Developing World – The WHO’s Private Vaccine Laboratory#Android#iBelieve#mustread

by Christina England
Health Impact News

It is a recognized fact that the developing world has been used by the World Health Organization as a vaccine laboratory for decades. This has been proven in data and vaccine studies dating back as far as the 1970s.

With this in mind, we must ask ourselves, is it right to use these vulnerable children in vaccine experiments? I urge you to read the following examples before you come to any conclusions…

…Tetanus Vaccines Laced With Hormones Known to Cause Miscarriage

In 1992, the WHO, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Bank met in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the then-current status for the development of “fertility regulating vaccinations.” The minutes to that meeting were documented in a paper entitled Fertility Regulating Vaccines.

At first glance…

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Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease#Android#iPad#mustread

 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous. For example, the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to “Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to “Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.”1

A statement on the website of St. Jude’s Hospital warns parents not to allow people to visit children undergoing cancer treatment if they have received oral polio or smallpox vaccines within four weeks, have received the nasal flu vaccine within one week, or have rashes after receiving the chickenpox vaccine or MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.2

“The public health community is blaming unvaccinated children for the outbreak of measles at Disneyland, but the illnesses could just as easily have occurred due to contact with a recently vaccinated individual,”…

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Children Around the World Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Is the U.S. Heading in the Same Direction?#Android#iBelieve#mustread

The oral polio vaccine has many serious side effects and is no longer used in the U.S. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped the W.H.O. and other supposed health organizations from continuing it’s use in third world countries.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Guardian is reporting that health officials in Pakistan are arresting and throwing into jail hundreds of parents who refuse to allow their children to receive the oral polio vaccine. These health officials are forcing children to receive the vaccine at gunpoint…
…Just to emphasize the point here, these are parents of children who are being rounded up and thrown into jail in Pakistan. Not terrorists, not murders, not thieves, but parents who do not want their children to receive the polio vaccine…
…So how bad was this polio “epidemic” that WHO declared in 2014? In May of 2014, when they made the announcement which was carried as headline news in most U.S. mainstream media outlets, there had been 74 cases – in the ENTIRE WORLD…
…All across the U.S. local state legislators and health officials are moving to take away the right to informed consent regarding vaccines for children. It Americans don’t wake up soon, whether you are pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and stop this rush to take away individual rights and liberties…


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Why Japan banned MMR vaccine#measles#iPad#Android

Why Japan banned MMR vaccine

by JENNY HOPE, Daily Mail

Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine seven years ago – virtually the only developed nation to turn its back on the jab.

Government health chiefs claim a four-year experiment with it has had serious financial and human costs.

Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say.

The triple jab was banned in Japan in 1993 after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions.

Official figures show there were three deaths while eight children were left with permanent handicaps ranging from damaged hearing and blindness to loss of control of limbs…

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More Proof Flu Vaccines Don’t Work – Outbreak on US Navy Ship Despite 99% Vaccination Rate#iBelieve#Vaccines#Flu

Has the CDC contradicted itself again? The reports are now coming out that there was an influenza outbreak on the U.S.S. Arden. Almost a quarter of those on board caught the illness even though 99% of crew members had been vaccinated against flu per mandatory military vaccine policy.

According to the report, the ship was in San Diego, CA in early February to conduct training exercises. There were 102 crew members on board. Three days into it, 25 crewmen needed medical care after coming down with influenza.

The Naval Health Research Center determined that out of the 25, 20 of them had influenza A and 18 of these specifically were the subtype H3N2.

Due to severity of the outbreak, the ill crew members were sent home with medication and instructions on how to avoid spreading the illness. The ship had to be fully disinfected…

Read the Entire Post Here

“Dedicated to the Victims of Vaccines…I’m Alive” #Polio Vaccine # Vaccine-Injured #Vaccines

The title says it all.  Please take time to hear his story.

“Dedicated to the Victims of Vaccines…I’m Alive”

 Thank you Alberto Tremante.  You will be famous through your heroics with all vaccine-injured and many, many more.

Let’s all say a special prayer for Alberto and his loved ones. What wonderful examples

your parents are of charity, the true love of Christ. I am so glad to know of you and your family.

Forza Alberto!  Ti salutiami!

jen vranes  🙂

Here’s a musical gift to you from me.

The Prayer

 Story compliments of Dr. Carley who has helped many vaccine-injured throughout the world.

Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases

One Reason #Vaccines #Mandatory Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

There was one time that I visited a specialist regarding some persistent pain and discomfort I was experiencing.  He seemed to recognize the issue quickly and was confident in the suggested steps.

 Some medication and diet changes to begin with and an ultrasound for further investigation.  On the next visit we discussed the improvement but I was informed a surgical procedure would bring a significant improvement and without symptoms would worsen. 

I took the advice and following this procedure I realized excruciating pain.  The anesthesiologist told me that my body was expressing pain during the surgery.  He relayed some symptoms and said that is how they know the body is under great stress from pain during surgery. 

I went home and was hooked to a catheter for about a week and continued to experience much pain.

I share this example for one reason.

This is not uncommon, accepting medical advice from a trained professional in the proper field.  It’s just that often mistakes are made.

 About a year later I had reconstructive surgery to repair some injuries in this particular area.  The prior surgery wasn’t necessary and I underwent extreme duress and immobility for a time.

The specialist only had the information he had been taught and went off his best knowledge.  There was important information unknown to him.

When looking at vaccinations, it is important to realize that many doctors can only share what they have been taught.  It doesn’t take much study to find that it is significantly limited in regards to vaccinations and nutrition.  

There are no watch dogs in regards to vaccinations. The supposed agencies have a revolving door and have dropped the ball. Maybe over time this can be corrected but in the meantime…

 This site can assist in research especially with all the many web links listed within the articles and posts.  There is a world of knowledge available and at our finger tips.

The responsibility lies with the patient.

Let’s begin with 2014, and learn the facts and strengthen our natural immunity.

To healing, good health, friendship and prosperity,

jen vranes

Vaccination During Pregnancy, Is It Safe? #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions From Vaccines #Preganancy & Vaccines

November 10, 2013

By Barbara Loe Fisher

It was 1977 when I found out I was going to become a Mom. I instinctively knew I needed to be careful while I was pregnant, especially during the first two trimesters when the major organ systems of the fetus develop at a rapid rate. In the 1960’s there had been a lot of publicity about babies dying or being born without arms or legs because women had taken a drug (Thalidomide) for morning sickness in the first or second trimester of pregnancy1 and I wanted to make sure I did everything I could to protect my health and the health of my baby before and after he was born.

Mothers to be in my generation were told to take extra vitamins and eat nutritious food but, most of all, to avoid anything that could harm the developing fetus like alcohol, cigarette smoke, medications, radiation, household cleaning products and other toxic exposures. Some of us were aware of the risks of heavy anesthesia during delivery and signed up for Lamaze classes to prepare for a drug-free birth, which many obstetricians discouraged, and we chose to breastfeed, even though a lot of pediatricians were pushing formula and bottles back then…

Click on above link to read entire article.

  There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from individuals that have witnessed changes in standard health recommendations over the decades without a vested interest.  I once heard the suggestion, “If you want to be good at something then study from those who are successful at that particular skill.” This quote sounds like the obvious but how often do “experts” rely on a biased, financially lucrative view or put trust and base their word on organizations that with a small amount of research prove questionable? I would think when giving health advice to pregnant woman that it should truly be the best and proven healthy advice.