Open Letter to Doctors Who Reject Unvaccinated Patients#Family#Android#Pregnancy

 by Sarah TheHealthyHomeEconomist

 I was kicked out of my first pediatrician office in 1998. The Pediatrician in question was an old family friend, a neighbor of my high school sweetheart whose family I knew very well.

He was also a colleague of my Dad, a Geriatrician and Family Doctor at the same hospital in Dunedin, Florida.

This well-respected Pediatrician was very welcoming at first when I arrived for my initial office visit with our newborn son. Thankfully, my Mother-in-Law who is a nurse was with me. The alarm bells began going off in my head shortly after the examination started when I told him that my healthy, beautiful baby had been born at a birth center.

You could immediately see in his eyes the mental shutdown process begin as he proceeded to chastise me for my birthing decision…

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