New Film Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome Myth – Opponents Want to Silence it at Film Festival#android#iPad#retweet

I cannot wait to see this new documentary.  It is long overdue, for the censorship to be lifted and the truth to come forward in this area. I look forward to the day when sentences are reversed, based on solid science, and the innocent individuals freed from being wrongly imprisoned. Time to look past the lucrative sensationalism of shaken baby syndrome.

Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor

A new film exposing the corruption behind much of the Shaken Baby Syndrome diagnosis used to remove children from the custody of their parents, and in some cases put parents behind bars, is currently making its way through the film festival circuit. The Syndrome is a film produced and directed by Meryl Goldsmith, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker who teamed up with her cousin and investigative reporter Susan Goldsmith as the co-producer and editor. It is Meryl Goldsmith’s feature directorial debut, according to the film’s website. Included in the cast are doctors and law professors.

Lauren Kirchner, writing for the Pacific Standard Magazine, recently interviewed Susan Goldsmith and discussed the opposition the film has received from the medical community:

Many of the film’s subjects have dedicated their professional lives to gaining attention to updated research on child injuries, and to defending accused abusers in court. For this, they have faced a huge backlash from the doctors and prosecutors who disagree. The filmmakers knew they’d get swept up in that, too. Many film festivals that considered including the film were threatened with litigation, and accused of promoting child abuse, the filmmakers said in a recent interview.

“This is a theme in our film—how the proponents of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma have tried to silence their critics,” Susan Goldsmith says. “And that theme is extending to here and now, to our documentary…


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Aluminum is Toxic to All Life Forms: So Why is it Used in Vaccines?#iPad#android#retweet

by admin

…The long-term effects of injecting animal and human DNA material into children via vaccines have not been studied, particularly in combination with so many vaccines in the childhood vaccination schedule today, which has greatly increased over the past several years.

Aluminum and Pregnancy

Dr. Humphries starts the section on aluminum and pregnancy with a quote from Dr. Paul Offit’s website, Children’s Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Vaccine Education Center, April 2013:

“Aluminum is considered to be an essential metal with quantities fluctuating naturally during normal cellular activity. It is found in all tissues and is also believed to play an important role in the development of a healthy fetus.”

Dr. Humphries states that when this statement was published on Dr. Offit’s website, a website specifically setup to “educate” professionals and others regarding vaccines, she sent a copy of this statement to “one of  the world’s most knowledgeable aluminum experts” who is usually very diplomatic and polite, and he replied with a very “unflattering statement” about Dr. Offit’s comment regarding aluminum…

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WHO Puts Kenyan Tetanus Vaccine Under Police Guard to Avoid Testing#android#iPad#retweet

Written By: Christina England

It has been known for many years that the World Health Organization is one of the most unethical organizations on the planet. They have been committing crimes against humanity for decades. What I am going to describe to you now is, in my opinion, one of their most heinous acts to date.

I am going to demonstrate through evidence, given to The Liberty Beacon in an interview, just how far this organization is prepared to go to cover up the truth, mislead the public and cause deliberate harm to millions of vulnerable girls and women in the developing world.

Brief Background

In October 2014, reports from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association sent shock waves around the world. The reports stated that 2-3 million girls and women of childbearing age in Kenya had been vaccinated with tetanus vaccinations containing the anti-fertility hormone HCG, rendering them infertile.

This information was discovered after the vaccines being used in the campaign were sent for testing and came back positive for containing the hormone…

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March 2015 Settlements in Vaccine Court: 117 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths#android#iPad#retweet

by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor

The Depart of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (click on “Meeting Book PDF – 11 MB” and start reading at page 51.). This March 5, 2015 report states that there were 117 cases for vaccine injuries and deaths compensated from 11/16/2014 to 2/15/2015.

92 of the settlements were listed in the report, giving the name of the vaccines, the injury, and the amount of time the case was pending before settlement. Five of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with three deaths related to the flu shot. 73 of the 92 settlements were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot, and the majority of flu shot injuries were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

These quarterly reports on vaccine injuries and death settlements from the U.S. vaccine court are seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media. We report them here at Health Impact News. Here is the March 5, 2015 report…

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Emotional Healing Workshop#android#iPad#Utah

I look forward to attending Dr. Brady’s Salt Lake City E.O.S. clinic. My family and I have had lasting health success from the clinic where Dr. Brady works and the mode of healing that he has taught other physicians.

Dr. Brady is an alternative medicine doctor who specializes in emotional and nutritional therapies. He teaches one-day seminars on how to muscle test and clear emotional energy from the body. The workshop is one on one training where he works with you to develop the skill of muscle testing and teaches you his emotional clearing techniques step-by-step.

Included in the seminar is a raw food lunch from Omar’s Rawtopia and an emotional healing workbook. If you are interested in learning how to self-test or test on others, and clear subconscious emotional energy in a hands-on format, this is the workshop for you.

This is one type of modality that a number of vaccine-injured have found healing through along with general balancing/strengthening of the immune system. This type of healing reaches a wide scope of health scenarios.

These are great tools to add to your professional and personal health arsenal.

The cost is $199 and if you are interested in attending or would like more information, you can email Dr. Brady at

Learn more about Dr. Brady Here




The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?#android#iPad#retweet

by Barbara Loe Fisher

More than 1.2 million people in the United States are infected with HIV 1 but government officials do not ban HIV infected children and adults from attending school, receiving medical care, being employed, or otherwise participating in society. In fact, there are anti-discrimination laws that guarantee civil rights protections for Americans infected with HIV or living with AIDS. 2

No Discrimination or Societal Sanctions for Infected Citizens

In 2012, public health officials reported that about two million people in America are infected with chlamydia, tuberculosis, syphilis and gonorrhea, 3 and they estimate another three million people are infected with hepatitis C. 4 Like those with HIV or AIDS, these citizens are not targeted for discrimination and blocked from getting a public education, being employed or moving freely in society.

Live Polio Vaccinated Children Could Still Attend School

Between 1963 and 1999, doctors gave live oral polio vaccine to millions of healthy American children, who became infected with vaccine strain polioviruses they shed in their body fluids and transmitted, sometimes causing other children and adults to contract vaccine strain polio paralysis and die. 5  6 Those with compromised immune systems were at special risk for getting vaccine strain polio and shedding vaccine strain poliovirus for longer periods of time than healthy persons. Yet, children recently given live oral polio vaccine were not excluded from attending school.

Calls for Societal Sanctions After Measles Diagnosed at Disneyland

But in 2015 after a handful of measles cases were identified at Disneyland, suddenly Americans are being asked to surrender civil liberties. We are being asked to discriminate against and condone extreme societal sanctions against fellow citizens, 7 including removing religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions from state laws 8 9 so children cannot attend school without 49 doses of 14 federally recommended vaccines by age six and 20 more vaccinations by age 18. 10

How did a handful of measles cases at Disneyland turn into a full-scale assault on civil and human rights in America?…


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How the Pro-Vaccine Side Lost Me#iPad#android#retweet

by Whitney

When did it become okay to make fun of anyone? When as a society did we start to accept people making fun or belittling each other? It isn’t okay for children to bully each other at school nor is it okay for adults to bully, make fun of, or belittle each other through their Facebook account.

It does not matter if you love or hate vaccines. I was taught growing up if you do not have anything nice to say then you do not say anything at all. I am not anti-medicine, science, or vaccines. I am however very anti-bullying, making fun of people, and bashing others because they have a different opinion.

We are all parents trying to make the best decisions for our children. Parenting is hard enough the way it is without parents making fun of each other.

I know the vaccine issue is a hot topic right now, but I have seen so much belittling from the pro-vaccine camp lately that it has pushed me over the edge. I have been seeing people post the late show host video of him bashing anti-vaxers. I normally keep scrolling when someone posts something that I do not agree with, but it is people posting how funny and great they think the video is. I do not find it funny when someone ridicules or makes fun of people.

Most, but not all, of the parents who do not vaccinate fall into one of these categories…


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PLAGUE: Brought to You with the BEST of Intentions!#Autism#Android#iBelieve

Is there a relationship between the burgeoning epidemic of chronic diseases and the vaccine trials that took place decades ago? Is there a hidden truth that could change the way we treat these diseases?

In the search for the cause of a new disease, scientists become detectives and ask questions that cast a broad net over a field of possibilities.  As I started working with my co-author Dr. Judy Mikovits on our book about the human/mouse retrovirus XMRV, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and autism, I wondered about the starting point of these diseases.

From my previous background in autism I knew that the first cases were reported among children born to parents who worked predominately in medical or scientific fields in the 1930s.  The birth-date of the earliest child who would go onto develop autism was September 13, 1931, as reported by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins University in an article he published in 1943. The first recorded outbreak of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) took place in 1934-1935 among 198 doctors and nurses at Los Angeles County Hospital who were working feverishly in the middle of a polio epidemic.

These starting points piqued my interest.  Autism and chronic fatigue syndrome…

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