Dr. Mark Flannery – Featured Doctor#Vaccines#World#Family

 Last month, I was honored to recognize Dr. Mark Flannery during our Featured Doctors week.  He wrote an informative and straight-forward article for the blog. A couple of weeks later, I became aware that Dr. Flannery had treated over 80 Gardasil victims.  Families have sought his care from many parts of the world.  After looking into this I felt it appropriate to ask him to return and share some of his experiences with us.

You will also find a link to some other fascinating posts that he has written.  One of which, is about a young woman who has had significant healing in a short amount of time while under his care.  We shared her Gardasil story and now we get to know her doctor. 

Thank you, Dr. Flannery, for being a beacon of light to those who desperately need your care and  talking with us today in hopes to have fewer vaccine-injuries.

By Dr. Mark Flannery

It was about 6 years ago that I received a call from a patient of mine. She said her niece, SJ, who lived in Nebraska, was suffering from a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. SJ had severe stomach pain, nausea and vomited often. She also suffered from debilitating headaches. The hospital in her hometown refused to treat her because her lab tests were normal and the doctors told her it was all in her head. My patient said that her family was packing their bags and coming out to California to see if I could help SJ.

I remember talking with my wife after that phone call and wondering what I was going to do for SJ. I had never treated someone for a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine before and I did not know if I could help her. My wife said, “Do what you always do and you will help her.”

It is not uncommon for me to encounter a condition I have never seen before, as I treat so many people that have been to practitioner after practitioner seeking answers for their obscure health condition. What I have learned over the years is to treat the person NOT the condition. Too often I see patients being dismissed by the medical field because they cannot find a diagnosis.

 In the medical field it is all about the diagnosis. In ordered to get paid or reimbursed by insurance there has to be a diagnosis. In order to determine treatment there must be a diagnosis. If there is no diagnosis to be found then there must not be a problem or the problem is in the head (made up). The medical field dismisses patient after patient, yet these patients are suffering greatly. This is madness.

 Why are they focusing on the diagnosis (the condition) when there is a human being standing before them, suffering. Why not treat the person? This is what I do in my office: I treat the person and not their condition. I run tests, not to determine a diagnosis, but to determine function. I want to know what is working and what is not working in the patient’s body. Then, I can focus on restoring function to the patient’s body. Once function is restored, symptoms are lessened or healed completely.

 This is exactly what I did for SJ! When she first came in to my office, her stomach hurt so much I could not even touch her stomach without her screaming in pain. I ordered some tests to determine function, and then began to treat her with a modified diet and supplements. In the beginning she vomited up most of the supplements, but after a few days she started to hold them down. Within a week I was able to examine her stomach without her screaming in pain. Within a few weeks most of her symptoms were gone. It took sometime to get her in a stable place but we got there.

 Fast forward 6 years and I have now treated over 80 girls and boys worldwide that have had devastating reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. I have learned that there is no silver bullet treatment. I treat each one as an individual. I run diagnostic tests, evaluate the situation and support what I find. I can’t say I have helped every patient who has had a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, but I have helped most of my patients. I have even helped several girls in life-threatening situations recover and return to a normal life again.

 I have spent many hours talking with so many that have been damaged by this vaccine. My heart breaks for all the girls, boys, and families that have been devastated by this vaccine. I pray that each and every girl and boy affected finds the proper care they need, and for the word to get out about this vaccine so no one has to endure the side effects. I would encourage you to keep hoping and keep searching for what will help you or your child recover.

Below is the story we featured this past month and the link to the rest of Ashlee’s story and other accounts as well.

Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience

Ashlie in the hospital

In the middle of June 2009, Ashlie received her first and only Gardasil vaccine.  Approximately 16 days later Ashlie began to complain that her legs were not working correctly… The next morning, I came downstairs and Ashlie was lying on the couch. She told me that she had crawled from her room and down the stairs to get to the couch. She informed me she could not walk. I asked her to stand. She tried and fell to the floor.

She was quickly taken to our local ER. The doctor threw his hands in the air saying he had no idea and it must be growing pains…

Later that night, I helped Ashlie in and out of the bathtub because she could no longer walk. I went to hand her something and to my horror discovered that her arms and hands were not working either… I rushed Ashlie to an ER over an hour away.  I carried her in, and for a crowded ER on a Saturday night, she was seen within 1 hour.

Ashlie now

…We were told that she had Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). I could not figure out how she got this.

Once she was admitted to the hospital, they handed me a bunch of literature on GBS. My answer to how she contracted GBS was in the first sentence that I read, and it said that you can get GBS from a vaccine. She had just had a vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine earlier that month.

Read more about Ashlie…



Mark Flannery, D.C., M.S., B.S.

Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine

Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition
Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition
Scientific Speaker, Apex Energetics
Certified Nutrition Specialist

HealthWise Clinical Nutrition
5850 Canoga Ave., Suite 240
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
818.704.5685 Tel
818.704.5689 Fax

Skype Name: healthwise.office


Gardasil: My Family Suffers with Me#Vaccines#HPV Vaccines#World

By  Heidi Juul Pedersen, Frederikshavn, Northern Part of Jutland, Denmark

Gardasil: We’re all in this together

My husband and I have three young children. Before Gardasil, we were a very active family and did a lot of different things with our children – we had fun.  I personally have always walked a lot, up to 15-20 km a day, as well as cycling about 20 km a day in my job as a social and health careworker.  It has been over a year since my last injection of Gardasil. I am still on sick leave trying to recover from the side effects.

It was during the last weeks of my maternity leave, my smallest son was 11 months old and we were on a winter break to Skallerup seaside resort, up here in Northern Jutland. The day before our holiday began, on the 15th February 2013, I was vaccinated with my first shot of the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

To help you understand, I had the vaccine because I thought it was the safest thing to do having small children and all.  I spoke with my doctor and he agreed.  He did not tell me there was no need for me to do this since my husband and I have been together for 13 years.

On the 15th February, the day of my first vaccine, I was a little surprised that my menstrual cycle started a bit early but at the time did not reflect on it other than it was an inconvenience compared to the fun we were going to have on the upcoming family trip.

After bleeding for 14 days, I began to wonder why. Then I found out that my spiral coil for birth control was starting to come away from my body, so I made an appointment with the doctor and had it removed completely and was put on to the birth control pill instead.  I was still bleeding a little, but thought that it had to be due to the spiral being removed.

Then my next menstruation occured in  April and again this lasted for a few weeks. But this time I felt very dizzy and felt as if I was about to faint.  I went to the doctor and was told that my blood pressure was very low, and they couldn’t find a reason for that.   At that time, nobody suspected the vaccine

Then a few days later I went to get shot No 2 and this was given to me on 18th April 2013. Within two

Just one of my 'mysterious' symptoms

Just one of my ‘mysterious’ symptoms

days of having this vaccination, the 20th April, my life changed completely. I suddenly could not do anything.   My leg became suddenly paralyzed , and I was dragging it after me, my husband needed to help me with everything because my arms, for a shorter period of time, were paralysed too . My fingers  changed shape and looked like a spastic claw and for all I tried I could not get them straightened out . This has thankfully subsided, but other things appeared over time as I have detailed below:

  • Memory loss
  • Headache
  • Pronounced fatigue
  • Numbness/pain throughout the body that comes on suddenly. It lasts from a few minutes to several days.
  • Poor concentration / memory difficulties
  • Dizziness
  • Very low blood pressure
  • High pulse rate
  • Rash
  • Weight loss, now have a BMI of 21.4, before it was 24.6
  • Internal heat/fever – one moment I freeze , the next moment I’m sweating;
  • Visual problems – the case of not being able to focus
  • Pain in my jaw, neck and back
  • Cramps in my back
  • Palpitations
  • Abdominal pains
  • Ringing in my ears for short periods – Tinnitus
  • Heavy legs – I have to  concentrate a lot to get my legs up from a lying down position
  • Not being able to speak coherently
  • Pernicious Anaemia – B12 deficiency
  • Feeling less strength in my hands and legs   
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea.


In November 2013, I was diagnosed with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS).  My resting heart rate is 100-115 and I have heart palpitations very often which press on my chest and make me feel unwell – when I am like this I cannot run and play with my children.

I still have sensory disturbances and pain that comes and goes / moves around in my body. My legs often feel very bad, so much so that I can barely walk.

I pick up my daughter after school, but cannot walk further than that and cannot pick up my two boys from kindergarten and nursery.  It is my husband who picks them up.

My head does sometimes hurt so much that I have to lie in bed all day, and it’s hard for my kids to understand.

Fortunately, my youngest boy,  can walk now , because I have no strength in my arms to lift him for any length of time.

My family suffers too

My family suffers too

I would like to share this picture with you which my daughter Rebecca drew and made some comments about her mummy.  The words are in Danish.  This is what my 7 year old daughter said about me in a school assignment a few months ago when she had just started in the 1st grade:

  • Sick
  • On the sofa
  • At home
  • Sick
  • So long


I fight all I can, and I will find out why this has happened to me and I will be well again.  I will live on in good health and hope that the future allows me to be able to participate in all family matters, including diaper changes, vacuuming, washing the floor, doing the laundry and window cleaning etc.  All normal things which I have not been able to do very much since I received this vaccination.   That is my goal and to be able to have lots of fun with my children.

This terrible experience does not just affect me, it affects all five of us at home. 

I have written to Denmark’s Prime Minister, Minister of Health and the various regions in Denmark, but without getting any useful answers. 

It is not actually answers I need but ACTION as do all my fellows sufferers of Gardasil damage who have been harmed in Denmark by this vaccine. All of us need to be diagnosed correctly and given treatments that will give us back our good health and our lives. We need this NOW –  not next year.


Heidi, I am so touched at what a lovely mother you are and such an adorable family. 

I am so sorry you are enduring the catastrophic events of Gardasil/Cervarix.  These pharmaceutical companies and government oversight have let you, your family and medical doctors down. 

Thank you for sharing your very personal story.  Hopefully, health care practitioners will gain wisdom from stories such as yours and not take such drastic risks with their patients. 

There are doctors across the world that are specializing in these effects.  Through your associations with Sanevax Inc. you can receive their names.  I as well have a link on my blog with featured doctors.  You can be in good hands and start to heal, if not already. 

I wish you the best, I am certain your story will save another from the harm you have endured.  You are among a choice group of pioneers that are opening eyes the world over.  A new generation of health will undoubtedly emerge. 

I know the Lord will bless you and guide you.  You are not alone, but very much loved by a father and mother in heaven.

Below I have a fun musical clip.  I thought you and your little ones would enjoy.  To their Supermom!


Heidi Jeg er så rørt ved hvad en dejlig mor du er, og sådan en sød familie.

Jeg er så ked af du er varige de katastrofale begivenheder i Gardasil / Cervarix. Disse farmaceutiske virksomheder og statslig kontrol har svigtet dig , din familie og læger ned .

Tak for at dele din meget personlige historie. Forhåbentlig vil sundhedspersonale får visdom fra historier som Deres og ikke tage sådanne drastiske risici med deres patienter.

Der er læger over hele verden, der er specialiseret i disse virkninger. Gennem jeres foreninger med Sanevax Inc. kan du modtage deres navne . Jeg så godt have et link på min blog med fremhævede læger. Du kan være i gode hænder og begynder at helbrede, hvis det ikke allerede .

Jeg ønsker dig det bedste , jeg er sikker på din historie vil redde en anden fra den skade , du har udholdt . Du er blandt et valg gruppe pionerer , der åbnes øjne verden over. En ny generation af sundhed vil uden tvivl dukke op .

Jeg ved, at Herren vil velsigne dig og vejlede dig . Du er ikke alene, men meget elsket af en far og mor i himlen.

Nedenfor har jeg en sjov musikalsk klip. Jeg troede, du og dine små vil nyde. Til deres Supermom ! ( Jeg håber, at dette udmønter sig godt.)

My Gardasil Experience#Mandated Vaccines#HPV Vaccine#World

By Mia Hahn Zeerow, Nustrup, Denmark

Gardasil changed my life.

Gardasil changed my life.

I am a 17-year-old (turning 18 in February) girl from Denmark, who unfortunately has been harmed by the HPV vaccine like thousands of other girls worldwide. I had no idea that this vaccine could take that much energy from me. I have now spent almost two years trying to get a better everyday life.  Before being vaccinated with Gardasil, I was always a very energetic and positive girl, who loved doing gymnastics in my spare time and also worked as an assistant instructor with a children’s team. This was where I relaxed and had a great time away from having to do my homework and any other household tasks. My weekends were typically booked with tournaments, shopping, parties and sleepovers and so on. I always looked forward to my weekends of fun.

January/March/September 2009: I received all Gardasil shots in 8th grade together with my twin sister. We had no concerns about receiving Gardasil, as the authorities encouraged us to be vaccinated in the many campaigns that were circulated at that time. Therefore, we did not have concerns about any adverse reactions, as we had not heard about any of the other girls who had been vaccinated having any serious reactions. We took the three shots, and nothing was wrong with my health for the first year and a half after the vaccine and then suddenly things started to change.

{Editor’s Note: Blatant vaccine damage is worrisome, but another insidious aspect of this supposedly disease-preventing medical procedure is the long term, delayed autoimmune disorders that are triggered.  Reference below, in particular to video presentation by Immunologist, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld who explains in his presentation that adjuvants used in most vaccines can trigger autoantibodies six months after vaccination and that the resulting autoimmune disorders can display literally eight years later. [1}} 

Summer 2011: But suddenly, all kinds of illnesses suddenly started to trouble me.  It was (as mentioned) summer time, and I was training for the boarding school, when I suddenly felt that when I ate food containing gluten, this made my digestive system feel very uncomfortable and I also started to feel very nauseous every day. At that time, I did not even think there could be a connection with Gardasil, as it was a year and a half since I received the last shot. To begin with, I phased out bread and cakes containing gluten for a period of time but without any result.  I ignored it as best I could in the hope that the symptoms I was experiencing would disappear somehow. 

Autumn/Winter 2011/2012:  During this period in time, the nausea and the bloating were still with me, and I was actually starting to feel much worse.   I do not remember when, but during the autumn of 2011 there was a period of time when I could not consume or digest anything at all.  I felt sick every time I tried eating anything, and I had to force myself to eat just a little bit. At the same time I suddenly realized that my hands and feet were turning purple even though it wasn’t cold at all.

Then the above stopped for a little while, but the symptoms returned again in the spring of 2012 and this time I lost 3 kilos in weight.   These symptoms continued more or less till the end of 2012.

March-May 2013: I was still very sick with nausea and bloating and also was now experiencing chronic tiredness (fatigue), “calf-cramps” and constipation/diarrhea. I went to the doctor who thought I was depressive.  I was not depressive, I was ill.  My world just collapsed in these months, I felt unwell most of the time and I would start to cry every time I joined my class mates at school.  Eventually I stayed home for a week to try and feel better.

In May 2013, I went to see my doctor once more and she told me not to consume gluten products for about three months. The gluten free diet helped in the first month or two, but then I suddenly got totally constipated and my stomach became so swollen, like that of a pregnant woman, and I felt awful and cried for days because of the unbearable pain. 

September 2013: After believing that gluten was the reason I was experiencing problems with my health, my parents accidentally found an article describing adverse reactions from the Gardasil vaccine.  It did not take me long to find out that there were other girls who had experienced adverse reactions to the vaccine and I went to a meeting to speak with them to find out how they had been affected since vaccination.  It did not take me long to realize that by comparing my illnesses to those being experienced by the other girls that I too had been injured by Gardasil.  In this period of time I also stopped consuming milk products which helped a lot with my bloating. 

December/January 2013/14: My digestion began being very poor again, and I lost my appetite. Once again I was feeling sick daily and my stomach began to feel bloated again. During this time, I could not eat and I have lost more weight, going down from 53 kgs to 50.4 kgs. I am still experiencing bad constipation and this can go on for several days.  No matter what medicine I take or eat lots of prunes and grapes nothing seems to work.  I just watch my stomach getting bigger and bigger and becoming more uncomfortable. 

Adverse reactions I have been experiencing:

  • Abdominal pains (weekly);
  • Chronic Constipation;
  • Gluten and dairy allergy;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Weight loss;
  • Forgetfulness; Low-back-pain; Cramps;
  • Inability to concentrate;
  • Bloating; Nausea;
  • Cold hands and feet turning purple;
  • Fatigue;
  • Spotty skin from time to time


By comparing notes with girls who have been adversely affected by the Gardasil vaccine, by doing a lot of research and finding out what works to improve their health issues, I will do my very best to start to feel better myself.  I know in my heart that I have been adversely affected by the Gardasil vaccine.



  1. http://vaccinesafetyconference.com/videos.html

Mia, thank you for sharing your story with us.  I am so sorry you have had to experience these difficult trials.  You have stuck it out and made the best of such a difficult situation.

I love your positive attitude. That is so good for one’s health.  What a great start.

Thank you for sharing the above video clip by Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld.  It’s refreshing to hear such exactness regarding the influence of adjuvants on our immune system.  We can’t move forward well without understanding the source of the problem.  I am so impressed with how you have listened to your body and your heart.

You have had quite the health trek. Your own personal,  Mount Vaals hike.  I am still so amazed at how you have managed your situation so methodically.  You have quite a head on those shoulders.  I know others will be helped due to your heartfelt, personal step in sharing your story.

I wanted to mention one tip that could help.  In regards to the digestive issues, a Migun thermal massage bed may do wonders on a number of levels including circulation.  There might be a spa or wellness center that carries one in your area.  Also the MassageEnergy-Far Infrared thermal therapy traction table might be in your area.  I have seen significant healing through these tables.  I have a post discussing them in more detail on my site under the Product of the Day. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to brainstorm a bit.

God bless you Mia.  I am so glad you have found the path to some Godsend doctors. Here’s a little number below to hopefully keep you feeling, hygge. Keep up the faith. Your friend, jen  🙂


Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience#Mandated Vaccines#HPV Vaccine#World

Shawna Snyder, Big Bear City, California

Ashlie before Gardasil

Ashlie before Gardasil

Who would have ever thought a single injection of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, could bring my precious daughter to the brink of death? My daughters, Ashlie and Lyndsie, were both injected with the Gardasil on the same day. Lyndsie had no adverse reaction. Ashlie was not so lucky.

Ashlie has always been bigger than life.  A girl who we know can handle anything.  At the age of 4, Ashlie decided she wanted to dance. She was shy and didn’t like people staring at her, so we knew that this little endeavor would be short lived.  We could not have been more wrong. As Ashlie became older, we knew she had found her passion and career in life. She was going to be a professional dancer and she was on her way.

How could we have known one vaccine would change our lives and her life so drastically?

In the middle of June 2009, Ashlie received her first and only Gardasil vaccine.  Ashlie’s older sister Lyndsie was also vaccinated with Gardasil on the same day and had no adverse reaction. For that I am thankful.

However, approximately 16 days later Ashlie began to complain that her legs were not working correctly.  Looking back, I am not sure what I thought it was, but I had her take some Tylenol.  The next morning, I came downstairs and Ashlie was lying on the couch watching TV.  She told me that she had crawled from her room and down the stairs to get to the couch. She informed me she could not walk. I asked her to stand. She tried and fell to the floor.  

She was quickly taken to our local ER. The doctor threw his hands in the air saying he had no idea and it must be growing pains. She was given crutches and a prescription for steroids.  I took her home convinced the doctor was wrong, as I am a mother of 5 daughters and had never witnessed growing pains like that.

Ashlie had been diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 10-years-old.  I thought she perhaps had had a new seizure I was not aware of, so I called her neurologist. I was assured it was not a seizure, but to bring her to the ER (a different ER) in the morning as they were very crowded and she would be seen faster in the morning and we would get home quickly.  

Later that night, I helped Ashlie in and out of the bathtub because she could no longer walk. I went to hand her something and to my horror discovered that her arms and hands were not working either. She literally could not pick up what I was handing her.

After a few phone calls, I rushed Ashlie to an ER over an hour away, the same ER we were to visit in the morning.  I carried her in, and for a crowded ER on a Saturday night, she was seen within 1 hour.

One of the phone calls I had made was to my dad. His friend is a doctor, who told my dad that I needed to ask if it was “ascending paralysis”.  While we were with the doctor, I asked him if it was “ascending paralysis” and he said yes. It appeared she had Guillain-Barre’ Syndrome (GBS).  

I was asked if she had been sick and I informed them she had not. I could not figure out how she got this.

She was kept in the ER until a room became available in the “step-down” unit or intermediate ICU.  At this point I still had no idea how serious this was.  Once she was admitted to the hospital and not an ER patient, they handed me a bunch of literature on GBS. My answer to how she contracted GBS was in the first sentence that I read, and it said that you can get GBS from a vaccine. She had just had a vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine earlier that month.

Ashlie after one injection of Gardasil

Ashlie after one injection of Gardasil

As Ashlie lay in the hospital bed I watched her go from a vibrant young girl to a shell of non-existence. She was unable to walk, she was unable to get up to use the bathroom and as she couldn’t eat, an NG tube was placed in her nose so they could feed her. She was given intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG), in the hope that this would stop the paralysis and start it descending. 

She became delirious, and she began talking like a baby in her sleep. She was in extreme pain and I had no idea what to do, or even still did not realize at this point how serious GBS was.  

Within 24 hours things went from bad to worse. Her respiratory system was shutting down. The GBS was paralyzing her to the point that she could not breathe.

She was rushed to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Within minutes of being there she stopped breathing and they had to “bag” her. I could not believe what I was seeing. My baby girl was dying before my very eyes. 

She could no longer talk and would finger spell (sign language) to communicate. They put her on a bi-pap machine to help her breathe and on July 1, 2009 Ashlie was intubated.  She could no longer breathe on her own to keep alive, a machine had to do the work for her.  Her heart was racing, ranging between 160-180 bpm. It seemed as though her heart would come through her chest.  For the next 2 1/2 weeks, I sat and watched as she continued to get worse.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is most common in older people, not children. It was the worst case the children’s hospital had seen in over 3 years. All treatments done to “reverse” GBS are done on adults. The hospital had to take adult treatments and alter them for a 12-year-old. She had more IVIG treatments done, she had plasmapheresis, MRI’s, and nerve tests done. The damage done to her nerves was horrific. The GBS not only destroyed her myelin, but it went into and began destroying the axon.

Slowly her body began to “heal” and the GBS started to descend.  After 3 weeks of being intubated, she began to breathe on her own and was extubated. However, as the feeling came back, she was in excruciating pain. Pain so bad she felt like we were ripping her skin off if we touched her.  We remained at the children’s hospital for another week. She was then transported to Orange County to Healthbridge Children’s Hospital for rehabilitation. Ashlie spent another 4-weeks away from home doing physical and occupational therapy 7-days a week. She was tired, her body hurt, her body would not cooperate at times, and we had lots of tears.  After spending her 13th birthday in the hospital we decided it was time to go home and start our new lives.  

Once at home Ashlie began physical and occupational therapy at home with an in-home health service. We tried to keep life as normal as possible for her. She started going back to dance class immediately, although participation was limited. She went to our local hospital for physical therapy.

After 6-months the therapists said there was not much more they could do for her and she was as good as she was going to get. That was not the answer I wanted to hear. She was only 13-years-old.  

I began making phone calls and from there carried out more research. We were told to get her into Pilates with an instructor who had a dance background. We did just that and things started to fall into place.

Although some things fell into place, we noticed that Ashlie’s health began to change also. She was unable to keep foods down. Anytime she ate, she became very ill and everything came out one way or another. We noticed that she would have dizzy spells and pass out. She would have severe nerve pain at times, to the point that she could not be touched by anyone anywhere on her body. She said it felt as if her skin was being pulled from her body again. I have watched her go in and out of consciousness and struggle to breathe.  She now has a rapid standing/sitting heart rate.

We have taken Ashlie to many different doctors and specialists. At one point they almost did heart surgery on her to try and stop her from passing out. She has been hooked up to heart monitors for 30 days and at the same time as this was happening, trying to continue to dance.  

She has been seen in different emergency rooms over the last 4 years only to be told time and time again, that there is nothing wrong with her and that it is all in her head. 

On the road to recovery

On the road to recovery

Finally, during the summer of 2013, I was reading a story about a girl who had been injured by the Gardasil vaccine. I never read the comments below because I find them to be rude or critical. This particular day, I decided to read one. 

A lady mentioned a doctor who helped her niece. I contacted her and then the doctor. We saw him in Sept 2013 and started treatment in October 2013. It has been a long hard road.  Ashlie has completely changed her eating pattern and takes many supplements. She has phone appointments with him every 4-6 weeks.

One of her goals was to become flexible again. A silly thing to most, but to her as a dancer it is everything. She is slowly but surely getting it back. I even watched her do a backbend from a standing position a few days ago. Something I thought I would never see again.

I regret every day giving her this vaccine, but I am so glad she is such a fighter and has not given up.  Both mom and daughter are in this together and we will never give up.  We hope too that whatever we can achieve for Ashlie can benefit so many other girls and boys who have also been badly injured by the Gardasil vaccine.

Mom and daughter, I am so inspired and amazed by your story.  Thank you so much for sharing your struggles, strengths and all you have overcome.  You have shown us what a process this journey has been and you have stuck it out well.  It must be very difficult to share such personal things, but I know you do this so that other teens don’t experience this same trial.

  Ashlie, you are such a fighter, and now beginning to dance again.  What a triumphant story. I am so glad that you found a practitioner who is making a difference.  I am sure there will be many more ups and downs, but I believe you will always gain a step ahead. 

I chose this next artist because she relays the beauty and strength of woman so well and you two embody that same strength.  Mom and Ashlie, thank you for the example of love and support you have shown to all of us.  All our prayers go with you,  jen  🙂

Jordan’s Journey from Gardasil into the Unknown#Mandated Vaccines#HPV Vaccine#Vaccine-induced Diseases

What Gardasil did for Jordan

By Kami Wightman Fulton, Bitley Michigan

My daughter was an amazing athlete! Volleyball and wakeboarding were her life. Now, we are lucky if she can complete a full day at school let alone play sports. This all started a week after my daughter had the first shot of Gardasil and began to have lots of pain and swelling in her joints. Her knee in particular was really bad. It was terribly swollen as were her neck and ankles. The doctors thought she had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. After about a year, there has been no improvement in her condition, as a matter of fact it appears to be getting worse.
Now Jordan is experiencing stomach problems and feels very nauseous and does not feel like eating anything. She is also experiencing horrible chest pains and back pains. No matter how hard I try to make her feel better, there does not appear to be anything I can do which helps relieve her pain. To make matters worse, Jordan’s fingers turn blue, she gets a rash all over her body and her eyes always dry up, she suffers from shortness of breath and bad headaches.
The newest and most scary side effect is when Jordan passes out and has silent seizures. When these seizures started, she would have them once a month to twice a week but now she is having them every day and sometimes several in a day.
We have been to many hospitals but get no help. I find it difficult to understand that they cannot work out why these seizures are occurring and see how harmful they are to my daughter.
I find it very difficult to handle having to watch my baby girl go through this nightmare and there is nothing I can do to make it all better.
If she were having these problems because of a medication she was taking, she could simply stop taking it and gradually recover. It is really too bad she cannot be unvaccinated. I would give anything to be able to get the Gardasil vaccine completely out of her system.

Jordan, don’t lose hope.  The magnitude of this trial only testifies to your strength. Fortunately, you have found the good folks at Sanevax. They have health practitioner contacts  with expertise in this area.  I do know, to an extent, the frustrations with searching for health answers. Lean on the Lord, and ask him to help you carry this burden. He knows exactly what your ailments are and can guide you to those who can help.  It will probably be a process that will take longer than you or anyone else will want, but hang in there. If you continue to let your father in heaven guide you, I promise, you Will see miracles in your life. 

So for now, kick your feet up, take a deep breath and enjoy some tunes.  


Gardasil: The decision we will always regret#HPV Vaccine#Vaccines#Vaccine-induced injuries

Gardasil: The decision we will always regret

By Kim Robinson, Red Hill, Pennsylvania

Katie's Gardasil Experience

Katie’s Gardasil Experience

By all accounts, our daughter was normal before receiving the HPV vaccine.  Katie performed very well in school.  She was conscientious, hard-working and took pride in getting good grades.  She loved dancing having taken dance classes since she was 3 years old.  Katie always danced and twirled throughout our home and anywhere else she happened to be.  When Katie was 10, she joined cheerleading and became involved in competition cheerleading.  She was very active, taking four hours of dance class every week plus spending many more hours practicing with her competition cheer team.  Katie was healthy and vibrant.

We were very diligent with our children’s health.  We never missed an annual check-up and we also followed the pediatrician’s recommended vaccine schedule including annual flu shots.  Our pediatrician recommended the Gardasil vaccine.  The Gardasil vaccine was heavily advertised on TV.  We read the vaccine Disclosure.  It said that the vaccine should not be given to those with HIV.  Katie did not have HIV so we signed the Consent. 

On September 2, 2010 at the age of 11, Katie received the first Gardasil vaccine.  Katie’s first day of middle school was September 7, 2010.  Initially, we believed that her fatigue and headaches were being caused by having to get up much earlier in the morning for middle school.  However, she never adjusted to the new schedule and soon her symptoms began exploding.  Katie would often tell us “I don’t know what’s wrong, I just don’t feel good.”  She began sleeping a lot – over 12 hours a day and even more on the weekends, which would allow her gather enough energy to go to school a few days before she crashed again.  She missed days at school, dance lessons and cheer practices.  Soon her illness was visible on the outside too.  Katie didn’t look good – constant dark circles under her eyes, her skin color was ashen and she appeared listless. 

To us, it seemed that her symptoms must be related to the Gardasil vaccine.  Katie’s earliest symptoms began after receiving this vaccine.  We searched the internet but only found vague information – nothing that matched our daughter’s symptoms.  We asked Katie’s pediatrician and other specialists if the Gardasil vaccine could be related to her symptoms but our inquiries were quickly dismissed as not having any correlation to her illness.  Katie’s earliest symptoms were a constant headache or migraine that did not respond to pain relievers, stabbing 24/7 bilateral ear pain, fatigue not relieved by sleep, abdominal pain, nausea and joint pain.  We called and visited her pediatrician repeatedly.  We began taking Katie to specialists including Neurologists, ENT’s, GI, and an OBGYN and made several visits to the Emergency Room.  Katie also received many blood tests, CAT scans and an MRI.  Nothing any of the doctors did relieved Katie’s symptoms.  As a matter of fact, the drugs prescribed to alleviate her symptoms only made her feel worse.  Our pediatrician and other doctors involved with Katie’s care began suggesting that her illness was psychosomatic and recommended that we take her to a psychologist.  We soon found that we were on our own, dealing with a medical issue we did not understand but trying desperately to help our daughter. 

When searching the internet with Katie’s symptoms, Lyme disease would always come up as the search result.  In addition to asking all of Katie’s doctors if the Gardasil vaccine was the cause of Katie’s illness, we also began asking if Lyme disease could be the culprit.  In October 2010, Katie was first tested for Lyme disease.  The results were negative as were two later rounds of testing.  We read on the internet that ELISA and Western Blot tests for Lyme disease are unreliable and that many people who actually had Lyme disease tested negative.  Since this information is all over the internet, we thought it was common knowledge to doctors as well.   Instead, we were emphatically told by doctor after doctor that this was not true, that the testing for Lyme disease is highly reliable and that there was no way Katie had Lyme disease.  In April 2011, Katie could no longer go to school or participate in dance or cheerleading – the pain and fatigue was all consuming.  Nothing any of the doctors did provided any relief yet every doctor refused to consider Lyme disease or that the Gardasil vaccine was related to her illness.   

Katie’s list of symptoms included the following:  24/7 headaches and migraines, 24/7 stabbing ear pain, hyperacusis, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, all over joint pain, constant sore throat, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, cognitive issues such as memory and severe comprehension problems, random numbness and tingling, weird “bug crawling” skin sensations, generalized weakness throughout her body (it was difficult for Katie to just sit in the shower to bathe), dizziness, fainting and heart palpitations.  She slept long hours and stayed in her bedroom shielding herself from the noise of everyday living. 

In May, we requested testing through a lab specializing in tick-borne disease testing.  Katie’s pediatrician reluctantly signed the lab Requisition Form.  This time the test results showed that Katie was highly positive for Bartonella Henselae, a tick-borne disease also known as a co-infection to Lyme disease.  She was also highly positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia and the testing showed that her immune system was struggling.  Katie’s Western Blot for Lyme disease was negative.  

Katie: My Gardasil Nightmare

Katie: My Gardasil Nightmare

We took those results with us to a long awaited CHOP Diagnostic Center appointment (think the “Dr. House” of the Children’s Hospital) and also to her CHOP Neurologist.  Katie even had the classic Bartonella rash (looks like purple and red stretch marks) surrounding her breasts and hips which is confirmation of an active Bartonella infection.  Both doctors told us that these test results only showed that Katie was “exposed” to Bartonella – it did not mean she had an active infection.  Both came to the same conclusion that her Bartonella rash was actually just stretch marks.  That was particularly hard for us to believe.  Katie was muscular and lean from years of dance and cheer. 

Neither doctor was concerned about her blazing Mycoplasma Pneumonia infection nor was the fact that the testing showed her immune system impaired.  Instead, CHOP Diagnostic Center diagnosed Katie with the beginning stages of Dysautonomia (a malfunctioning automatic nervous system).  We were told that there was no cure and that symptoms were managed with medications. The CHOP Neurologist wasn’t in agreement with CHOP Diagnostic Center; instead she stuck to her prior diagnosis – Chronic Migraine Disorder with Chronic Ear Pain Neuralgia.  The Neurologist recommended that we continue with the same treatment of 20 pills a day even though it did absolutely nothing for Katie other than increase her nausea and head pain.   We felt utter disbelief, despair and anger.

We found our way to a local support group for those suffering with tick-borne diseases, which provided recommendations to LLMD’s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctors).  Katie’s first appointment with an LLMD was in June 2011.  This physician spent an hour reviewing blood tests and other medical reports we collected and asked a lot of questions that had never been asked before.  He clinically diagnosed Katie with Lyme disease and agreed with the test results that reported active infections with Bartonella Henselae and Mycoplasma Pneumonia. He told us that Katie was very sick.  Ironically, upon hearing that news we felt utter relief.  This was the first doctor, since Katie’s illness began over nine months before that acknowledged she was ill.  Since that time, Katie was diagnosed with chronic Strep, HHV6, hypo-coagulation, susceptibility to bio-toxin illness (mold and environmental sensitivities) and has acquired autoimmune thyroid disease. 

It has been three and a half years since Katie received the Gardasil vaccine and she still remains chronically ill.  She was unable to attend school in 7th and 8th grades.  This year, Katie decided to repeat 8th grade again rather than begin high school still sick.  Katie has an IEP plan in school which reduces her daily schedule to three core classes only.  Unfortunately, Katie is still too sick to attend school with any regularity.  Most days, a teacher comes to our home to review the lessons she missed at school.  Some days, Katie’s pain levels are too high so that she can’t even tolerate home tutoring.  Although she longs to get back to dancing again, she spends most days in her room sleeping or resting and trying to cope with chronic pain.  At 14 years old, Katie’s life closely resembles a sick elderly person instead of an active vibrant teenager she should be.    

After Katie was finally diagnosed with tick-borne diseases, we put our initial suspicion about the Gardasil vaccine aside.  Since the treatment of tick-borne diseases is considered emerging medicine, I am always combing the internet for new information on tick-borne diseases, the latest research or treatments.  To our utter disbelief, I came across an article reporting that the Gardasil vaccine can activate a latent Bartonella infection that was otherwise being suppressed by a properly functioning immune system prior to vaccination.   We now believe our earliest suspicion was correct.

We found many stories about devastating health changes post-vaccine.  These stories are eerily familiar to our daughter’s.  The Gardasil vaccine is known to activate latent infections and viruses, such as Epstein Barr and Bartonella.  The Gardasil vaccine deregulates the immune system and that allows latent infections and viruses, which were kept in check pre-vaccine by a then properly functioning immune system, to activate post-vaccine.  Now, there is evidence that the HPV vaccine is linked to the onset of autoimmune diseases. 

We recently consulted Katie’s LLMD and also her Primary Care Physician, who reviewed Katie’s vaccine log and extensive medical records.  Both agree that Katie’s immune system was injured by the Gardasil vaccine and that it was the catalyst to her cascading health problems and chronic illness.  Katie’s LLMD is now treating her for a vaccine injury in addition to treating multiple tick-borne diseases, other infections/viruses and autoimmune thyroid disease. 

At this point, we are totally outside our insurance company and most everything is out-of-pocket.  The overall expense of Katie’s illness greatly outpaces our income so many expenses are put on credit cards.  But the biggest cost by far is the toll that the Gardasil vaccine has taken on our daughter’s health and well-being.  We wonder if she will ever be able to reclaim her health and get back to living a normal life free of pain.

We deeply regret consenting to the Gardasil vaccine.  We had no idea of the severe side effects some experience post vaccine.  Every day, we wish we had been more informed.  Parents beware of blindly following your doctor’s recommended vaccine schedule.  Do not rely or expect your doctor to know everything.  You must do your own research and ask plenty of questions.  Our family found out the hard way that it is possible for a vaccine to have lasting and devastating effects. 

Article complements of sanevax.org.


I can only imagine the grief and pain you are enduring.  Thank heavens for your supportive and dedicated family.

I think that with difficult circumstances and trials, that are unique to this era,  our father in heaven  provides

blessings of healing and health that are unique to this time as well. 

Continue to keep Him in your prayers and don’t lose hope.

You are a strong and talented girl, and none of that has changed. 

Thank you , for sharing your story.  We all have much to learn from you and your family’s journey.

I have a special, little gift for you.  I hope it can help take your mind off things for awhile.

Our hats are off to you,  from cheerleaders all over.

Your friend,

jen   🙂

Alan Freestone – Featured Doctor Week #Vaccines#Autism Spectrum#Autism

alan freestone  alan freestone

January 15, 2014 8:44 PM

“My name is Alan Freestone. I’m a homeopath living in London and I specialise in treating autistic children. What is apparent to me is that large numbers of these children have been damaged by vaccines. I don’t believe it is a coincidence that as the vaccine schedule has increased dramatically so has the incidence of autism.I served in the RAF in the past and was innoculated with a whole cocktail of tropical vaccines in one day. Around 9 months later I started suffering from an auto-immune disease. It was only years later that I put two-and-two together and corrected the auto-immune condition by removing the toxicity from my body using homeopathy.So my message is: vaccines can seriously damage people, but homeopathy can often repair this damage. There is always hope. If you suspect that someone you know has been damaged by a vaccine, even many years ago, please put them in touch with me.Anyone interested in finding out more about my methods, please visit my website:www.alanfreestone.com or drop me a line at: alan.homeopath@gmail.comThank youAlan”

 Hello everyone, this is our Featured Doctors Week.  I have sought out doctors that have one thing in common.  Doctors that have had great success in treating patients with vaccine-induced diseases.  These are complicated cases that many individuals search for years before they find relief and healing.  This week is a tribute to those doctors that have gone the extra mile to find help and answers for their patients.  Thank you.




Sandy Lunoe

Refreshingly, there was a brave attempt recently in a popular show seen by over two million viewers on ABC TV1 to present balanced information regarding the controversial HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines.

(1) It was expected that to touch on the subject of vaccine injuries and death would bring down the wrath of the vaccine industry. And it certainly appeared to do so.

In addition to opinions from vaccine promoters there were interviews with a grieving mother who shared the tragic story of her daughter’s death and a brave young girl who described her suffering after the vaccine. Two doctors gave their opinions. Whilst one was in favor of the vaccine the other questioned its necessity given the overall success of Pap testing to screen for cervical cancer…

Bombshell TV Show About HPV Vaccines Reveals Cruel Nature of Vaccine Pushers

Click on the link above to read the entire article. 

Words cannot express the sympathy and love I feel towards the many families hit hard by vaccine injuries.  I was hesitant to post the above article due to the hateful comments towards these families.  I am almost speechless by this prejudice and only wish to say, “By their fruits ye shall know them”.