Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All#android#iPad#retweet


An important and definitive “mainstream” government study done nearly a decade ago got little attention because the science came down on the wrong side. It found that after decades and billions of dollars spent promoting flu shots for the elderly, the mass vaccination program did not result in saving lives. In fact, the death rate among the elderly increased substantially.

The authors of the study admitted a bias going into the study. Here was the history as described to me: Public health experts long assumed flu shots were effective in the elderly. But, paradoxically, all the studies done failed to demonstrate a benefit. Instead of considering that they, the experts, could be wrong–instead of believing the scientific data–the public health experts assumed the studies were wrong. After all, flu shots have to work, right?

So the NIH launched an effort to do “the” definitive study that would actually prove, for the first time, once and for all, that flu shots were beneficial to the elderly. The government would gather some of the brightest scientific minds for the research, and adjust for all kinds of factors that could be masking that presumed benefit.

But when they finished, no matter how they crunched the numbers, the data kept telling the same story: flu shots were of no benefit to the elderly…

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‘Mass Sterilization Exercise’ Kenya Discovers Vaccines Laced With Anti-Fertility Agent#android#iPad#retweet

1) Population control is fully underway. 2) Kenya is asking for investigations into WHO.

An article on LifeSiteNews is making new allegations that two United Nations organizations have sterilized millions of girls using anti-tetanus vaccination programs. The programs have also been sponsored by the Kenyan government. This was discovered by the Catholic Church. The Kenyan government claims to be looking into the matter, but seeing they seem to be related to the issue, one has to wonder how unbiased this investigation will turn out.

Kenya’s Catholic bishops are charging two United Nations organizations with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus inoculation program sponsored by the Kenyan government.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine…


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Vaccines—Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good?#android#iPad#retweet

By Dr. Mercola

The multiple-award winning documentary, The Greater Good, was initially released three years ago.

Weaving together stories of families whose lives have been forever altered by vaccine damage, the film reveals how modern medicine, especially when driven by politics, ideology, and big business, can rob you of some of your most basic human rights, including voluntary, informed consent to medical risk-taking.

The results of such politically- and financially-driven public health policies can be devastating. The provocative, ground breaking film, The Greater Good, includes prominent voices messaging about vaccination and health today.

This includes those pushing for mandatory vaccination policies and those opposing forced vaccination policies. It focuses on how we can create positive change and reduce fear so that parents and doctors can work together to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths.

There needs to be an open, rational discussion about vaccination, infectious diseases, and health. After all, don’t all of us want our children to be healthy and safe from unnecessary harm?

If we want to protect the health of ALL children, we cannot continue to ignore the signs that we’ve gone too far with public health policies making mandatory use of multiple vaccines in early childhood as our nation’s No. 1 disease prevention strategy to the point that we may well be sacrificing too many children’s lives in the name of “the greater good”…

From my point of view, there can be little doubt that we need to review the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccination program in the US, and this review needs to include methodologically sound investigative studies that are not compromised by conflicts of interest within industry and government.

If we don’t do that now, we may not be able to stop further damage to the health of future generations…


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The lion who had no courage#android#iPad#retweet

On my “Life with Autism” blog, it is my hope that the words you read are inspirational in some way. But on this blog — I wanted it to be different. I wanted the pictures to be more powerful than the words. Here will be some of our most powerful pictures in our “Life with Autism” – with only a few words to explain.

Doing away with vanity & dignity tonight.

I’m sure Brandon would forgive me if perhaps it would make one member of the mainstream media try and help him… I doubt they’ll ever see this, much like I doubt today’s seizures would be the last.  But, one can hope…. 

He’s had seizures yet again today…and finally at 8pm he tried to get up.  He’s been on the gymnastics mat on the floor of his bedroom right where he landed from the first seizure in falling out of bed this morning. Most parents have the luxury of waking up to the sound of an alarm.  I frequently wake up to the sound of choking, some body part banging against the wall, or a loud thud as he hits the floor.  I met him in the hallway and by the look in his eyes I knew we better go back in his room and not dare try and go downstairs.  It’s hard to describe seeing your child like that.  Hungry, or perhaps thirsty, wanting to just go downstairs to eat or drink, yet somehow not understanding why his body just isn’t willing to do what his mind wants.  So, back in his room, we sat on the bench at the foot of his bed and I gave him his beloved straws and we listened to music.  He dropped his straw and I watched as he tried to get it. His arm jerked this way and that.  Eyes focused on the straw, arm focused on anything but.  I was about to call down and ask Todd to bring something up for him to drink.  To try and get some few precious calories in.  But too late.  The arm started jerking again, his head slumped, and his entire body curled up in a ball and started to convulse right there on the bench in my arms.  All I could do was try and keep him steady…

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58,000 New Autism Cases Per Year. 150 Measles Cases This Year.#android#iPad#retweet

Guest Writer Sharon Pelvic – We have become such a socially misguided society that we can’t even see out of our own ways anymore. The propaganda machine is a steamrolling train that’s trampling our very civil liberties.

In Florida, they are looking to pass legislation that will force every child to be vaccinated. The Florida bill really pushes the envelope here, which is concerning because you must assume other states could come up with more intense and harsh methods to force vaccinations.

In California, the state’s SB277 bill just got one step closer to becoming the law of that land. A state that’s literally running out of water, the lifeblood resource of human beings, is focused on forcing vaccines down it’s people’s throats in exchange for profits and gold.

At the end of the day, what are we looking at as the driving force behind all of this?

150 harmless measles cases.

That’s just baffling. 58,000 kids each year will be diagnosed on the spectrum of Autism to varying degrees, yet 150 non-injurious measles cases have set the stage for one of the biggest, most absurd, marketing campaigns of our time. Big Pharmaceutical companies have overstepped all ethical boundaries and have now become complicit with the destruction of personal and civil rights…


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Why Do So Many Kids Have Food Allergies Now?#android#iPad#retweet

By: Taylor Hengen Newman

In 1995, a taste of peanut butter sent Heather Fraser’s one-year-old son into anaphylactic shock. He was part of the “first wave” of kids in what has become an epidemic—today 1 in every 13 kids has a life-threatening food allergy. With a background in historical research, Heather set out to investigate what’s behind this alarming trend, reading everything she could find: medical literature, textbooks, the history of anaphylaxis and allergy. She eventually found her answer – that “the history of vaccination had been bowdlerized,” and in 2008 wrote a groundbreaking book,The Peanut Allergy Epidemic.”

Now in its second release, as a new batch of kindergarteners head off to school with Epi Pens in hand, Heather’s book is a must-read for all parents. Read on for her insights into what she thinks is really behind the allergy epidemic and what we, as parents, can do about it.

What’s with all the food allergies in kids these days?

The answer is simple and the science is straight-forward, but it’s also highly controversial: vaccination is responsible for the epidemic levels of life threatening allergies to peanut and other foods in children. 100-plus years of medical literature, every vaccine package insert and a Nobel Prize given in 1913 all explain how vaccination causes life threatening anaphylaxis and allergy/atopy to what is in the shot…

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Americans are Talking About Vaccines#android#iPad#retweet

by Barbara Loe Fisher

How many mothers do not witness a child’s vaccine reaction and never understand why their children whose physical, mental and emotional health suddenly regressed after vaccination? How many of those children are filling the special education classrooms, doctors’ offices, mental health facilities, and prisons in America?

What happened to my healthy son after vaccination in 1980 sent me on a journey to learn more and find out why doctors are not talking about vaccine risks, and why a commercial product that can brain damage and kill people is being mandated. In part, I was driven by disappointment in myself. As a college educated woman, who had come from a family of doctors and nurses, and had worked as a writer at a teaching hospital before I became a mom. Why did I irrationally assume that vaccines were 100% safe and effective? Why had I blindly trusted a doctor instead of examining vaccination with the same due diligence that I had researched nutrition and toxic exposures during pregnancy and had taken prepared childbirth classes to weigh the merits of an epidural versus natural childbirth, and breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding?

Some of my questions were answered during the two years of research that medical historian…

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