HPV Vaccine + Teens + Pre-Teens + Now Infants = $$$ #One Less #HPV #Vaccines

HPV Vaccine + Teens + Pre-Teens + Now Infants = $$$ #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #HPV #Vaccines

Pharmaceutical manufacturer, Gardasil, is getting away with selling unproven vaccines to teens, preteens and is now pushing the drugs on infants.

Don’t count on those along the money trail to protect your children. Other parents whose children have been victimized by this drug plead for other parents to study it out.

This excellent article located at the above link paints a more accurate picture than any 30 second commercial or poster in a high school hallway can provide.


Hi, I am a happy, proud mother of four. My husband Scott and I reside in Henderson, NV U.S.A. I love to travel with my family, read historical fiction, bake, watch documentaries, swim and enjoy the arts.

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