Vaccines and Autism – Is the MMR Guilty of Causing Autism?#ASD#iBelieve#Vaccines

by Sima Ash

Vaccines for the Greater Greed

The vaccine industry gives millions to the American Academy of Pediatrics for conferences, grants and classes – a clear conflict of interest.

Dr. Paul Offit who is very critical of those who do not vaccinate or use a different timeline from the CDC’s recommended schedule, is the Chief of Infections Disease at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and just happens to hold a $1.5 million research chair that is funded by Merck and holds the patent on the Rotateq vaccine – another clear conflict of interest[ii]. Dr. Paul Offit has also stated that babies can tolerate “10,000 vaccines at once”

But money and greed can play a role in vaccines. In fact the mumps portion of the MMR’s validity is being called into question. Whistleblowers claim that Merck management instructed..

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New Paper Provides Convincing Evidence Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and Related Serious Health Issues is Becoming the Norm not the Exception in US Children#Family#Pregnancy#iBelieve

BALTIMORE, May 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — A new peer reviewed paper was published in a recent issue of Molecular and Genetic Medicine (S1:025, 2014) that presents convincing evidence that the rapid increase in the number of vaccines given to US children has now created a state of immune overload in the majority, or close to the majority, of young US children and that this is being manifested by related health issues including epidemics of obesity, diabetes, and autism. The new paper is authored by immunologist J. Bart Classen, MD….

“The best data indicates that vaccine induced chronic disease is now of a magnitude that dwarfs almost all prior poisoning of humans including poisoning from agents like asbestos, low dose radiation, lead and even cigarettes. Most patients don’t even realize that they are suffering from the adverse effects of vaccines. Even more concerning patients and or their parents are being harassed, accused of practicing poor dieting and exercise habits leading to development obesity and diabetes when in fact they suffer from vaccine induced obesity and diabetes,” says Dr. J. Bart Classen

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Free the innocent#iBelieve#repost#tmom

Just as in many posts before, I have been pondering over some thoughts that have been coming to mind.  I have felt at a bit of a loss as to what justice I can do for these concerns.

As I have spent countless hours researching, I have been stunned at how vast an issue this is.

I am speaking of the Many parents, and foster parents, and others that are innocently imprisoned every year.  They are wrongly accused for harming or murdering a baby or child.  I cannot imagine a worse assault  to one’s character.  These assaults happen to innocent people, on a regular basis, and they stretch world-wide.

How does this happen to these innocent people?  It happens right under our noses in our own communities, because we put our faith in man.  The supposed scientific research that doctors, and nurses tell the local law enforcement, and the forthcoming pleas from these parents fall on deaf ears.

Can you imagine having your child seizure, have a fatal allergic reaction, incur brain swelling, and then be accused of murder, and sent to prison.  This is what happens, and now you can grieve their loss, and have your support system torn away, and sit alone in a cell.

The research that is used is old, and faulty, and now there are talk shows that receive dollars to dramatize the events of a shaken baby.

Interestingly, the modern evidence reveals that a shaken baby cannot receive the injuries that are accepted by law enforcement in these cases.  Many individuals are innocent along the way.  Trusting the Superior advice of a physician.

Well, let’s not be in the dark any longer.  There are those that have research, and know how these injuries take place, but it is covered up because of the tie to vaccines, and probably other prescriptions as well. How often do these injuries take place within 30 days of a vaccination?

If your child were to have these reactions in front of the doctor, then another description would be said, one being: unknown cause. 

Silly isn’t it, let’s call it what it is.  Every parent, babysitter, boyfriend, girlfriend, nanny, grandparent or foster parent that is caring for a child following a vaccination is at risk of being accused of shaken baby syndrome, if that child has a similar reaction above, and no one else is there to witness it. These are the extremes that pharmaceutical companies will go to protect their investments.

It makes me sick that there are individuals that walk this earth, and will hurt others to this extent, including the life of the child, just for monetary gain. 

Everyday, day in and day out, our fellow man sits, and waits to be heard, and rescued.

Let’s remember the Golden Rule, and do unto others as we would have them do unto you.

Let’s be wise to this, and do all we can to free the innocent.




Boy Gets Diagnosed with Autism After 32 Shots#Vaccines#ASD#iBelieve

by Augustina Orsino

Like millions of parents before her, Natalie Steffen was faced with her children receiving pediatric vaccines starting after birth and during subsequent well child visits. This story is one mother’s journey to exempt her children from further vaccinations.

Natalie gave birth to her firstborn daughter Skylar in October 2004. Skylar received all the shots on the schedule, starting with the hepatitis B vaccine, given within the first 12 hours of life. Skylar reacted to the vaccines, but her parents didn’t know their daughter was suffering side effects and adverse reactions to them.

This is How the Nightmare Began

After her first hep B shot, Skylar immediately began to suffer from colic. Up until age one, she would cry every night at the same time for about an hour and a half before she went to sleep. She had horrible night terrors from age 2-4 years before these finally ceased.

When Natalie had Skylar, she had no idea vaccine injuries were prevalent and never thought to question this link…

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Thank you Natalie, for sharing an inside picture into the life of an autistic child, and assisting others to make more informed choices.

 I appreciate your honesty, and for clarifying that you, like many parents, love and will stand by your child every step, but if you had known the risks of vaccines, then you would not have put your son at risk in the first place. 

Thank you for your humility, and educating others that do not know the inside picture of autism. You are a hero among women.

God be with you.

Your sister in truth,  jen

How Anyone Can Eat Healthy On A Tight Budget#family#iBelieve#MS

By JJ Virgin

 A few years ago, while promoting The Virgin Diet, I spoke at a local health food store. Afterwards, during the Q&A, the last question caught me off-guard. “How do you expect a mom with an out-of-work husband and three children to afford grass-fed beef?” asked a woman from the back row.

I had my answers in place. Healthy food becomes inexpensive health care, I reasoned, and those bargain menus aren’t such a great deal when you factor in bigger-picture issues like obesity and diabetes. If grass-fed beef becomes too expensive, simply stick with mostly plant foods.

Yet her question stayed with me. As a single mom with two teenage sons, I understood her situation all too well.

I became determined to dig a little deeper about eating healthy without spending half your paycheck. On my drive home that day, I brainstormed these 10 effective strategies. I’ve long employed them to stretch even the tightest food budget…

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Kids Given Vaccines Have 22 Times the Rate of Ear Infections#ASD#iBelieve#Vaccines

By Dr. Mercola

 Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Survey Reveals Who’s Healthier

…However, that doesn’t mean there is a total absence of evidence about the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children to give us an indication of whether or not the use of many more vaccines by children is contributing to their being chronically ill. In December 2010, a survey was initiated by VaccineInjury.info3 to compare the health of vaccinated children with unvaccinated children. To date, over 7,850 surveys have been submitted, and the study is ongoing, so if you have an unvaccinated child (or are unvaccinated yourself) and would like to submit your child’s health data, you can do so here.

Though this is obviously not a double-blind controlled study, and depends on the individuals submitting the data to give accurate information, it is still revealing. So far, the results show:

Health Condition Prevalence in Vaccinated Children Prevalence in Unvaccinated Children
Allergies 40% report at least one allergy Less than 10%
Asthma 6% 2.5%
Hay fever 10.7% of German children 2.5%
Neurodermatitis (an autoimmune disorder) 13% of German children 7%
ADHD 8% of German children, and another nearly 6% with borderline cases 1-2%
Middle ear infections 11% of German children Less than 0.5%
Sinusitis Over 32% of German children Less than 1%
Autism Approximately 1 in 100 Only 4 cases out of 7,800+ surveys (one child tested very high for metals, and another’s mother tested very high fo

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Are you eating Toxic dwarf wheat?#ASD#iBelieve#Celiac

If you eat grains, then take a look at,

Over 50 years ago, our everyday wheat changed, mainly due to a hybridized plant that delivered 10 times the yield of prior wheat plants.  This appeared as a wonderful discovery, but decades later we now know that this dwarf wheat contains glutens that the human body cannot digest.  Thus, leading to many autoimmune disorders, and very possibly the four-fold increase in celiac disease present today. You can probably guess that this is another case with a lack of safety tests completed prior to placing this product on the market.

I have been reading, Wheat Belly, by cardiologist William Davis.  One of the best health/nutrition books I have ever read. I have backed off the toxic wheat, and have noticed an overall better state of health in a short period of time.

If you eat grains, I hope you take the time to visit this blog or read the book, and find out for yourself what health benefits lie ahead.



Gardasil’s Safety Record Blasted Across the World#A.S.D.#Vaccines#HPV

Do the Risks Outweigh the Benefits of Getting the HPV Vaccine?

This is the question parents need to be asking – not only of themselves but of their doctors. In order to attend school, children in many states are required to receive immunizations against childhood illnesses and other communicable diseases by the time they begin kindergarten, and then again at grade seven. In addition to medical exemptions offered in each state, 48 states allow for religious exemptions and 18 states allow personal belief exemptions for daycare and school. [1]

While the jury is still out on whether the HPV vaccines are safe and effective governments around the world are beginning to note the dangers and the physical damage done to innocent girls post-vaccination.

HPV vaccine bans around the world

In April of this year, Judicial Watch published a scathing commentary entitled:  Merck Dr. Exposes Gardasil Scandal: Ineffective, Deadly, Very Profitable. Dr. Bernard Dalbergue, a former pharmaceutical industry physician who worked at Merck &Co., has confirmed not only what Judicial Watch has disclosed on the dangers of the vaccine – but what the families of the 36,692 Reports on the HPV vaccine from the CDC’s Vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) updated as of June 2014) adversely injured in the U.S. and around the world have reported to VAERS.

Parents Know

Just like parents of autistic children, the parents of the HPV vaccine injured know that Gardasil and Cervarix have negatively affected the safety, health and well being of their child…

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