Big Pharma’s Corporate Crimes and Fines: How Can They Get Away With It?#Family#Android#iPad

by Catherine J. Frompovich

For all those who, in euphemistic terms, “drink the cool aide,” there seems to be an indication that either they truly believe what’s perpetrated upon them as pharmaceutical medical science or they are downright lost in fear and ignorance. That assessment includes brainwashed medical doctors and healthcare practitioners, who ought to know better, and “cease and desist” from taking Big Pharma’s gratuities to push, hawk, or pimp Pharma’s products – or else be subject to peer pressure and professional condemnation.

Big Pharma, as an industry, probably is one of the most sinister of criminals! That’s quite a statement to make, but legal documents prove it. In 2012, the Nordic Cochrane Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, issued and published the paper “Corporate crime in the pharmaceutical industry is common, serious and repetitive,” which was published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ 2012;345:e8462—short version).

That paper was authored by Peter C. Gotzsche, Professor, MD, DrMedSc, MSc.

Professor Gotzsche researched to see if drug companies routinely break the law. Here’s what he found:

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The 21 curious questions we’re never allowed to ask about vaccines#Family#Android#iPad


The surest sign of a medical dictatorship is an aggressively enforced blockade against intelligent questions. Intelligent questions, after all, can destroy a medical police state because they expose the fraud of it.

Intelligent questions — which the vaccine industry characterizes as “dangerous” — are the greatest threat to the vaccine delusions still being played out across the world today, which is precisely why such questions are not allowed to be asked. Those daring to ask such questions are now being threatened with mass arrest and imprisonment — that’s how vulnerable the fraudulent vaccine industry has now become. It can be brought down by mere words if only those words are allowed to be circulated.

What sort of questions are we not allowed to ask? Here are 21 censored questions the obedient, pharma-controlled mainstream media will never dare ask:

Question #1)…

Are Too Many Vaccines Destroying Kids’ Immune Systems?#Family#Android#iPad

 By Sylvia Booth Hubbard

 Today’s children should look like pincushions from the dozens of vaccines they get from birth to the age of 18. “According to the Centers for Disease Control, the onslaught begins within 12 hours of birth when many babies get a Hepatitis B vaccine,” says holistic doctor Dr. David Brownstein. “At two months, eight more vaccines follow, including polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis, and throughout the next few months, they are subjected to boosters of the vaccines they’ve already have plus additional vaccines.

“The CDC recommends that children get 49 doses of 14 vaccines before they reach the age of 6, and the total reaches 69 doses by the age of 18,” Dr. Brownstein tells Newsmax Health. In fact, today’s average child is subjected to three times as many vaccinations as were recommended in 1953. In addition, children’s small bodies are subjected to numerous vaccinations simultaneously.
In 1983, the CDC guidelines stated that doctors shouldn’t give more than four vaccines at the same time. By 2013, CDC guidelines changed to approve giving children up to eight vaccines at once.
What’s the result?…

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Is the Flu Vaccine the Solution or the Problem?#Flu#Superbowl#Vaccines

  by Kelly Brogan MD

Flu Vaccine the Solution or the Problem

The idea behind vitalism and holistic healthcare is that an environment for wellness can be cultivated once we recognize the body’s inherent complexity, wisdom, and its inextricable connection to the world it inhabits. While it is powerful to see studies like the one I am about to describe, supporting immunity is so much more than throwing a supplement at a problem. It goes without saying that we will never “win the war on microbes”. Not with antibiotics. Not with vaccines. Not with bleach and hand sanitizers. The dawn of the our awareness of the microbiome has changed medicine for good. Somehow, despite the face of every other field being rechiseled by science supporting the role of inflammation and the gut microbiome, infectious disease and vaccinology is still living in the early 1900s when the idea of rubbing the pus of a milkmaid onto a little boy seemed compelling…

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Dr. Lee Hieb M.D. – Vaccine Hysteria Could Spark Totalitarian Nightmare#Family#Android#iBelieve

 Health Impact News Editor Comments

Dr. Lee Hieb, writing for, joins the growing ranks of doctors speaking out against forced vaccinations and the current hysteria in the mainstream media. Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr. Hieb’s voice is a voice of reason and common sense on the current vaccine debate. Contrast this with most of the mainstream media today, heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, which are parading doctors into their shows calling for mandatory vaccines by force, and the removal of all licenses to practice for doctors who disagree with them.

Dr. Hieb correctly points out the logical conclusions to allowing government make medical decisions “for the good of society” by letting them inject chemicals into our body:

Medical ethics are clear: No one should be forced to undergo a medical treatment without informed consent and without their agreement to the treatment. We condemn the forced sterilization of the ’20s… 

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Vaccine McCarthyism. What if the Vaccine Paradigm itself is Deliberately Flawed?#iBelieve#iPad#Android

By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale

Within the mainstream medical and scientific community there is an unassailable pseudo-truth that vaccines are safe and effective, whether administered individually or in combination. Within the vaccine injured children and autism movements there is also an unchallenged belief that vaccines are effective but not always safe. In this case, vaccine-injured children or adult family members were simply one of the rare cases where they received a hot lot vaccine or possessed biomolecular abnormalities, such as mitochondria dysfunction, and suffered the consequences. Even many parents with two children developing neurological complications after vaccination, will continue to follow the recommended vaccine schedule. Any medical physician, scientist, nurse, public health advocate, politician, or journalist who questions the myth of vaccine safety and efficacy are often immediately attacked, ridiculed, and designated a conspirator.  In fact, the pro-vaccine propaganda machine sends forth articulate doctors and university scientists to engage in ad hominin personal attacks against vaccine dissenters…

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Awake at 3 a.m.? Try this quick and easy trick to fall back asleep#insomnia#iPad#android

By Dr Flannery

Do you often wake up at 3 a.m., your mind racing with thoughts, and you can’t fall back asleep? Try this crazy sounding but highly effective tip: Eat something! Make sure it’s not something sweet but instead something with protein and fat, such as nut butter, a bit of hard boiled egg, or some meat. Make sure to keep some food next to your bed with a glass of water so you don’t wake yourself up too much by going to the kitchen. You won’t feel hungry and most likely won’t feel like eating, but do it anyway as an experiment. Chances are you will fall right back to sleep. Why?

If things go according to plan you don’t bolt awake at 3 a.m. While you’re sound asleep you’re brain is hard at work and needs plenty of fuel. It is forming memories, clearing out old cells, regenerating — all while you’re fasting, having gone hours without eating. In order to give the brain the energy it needs, the body gradually raises cortisol, an adrenal hormone. Cortisol triggers the release or synthesis of glucose to fuel the brain during the nightlong fast and you sleep through the night.

That’s if things are working right. If you suffer with chronically low blood sugar then you are one of those people who is likely to bolt awake at 3 or 4 a.m. People with low blood sugar will have difficulty making enough cortisol to sustain the brain during the night. To compensate and keep the brain going, the body then releases “fight-or-flight” adrenal hormones. These adrenal hormones raise blood sugar back to a safer level to give the brain fuel. Unfortunately, they also raise stress, which can cause anxiety or panic in the middle of the night. This explains why you wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. with a racing mind, an infinite to-do list, in a panic, or some other stress-addled state.

Things you can do during the day to avoid waking up at 3 a.m.

Although a few bites of food may help you fall back asleep, it’s better to prevent that anxious wake up call in the first place. If low blood sugar has you waking up every morning at 3 a.m. try the following tips:

  • Always eat breakfast, even if you don’t feel like it, and avoid sugary, high-carbohydrate foods with breakfast. Low blood sugar will cause you to wake up with no appetite. You may even feel nauseous. Eat anyway, you need to break the nightlong fast and stabilize your blood sugar.
  • During the day eat frequently enough so blood sugar does not crash.
  • Avoid sweets and starchy foods (breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.) and adopt a lower-carbohydrate diet. People with low blood sugar symptoms typically eat too many sweets and starchy foods as well as frequently skip meals. Eat enough protein and healthy fats to sustain your energy.

Ask my office about nutritional compounds that can help you manage your blood sugar better and sleep through the night.

Post in it’s entirety, is compliments of

What’s in Your Mouth?#Braces#iBelieve#Health

by Dr. Amy Myers M.D.

What’s in Your Mouth?

Most chronic diseases including autoimmune diseases are rooted in inflammation, so I’m always looking for the sources of that inflammation when I treat my patients. I’ve found that inflammation is often caused by five major environmental factors: our diets, a leaky gut, stress, toxins, and infections.

I was inspired to write my upcoming book The Autoimmune Solution to help others get to the root of their own health problems by examining and eliminating each of these risk factors.Changing the diet and healing the gut are big first steps, but the gut isn’t the only place where persistent infections and toxins such as heavy metals can easily enter the bloodstream. There’s another major point of potential exposure: the mouth.

We tend to see human anatomy in terms of separate systems, with dental health as somehow distinct from the rest of the body. The truth is, there is no wall separating your mouth from the rest of you–infections and toxins in the mouth affect your health as a whole! So, what’s in your mouth?…

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