30 Scientific Studies Showing the Link between Vaccines and Autism#android#iPad#retweet

by  Lisa Joyce Goes

Evidence that vaccines can cause autism

It is an often repeated fallacy that there is no research that supports the supposition that vaccines can cause autism. This talking point is most often repeated by medical personnel and public health officials who have simply never been told that these studies exist, and in some cases by those who refuse to read the information when it is offered to them, so they continue to labor under the false assumption that vaccine autism causation is merely an “internet rumor” or a result of one paper that was published in 1998.

This untruth was again testified to during the HHS Committee hearings

In fact, the first research paper to offer evidence that vaccines may cause autism was THE first paper ever written on autism. In the 1930’s, Child Psychiatrist Leo Kanner discovered 11 children over the course of several years who displayed a novel set of neurological symptoms that had never been described in the medical literature, where children were withdrawn, uncommunicative and displayed similar odd behaviors. This disorder would become known as “autism.” In the paper, Dr. Kanner noted that onset of the disorder began following the administration of a small pox vaccine. This paper, was published in 1943, and evidence that vaccination causes an ever increasing rate of neurological and immunological regressions, including autism, has been mounting from that time until now.

Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact

Leo Kanner, Johns Hopkins University, 1943

“Since 1938, there have come to our attention a number of children whose condition differs so markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far, that each case merits – and, I hope, will eventually receive – at detailed consideration of its fascinating peculiarities.”

All of Kanners cases were born after, and began to appear following, the introduction of Eli Lilly’s new form of water soluble mercury in the late 1920s…

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Despite High Child Vaccination Rates, CDC Calls for Shaming Schools#android#iPad#retweety

by Barbara Loe Fisher

With military precision, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced at an Aug. 27, 2015 press conference that national vaccination rates among young children in the U.S. continue to be very high but that more must be done to tag and track down children without every government recommended vaccine and publicly shame schools that fail to maintain a 95% plus vaccine coverage rate. Assistant Surgeon General Anne Schuchat, MD (RADM, USPHS) made the siren call to all states to require public and private schools to publicly post vaccine coverage and exemption rates.1

At the same time, Dr. Schuchat, who is a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, confirmed that CDC data indicates that less than one percent of children aged 19 to 36 months are unvaccinated, while fewer than 1.7% of children attending kindergarten during 2014-2015 had medical, religious or conscientious belief vaccine exemptions...

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School Nurse Confesses: “I Would Have NEVER Vaccinated My Own Children!”#android#iPad#retweet

In response to a recent controversial blog I posted called “Media Left Out Horrifying Facts about Measles Shot,” Joanne, a nurse, emailed me. She wrote:

“As a school nurse against immunizations, you can imagine the war I am in right now.”Dollarphotoclub_62082633

If anyone knows a thing or two about administering medicine, it’s Joanne. I’ve been designing and making it for over twenty years, but I’ve never been in a clinical setting to witness first hand the results of mass use.  Joanne is currently in her 9th year working as a school nurse and prior to that, worked as a public health nurse and did substitute school nursing.

She sees firsthand what goes on in schools, while observing the complete lack of common sense among parents who are uninformed about vaccines.

I asked Joanne if I could interview her, and she generously agreed to share some details about her experiences as a school nurse. What follows is an uncensored, no-holds-barred interview with Joanne on how vaccines have wreaked havoc in her schools and why she is AGAINST mandatory vaccination…

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Bring on the Adult Mandates!#android#iPad#retweet

What’s the difference between a vaccine-injured two-month old and a vaccine-injured 30-year old?  The 30-year old has a Facebook account and is going to tell everyone about it.  The poor baby has to suffer several more rounds after its mother is told “It’s all normal,” but an adult is probably not going to ride that bull more than once before speaking up.

Guillain Barre? ADEM? Anaphylatic shock? Instant food allergy?  Joint pain?  Shoulder injury?  Brand new seizure disorder?  Tell us alllll about it.  Be sure to file for compensation while you’re at it. I can’t wait to hear these stories.  Adult mandates are going to be the greatest thing to ever happen to this non-existent anti-vaccination movement.

What, you didn’t know that adult vaccine mandates are on the horizon?…

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