Why more attacks on those who chose to avoid vaccines matter to you#android#iPad#retweet

The Disneyland measles outbreak is now officially over. But the whole affair is not over. Big Pharma is pushing their vaccines more than ever. And why shouldn’t they? How would you like it if you had a patent on a drug that was approved to be used on every single man, woman, and child even if they were well? Big Pharma has that in vaccines. And how about if you got the government to protect you from any liability in the event that your drug caused damage or death? Big Pharma has that as well. And how about if you got the insurance industry to pay for the drug? Check, they have that too. And finally, how about if you got the government to force everyone to take the drug? That would really be great. The money would roll in like crazy without any risk or liability. The perfect scenario for a drug company. But here’s the problem. They don’t have that — yet!

No they don’t have it yet, but they are busy working on that little problem. Just recently, legislators in California…


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Open Letter to Doctors Who Reject Unvaccinated Patients#Family#Android#Pregnancy

 by Sarah TheHealthyHomeEconomist

 I was kicked out of my first pediatrician office in 1998. The Pediatrician in question was an old family friend, a neighbor of my high school sweetheart whose family I knew very well.

He was also a colleague of my Dad, a Geriatrician and Family Doctor at the same hospital in Dunedin, Florida.

This well-respected Pediatrician was very welcoming at first when I arrived for my initial office visit with our newborn son. Thankfully, my Mother-in-Law who is a nurse was with me. The alarm bells began going off in my head shortly after the examination started when I told him that my healthy, beautiful baby had been born at a birth center.

You could immediately see in his eyes the mental shutdown process begin as he proceeded to chastise me for my birthing decision…

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