Revaccination and Dogs#android#iPad#retweet


The untold story of vaccination schedules, science and speculation

I’ll preface the following article by clearly stating that I’m not a vet. I didn’t attend veterinary college and it’s certainly not a profession I aspire to. I’ve got six years of university and two degrees under my belt, so I know the kind of debt that vets enter into when they graduate. I also know that the vast majority of them make very little money for the amount of education that goes into their career.

But I’m a dog lover and I do like to think that I’m a fairly intelligent and rational person. I don’t want to see dogs get hurt and vets certainly don’t want to see them get hurt. I truly believe that.

So what really baffles me is why vets continue to use vaccination protocols that are harming our dogs.

And now for a little history lesson

Back in the mid 1970’s, vaccines were licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), based on challenge studies that were done for only a few weeks to a few months. Because of that short period of testing, all vaccine labels had this statement on them: “Annual Revaccination Recommended.”

Because duration of immunity (DOI) studies are expensive, the vaccine manufacturers tested their vaccines for a short period of time and subsequently put them on the market with the suggestion of vaccinating annually. But nobody really knew how long those vaccines would last because nobody went to the trouble to test them for more than a few months. So vets got into the habit of vaccinating every year.

During this time, a young scientist had an epiphany….

The Immune System#android#iPad#retweet

by admin

…One of the fascinating aspects of the immune system is that it has a memory and the capacity to learn. Long ago physicians realized that people who had recovered from the plague would never get it again–they had acquired immunity. In order to have room for all the cells needed to match millions of possible enemies, the immune system stores just a few of each kind. When an antigen appears, those few matching cells multiply into a full-scale army. After their job is done, they fade away except that the system forever retains a “blue-print” for rapid reactivation should it ever be needed…

…The amount or concentration of a particular antibody that is in solution can be measured in a laboratory. This is called a “Titer Test”. Common sense would indicate that if a Titer Test revealed that antibodies for a particular disease already exist at appropriate levels–booster shots are not required!…

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U.K. Canine Vaccination Survey#android#iPad#retweet

by admin

From England comes a report on the preliminary results of a well structured survey concerning possible health problems resulting from vaccination of dogs.

Although this is an ongoing survey the early tabulation on approximately 2,700 dogs appears to confirm our concerns with the potential for adverse effects from vaccination….

…The survey indicates a strong statistical probability that such a link does in fact exist! Some examples after vaccination are:

  • Diarrhea– 4.9% of dogs surveyed had diarrhea (68% of these within the first three months).
  • Allergies– 3.8% had allergies (55.6% within the first three months).
  • Colitis– 2.7% had colitis (56.9% first three months).
  • Dry Eye/conjunctivitis– 2.5% of dogs surveyed (56.9% within first three months)
  • Epilepsy– 2.1% had epilepsy (65.5% in first three months).
  • Loss of appetite– 3.4% suffered a loss of appetite (79.8% within first three months).
  • Nasal discharges– 1.7% showed nasal discharges (84.1% within three months of vaccination)….

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The Big Scam: Rabies Vaccination#android#iPad#retweet

Written by John Fundens, D.V.M.

I would like to give you, the reader, the truth about the so called required vaccinations, particularly rabies. There are two basic forms of law. One is the legal Constitutional and Common law that this country was founded on, and the other is “colorable” law passed by Administrative agencies/bureaucrats who have been given so called authority to pass laws. Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition defines colorable law as “That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what purports to be, hence counterfeit, feigned, having the appearance of truth.” Yes, I study the law, am a paralegal, and have an extensive law library.

So any and all mandatory rabies vaccination programs are colorable law, in that they have been passed and mandated upon the pet owning public by certain vested interest groups. Who are these groups? First and foremost are veterinarians, in general, and veterinarian medical organizations. Second are the local animal control personnel, bureaucrats and politicians. What are their reasons? GREED, POWER AND CONTROL. Both these large powerful interest groups stand to benefit greatly by having rabies mandated by colorable law.

Veterinarians receive a large percentage of both their gross income and profit from vaccines given in the office. On average vaccines cost 60 to 95 cents per dose and are charged to the client at $15 to $25 per injection and substantially more in the large cities…

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The Judgment on Vaccines Is In???#ASD#Vaccines#iBelieve


Recently, I was amazed to hear a commentary by CNN’s Campbell Brown on the controversial vaccine issue. After a ruling by the ‘special vaccine court’ saying the Measles, Mumps, Rubella shot wasn’t found to be responsible for the plaintiffs’ autism, she and others in the media began making assertions that the judgment was in, and vaccines had been proven safe. No one would be more relieved than Jenny and I if that were true. But with all due respect to Ms. Brown, a ruling against causation in three cases out of more than 5000 hardly proves that other children won’t be adversely affected by the MMR, let alone that all vaccines are safe. This is a huge leap of logic by anyone’s standards. Not everyone gets cancer from smoking, but cigarettes do cause cancer. After 100 years and many rulings in favor of the tobacco companies, we finally figured that out.

The truth is that no one without a vested interest in the profitability of vaccines has studied all 36 of them in depth…

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Before You Vaccinate Your Pet, Be Aware of Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis (GME)#Pets#Vaccines#iBelieve

 The traditional veterinary community considers GME to be idiopathic, which means we don’t know why it happens. However, there is also suspicion that the disease may be caused by an abnormal immune response to an infectious agent. While most conventional vets don’t acknowledge a link between autoimmune diseases and vaccines – especially Lyme, rabies, and leptospirosis vaccines – holistic vets have long voiced concern about what certainly seems to be a cause-and-effect relationship between certain vaccines and the subsequent development of autoimmune disorders in pets.

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Titer Test: Safer for Your Pet Than Routine Vaccines, and at an Affordable Cost#Vaccines#Pets#Health

 By Dr. Becker

Recently, I ran across an ABC News article titled “Dog Owners Wade Into Vaccine Debate,” which caught my interest, especially since August has been designated “National Immunization Awareness Month” by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

I’m all for immunization awareness, but I’m not sure what the AVMA has in mind. I suspect it might have to do with reminding pet guardians to comply with the latest re-vaccination guidelines, thereby insuring that dogs and cats are repeatedly and in most cases unnecessarily subjected to the viruses, chemicals, adjuvants, and other potential toxins contained in vaccines.

But anyway… back to the ABC News article. The reporter who wrote the piece interviewed a man with three dogs, and starts off by saying the owner “refuses” to vaccinate them, which isn’t accurate. Reading a little further, it’s clear the owner doesn’t refuse to vaccinate – he refuses to RE-vaccinate for anything other than rabies, a vaccine that, as we all know, is required by law.

The man being interviewed, Rodney Habib, feels that repeated immunizations do more harm than good, and since he provides his dogs with puppy shots – core vaccines against distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus (infectious hepatitis) – he believes they will remain immune for years, if not for life…

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