Parents Share Why They Will Never Vaccinate Again#android#iPad#retweet

1. My Son died 40 hours after his 2 mos. shots. I NEVER knew of vaccine injury before. I feel guilty everyday because it was the one thing I didn’t look into and wish I did. Death

2. After my daughter suffered an adverse reaction to her 2 month shots, we were made to believe it was normal and that she’d be fine. It didn’t sit right so we delayed heavily. She received her 6 month shots at her 8 month appointment and then they suggested we catch her up. I was so angry that they would even recommend such a thing! So many shots full of multiple vaccines in one sitting. We never went back. In fact, my daughter has never been to a doctor appointment since then except her follow up with a specialist after breaking her arm and visiting the ER.  Injury or adverse reaction

3. I wish that were the case for me. I get blackmailed into well child visits. I work for a state gov and the insurance is fantastic. The whole family is on my insurance. However I also have to participate in this “health enhancement program”. We have to do physicals and well visits and things like that. They say it’s a choice but if you choose not to be a part of the program the cost of insurance triples and I can’t afford that. Luckily we like our pediatrician who doesn’t force the vax issue. But I hate being told I have to do things which are unnecessary. If the program ever made childhood vaccines something you had to do I would have no choice but to drop this insurance and we would be screwed.  Coerced or forced…

…4. For me it was when I had to be revaccinated for hep b to take a job in the medical field. I had records showing I’d had the full series, yet was being shown through a titer for hep b that I had no antibodies towards it. I thought how could that be, don’t vaccines make you immune….why do I need more? I started my research from there, this was years before we had kids.  Research or Family Experience

5. I’m a nurse and I worked giving the flu vaccine to employees all over los angeles. We were told to lie about the shots and the contents. Also the way we handled the vials was very important. We were not supposed to get vaccine on our hands.  Then my daughter started getting reactions and I found myself praying she didn’t die after her round of shots from the dr. When I finally realized I could say no, I did.

What were the lies specifically? That there wasn’t mercury or other ingredients or anything else?…

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by admin

What are the ingredients for a revolution? Such a recipe can be combined together in many different ways. History has continually shown that real change that truly educates and empowers everyday people rarely comes from central governments and corporations. There is nothing more dedicated and pure on this planet than a mother’s love for her child. This timeless maternal instinct has given birth to a true revolution unlike anything witnessed in modern times.

Moms Know Best

Children are being damaged by vaccines; this is a fact. Trusting mothers have become activated by a deep desire to rescue their children from a system that has let them down, despite government regulatory agencies that are asleep at the wheel and failing to protect the health of our children. In the face of a mainstream medical community that has lost sight of its ethics and independent thinking, mothers have united through love in a common goal to provide answers for their children when the medical, legal, and political systems have given up on them. The Thinking Moms’ Revolution (TMR) was born out of a deep desire to recover their children.

Starting from the dedicated work of 23 mothers (and one dad) of children harmed by the system…

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Rise In Autism Linked To Chickenpox Vaccine Containing Aborted Fetal DNA#android#iPad#retweet

The Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute has uncovered CDC and Department of Education data that shows that chickenpox vaccine use is highly statistically related to autism disorder prevalence in every state in the US.

While many parents have questioned vaccines containing mercury for years as possibly related to the rise in autism, this new research suggests another and far more ghoulish contaminant – aborted fetal remains. That’s right. Some vaccines actually contain aborted fetal DNA material. And while the use of mercury in vaccines has declined drastically, autism rates have continued to climb along with the inclusion of abortion materials in vaccines!! With autism a constant focus in our society today, why won’t the CDC and Department of Education – or the mainstream media – touch this??

Following is the compelling report of Dr. Theresa Deisher, President, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute:

Over four years ago it was obvious to my eye that autism disorder rates changed dramatically in certain specific years. Looking at autism disorder prevalence data from the US Dept of Education it was clear that there were three specific years in which autism prevalence rose dramatically, and Sound Choice went on to perform the statistical analysis to show that 1980, 1988 and 1996 were ‘changepoint’ years for autism disorder.

In 2010 the EPA published data confirming the 1988 changepoint as a worldwide autism disorder changepoint. As the EPA scientists point out in their publication, identification of ‘changepoints’ such as these tell us that some environmental factor was introduced that triggered such a sudden and dramatic rise in autism. Shown in the accompanying diagram are the 3 changepoints Sound Choice identified for autism disorder prevalence in the US. What environmental factor is associated with these three changepoints? The only childhood universal factor that is associated with all three changepoints is the introduction ofvaccines contaminated with aborted fetal DNA and retroviral fragments…

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GOP Candidates Speak the Truth About Vaccines#android#iPad#retweet

Recently the GOP candidates for US President debated the issues and we were delighted to see that one of the most important issues facing our nation today, namely vaccine safety, was addressed by several candidates. Of course the candidates who expressed their concerns about vaccine safety were pilloried for doing so, but we’ve come to expect that from the pharma-funded media!

Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, and Dr. Rand Paul, weighed in on the vaccine controversy by alternately stating that there are too many vaccines too soon and that many are unnecessary. Trump shared he was aware of the perfectly healthy children of his staff regressing into autism after vaccines.[i] (See candidates’ quotes below.)

So what gives? Federal law recognizes that vaccines injure and kill but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the pharmaceutical industry all proclaim the safety and necessity of the entire vaccine schedule.[ii] And now the candidates, two of whom are doctors, acknowledge problems with the vaccine schedule, a view shared by millions of Americans. As vaccines are given in combinations but only studied individually it is no wonder so many are concerned, not to mention there is no research demonstrating the safety of this practice – rather it is assumed safe…

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