Don’t Let…

I love this quote by Dr Mark Hyman.

The message of strengthening the immune system, and taking control of our health, has never been more important.




Don’t let ultra-processed food steal your longevity.

Don’t let refined sugars fuel chronic inflammation.

Don’t let synthetic dyes disrupt your hormones.

Don’t let fast food destroy your gut health.

Don’t let caffeine overload stress your adrenals.

Don’t let inflammatory seed oils harm your cells.

Don’t let convenience dictate your health.

-Dr Mark Hyman

It Is Time to Declare Our Independence from the Vaccinators

By Barbara Loe Fisher

“After my son was injured in 1980 by the crude, toxic whole cell pertussis vaccine in DPT shots, I joined with other parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982 to establish the charity known today as the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) with the mission of preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education. We have defended the legal right to make voluntary decisions about vaccination for 41 years.

Since then, I have watched the Public Health Empire grow and use “no exceptions” vaccination laws as the tip of the spear in the great culture war gripping this and other nations around the world.  It is an ideological and political war that has been going on since the 19th century, pitting those who believe in the right to autonomy and liberty against those who believe in centralized, authoritarian government control. How it ends will define what freedom means for human populations around the world during this and many centuries to come.”

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Mike Adams and Dr. Pete Chambers blast Pentagon for weakening military with vaccine mandates, wokeism

By Belle Carter

“During a recent episode of the “Health Ranger Report,” [The Health Ranger Mike Adams and former Army Green Beret Dr. Pete Chambers] discussed how the Pentagon is deliberately putting these plans forward to sabotage the military. “There is a sabotage going on [in] our military,” Chambers remarked, calling on other critical thinkers to stand up against these.”

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