Jackie E. writes to Dr. Jerry Kartzinel: Do you believe in reversing autism??
Dr. Jerry’s Response:
Let’s consider autism to be a collection of mismanaged incoming information and stimuli. The more mismanaged the information and stimuli, the more severe we consider the individual with Autism. Let me illustrate this point with a word picture…
Visit Dr. Jerry’s New Autism Information Site: MendingAutism.com for thoughtful help for healing the body and family.
Do you have a question for Dr. Jerry?
Dr. Jerry Kartzinel is Board Certified pediatrician and a Fellow in the American Academy of Pediatrics. He specializes in the recovery of neurodevelopmental, chronic neuro-inflammatory diseases, and hormonal dysfunctions. Dr. Jerry co-authored Healing and Preventing Autism with Jenny McCarthy.
Short and sweet article. I love when doctors put the health and well-being of the child first and trust their inner instincts. God bless these good doctors.