by Michelle Goldstein
I was raised like most Americans. Doctors were highly respected in my parents’ home and their authority on health matters was not questioned. My parents followed their physicians’ advice on healthcare and I was no different when raising my own children.
I was careful to follow the health and dietary recommendations when my children were young and I believed that vaccines would keep my children safe from disease. In fact, I believed wholeheartedly that the more vaccines we had, the better protected my family would be. Out of love, I gave myself and my children every new vaccine available. I consulted with our physicians and with full trust followed their advice.
The Vaccine That Woke Me Up To Vaccine Dangers
After consulting with my trusted obstetrician, who had delivered all three of my children, along with my pediatrician, I made the fateful decision to vaccinate my two daughters with the HPV vaccination series. Several months later, one child developed a serious case of the debilitating autoimmune disorder, Crohn’s disease, which robbed her of several years of her childhood. We continue to battle this ravaging disease.
It took many years and countless consultations with integrative, holistic physicians before I recognized the link between the HPV vaccination and my daughter’s illness. To be honest, there was only one holistic physician, who specialized in autism, who helped us make this connection. The many others, including a certified functional medicine doctor, failed to connect these two events.
I now believe wholeheartedly that the HPV vaccine and my daughter’s development of a life-threatening autoimmune disorder was no coincidence…
My Children are Vaccine-Damaged; are Yours?