaccination and a further 16 within 30 days. This cannot be a coincidence.
  • 66 girls with previously regular periods developed severe problems, many of them serious. 20 girls with irregular periods developed new problems, many of them serious. At least 4 girls have been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries.
  • 53 girls were found to have vitamin and mineral deficiencies with 33 of these being for vitamin D.
  • 24 have confirmed POTS diagnosis, some took 6 and a half years from vaccination to be diagnosed
  • 37 have not been diagnosed with POTS but have an average of 16 typical POTS symptoms. Some had 33 typical POTS symptoms. 19 were refused POTS assessments.
  • 8 have confirmed diagnosis of CRPS.
  • 76 have not been diagnosed with CRPS but have an average of 5 typical CRPS symptoms. 14 were refused CRPS assessments.
  1. Danish reports highlighting estimates of 1 in 400 girls suffering serious adverse reactions:

For further information about AHVID contact: Freda Birrell (chair) at or tel: 07752 945545

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of Sane Vax

“Universal” Failure: Public Health’s Answer to Prevention#android#iPad#retweet

By Natalie Moore

  • What is herd immunity doing (or not doing) for you?
  • What are Americans doing almost as much as paying taxes?
  • Fever, aches, paralysis – Oh, my!

Dear reader,

Picture it.

Every staff member in the emergency room is covered head to toe in masks, gowns and gloves.

Patients spread about the ER bays — the worst cases rushed to isolation rooms.

Families, particularly those with children, told to leave for their own protection.

Medications and vaccines stockpiled in nurses stations so quickly pharmacy can’t fill the orders.

Instantly, emails fly out to all of the floors.

Administrators, VPs, infection control specialists, and department managers frantically making emergency census plans, hiring more part-time staff.

Frantically adding employees to on-call lists — preparing for the certain onslaught of sick patients and inevitable nursing staff absences.

What kind of outbreak could cause such madness?



The plague?!


As a mental health triage screener, this is the scene I observed each year since the first case of influenza rolled into the ER.

Managers instructed (bullied)…


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Still Vaccinating Your Pet Every Year#android#iPad#retweet

Titer tests are a fabulous option for pet owners.  

A simple blood test.  No risk of an adverse vaccine reaction or over vaccinating, let alone the stress that pets incur during a vaccination.

Some vaccines can last up to the life of the pet.  

If your vet charges in the hundreds for a titer test, then keep looking.  I have seen prices in the $30. to $50. range.

It would make sense for city and state licensing offices to accept verification of titer antibodies in replacement of annual rabies shots.

Our towns are better off with healthy, happy pets.

By Kim Campbell Thornton

…Side effects from vaccinations range from mild itching and swelling to anaphylactic shock leading to death. Cats may develop vaccine sarcomas, which are cancers that develop at the site of the injection. And dogs may develop certain autoimmune diseases.

Veterinarians have suspected for years that annual vaccinations for cats and dogs aren’t necessary, but large, well-controlled studies just didn’t exist to prove it one way or the other. With the exception of rabies vaccine, the U.S. Department of Agriculture doesn’t require data beyond one year for any vaccine.

With that being the case, vaccine manufacturers arbitrarily recommended annual vaccinations, and most veterinarians, concerned about liability issues, concurred…

…There’s also an advantage to giving single rather than combination vaccines. “Giving more vaccinations increases the likelihood of side effects,” Welborn says. “Separating vaccinations allows the veterinarian to determine which vaccine caused a side effect if one occurs.”

If you’re concerned that your dog or cat will develop a vaccine-related health problem, but you want to make sure they’re protected against disease, annual titers are an economical alternative.

They’re reliable and costs are comparable to those for vaccinations….

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 Here are some of the possible side effects following a rabies shot.  Since we now know that side effects are more common than thought, including future sarcoma cancers at the injection site and life-long autoimmune diseases, wouldn’t it be wise to just do annual follow-up titer tests, rather than subject our pets to the following side effects for annual rabies shots?

  1. Burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, “pins and needles”, or tingling feelings
  2. confusion
  3. cough
  4. difficulty in moving
  5. difficulty swallowing
  6. fast heartbeat
  7. feeling of discomfort
  8. inflammation of joints
  9. irritability
  10. lack or loss of strength
  11. muscle pain, stiffness, or weakness
  12. paralysis or severe weakness of legs
  13. puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
  14. rash
  15. seizures
  16. shortness of breath
  17. skin rash, hives, or redness
  18. stiffness of arms, legs, or neck
  19. swollen, painful, or tender lymph glands in the neck, armpit, or groin
  20. tightness in chest
  21. unusual tiredness
  22. vomiting

More Common

  1. Chills
  2. dizziness
  3. fever
  4. general feeling of discomfort or illness
  5. headache
  6. itching, pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
  7. muscle or joint aches
  8. nausea
  9. stomach or abdominal pain
  10. Bruising at the injection site
  11. diarrhea

Possible side effects listed on Mayo Clinic site – reference Micromedex

Shaken Baby Syndrome or Death by Vaccine? Doctor Speaks Out…#android#iPad#retweet

by Christina England and Michael Innis, MD

More and more innocent men and women are being falsely accused of committing shaken baby syndrome and later jailed for murder after a vaccine injury has occurred.

Unfortunately, an alarming number of medical and law enforcement professionals are quick to accuse caregivers of shaking their infants so hard that they have caused them to suffer from shaken baby syndrome (SBS), defined by a triad of serious brain injuries that can also be attributed to vaccine adverse reactions.

Medical professionals are quick to dismiss adverse reactions to recently administered vaccinations, or never consider them to begin with, while parents and caregivers are automatically assumed to be guilty of horrendous abuse, including the murder of young children. However, if these children have been shaken so violently that it has caused them to suffer extensive brain injuries, then why have so many suffered no external injuries as a result of their assault?

We need to ask ourselves whether just shaking alone can cause these injuries or if there are alternative explanations as to why these injuries occur.

Darryl Elliott is one of many caregivers serving a life sentence for a crime that he did not commit…

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58,000 New Autism Cases Per Year. 150 Measles Cases This Year.#android#iPad#retweet

Guest Writer Sharon Pelvic – We have become such a socially misguided society that we can’t even see out of our own ways anymore. The propaganda machine is a steamrolling train that’s trampling our very civil liberties.

In Florida, they are looking to pass legislation that will force every child to be vaccinated. The Florida bill really pushes the envelope here, which is concerning because you must assume other states could come up with more intense and harsh methods to force vaccinations.

In California, the state’s SB277 bill just got one step closer to becoming the law of that land. A state that’s literally running out of water, the lifeblood resource of human beings, is focused on forcing vaccines down it’s people’s throats in exchange for profits and gold.

At the end of the day, what are we looking at as the driving force behind all of this?

150 harmless measles cases.

That’s just baffling. 58,000 kids each year will be diagnosed on the spectrum of Autism to varying degrees, yet 150 non-injurious measles cases have set the stage for one of the biggest, most absurd, marketing campaigns of our time. Big Pharmaceutical companies have overstepped all ethical boundaries and have now become complicit with the destruction of personal and civil rights…


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