The FDA Approves a New HPV Vaccine Containing Over Twice as Much Aluminum As its Predecessor#HPV#iBelieve#halftime

You can expect that the FDA has received a lot of correspondence from parents, advocates, physicians, researchers and so forth in regards to the significant injuries following the Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines.  It is stunning that they have once again approved this vaccine and now with even higher amounts of aluminum.  

A clear message that they do not have your best interests in mind.

by Christina England

 According to recent reports, the FDA has approved yet another HPV vaccine, despite documented safety issues and the new vaccine containing an exceptionally high level of aluminum, a known neurotoxin.

Until now, only two vaccines have been manufactured to protect men and women against human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus believed to be the leading cause of cervical cancer: Cervarix, which is believed to protect against strains 16 and 18 of the virus, and Gardasil, which is believed to protect against strains 6, 11, 16 and 18…

Many are skeptical and have begun to question whether or not this vaccine is yet another unsafe, fast-tracked vaccine.

Parents Question Whether or Not They Can Really Trust the FDA’s Claims…

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Related Articles:

My Daughters Life Altering Changes after Gardasil

Warning Gardasil Injuries can have a Permanent Impact

My Gardasil Survivor

HPV Vaccines: SaneVax Message to Columbia

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A 5-Year-Old Girl Just Died of the Very Strain of Flu She Was Vaccinated Against#Flu#Android#Vaccines

by Melissa Melton 

Cue the pro-vaccine crowd’s b.s. arguments as to why this is doesn’t matter and we should all keep taking the risk shooting up our children in the hopes this won’t happen to us. Via Daily Mail: A five-year-old girl has died in hospital three days after developing a strain of the flu that she was vaccinated against – as a deadly outbreak of the virus continues to sweep across the country. Keira Driscoll was prescribed steroids and a nebulizer at a Quick Care clinic after she started feeling unwell with a cough and a fever at her home in Clark County, Las Vegas, last Sunday. But just hours later, she collapsed. Her mother, Tiffany Driscoll, frantically performed CPR on her small body, before she was rushed to hospital. There, she was found to have influenza A. Despite medics’ best efforts, Keira could not be resuscitated and she was placed on life support. On Tuesday, her parents made the heartbreaking decision to turn off the machine the next day. The vaccine… didn’t magically save her. Why?… 

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Related Article:

27 year old Short Hills NJ resident dropped dead within 48 hours of his flu shot


Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know?#Family#ASD#iBelieve

by admin

Thimerosal, which contains the organic compound ethyl mercury, is a known neurotoxin and used to be a major ingredient in childhood vaccines. There are over 15,000 articles in the medical literature describing the adverse health effects on the human body with exposure to varying amounts and forms of mercury.

In 1999 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) urged government agencies to work rapidly toward reducing children’s exposure to mercury from all sources. Because any potential risk was of concern, the AAP and the USPHS (United States Public Health Service) agreed that the use of thimerosal-containing vaccines should be reduced or eliminated.[1] The AAP recommended that it would be a good idea to remove thimerosal from vaccines, even though according to them, there was no evidence linking childhood health issues to thimerosal exposure from vaccines. In 2008, children are still being injected with thimerosal-containing vaccines, and old stocks of thimerosal-containing vaccines manufactured by 1999 continued to be administered to children up to 2003.

However, a growing number of physicians, scientists and parents maintain that thimerosal has played, and continues to play a large role in contributing to the emergence of multiple chronic illnesses in children and adults…

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Cali Doctor Says, Don’t Vaccinate Children#Family#Android#Vaccines

by Heather Callaghan

Since the “Disneyland Outbreak” of measles in California, there’s been a mass hysteria and calls for quarantine and forced injection scarcely seen since…that brief break we got from Ebola.

So when a medical doctor boldly stands up and flies against the face of the narrative, the mainstream press cannot help but capture his “shocking statement.”

What they won’t heavily highlight about Dr. Jack Wolfson is that he is a respected integrative cardiologist

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9 Ways to Boost Your Confidence When Your Doctor Pressures to Vaccinate#Pregnancy#iPad#Android

by Missy Fluegge

Contrary to what some doctors and officials might tell you, your child does not need shots to attend public school. Legally, you can receive a vaccine exemption in all fifty states.

Sometimes, even in states with stricter laws, getting the vaccine exemption is the easy part. The hard part, for some parents, is having that conversation with a doctor and just saying no to vaccines.

One government survey revealed that over 28 percent of parents question, delay, or refuse vaccines, including nine percent who accept a vaccine for their child even though they are not comfortable with it. Don’t allow yourself to be part of the nine percent who accepted a vaccine under pressure…

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Related Article:

What to expect from your doctor when you say no to vaccines

Unvaccinated children will be healthiest among future generations studies and surveys predict

Measles in Disneyland: Third MMR Shot and Vaccine Exemption Ban?#Family#Measles#Pregnancy

by Barbara Loe Fisher

There have been hundreds of media stories published in the U.S. and around the world since Jan. 14, 2015, the day after it was first reported that visitors to Disneyland got measles and presumably infected other people in California, Washington, Utah and Colorado.1 Like wildfire, the story spread globally even though there was – and still is – limited information about the 51 lab-confirmed cases of measles public health officials say are linked to the happiest place on earth. According a Jan. 23 Health Advisory issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “no source case for the outbreak has been identified.” 2

Demonizing of Parents and Their Children
The U.S. has a population of more than 320 million people and 38 million people live in California, so it is curious why a handful of measles cases prompted one California newspaper to quickly place blame on parents making informed vaccine choices, calling them “ignorant” and engaged in a “self-absorbed rejection of science.” 3 Astroturfers 4 and trolls 5 6 saw that kind of talk as a green light to do more of it on public comment boards, suggesting that children with vaccine-related brain injuries are genetic mutants and calling mothers of vaccine injured children “liars” and “witches.” 7
Pediatrician Leads Blame and Shame Game…

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Measles Transmitted By The Vaccinated, Gov. Researchers Confirm#Family#Android#Measles

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

A remarkable study reveals that a vaccinated individual not only can become infected with measles, but can spread it to others who are also vaccinated against it – doubly disproving two doses of MMR vaccine is “99% effective,” as widely claimed. 

One of the fundamental errors in thinking about measles vaccine effectiveness is that receipt of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine equates to bona fide immunity against these pathogens. Indeed, it is commonly claimed that receiving two doses of the MMR vaccine is “99 percent effective in preventing measles,”1 despite a voluminous body of contradictory evidence from epidemiology and clinical experience.

This erroneous thinking has led the public, media and government alike to attribute the origin of measles outbreaks, such as the one recently reported at Disney, to the non-vaccinated, even though 18% of the measles cases occurred in those who had been vaccinated against it — hardly the vaccine’s claimed “99% effective.” The vaccine’s obvious fallibility is also indicated by the fact that that the CDC now requires two doses.

But the problems surrounding the failing MMR vaccine go much deeper. First, they carry profound health risks (over 25 of which we have indexed here: MMR vaccine dangers), including increased autism risk, which a senior CDC scientist confessed his agency covered up. Second, not only does the MMR vaccine fail to consistently confer immunity, but those who have been “immunized” with two doses of MMR vaccine can still transmit the infection to others — a phenomena no one is reporting on in the rush to blame the non- or minimally-vaccinated for the outbreak.

MMR Vaccinated Can Still Spread Measles…

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Afraid of the Disneyland measles outbreak? Don’t be fooled by Mickey Mouse science – READ THIS FIRST#iPad#Measles#Android

The Disneyland measles outbreak has America in a panic — a fact that’s totally out of proportion to reality given that so far only 644 people have even caught the measles across the country during the entire year of 2014 vs. the 100,000+ Americans who die every year from the side effects of prescription medications. (The Disneyland outbreak, at least count, was just 39 people.)

Nevertheless, lots of parents are asking the question, “Should I get my children vaccinated against the measles?” I’m going to try to give you the most rational answer here regardless of whether you’re pro-vaccine or opposed to vaccines on principle. But first, realize that the one-dimensional advice from the conventional media and health authorities is stupidly incomplete: “Everybody get vaccinated!”

Can measles vaccines work to protect against measles? Absolutely they can in some people, but they are not without their own risks as you’ll see below. Despite the way I have been deliberately mis-characterized by others, I am not opposed to the theory of immunization. In fact, I’m the author of “A Blueprint for Safer Vaccines” which argues for the creation of clean vaccines formulated without toxic ingredients used today such as mercury, MSG, aluminum and formaldehyde, all of which the CDC openly admits are still used in vaccines today.

Read the vaccine insert…