Defend yourself with antioxidants and glutathione#Health#Autoimmune#Autism

I came across this post, when researching articles that shed light on strengthening one’s natural immunity.  I think there is a lot to be said about taking steps to build up our cells.  I especially liked this post due to using a topical Glutathione cream over the past couple of months, and being happy with the results.  So here’s some sound advice for strengthening one’s natural immunity.

You’ve probably seen antioxidant labels on foods and supplements, but what does it mean exactly and what is the best antioxidant to choose? Antioxidant means it prevents oxidation, a process that happens to all cells in nature, including those in the human body. Oxidation happens when oxygen interacts with cells and it’s what makes an apple turn brown, metal rust, or food go rotten. In the body oxidation is a normal part of cell turnover. However, a small minority of oxidized cells become problematic “free radicals” that set off a chain reaction of damage, causing cells to mutate and behave abnormally. Free radicals reach us through pesticides, air pollution, cigarette smoke, excess alcohol, sunburn, junk foods, etc. 

The defense? Antioxidants. And our most powerful antioxidant is one the body makes called glutathione. To stay a step ahead of modern civilization we need to avoid free radicals as much as possible, eat an antioxidant-rich diet, and make sure our body is sufficient in glutathione.

The best source of antioxidants in the diet are colorful fresh fruits and vegetables. Since different plants contain different types of antioxidants, it’s important to eat a wide variety. Many supplements are also geared toward shoring up your body’s antioxidant supply.

Glutathione: The master antioxidant

Glutathione is such a powerful antioxidant it is called the master antioxidant. Glutathione protects cells from free radicals, is important for detoxification, and supports immune health. Many people with autoimmune conditions find plenty of glutathione is necessary to prevent or dampen autoimmune flares.

  • Low glutathione raises your risk for:
  • Autoimmune disease and autoimmune flares
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Heavy metal sensitivities
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Intestinal permeability (leaky gut)
  • Other immune issues

Stress lowers glutathione levels

When we are healthy, when life is mellow, and when we eat a whole foods organic diet and avoid the use of toxic products, our bodies make sufficient glutathione. However, chronic stress depletes glutathione levels. This stress can come from toxins, poor diet, lack of sleep, smoking, excess sugar, and other stressors. Glutathione levels also decrease naturally as a result of aging.

Straight glutathione is not effective taken orally. Good deliveries of glutathione include a liposomal cream, nebulizer, suppository, or IV drip. However, S-acetyl glutathione is a newer form of glutathione that can be quite effective in helping to manage autoimmune disease when taken orally.

Glutathione recycling raises glutathione inside the cells

You can also raise glutathione levels inside the cells by taking certain precursor nutrients. This will help protect the cells’ mitochondria, which produce energy. Recycling glutathione means taking glutathione that has already been used and rebuilding it so it’s ready for action again. Good glutathione recycling will help you better manage an autoimmune disease and leaky gut.

The compounds that have been shown to support glutathione recycling include:

  • N-acetyl-cysteine
  • Alpha-lipoic acid
  • L-glutamine
  • Selenium
  • Cordyceps
  • Gotu kola
  • Milk thistle

Boosting your antioxidant status and glutathione levels can play a profound role in managing autoimmune disease, inflammation, chemical sensitivities, food sensitivities, etc.

To learn more about how to increase your antioxidant and glutathione support, contact my office for advice.

7 Things Being A Professional Ballerina Taught Me About My Body#iBelieve#Health#vaccines

By Stephanie Burg

As a child I knew I was different. I would fall asleep at night listening to Chopin and Tchaikovsky, and draw versions of the tutus I wanted to wear on stage someday. I traded play time for ballet class and was hyper focused on achieving my life’s greatest goal, performing for a living.   

Through my 10-plus years as a professional ballerina, my relationship with my body has evolved from one of self-loathing and self-discipline to the deepest, closest, most intimate friendship I’ve ever had. I learn more from this relationship each day.

Here are seven big lessons I’ve learned over the years:

1. No pain, no gain works! Until it doesn’t.

During my career, I became so used to pain that I wasn’t always sure when an injury was serious or not. Ballet dancers must have a high pain threshold to stand on their toes and contort into unnatural positions, yet pain is the body’s signal that something is wrong, and ignoring it can lead to severe injuries…

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Show Me The Science#vaccines#Health#iBelieve

We have compiled this catalogue of science to help parents, lawmakers, medical practitioners and scientists understand several important points about the vaccine issue:

  • there is abundant science published in mainstream medical and scientific journals suggesting cause for concern about the safety of vaccines;
  • the vaccine debate is not a debate between parents and doctors but rather amongst scientists with opposing views;
  • vaccines may be linked to a host of chronic illnesses and conditions such as asthma, allergies, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, autism, unexplained infant death and autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, MS, and others;
  • there are connections between the gut, immune, and neurological issues often seen in vaccine injuries.

Science Catalogue continued here

Antibiotic use in infants linked to asthma#vaccines#iBelieve#health

by Sima Ash, CHom, CNC 

Many parents of children with autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies (the 4 A’s) note that their children were frequently on antibiotics. A recent study found a link between antibiotic use during the first year of life and the development of asthma.

How does antibiotic use cause asthma?

New research published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine states that impaired viral immunity and genetic variants on a region of chromosome 17 increase the risk of both antibiotic use in early life and later development of asthma rather than the antibiotics themselves. However, other research challenges this finding.

Many parents of children with autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies (the 4 A’s) note that their children were frequently on antibiotics. A recent study found a link between antibiotic use during the first year of life and the development of asthma.

How does antibiotic use cause asthma?

New research published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine states that impaired viral immunity and genetic variants on a region of chromosome 17 increase the risk of both antibiotic use in early life and later development of asthma rather than the antibiotics themselves. However, other research challenges this finding.

The scientific link between asthma and antibiotics

– See more at:

Many parents of children with autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies (the 4 A’s) note that their children were frequently on antibiotics. A recent study found a link between antibiotic use during the first year of life and the development of asthma.

How does antibiotic use cause asthma?

New research published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine states that impaired viral immunity and genetic variants on a region of chromosome 17 increase the risk of both antibiotic use in early life and later development of asthma rather than the antibiotics themselves. However, other research challenges this finding.

The scientific link between asthma and antibiotics

– See more at:

Many parents of children with autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies (the 4 A’s) note that their children were frequently on antibiotics. A recent study found a link between antibiotic use during the first year of life and the development of asthma.

How does antibiotic use cause asthma?

New research published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine states that impaired viral immunity and genetic variants on a region of chromosome 17 increase the risk of both antibiotic use in early life and later development of asthma rather than the antibiotics themselves. However, other research challenges this finding.

The scientific link between asthma and antibiotics…

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Is The Epidemic of Sudden Infant Deaths A Medically Induced ‘Syndrome’?#vaccines#iBelieve#Health

A new study published in Current Medicine and Chemistry titled, “Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study,” lends support for the long theorized link between an ever-expanding number of infant vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

The fact that the peak age for SIDS is 2–4 months, which coincides with the introduction of 11 shots containing 16 vaccines (within the US immunization schedule), is so obvious a cause for concern, that even the CDC has been compelled to address the seeming ‘coincidence’ directly:

“From 2 to 4 months old, babies begin their primary course of vaccinations. This is also the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The timing of these two events has led some people to believe they might be related…With babies receiving multiple doses of vaccines during their first year of life and SIDS being the leading cause of death in babies between one month and one year of age, CDC has led research studies to look for possible linkage.”

Unsurprisingly, the CDC, whose pro-vaccine agenda is glaringly oblivious to the 100+ documented serious, unintended adverse effects of vaccines as evidenced in the biomedical literature, claims extensive research they commissioned has found vaccines do not cause SIDS. Despite the CDC’s dismissal, infant mortality rates are highest among countries that administer the most vaccines within the most vulnerable developmental window of infanthood. A 2011 study published in Human & Experimental Toxicology, for instance, observed that “The US childhood immunization schedule specifies 26 vaccine doses for infants aged less than 1 year—the most in the world—yet 33 nations have lower IMRs [infant mortality rates].” They found that across the 34 nations analyzed “a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates, with r = 0.992 (p = 0.0009).”

Also, a recent study published in Vaccine titled, “Co-administration of live measles and yellow fever vaccines and inactivated pentavalent vaccines is associated with increased mortality compared with measles and yellow fever vaccines only” found multiple infant vaccines dramatically increased the risk of mortality in a trial conducted in the West African country of Guinea-Bissau…

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Vaccinations Linked to Autism#vaccines#iBelieve#ASD

We are told repeatedly that study after study has shown vaccinations to be safe and not to be linked to autism. Just reading the vaccine inserts, you will discover that vaccines are not 100% safe – a fact that is reiterated by discussions with pediatricians. However most pediatricians would still recommend vaccinating as they feel the benefits outweigh the risks.      


Regarding all the research that has been done not linking vaccines to autism, there are actually studies that do link vaccines to autism. These studies were not funded by the pharmaceutical industry and are often dissected by those who whole-heartedly support vaccines even though the pharmaceutical studies are taken at face value.


Hepatitis B Vaccine and Autism

Prior to 1999, the Hepatitis B vaccine contained thimerosal (49.6% mercury by weight). A study was performed in 2010 to determine if vaccines containing thimerosal given prior to 1999 were linked to autism. The Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health found that there was in fact a link….

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Gut bacteria linked to autism#ASD#iBelieve#Vaccines

By Dr Flannery  

The digestive tract is home to more than 100 trillion microorganisms. That’s ten times the number of cells in the human body! Although humans can survive without these tiny guests, they perform a host of useful functions, such as fermenting unused food, preventing growth of harmful bacteria, producing vitamins, and training the immune system. But did you know the bacteria in your gut can affect your brain, too? In fact, recent research on the gut has found some interesting links between the gut microbiome – the complex and unique microbiological community within the gut –- and autistic behavior in children.

As parents well know, children with autism have a high rate of problems with gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. The resulting discomfort can worsen behaviors and interfere with their ability to participate in, and benefit from, activities of daily life, education, and therapeutic activities.

On a related note, it has been known for some time that children with autism tend to have abnormal and less diverse communities of gut bacteria than children without autism. Recent research on children with autism has revealed these interesting facts:

Their intestinal cells show abnormalities in how they break down and transport carbohydrates, which can affect the amount and type of nutrients these cells provide to intestinal bacteria. This in turn may alter the makeup of the intestine’s normal community of digestive bacteria — with ill result.
Their intestines are home to abnormal amounts of certain digestive bacteria that contribute to digestive problems, intestinal inflammation, and more severe autism symptoms.
There are lower levels of three important gut bacteria; Prevotella, Coprococcus, and Veillonellaceae.
Theory has it that the community of bacteria in the gut affects the immune system, which then sends messages to the brain. This may explain why parents of children with autism report that special diets and probiotics (nutritional supplements containing “good” bacteria) improve their children’s digestion as well as their behavior.

The Gut-to-Brain Connection
The most recent research on the connection between the gut and autism explores how the gut microbiome affects the autistic brain. Researchers at Arizona State University found that concentrations of metabolites (byproducts) from seven specific bacteria are more prevalent in autistic children’s fecal samples. According to study author Dae-Wook Kang, “Most of the seven metabolites could play a role in the brain … We suspect that gut microbes may … affect gut-to-brain communication and/or alter brain function.”

Of the seven metabolites that were noticed, three warrant special note for their apparent relation to brain function, thereby behavior:

Homovanillate was present at lower levels in children with autism; it is normally produced when dopamine (an important brain neurotransmitter involved in many aspects of mood and behavior) is broken down.
N,N-dimethylglycine was found at lower levels; it has been used before to decrease autism symptoms.
The ratio of glutamine to glutamate was higher: these are metabolized into GABA, a vital inhibitory neurotransmitter associated with relaxation. An imbalance between glutamate and GABA transmission has been associated with autistic-spectrum type behaviors such as hyper-excitation.
These connections offer insight into possible link between the gut biome and the behaviors seen in autistic children. Researchers say they would like to conduct a clinical study using fecal transplants from healthy donors to see if normalizing an individual’s community of gut bacteria would reduce autism symptoms.

Although the study was small, it adds to the growing body of research that tells us the gut is closely tied to the brain.

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