Those are the closing words of the first tenet of the Nuremberg Code – informed consent – and make no mistake about it – from the most personal of parental perspectives, vaccination’s a macabre experiment, every time: no parent can be certain that a vaccine won’t permanently disable her child.(2) Egregiously, the administering doctor or nurse – or CVS pharmacist – in no way meaningfully fulfills his obligation by providing incomplete information, printed on a form he may or may not even offer, all the while touting the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.
More fundamentally, the medical industry in no way fulfills its obligation when it omits from medical school curricula any meaningful education in the reality, nature or extent of vaccine injury, or the essential, fundamentally curative role of the disease recovery process.(3)
Largely because of the internet, it’s now well known that many vaccinated kids develop the very diseases against which they’re supposedly protected…