Vaccine Beat 3: Why Won’t CDC Do the Study?


There is a vaccine safety study the public has been clamoring for for decades, but which has never been done: a proper study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Parents have literally been asking for this study for decades and public health officials have merely dragged their feet or turned a deaf ear to them. If you are surprised to learn this simple study has never been done, you’re not alone, and like most people you are probably wondering why not.

Watch the video below and ask yourself, is this is the best we can expect from our nation’s health officials?

Read the Article Here

Do you have Toxic Wheat in your prescriptions, shampoo, make-up or soy sauce?#Health#Celiac#A.S.D.

Access Articles Here

 Love this site, so much helpful information.  I especially love listening to the podcasts while I am about at home or in the car. 

New tidbit to me, wheat has changed significantly in the past 100 years.  The common dwarf wheat plant, contains proteins that the human body cannot breakdown, and it strikes an immune response in the body, which can lead to various autoimmune diseases. 

Adjusting the diet can reverse or arrest symptoms tied to this autoimmune reaction. 

Celiac disease can be present with symptoms other than intestinal symptoms.

Cyrex Laboratories, is the place to go, for the most accurate, Celiac testing.

Find out more at the link above.  So glad I have this information for myself, and my family.



Questions Surrounding Review of Challenged Vaccine-Autism Study#Vaccines#iBelieve#A.S.D.


Did the medical journal Pediatrics stand by a questioned vaccine-autism study without interviewing the coauthor who confessed to and exposed alleged scientific misconduct?

If so, that would deviate from what should be standard procedure in such an investigation, according to internationally recognized medical ethicist Dr. Michael Carome.“If the evidence seems substantial, the journal should contact all co-authors, present them with the allegations and supporting evidence, and ask them to respond,” says Carome, a research ethics expert who heads the Health Research Group at the watchdog group Public Citizen.Last month, William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stepped forward to say that he and his CDC coauthors omitted key data showing a link between MMR vaccine and autism in African American children. The study was published in 2004 in the journalPediatrics.“I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information,” said Thompson…

 Read the Entire Article Here

I have found this investigative reporter’s work to be insightful, and direct.  A fellow seeker of truth.  Worth the time to review the posts.

How to determine the value of a vaccine#IBelieve#Family#Vaccines

By Sandy Lunoe

International health authorities use enormous resources to promote every new vaccine developed as providing nothing but benefits for the average medical consumer and society as a whole.  Efforts are focused on increasing uptake of various vaccines. However, there are serious considerations which should be adequately addressed prior to the issue of vaccine uptake.

Just imagine what would happen to a family’s budget if they bought a new car and ignored the fact that it got half the gas mileage of their current vehicle. If the family finances were already pushed to the limit, this could be disastrous.

Despite the fact healthcare budgets around the world are strained to the breaking point, a recent study, Valuing vaccination,” edited by Novartis vaccines decidedly promotes vaccines and even more extensive vaccination.

This paper basically outlines how to improve the PR campaign for universal vaccination programs. Positive cost/benefit issues are presented without reservation.

However, there are numerous details omitted from this paper which must be taken into account in order to determine the true cost/benefit ratio for any vaccine prior to including it in a national vaccination program.

SaneVax Inc. maintains four common sense criteria must be met prior to the introduction of any vaccine: The vaccine should be proven Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective.

Following are some issues which must be closely examined in order to accurately determine any vaccine’s value to any given country. They are at least as important as vaccine uptake, if not more so.


  • What serious adverse reactions are anticipated with the vaccine? What subset of the population is most susceptible?
  • Long term adverse reactions include autoimmune conditions of which there are more than a hundred. What subset of the population is most susceptible to autoimmune disorders with the vaccine?
  • How many fatalities are expected per 100,000 injections of this vaccine?
  • What are the potential consequences of interactions between ingredients in this vaccine and ingredients of other vaccines that may be administered at the same time?
  • What are the potential consequences of synergistic toxicity due to administration of several substances and/or several doses of the same substances?
  • Are there any ingredients in the vaccine that increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier with potentially detrimental consequences including brain damage?
  • Is this vaccine vial stopper made of latex/rubber? If so, what percentage of the population is susceptible to allergic reactions because of the packaging?
  • What percentage of our population is likely to be susceptible to allergic reactions to this vaccine’s ingredients?
  • Does this vaccine contain any ingredients that are known to impair fertility? Suspected of impairing fertility?
  • Has this vaccine been tested for the potential to cause genetic mutations?
  • Does this vaccine contain any foreign DNA? If so, what are the potential consequences of injecting this material?
  • Are there any genetically engineered components in this vaccine? If so, what are the potential detrimental health consequences including cancers regarding injection of these recombinant ingredients?
  • Has this vaccine been tested for the potential to cause cancer?
  • Has this vaccine been tested for safety in pregnant women?
  • What are the odds of the bacteria or virus targeted in this vaccine being replaced by another more virulent strain?


  • What is the current cost of treating those who contract the disease targeted by this vaccine versus the cost of vaccinating the population susceptible to contracting it?
  • What is the anticipated cost to the vaccine injured for loss of social network, activities, education and prospects of employment?
  • What is the anticipated cost to parents and caregivers for anticipated vaccine injuries?
  • What is the anticipated cost of medications and treatments for the vaccine injured?
  • What is the anticipated cost to society for loss of paid work, mental and physical burdens, loss of productivity, etc… due to either injuries or family members caring for the injured?
  • What is the cost to the community and tax payers for treatment and care of the injured?
  • Would the money spent on this vaccine be more wisely used by investing in other areas of healthcare?


  • How prevalent is the disease targeted by this vaccine?
  • Does the risk of contracting this disease justify a mass vaccination program?
  • What other preventive measures are available for this disease?
  • What treatments are currently available for this disease?
  • What risks are involved with using the currently available treatments?
  • What are the long and short term health consequences of contracting the targeted disease?
  • What percentage of those who contract this disease will face long term health consequences?


  • How many people need to use this vaccine in order to avoid each case of the targeted disease?
  • Out of each 100 people vaccinated, how many will be protected from contracting the disease?
  • How long will this protection last? Is the need for boosters anticipated?
  • Does this vaccine target the genotype of bacteria/virus prevalent in our country?
  • What is the possibility of the vaccine targeted bacteria/virus mutating in response to being suppressed?
  • What are the chances of the bacteria/virus targeted by this vaccine being replaced by a more virulent type as a result of suppressing the original one?
  • What storage and transportation requirements exist to maintain the original efficacy of this vaccine?

As you can clearly see, there are many questions which must be answered in order to determine whether or not any particular vaccine has enough value to be added to a national immunization program.

Only after the answers are provided, should vaccine uptake become an issue.

“If people let Government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” (Thomas Jefferson)

Primal Play; Recovering from MS and Autoimmune Disease; Activism: Empowered Medical Evolution; Evolution of Paleo#Vaccines#M.S.#Health

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Chris Kresser

Keynote Presentation: Chris Kresser, LAc

Acupuncturist, Author, Blogger, Digital Innovator

The Evolution of Paleo

  • Why evolutionary concepts in nutrition hold the key to sustainable health
  • Do we need to eat exactly as our ancestors did? Have we evolved since then?
  • Easy to follow strategies for using food to prevent and reverse disease
Vari Jari

FoodBabe aka Vani Hari

Activist Blogger, Author, Digital Innovator

Activism: Empowered Medical Evolution

  • How the American food industry puts our health as risk, and what to do about it

  • Why the internet is crucial to holding companies accountable over their practices

  • How anyone can take action to keep themselves and their community healthy…

The CDC: A Truly Corrupt and Dangerous Organization#repost#vaccines#iBelieve

by Christina England

 Over the years, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has repeatedly deceived and lied to the public, yet they continue to state that their mission is to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.

They boldly announce on their website that the “CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. To accomplish our mission, CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats, and responds when these arise,” and yet there is more and more evidence to suggest that their so called ‘scientific evidence’ has been skewed and deliberately tampered with to gain the desired results. [1]

During the course of this article, I am going to give five recent examples of CDC fraud or deception. Each one of my examples will demonstrate when the CDC has deliberately altered or withheld scientific evidence in a bid to misinform the public…

Read Entire Article Here

The Evolution of Consciousness, Next Level Mind/Body Medicine: Interpersonal Connection; Star “Supersize Me”; Health Coach, Triple Board Certified Nutritionist; Empowerment is the New Compliance#Health#iBelieve#repost

 Can’t Wait to Hear Today’s Talks – Click Here!!


Deepak Chopra

Keynote Presentation: Deepak Chopra, MD

Physician; Best Selling Author; Digital Innovator; Ayurvedic and Mind/Body Medicine

The Evolution of Consciousness

  • How technology is proving the amazing effects of mind / body medicine

  • Why stress, sleep and relationships hold the key for a long, healthy life

  • Where is medicine going? How we can all accelerate its evolution
Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart

Author, Publisher, Researcher

Next Level Mind/Body Medicine: Interpersonal Connection

  • The Placebo Effect: Trick or Treat(ment)?

  • Why mindset and hope play important roles in the Evolution of Medicine

  • Activism in medicine: Why you need to engage in medical politics now
Dana James & Alex Jamieson

Dana James, MS, CDN

Triple Board Certified Nutritionist, CBT Practitioner

Alex Jamieson, CHC

Star “Supersize Me”; Nutritionist, Health Coach; Author

Getting to the Core of Behavior Change: Habits and Addictions?

  • Why behavior change and the mind hold the key to keeping healthy

  • What cravings and urges tell you about what your body needs

  • Easy strategies for changing your mindset and achieving your health goals
And, for our health professionals…
Gabriel Hoffman

Gabriel Hoffman

Integrative Nutritionist; Co-Founder Functional Forum

Empowerment is the New Compliance

  • Why compliance is an outdated concept in helping patients with lifestyle disease

  • How empowerment is a crucial part of an evolved medical system

  • 3 simple steps for physicians and health professionals to empower patients