Zika virus outbreak linked to release of genetically engineered mosquitoes… disastrous unintended consequences now threaten life across the Americas #android#iPad#retweet

….Now we may be seeing the first wave of the horrific destruction that can be unleashed by self-replicating genetically modified organisms. The Zika virus, now spreading with unbridled ferocity, appears to have been caused by the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes that scientists hoped would sharply reduce malaria infections.

Brazilian Shrunken Head Babies: Zika or Tdap?#android#iPad#retweet

In late 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program. The move was aimed at trying to contain the resurgence of pertussis in Brazil.

In December 2015, the Brazilian government declared an emergency after 2,400 Brazilian babies were found to be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) and damaged brains since October.

Brazilian public health officials don’t know what is causing the increase in microcephaly cases in babies born in Brazil, but they are theorizing that it may be caused by a virus known as “Zika,” which is spread by mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti)—in the same way as is the West Nile virus.

The theory is largely based on the fact that they found the Zika virus in a baby with microcephaly following an autopsy of the dead child. The virus was also found in the amniotic fluid of two mothers whose babies had the condition.

Note that Zika is not a new virus; it has been around for decades. No explanation has been given as to why suddenly it could be causing all these cases of microcephaly. No one is seriously asking the question, “What has changed?”

There is no theorizing about the possibility that the cases of microcephaly could be linked to the mandating of the Tdap vaccine for all pregnant women in Brazil about 10 months earlier. The government has “assumed” the cause is a virus.

FACT—Drug companies did not test the safety and effectiveness of giving Tdap vaccine to pregnant women before the vaccines were licensed in the U.S….

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Vaccinating Without Parental Knowledge Soon To Become The Norm Across The World#android#iPad#retweet

Health officials in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are officially crossing into dangerous territory with parents when it comes to vaccinations. Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.

It was just a little over one year ago when the pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Centers for Disease Control allocated millions of dollars in funding to establish vaccine clinics in public schools, causing a huge uproar from concerned parents.

The RAND Corporation, paid by Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into vaccine clinics, which critics claimed will inevitably poison children with multi-dose vaccines.

These school based health centers (SBHCs) are located in school…

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Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents#android#iPad#retweet

By Barbara Loe Fisher

Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries a partial product liability shield under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The goal was simple: to restrict civil lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and negligent doctors whenever government mandated vaccines injure and kill Americans. 1

In the 21st century, Congress went further and directed federal agencies to develop a public-private business partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. 2 3 Today, multi-national corporations marketing vaccines enjoy a $15 billion dollar U.S. and $30 billion dollar global vaccine market that will reach $100 billion in 10 years. 4 5

At the same time, Congress appropriates billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to federal agencies working with Big Pharma to develop hundreds of new vaccines, 6 7 while vaccine licensing standards have been lowered so companies can fast-track experimental vaccines to market. 8 9 Meaningful congressional oversight on vaccine regulation and policymaking is non-existent today, in part because the pharmaceutical industry is the number one wealthiest and most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. 10 11 12 13

Obtaining Vaccine Injury Compensation: Do You Feel Lucky?

Parents, who file a claim today on behalf of a brain damaged vaccine injured child in the federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) under the 1986 Act, know that the odds of obtaining financial assistance from the government are not much better than the odds of winning a lottery. 14 Department of Health and Justice officials fight almost every award in the U.S. Court of Claims so two out of three vaccine injury claims are denied. 15

Parents already traumatized…

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CDC Admits Polio Vaccine Tainted with Cancer Causing Virus#android#iPad#retweet

by Sarah TheHealthyHomeEconomist

This is one of the most outrageous vaccination stories I’ve ever come across. The CDC posted on its own website (which was taken down shortly after this post went viral. Click here for an internet archived copy) that as many as 30 million Americans could be at risk for developing cancer due to polio vaccine tainted with Simian Virus 40 (SV40) found in some species of monkey.

This story is not new – many of of us who thoroughly researched the vaccination issue before choosing whether or not to immunize were already aware of this fact years ago.

I became aware of the tainted polio vaccines from 1955-1963 in the late 1990’s and it was one of the primary motivators for me to choose a “no shots, no way” approach for my children.

What is new is that the CDC is finally admitting it.

What took you so long CDC? Many of the folks vaccinated with the tainted polio stock are already dead from cancer with many more getting diagnosed each and every day!

Here’s the exact language…

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PLAGUE: Brought to You with the BEST of Intentions!#Autism#Android#iBelieve

Is there a relationship between the burgeoning epidemic of chronic diseases and the vaccine trials that took place decades ago? Is there a hidden truth that could change the way we treat these diseases?

In the search for the cause of a new disease, scientists become detectives and ask questions that cast a broad net over a field of possibilities.  As I started working with my co-author Dr. Judy Mikovits on our book about the human/mouse retrovirus XMRV, chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and autism, I wondered about the starting point of these diseases.

From my previous background in autism I knew that the first cases were reported among children born to parents who worked predominately in medical or scientific fields in the 1930s.  The birth-date of the earliest child who would go onto develop autism was September 13, 1931, as reported by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins University in an article he published in 1943. The first recorded outbreak of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) took place in 1934-1935 among 198 doctors and nurses at Los Angeles County Hospital who were working feverishly in the middle of a polio epidemic.

These starting points piqued my interest.  Autism and chronic fatigue syndrome…

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Excelsior Springs woman left with permanent brain injuries after vaccinations#Android#iPad#iBelieve

Former Mayer, receives brain damage following travel vaccinations. The vaccine compensation plan has recently awarded the couple over 7 million dollars. I am grateful to hear that they have successfully maneuvered the vaccine compensation program being many with injuries never make it to this point.

I hope that at some point the husband delves into research to become more aware of the dangers of many of the adjuvants in vaccines and how prevalent serious vaccine reactions and death have become. I am curious what his wife would have to say about all of this. I hope the best for them and their family.