The American Medical Association Seeks to Silence “Quack” MD’s#android#iPad#retweet

by Dr. Jack Wolfson
Wolfson Integrative Cardiology

Over 200 years ago, the founding fathers of our country recognized freedom of speech as a guiding principle and a right of all U.S. citizens. Since the Bill of Rights was passed in 1791, people have protested wars, laws, and restrictions to freedom. It took over 100 years, but women and African-Americans were finally recognized as equal to white men based on these principles. Whether in print, on TV or radio, on the internet, or yelling on a street corner, the right to express an opinion should never be silenced.

But apparently, the American Medical Association feels differently. They would like to restrict medical doctors from participating in “quackery.” The MD’s have rallied against other healthcare providers for a hundred years. Targets have included DO’s, chiropractors, and homeopathic physicians. Competition for medical doctors arose because of toxic therapies, surgeries, and procedures. The founding father of osteopathic medicine wrote extensively on the body’s inherent ability to heal itself when you removed the offending agent. Traditional doctors are against alternative medicine and they will fight tooth and nail to protect their turf. We are talking about trillions of dollars after all.

The recent big fish…

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African-American Autism and Vaccines: RFK Jr.#android#iPad#retweet

Written By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

By concealing the link between vaccines and autism in African-American boys, the CDC had once again violated that public trust.

Last August, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention senior scientist, Dr. William Thompson, invoked federal whistleblower status and confessed that the CDC has known since 2001 that Black boys exposed to the MMR vaccine have a disproportionate risk of autism.

Thompson, a 17-year CDC veteran is the author of some of the leading studies cited by the CDC to exculpate vaccines from the autism epidemic. Thompson, who still works at the CDC, released the raw data sets that he says his bosses at the CDC ordered him to conceal. Those data show that Black boys who received the MMR vaccine before 3 years of age, as the CDC recommends, were 3.36 times more likely to receive an autism diagnosis than those who received the vaccine after 3 years of age. This effect was not observed in other race categories. Nevertheless, when the CDC scientists published their results in the journal Pediatrics in 2004, they omitted the damaging data, fraudulently declaring there was no risk of autism from the MMR vaccination. In August 2014, Thompson issued a press release through his attorney stating,

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African-American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”

The buried data were disturbing, but hardly surprising. The most reliable studies in the scientific literature indicate that African-Americans are more susceptible to vaccine injury and may also have increased susceptibility to neurological disorders such as autism…

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California Now Wants to be First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines – Criminal Penalties for those Who Refuse#android#iPad#retweet

 In a brazen act of medical tyranny, California recently became the first state in the U.S. where lawmakers removed religious exemptions to those opposing vaccines for their children. The bill now signed into law, SB277, faces legal hurdles in court next.

Now, legislators in California want to pass the “first US adult vaccine mandate with NO personal exemptions and CRIMINAL penalties for failure to comply.” SB 792, would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure.

Will California soon become a medical police state?…

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Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Medical Exemptions to Vaccination, But Didn’t Know to Ask#android#iPad#retweet

With the passage of SB277 in California, parents of vaccine-injured children, and parents whose children have escaped vaccine-injury are understandably concerned that similar UN-Constitutional vaccine mandates will be coming to their state next.

As I wrote in my initial response after hearing of the passage of SB277, the fact that Governor Brown indicated that he signed the bill BECAUSE it provided expanded medical exemptions is important…

…I would get a complete copy of my child’s medical records, including his or her vaccination record. I would construct a timeline. I would pay particular attention to the number of infections, asthma attacks, seizures, and any other incidents that occurred after vaccinations. As much as I already knew about vaccines and about vaccine-injuries, it wasn’t until I did the timeline that I finally realized what happened to my daughter. Do it. Also… go back and dig through your photos. Compare the photos with the timeline. Look for any evidence of changes in your child’s facial symmetry…

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Banned From Religious School For Not Vaccinating: Oy Vey!#android#iPad#retweet

In Ferris Bueller’s Day Off–one of my favorite movies— Cameron said, “I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I’m going to take a stand. I’m going to defend it. Right or wrong, I’m going to defend it.”

I think we could all take Cameron’s advice to heart. I did.

One of my patients, Steve, informed me that my Synagogue of 15 years, Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Hills, MI, decided that if a child does not have all of his/her vaccines they cannot attend their preschool. My patient was very upset as he informed me that both he and his wife were not comfortable giving their children all the vaccines that were recommended and they wanted to space out the vaccines. These parents are both intelligent and caring parents and had done their research about childhood vaccinations. Steve said, “Nearly all the {Detroit} Jewish temples {such as Temple Israel, as well as Hillel Day School and the Jewish Community Center} are mandating full vaccination or your child cannot attend. I can’t believe this is happening.”

In Michigan, in order to attend public school, the citizens are allowed a medical, religious or philosophical exemption from childhood vaccinations.

Steve told me that he met with Rabbi Miller at my temple to discuss his concerns and that the Rabbi was not receptive to his viewpoint.

I called Temple Beth El and asked if they had indeed instituted this new vaccine policy as I was not aware of it. I did not recall seeing this new vaccine edict in any Temple Beth El publication.   I was told that this was the new policy. At this point, I told an employee that I could not be a member of a Temple that supported such draconian policies…

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I really appreciate what Dr. Brownstein has to say. 

So many of those that we associate with and care so much about are ill-informed when it comes to the risks, history and evidenced-based science on vaccines.  It’s the biggest sham I have ever come across. 

Of course, our associates wouldn’t want to support injecting carcinogenic and poisonous substances into anyone let alone a baby.  As hard as it is to broach such a topic with someone that hasn’t come across the truth in this area, it is still so important to get the word out.

Just let our inner compass be our guide.


The first clinical trial testing the link between Alzheimer’s disease and Aluminium#android#iPad#retweet

Professor Christopher Exley of Keele University has spent his entire research career examining the impact of aluminum.

This is beneficial research to support. 

Please take part in circulating this contact information. 

Hello, my name is Chris Exley and sometimes known as Mr Aluminium. I consider the latter as a mark of respect. I have been researching and thinking about aluminium for over thirty years and I have published in excess of 150 scientific papers on this subject…

…During the last ten years my group has investigated the link between aluminium and Alzheimer’s disease in more than 100 human brains and our findings have led us to one very simple conclusion2.

We must now accept that where the aluminium content of an individual’s brain tissue exceeds a certain level that this aluminium will contribute towards any ongoing Alzheimer’s disease in that individual 3, 4.

Recent research suggests that we can protect ourselves against the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease by taking measures to reduce our everyday exposure to aluminium5

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Press Releases


A Woman Died From Measles and I’m (Still) Not Getting Vaccinated#android#iPad#retweet


You’ve all heard it by now, a young woman died from pneumonia after an autopsy revealed that she had the measles virus. I just love it when the media (backed of course by their big pharma advertisers) use manipulation techniques to push their agendas, as if we’re sheep wandering aimlessly about without our brains. Do they really think we’re that stupid? Did they think we would forget that just a few weeks ago, the American Medical Association (which is also heavily funded by big pharma) said they were going to push to eliminate non-medical vaccine exemptions by applying pressure to legislators (who are also funded by big pharma)?

They know this is exactly what’s needed to push the type of unconstitutional cow poop that was passed last week in California, in other states, and we have a federal bill eliminating non-medical exemptions on the horizon. There’s nothing to get the people rallied behind vaccine mandates like a scary measles story and they desperately needed one. Fear trumps constitutional liberties…or is it money? It’s all starting to blur together.

However, there were some huge inconsistencies in this story that are worth pointing out. If you have the ability to read between the lines like I do, you probably already caught them, but just in case you need to clue some peeps in, we should get on the same page.

This Woman Didn’t Die From Measles…

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The New Child Abuse Panic – Government and Medical Tyranny#android#iPad#retweet


 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — FEW things are tougher for a parent than dealing with a child’s serious medical condition, particularly if it is complicated and hard to diagnose. The parent has to make hard choices about treatment, navigating conflicting advice from doctors or even rejecting one doctor’s opinion and seeking another.

Recently, the situation of these parents has gotten even harder. Some doctors and hospitals have begun to level a radical new charge — “medical child abuse” — against parents who, they say, get unnecessary or excessive treatment for their kids. That this care is usually ordered by other doctors hasn’t protected parents from these loaded accusations.

Although most of these cases have nothing to do with real child abuse, credulous child welfare officials have too often supported the doctors, threatened parents with loss of custody, and even removed kids from their homes — simply because the parents disagreed with the doctor’s plan of care.

Perhaps the most notorious such case is that of Justina Pelletier, a teenager who was being treated for mitochondrial disease, or “mito,” a rare metabolic disorder that interferes with energy production. On the advice of a metabolic geneticist at Tufts Medical Center who was treating her, she was admitted in 2013 to Boston Children’s Hospital, so that she could see her longtime gastroenterologist, who had recently moved there. Without consulting the girl’s doctor at Tufts, Boston Children’s concluded that the girl’s problem was not mito, but largely psychiatric, according to The Boston Globe.

When her parents disagreed and sought to transfer her back to Tufts, Boston Children’s called child protection…

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