Monsanto “Goes Organic” and Wins “Sustainability Award”?#Natural Immunity Resources#Adverse Reactions to Vaccines#World

This isn’t a spoof. In addition to this story, we’ll provide you with a round-up of GMO-related news, including why your neighbor may shortly be planting GMO grass right next to you. Action alerts below!

We won’t spend time in this article reiterating past research on why genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are dangerous—you probably already know that they can randomly produce toxic effectsintroduce alarming levels of chemicals into our ecosystems and diet; and have been shown to cause serious health problems—but there have been some recent developments in GMO politics, science, and regulation that we want to share with you.

Here are the news items we’ll cover…

Read the entire article here

Very beneficial points to be aware of in order to minimize the toxins in our environment so that we can maintain as well as strengthen our bodies immune systems.

Related Article:

Huge: China Refused 887,000 Tonnes of US GMO Corn, But may Accept Syngenta’s MIR162 Corn

Monsanto Latte? Consumers Tell Starbucks to go Organic and Drop GMO-Milk

How to Access Homeoprophylaxis#Vaccines#Mandated Vaccines#Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

More and more people are shying away from vaccines and are searching for another way. Global interest in public access to Homeoprophylaxis is growing.  While it has been used in practice for over 200 years, it is only now, in the face of growing concerns over vaccine safety, that people like you are actively seeking it out!

How to Access Homeoprophylaxis

Click on the above link to read more.

If you have ever wondered about natural alternatives to the pharmaceutical vaccines then click on the link above.

Have HPV vaccines caused a global epidemic of psychosomatic disorders?#Vaccines#World#Family

By Norma Erickson

 promoting only safe, affordable, necessary and effective vaccines and vaccination practicesMass hysteria, conversion disorder, psychogenic illness, Munchausen by proxy, fabricated illness – all are terms familiar to those who experience new medical conditions after using the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. Countless people have been told that their new and mysterious symptoms are psychosomatic because doctors are unable to discover what is causing their symptoms.

 Do health authorities truly expect people to believe there is a global epidemic of psychosomatic disorders that just ‘happened’ to begin shortly after the implementation of HPV vaccination programs?

 Why is it that families with daughters and sons who experience new medical conditions after taking Gardasil or Cervarix can visit every kind of medical specialist available without discovering the cause of their child’s symptoms?

 Part of the problem could be that while studying to become doctors, people are taught that vaccine injuries are so rare that they will probably never see one during their entire career.

 Part of the problem could be that vaccine injuries exhibit such a broad range of symptoms that it is difficult to determine whether the symptoms are the result of illness or injury.

 Part of the problem could be there is no diagnostic criteria established for vaccine injuries. Therefore, physicians have no idea what to look for in order to determine if the symptoms are a result of HPV vaccine administration or not.

 Then again, Dr. Mark Flannery may have hit the nail on the head in a recent article he wrote for, in which he stated:


“It is not uncommon for me to encounter a condition I have never seen before as I treat so many people who have been to practitioner after practitioner seeking answers for their obscure health condition. I see patients being dismissed by the medical field because they cannot find a diagnosis.

In the medical field it is all about the diagnosis. In order to get paid or reimbursed by insurance there has to be a diagnosis. In order to determine medical treatment there has to be a diagnosis. If there is no diagnosis to be found then there must not be a problem or the problem is in the head (made up).”


So basically, if it’s not ‘in the book,’ it doesn’t exist except for in the mind?

 Another typical example of the callous disregard for the suffering of those who experience adverse events after Gardasil or Cervarix was expressed by Dr. Yutaka Ohno, of Keio University, who has stated publicly:


“It is impossible to find physical causes for the alleged and presumed adverse reactions at those vaccinated girls, so we cannot help concluding that their so-called adverse reactions are the mere consequences of psychosomatic reactions.  The government should provide counselling to the girls so that they may be freed from their psychosomatic reactions.”


This is a prime example of the attitude being exhibited worldwide when it comes to the thousands of families impacted by serious adverse events after HPV vaccine administration. Forget trying to treat their ailments; let’s free them from their psychosis.

 Where does this leave those unfortunate families whose children are suffering after HPV vaccinations? It doesn’t matter to them that vaccine injuries are supposed to be rare – Their children are suffering and the world does not seem to care.

 Society has failed these families. No one will dispute the fact that vaccine injuries can and do happen. It truly does not matter how rare vaccine injuries are, or are not. What matters is people are suffering needlessly.

 The time has come to find out why some people suffer such severe side effects and why.

 A diagnostic criteria must be established for vaccine injuries so medical professionals know what to look for.

 It is time for medical professionals to find cures for the vaccine injured – it is time to choose science over psychosis.


After Gardasil: I simply want my healthy daughter back

By Anja Brix Larsen, Ringsted, Denmark



Prior to Natasja being vaccinated with Gardasil, she led a very active and healthy lifestyle.  Now please see what has happened to her since the Gardasil vaccine was injected into her body.

My daughter Natasja had the three shots of Gardasil in May, August and December of 2011.

After her second shot she started having severe headaches, tunnel vision and short term loss of her peripheral vision.   I went to the doctor as I was concerned.  Natasja developed a sore throat after her third vaccination. She could not eat and was in a lot of pain throughout her body.  My daughter was very ill for 14 days.

Natasja’s pains did not diminish throughout 2012 and the level of her pain increased.  This continued and there did not appear to be any respite. As we continued into the early part of 2013 her health deteriorated. The pain was constant and she had sensory disturbances on the right side of her face and down her right arm along with blurred vision and severe headaches.    Natasja was hospitalized and after a lumbar puncture was diagnosed with a neurological disorder and Borrelia, otherwise known as Lyme disease.

That was the very first diagnosis we had received.  The situation did not improve throughout 2013. Things just became more frustrating as her symptoms seemed to increase all the time.  Her headaches became more painful, she was nauseous, vomiting a lot of the time, having heart palpitations and finding it very difficult to concentrate.  There was hardly a part of Natasja’s body that was not painful. 

We were of course attending the doctor or being admitted again into hospital.  She was also starting to get some physiotherapy.  Her second diagnosis in March of 2013 was severe pain and benign intracranial increased pressure.

Joint Swelling

Joint Swelling

The year did not get any better. Natasja’s pains became more severe. Her knee joints would swell up (see picture) and at times she could hardly manage to get upstairs.  Her stomach cramps increased and she was having serious diarrhoea.  During this time we were consulting a Rheumatologist and also a hormone specialist who was concerned about Natasja’s size and height.

In August 2013, Natasja was hospitalized again as she was still having serious headaches and continued to be nauseous.  This time she was diagnosed with Cephalalgia which is described as a pain in her head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs.

The headaches and feeling sick continued and was truly disrupting her life.  She was still losing feeling in her left leg but as always the doctor had no idea why this was happening.  This doctor wanted to try and keep a watchful eye on how she was progressing and I did mention to him about the HPV vaccine.  Natasja was put on to another drug, amitriptyline 10 mg which was to be increased until she was on seven tablets a day. 

She was still going to school, or trying to, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to do so.  The school was very good in that they provided a bed for her to have a rest if she needed to.  Eventually they allowed our daughter to go for a few hours per day and to attend in classes that would not be too difficult for her.

Then in October 2013, Natasja had to be admitted again to Frederiksberg Hospital and this time she was diagnosed as having POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). This condition is an abnormality of the functioning of the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system.  Some of the medications she is on do not appear to be helping and they will be reviewing these and making changes as and when they think it is right to do so. 

Natasja has lost of a lot of weight and her body is bloated as if there is a lot of fluid retention.  Her legs are particularly vulnerable to this swelling.

Things do not improve as we go into 2014.  To allow our daughter to sleep we had to call the emergency medical service who gave her a morphine tablet.  In January, she was re-admitted to hospital, yet again. 

This is a list of the symptoms she has experienced since being vaccinated. 

Unexplained Rash

Unexplained Rash

List of Symptoms:

  • Severe headache, high pressure in her head;
  • Visual disturbances;
  • Dizziness and confusion, difficulty concentrating;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Unexplained rashes;
  • Cannot cope with questions;   difficulty in making decisions;
  • Sweating and freezing at the same time;   cold fingers and legs; trembling hands;
  • Chest pains and palpitations; feeling pressure in her chest; heartburn;
  • Nauseous almost all of the time; frequent v omitting;
  • Muscular, stomach, leg pains;
  • Bloated body and swollen legs, difficulty in walking;
  • Tension and pain in neck and back;
  • Swollen tonsils, swollen lymph nodes;
  • Mouth ulcers, dry mouth;
  • Fatigue, feeling faint;
  • High pulse; heart throbbing.

A link is also provided here to the diary I kept of all the events which have taken place since Natasja was vaccinated way back in 2011:   Read the diary of symptoms and medical visits kept by Anja, mother of Natasja

Update since Natasja was released from hospital

Natasja is now home. They could not find the reason for her symptoms. They have only tried psychiatric treatment and she’s been promised a ski trip with the hospital on the 5th April 2014 to France so she can mix socially with others and try physical exercise.

She has her ups and downs, with pain worst in her knees, stomach and head. She has started home schooling run by the school. She also started handicap riding but had so much pain after two days that she had to stay in bed for a further two days afterwards. She has had a conversation with a psychiatrist at the hospital and they think it would be good for her to continue with this so we shall see what comes out of it. They say that the reason for her headaches and pain is psychiatric.

Gardasil: I want my daughter back.

Gardasil: I want my healthy daughter back.

I feel that the medicine she gets for her POTS has started to work well, she is not so often dizzy any more, just a little sometimes when everything goes black and she has to immediately lie down on the floor.

How can someone who once was so healthy suddenly develop all these illnesses and symptoms?  My greatest wish is that someone out there would help my daughter to recover, to be free of pain and to become the once healthy, happy and very active young woman she once was.

All I want is for my daughter to recover and become her old self again. That surely is not too much to ask.

Anja and Natasja, I am so sorry you have had to endure such a painful and grievous trial.  You are no doubt stronger and wiser for it but I hope and pray events turn for the better for you.

I would use caution with the psychiatric care at this point.  If the doctor doesn’t believe the symptoms are real than his care could prove detrimental.

I have recently become aware of girls and at times their mothers as well being committed rather than healed from physical symptoms.  A cowardly, and lazy alternative to healing victims of the Gardasil reactions.

Unfortunately, some will cling violently to the belief that vaccines cause little to no harm and to think that there is any doubt remaining on the effects of the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccine is hard to believe.  A situation we just have to deal with but there is good news.

Our Heavenly Father has heard the pleas and prayers and there are wonderful practitioners who have stepped up to the plate.  Men and woman of great compassion and skill.  I wouldn’t waste any time with practitioners who do not understand your plight.  Every day is so precious and Natasja can have healing begin right away.

Distance is not a consideration.  You can phone/skype and start recovery today.  You are woman of strength and this weighty trial can begin to be lifted. What a beautiful family you are and I have chosen a favorite artist to soothe some of the heaviness of the day in the clip below.

Sanevax Inc has names of doctors with a proven track record and I as well have a Featured Doctors link on my site. I wish you all the best and have you in my prayers.
jen 🙂

Anja og Natasja , jeg er så ked af, at du har måttet udholde sådan en smertefuld og alvorlig retssag. Du er uden tvivl stærkere og klogere for det, men jeg håber og beder begivenheder vende til det bedre for dig.

Jeg ville bruge forsigtighed med psykiatrisk behandling på dette punkt. Hvis lægen ikke mener, symptomerne er reelle end hans omsorg kan være skadelig .

Jeg har for nylig blevet opmærksom på pigers og til tider deres mødre samt bliver begået snarere end helbredt fra fysiske symptomer. En fej og doven alternativ til helbredelse ofre for Gardasil reaktioner.

Desværre vil nogle klynger sig voldsomt til at tro, at vacciner forårsager lidt at ingen skade, og at tro, at der er nogen tvivl tilbage om virkningerne af Gardasil / Cervarix vaccine er svært at tro. En situation, vi bare nødt til at beskæftige sig med , men der er gode nyheder.

Vor himmelske Fader har hørt de anbringender og bønner, og der er vidunderlige praktiserende læger, der har optrappet til pladen. Mænd og kvinde af stor medfølelse og dygtighed . Jeg ville ikke spilde tiden med praktiserende læger , der ikke forstår din situation . Hver dag er så dyrebar og Natasja kan have helbredende begynde med det samme .

Afstanden er ikke en overvejelse. Du kan ringe / skype og starte recovery dag. Du er kvinde af styrke og denne tungtvejende retssag kan begynde at blive løftet . Sikke en smuk familie du er, og jeg har valgt en favorit kunstner til at dulme nogle af tyngde af dagen i klippet nedenfor.

Sanevax Inc har navne på læger med en dokumenteret track record , og jeg så godt have en featured Læger link på min hjemmeside. Jeg ønsker dig alt det bedste og har dig i mine bønner.
jen :)

Dr. Mark Flannery – Featured Doctor#Vaccines#World#Family

 Last month, I was honored to recognize Dr. Mark Flannery during our Featured Doctors week.  He wrote an informative and straight-forward article for the blog. A couple of weeks later, I became aware that Dr. Flannery had treated over 80 Gardasil victims.  Families have sought his care from many parts of the world.  After looking into this I felt it appropriate to ask him to return and share some of his experiences with us.

You will also find a link to some other fascinating posts that he has written.  One of which, is about a young woman who has had significant healing in a short amount of time while under his care.  We shared her Gardasil story and now we get to know her doctor. 

Thank you, Dr. Flannery, for being a beacon of light to those who desperately need your care and  talking with us today in hopes to have fewer vaccine-injuries.

By Dr. Mark Flannery

It was about 6 years ago that I received a call from a patient of mine. She said her niece, SJ, who lived in Nebraska, was suffering from a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine. SJ had severe stomach pain, nausea and vomited often. She also suffered from debilitating headaches. The hospital in her hometown refused to treat her because her lab tests were normal and the doctors told her it was all in her head. My patient said that her family was packing their bags and coming out to California to see if I could help SJ.

I remember talking with my wife after that phone call and wondering what I was going to do for SJ. I had never treated someone for a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine before and I did not know if I could help her. My wife said, “Do what you always do and you will help her.”

It is not uncommon for me to encounter a condition I have never seen before, as I treat so many people that have been to practitioner after practitioner seeking answers for their obscure health condition. What I have learned over the years is to treat the person NOT the condition. Too often I see patients being dismissed by the medical field because they cannot find a diagnosis.

 In the medical field it is all about the diagnosis. In ordered to get paid or reimbursed by insurance there has to be a diagnosis. In order to determine treatment there must be a diagnosis. If there is no diagnosis to be found then there must not be a problem or the problem is in the head (made up). The medical field dismisses patient after patient, yet these patients are suffering greatly. This is madness.

 Why are they focusing on the diagnosis (the condition) when there is a human being standing before them, suffering. Why not treat the person? This is what I do in my office: I treat the person and not their condition. I run tests, not to determine a diagnosis, but to determine function. I want to know what is working and what is not working in the patient’s body. Then, I can focus on restoring function to the patient’s body. Once function is restored, symptoms are lessened or healed completely.

 This is exactly what I did for SJ! When she first came in to my office, her stomach hurt so much I could not even touch her stomach without her screaming in pain. I ordered some tests to determine function, and then began to treat her with a modified diet and supplements. In the beginning she vomited up most of the supplements, but after a few days she started to hold them down. Within a week I was able to examine her stomach without her screaming in pain. Within a few weeks most of her symptoms were gone. It took sometime to get her in a stable place but we got there.

 Fast forward 6 years and I have now treated over 80 girls and boys worldwide that have had devastating reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. I have learned that there is no silver bullet treatment. I treat each one as an individual. I run diagnostic tests, evaluate the situation and support what I find. I can’t say I have helped every patient who has had a reaction to the Gardasil vaccine, but I have helped most of my patients. I have even helped several girls in life-threatening situations recover and return to a normal life again.

 I have spent many hours talking with so many that have been damaged by this vaccine. My heart breaks for all the girls, boys, and families that have been devastated by this vaccine. I pray that each and every girl and boy affected finds the proper care they need, and for the word to get out about this vaccine so no one has to endure the side effects. I would encourage you to keep hoping and keep searching for what will help you or your child recover.

Below is the story we featured this past month and the link to the rest of Ashlee’s story and other accounts as well.

Gardasil: Ashlie’s Near-Death Experience

Ashlie in the hospital

In the middle of June 2009, Ashlie received her first and only Gardasil vaccine.  Approximately 16 days later Ashlie began to complain that her legs were not working correctly… The next morning, I came downstairs and Ashlie was lying on the couch. She told me that she had crawled from her room and down the stairs to get to the couch. She informed me she could not walk. I asked her to stand. She tried and fell to the floor.

She was quickly taken to our local ER. The doctor threw his hands in the air saying he had no idea and it must be growing pains…

Later that night, I helped Ashlie in and out of the bathtub because she could no longer walk. I went to hand her something and to my horror discovered that her arms and hands were not working either… I rushed Ashlie to an ER over an hour away.  I carried her in, and for a crowded ER on a Saturday night, she was seen within 1 hour.

Ashlie now

…We were told that she had Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). I could not figure out how she got this.

Once she was admitted to the hospital, they handed me a bunch of literature on GBS. My answer to how she contracted GBS was in the first sentence that I read, and it said that you can get GBS from a vaccine. She had just had a vaccine, the Gardasil vaccine earlier that month.

Read more about Ashlie…



Mark Flannery, D.C., M.S., B.S.

Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine

Diplomate of the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition
Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition
Scientific Speaker, Apex Energetics
Certified Nutrition Specialist

HealthWise Clinical Nutrition
5850 Canoga Ave., Suite 240
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
818.704.5685 Tel
818.704.5689 Fax

Skype Name:

Dr. David Clark – Featured Doctor#HPV Vaccine#Autism Spectrum#Vaccines

Welcome to this months Featured Doctors week. 

Today we are fortunate to hear from Dr. David J. Clark, D.C.  Dr. Clark is a board-certified Chiropractic Neurologist.  A specialty with less than 1,000 other doctors in the world. This is a ground-breaking, new field, which offers the best diagnostic and treatment techniques available.

This field combines the latest research findings from psychology, neuropsychiatry, neurology, neurophysiology, nutrition and more. 

As you will hear in his video, within the link below, these techniques allow to heal the patient not mask symptoms.  I think we all know that finding the right doctor and technique make all the difference.  Dr. Clark has treated numerous patients and brought great relief and healing back into their lives.

Thank you Dr. Clark for taking the time to share some of your expertise and insights. The video clip below, within the link, provides details on specific Gardasil/Cervarix injuries and the treatment protocol.

Dr. David J. Clark, DC is a board-certified Functional Neurologist, Clinical Nutritionist and Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist based in Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He has devoted the last 13 years to treating chronically sick patients suffering with autoimmune conditions, developmental delays and neurological problems.

Because he had worked for many years with Autistic Spectrum children, Dr. Clark already knew how devastating vaccine injuries can be not only to the child, but for the entire family.

Since 2008, Dr. Clark has personally witnessed Gardasil®‘s disastrous side effects on the nervous system, immune system and endocrine system. The damage is so severe, Dr. Clark says….

“Gardasil® injury is the New Autism.”

In the exclusive video linked below, Dr. Clark reveals the Top 3 Neuro-Endocrine-Immune problems caused by Gardasil® Injury:

  1. Autoimmunity
  2. Metal-Induced Immune System Hypersenstivity
  3. Dysautonomia

…And how these three cause the common symptoms of Gardasil® Injury:

  • Headaches: migraines, basilar migraine, pressure
  • Muscle and Joint symptoms: pain, stiffness, spasms
  • Fatigue, Low Energy and Poor Stamina for normal daily activities
  • Stroke-like symptoms: difficulty walking, talking, cognitive issues
  • Neurological symptoms: seizures, brain fog, neuropathy
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation

He also explains exactly how his Neuro-Metabolic treatment programs for Gardasil® Injury help heal this damage, restore hope and give back the lives of vaccine-injured patients.

 Dr. Clark has a long wait list so if you are in need of his immediate help then follow the protocol within the above link in order to be seen as soon as possible.


Father Jailed For Life Without Parole After His 12 Week-Old Daughter Died After Receiving 8 Vaccinations!#Mandated Vaccines#Vaccines#World

On January 15, 2014, Mr. John Sanders was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the murder of his 12 week-old baby daughter, Ja’Nayjah, who died just 24 days after receiving eight vaccinations in one day.

Ja’Nayjah Sanders was born a healthy, normal baby and received routine vaccinations, along with her mother, Marrie, before leaving the hospital. Two days later, at a routine checkup, the doctor told Marrie that her daughter had lost a couple of pounds since her birth and asked her to bring the baby back the next day for tests…

Read entire article here

Father imprisoned for life due to one-sided reports of out-dated, junk science.  Click on above link to read more.


Children Exposed to More Brain-Harming Chemicals Than Ever Before #Autism Spectrum#MMR Vaccine#Mandated Vaccines

A new report finds the number of chemicals contributing to brain disorders in children has doubled since 2006

By   Feb. 14, 2014

In recent years, the prevalence of developmental disorders such as autismattention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and dyslexia have soared. While greater awareness and more sophisticated diagnoses are partly responsible for the rise, researchers say that the changing environment in which youngsters grow up may also be playing a role.

Read the rest of the article here

As we know, adjuvants within vaccines carry a number of harmful chemicals.  Unlike many of the above examples, vaccine injections go straight through the brain-blood barrier.  

Related Articles:

How to Help Eliminate the Hidden Enemy that Triggers Autism