CDC vaccine-autism fraud: what victory looks like#Vaccines#ASD#iBelieve

Here’s a clue: victory doesn’t look like a trickle of hidden data occasionally seeping out of a cavern.

This is all about making a case. An explosive case.

Most (honest) scientists don’t have a clue. They don’t know how or why a story explodes. They tend to favor the “trickle theory” of releasing information because it fits their notion of order and pattern.

Order and pattern have nothing to do with the asymmetrical way a story expands.

Maybe CDC whistleblower William Thompson eventually comes forward with a definitive public statement about egregious fraud at the CDC; maybe he doesn’t.

Waiting for him to do the right thing is a loser’s game.

There is another avenue to pursue:

The CDC data that would reveal fraud.

Data contradicting the CDC assertion that there is no connection between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Whistleblower Thompson apparently claims the “no-connection” study was massaged, cooked, stepped on. Key pieces were buried…

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CDC Whistleblower Reveals Widespread Manipulation of Scientific Data and Top-Down Pressure on CDC Scientists to Support the Fraudulent Applicationof Government Policies on Vaccine Safety#ASD#Vaccines#iBelieve

Whistleblower Says CDC Knew in 2003 of Higher Autism Rate Among African-American Boys Receiving MMR Shot Earlier Than 36 Months  

WATCHUNG, NJ–(Marketwired – August 18, 2014) – A top research scientist working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a key role in helping Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation uncover data manipulation by the CDC that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys. The whistleblower came to the attention of Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, after he had made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for original data on the DeStefano et al MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism study.

Dr. Hooker’s study, published August 8 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Translational Neurodegeneration, shows that African-American boys receiving their first MMR vaccine before 36 months of age are 3.4 times more likely to develop autism vs. after 36 months…

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Are Vaccines Right for Your Child? Debunking the Myths of the DTaP Vaccine#Pregnancy#Vaccines#iBelieve

by Christina England

Families with new babies who query vaccinations in Arizona are being given a wad of paperwork assuring them that vaccinations are safe and effective. Reading through this information, I was shocked to see exactly what these vulnerable parents are being told, because, as usual, they are only being told half the story.

Part one of the paperwork, titled Infections Are the Enemy, Not Vaccines, was written by Karen Lewis, MD, the Medical Director of the Arizona Immunization Program Office for the Arizona Department of Health Services and published by the magazine Immunications. She wrote…

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Researcher who dispelled vaccine-autism link: “Most-wanted fugitive”#Vaccines#ASD#iBelieve

A former Centers for Disease Control (CDC) researcher, best known for his frequently-cited studies dispelling a link between vaccines and autism, is still considered on the lam after allegedly using CDC grants of tax dollars to buy a house and cars for himself.

Poul Thorsen, listed as a most-wanted fugitive by the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, was discredited in April 2011 when he was indicted on 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering. Some have argued that his alleged fraudulent behavior calls into question the validity of his studies. There is no indication the studies have been retracted to date.According to the HHS Inspector General…
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Before You Vaccinate Your Pet, Be Aware of Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis (GME)#Pets#Vaccines#iBelieve

 The traditional veterinary community considers GME to be idiopathic, which means we don’t know why it happens. However, there is also suspicion that the disease may be caused by an abnormal immune response to an infectious agent. While most conventional vets don’t acknowledge a link between autoimmune diseases and vaccines – especially Lyme, rabies, and leptospirosis vaccines – holistic vets have long voiced concern about what certainly seems to be a cause-and-effect relationship between certain vaccines and the subsequent development of autoimmune disorders in pets.

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Titer Test: Safer for Your Pet Than Routine Vaccines, and at an Affordable Cost#Vaccines#Pets#Health

 By Dr. Becker

Recently, I ran across an ABC News article titled “Dog Owners Wade Into Vaccine Debate,” which caught my interest, especially since August has been designated “National Immunization Awareness Month” by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

I’m all for immunization awareness, but I’m not sure what the AVMA has in mind. I suspect it might have to do with reminding pet guardians to comply with the latest re-vaccination guidelines, thereby insuring that dogs and cats are repeatedly and in most cases unnecessarily subjected to the viruses, chemicals, adjuvants, and other potential toxins contained in vaccines.

But anyway… back to the ABC News article. The reporter who wrote the piece interviewed a man with three dogs, and starts off by saying the owner “refuses” to vaccinate them, which isn’t accurate. Reading a little further, it’s clear the owner doesn’t refuse to vaccinate – he refuses to RE-vaccinate for anything other than rabies, a vaccine that, as we all know, is required by law.

The man being interviewed, Rodney Habib, feels that repeated immunizations do more harm than good, and since he provides his dogs with puppy shots – core vaccines against distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus (infectious hepatitis) – he believes they will remain immune for years, if not for life…

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These Tricks Are Played to Get You to Vaccinate Your Child#Vaccines#Whooping Cough#iBelieve

By TLB Contributor: Christina England.  

Countries around the world are coming up with more and more elaborate tricks to pressure parents into fully vaccinating their children. Recently we have seen them telling barefaced lies, denying unvaccinated children access to daycare facilities and excluding students from attending their graduation ceremony over a chicken pox scare. To learn more, please continue reading.

Scare Tactics Used in Australia

Over the last few weeks, newspapers in Australia have reported that due to the changes being made to the Public Health Act, parents will be forced to produce an up-to-date vaccine certificate, or a conscientious exemption form countersigned by their doctor, if they want to use day care facilities for their children. Any day care facility failing to comply with these new regulations is likely to incur a fine.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the President of the NSW branch of the Australian Medical Association, Brian Owler, has declared this “a sensible move.” He believes that making parents supply mandatory documentation about their children’s vaccination status will boost vaccination rates. [1]

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Dr. Andrew Wakefield: “Massive Proportion” Question Vaccine Safety – Responds to “Why Not Every Child?”#Vaccines#iBelieve#ASD

Dr. Wakefield’s presentation was informative, eye-opening – and his words need to be shared. The entire video presentation can be viewed below.

His response to the question, “Why not every child?” is compelling – and his conclusion as to why there is no universal outcome is thought-provoking. Timing of vaccination is as crucial to neuro-development as the timing of Thalidomide was to limb development. And in both cases, the timing led to a certain percentage of children developing autism. There is still so much to learn – to understand about the bio-chemical natures of our bodies that will ultimately affect the health outcomes of our children.

It is impossible as Dr. Wakefield stated, for parents to know the risk – the down side – the health outcome of their child prior to vaccination. It’s a game of Russian roulette. Neither parent nor child should be subjected to that type of crap shoot. Based on what Dr. Wakefield shared at AutismOne – there is no such thing as informed consent for vaccination

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