The Scary Facts Most Parents Don’t Know About Vaccine Injury Compensation#Family#Android#iPad

by Missy Fleugge

Vaccine injures and adverse reactions are massively under-reported, as admitted by the Centers for Disease Control. Estimates show that only one to ten percent of vaccine injuries and deaths are actually filed with the government.

In the United States, the government has created a database to keep track of hundreds of kinds of reactions to vaccinations, including fevers, soreness, seizures, swelling of the brain, arthritis, and death. Since its inception, this program has awarded over $2.5 billion to individuals and families who have suffered vaccine injury and death. These awards are funded by taxes on vaccines.  [1]

Even though health care providers are required by law to report vaccine injuries, most of these adverse events are not made public in this database, known as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Parents may not know that common reactions to vaccines, including fevers, long bouts of crying, or rashes following vaccination should be reported to their child’s doctor. When a more serious adverse event occurs, parents may be too overwhelmed to make sure a report is filed.

Unfortunately, rather than educating doctors and parents about the importance of reporting all adverse reactions to vaccines to the VAERS database, the US government has just tightened the requirements for reporting an adverse reaction, making the process even more difficult…

Continue to the article here

Update: HPV vaccines and the Supreme Court of India#HPV#Vaccines#Android

 By Norma Erickson

January 2013, the government of India was ordered by their Supreme Court to file an answer to allegations put forth in a petition filed on behalf of Gramya Resource Centre for Women from Andhra Pradesh. This petition challenged the licensing of Gardasil and Cervarix for use in the private sector as well as attempts to introduce HPV vaccines for use in the public sector. The petition implicated the Drugs Controller for having licensed the vaccines without adequate research on safety and efficacy;  the Health Ministry for not carrying out an enquiry into licensing of these vaccines as ordered by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare in April 2010 and not taking any action on the report of the internal enquiry committee despite all alleged irregularities associated with the PATH project being confirmed.

October 2014, India’s Supreme Court Justices issued instructions for all petitioners and respondents in the ongoing case against to either serve the opposition with copies of affidavits filed and/or file any affidavits and rejoinder affidavits pertinent to the case within the next four weeks. The matter was then set for what was supposed to be a final hearing on January 13, 2015.

When the ’final’ hearing date arrived, several respondents had still not complied with these instructions. At least one of them went so far as to hold their two-and-a-half-foot tall affidavit for presentation to the Court on  January 13th. The Honorable Supreme Court Justices did not seem to be amused.

After hearing the evidence presented on January 13th, Justices Dipak Misra and Prafulla C. Pant issued an order reminding all participants of concerns raised in a prior hearing on 12 August 2014. Those concerns are as follows:

  • Did the Drugs Controller of India and the ICMR (Indian Council on Medical Research) follow proper protocol for the introduction of HPV vaccines prior to the use of said vaccines in the demonstration projects in India?
  • What actions were taken after the submission of the Parliamentary Committee’s 72nd report on August 30, 2014?
  • What were the reasons for choosing certain places in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh for the HPV vaccine demonstration projects?
  • What actually caused the deaths and other ailments experienced after HPV vaccine administration in said demonstration projects?
  • What steps were taken to monitor the safety of HPV vaccines by the Union of India and the State Governments who have an equal role in guarding the health of the nation?
  • Was proper consent given by the parents/guardians of all girls who were administered HPV vaccines, as the Justices been apprised?
  • What protocol is required to be observed/followed when this type of vaccination program is conducted?

The Honorable Supreme Court Justices deemed it appropriate to grant permission for the State of Gujarat, State of Andhra Pradesh, and State of Telangana to be added as parties to the current case.

The Justices also agreed to M/S Glaxosmithkline Asia Pvt. Ltd. and MSD Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., the companies responsible for manufacturing HPV vaccines, being served as respondents in the proceedings.

Justices Misra and Pant granted permission for the attorneys representing the petitioners to serve papers on the concerned Ethics Committees of all three States involved in the HPV demonstration projects.

In view of the fact that the above mentioned concerns had still not been adequately addressed, some respondents had failed to appear for prior hearings, and others had ignored requests for information or failed to submit affidavits in a timely manner the Justices included the following statements in the current order:

  • This Court hopes and trust(s) that on the next date of hearing, the Standing Counsel of all the States shall remain present and argue the matter.
  • The Union of India shall direct its competent authority to produce the file by which the Drugs Controller General of India approved HPV vaccines for use along with any other relevant documents to the Court and the Counsellors for the Petitioners in this case.
  • Learned Counsel for the Union of India shall apprise this Court what steps have been taken to comply with the recommendations put forth in the Parliamentary Committee’s Report on HPV vaccine demonstration projects in India.
  • Counsel for the State shall file their counter-affidavits within a period of four weeks.
  • The Union of India shall file their counter-affidavit (case #921/2013) within four weeks. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, within two weeks therefrom.
  • By the same time, rejoinder affidavit to the counter-affidavit filed by PATH International to be filed.
  • The Advocate for ICMR shall produce the file dealing with HPV vaccines by the next date.
  • Regarding the ’concept of consent’ and the resultant deaths: it has been submitted that though innovative explanations have been given stating that some girls in the States of Gujarat and Telangana expired due to snake bite and fever, in actuality, it is due to the administration of vaccinations.
  • It was noted that though HPV vaccines were administered for the purpose of experimentation, there is no data with regard to the adverse effects faced by the young girls.
  • Counsel for the Union of India, the State of Gujarat, and the State of Telangana shall state by way of affidavit what the procedure and protocols are to be followed while obtaining informed consent. The stand taken by the Union of India and the States shall be clear and in consonance with law, for the affidavit is not expected to be filed in contravention of that has been envisaged in law.
  • The present public interest litigation has to be perceived from the point of view of rectification and caution for the future.
  • The ’caution’ would convey what steps have to be taken in the future so that this kind of grievances do not arise.

In conclusion, the Supreme Court order states:

Learned counsel appearing for the Union of India and the States of Gujarat and Telangana shall file their respective affidavits keeping in view the directions given herein-above. To elucidate, the affidavit filed by the Union of India shall contain explicitly (i) what steps they intend to take on the basis of the report given by the Parliamentary Standing Committee, (ii) what is the procedure to be followed for the purposes of consent and what steps are required to be taken to find out the sufferings, if any, by the persons who were vaccinated, and (iii) the liability of compensation, if any, to be paid and whose liability it would be.

Justices set the next hearing date for April 21, 2015.



India: HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix make it to the Supreme Court

India: Supreme Court HPV Vaccine Controversy Continues

Original Supreme Court Documentation, go to this link – then select “Writ Petition (civil)” as the case type; 558 as the case number; and 2012 as the year. Then click submit. Follow links from there to access original documents.

 Continue to the Article Here

This article in it’s entirety is compliments of

Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India#cdcwhistleblower#HearThisWell#Vaccines

There have been over 37,000. adverse events and 214 deaths from the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines with no evidence of any benefit from the vaccine.  These figures are off of the November 2014 VAERS report and estimated to be only 1-10% of actual cases.  


  •  Tribal girls were given shots of cervical cancer vaccines during trial
  • Children given Merck’s Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines
  • Petitioners also asked judges to investigate trials of new drug Gardasil 9
  • Drug has allegedly caused side-effects in children as young as nine
  • Investigation claims children were used as unwitting human guinea pigs
  • Supreme Court has given the government one month to provide answers

Judges in India’s Supreme Court have demanded answers after children died during a controversial cervical cancer vaccine trial.

Young tribal girls received shots of pharmaceutical company Merck’s Gardasil vaccine and Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

The vaccines are given to girls as young as nine in many countries – including the UK and the US – to protect against the human papilloma virus, one of the major causes of cervical cancer.

But the Indian court yesterday heard a challenge by campaigners who claim the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their parents.

They say that a ‘study’ carried out for the foundation by a US organisation was in fact an illegal drugs trial.

Continue to the Article Here

This is Why You Should Not Blindly Follow Your Doctor’s Advice to Vaccinate#Pregnancy#Baby#Family

by Michelle Goldstien

 The subject of vaccines is extremely controversial. Most individuals have been taught from an early age that vaccines are safe and prevent disease. I wish that both of these statements were true, but I am now convinced, after extensive research and experience, that vaccines do not prevent disease and that they are far from safe.

Tremendous pressure is wielded by physicians, hospitals, public schools, family and friends to vaccinate. You must come to your own conclusions and stand firm, should you decided not to vaccinate. It is imperative to take time to do some independent research on this medical procedure. The health consequences of vaccinations, which include death, cannot be easily reversed, if at all…

Read the Entire Article Here

Legal precedent in Colombia: Landmark decision for HPV vaccine survivor#Vaccines#HPV#Family

By Norma Erickson

14 November 2014: A 15 year-old survivor of HPV vaccination, living in El Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia, South America, is the recipient of the first judgment issued by any High Court in the country in a case regarding complications occurring after HPV vaccination. In this landmark decision the court ruled that the fundamental rights of this girl and her newborn daughter have to be protected by Colombian health authorities.

According to the High Court of Cartagena (the capital of Bolivar):

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia, the Secretary of Health of Bolivar and EPPS-S Mutual self must deploy, within the 48 hours following this decision, the necessary measures to offer to the girl and her child all specialized medical services they require in a high complexity healthcare institution regardless of any limitations established by the Public Health Plan (POS). In addition, these authorities have to specially follow up these patients’ medical conditions through an interdisciplinary team and verify complaints made by their family about medical side effects allegedly occurred after human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination.

The order further states:

The legal representative of the EPS Mutual Self (the girl’s health provider) must pay all specialized medical services the teenager and her daughter need.

The suspension of the third dose of the HPV vaccine to the adolescent, this decision will remain in effect until the child and family, properly advised, decide to continue with this procedure.

Attorney Monica Leon Del Rio, counsel for the teenager, states:

This young girl began to suffer certain symptoms in March 2014 after the administration of the second dose of Gardasil, supplied by the Government to prevent HPV infections. The young girl still suffers with leg pain, chest pain, headaches, difficulty breathing, numbness in her legs and fainting followed by waking without knowledge of where she is or the ability to recognize who is around her.

Attorney Leon Del Rio’s client in this case is one of hundreds of girls reporting ‘mysterious’ symptoms beginning shortly after receiving the second injection of Gardasil.

According to Attorney Leon Del Rio, this judgment indicates a high level of concern for the citizens of Bolivar and the number of children who suffer serious health complications which may very well  be a result of the use of HPV vaccines.

Monica Leon Del Rio is no stranger to the HPV vaccine controversy. She is the mother of a young woman who experienced paralysis and some medical dysfunctions after the administration of HPV vaccine in January 2013. Her family’s experience prompted this Barranquilla-born lawyer to dedicate herself to making sure other children who have been similarly affected after Gardasil injections are properly cared for.

She is currently representing at least 50 other girls from El Carmen de Bolivar who are exhibiting new medical conditions after using HPV vaccines. Her mission is to ensure survivors of HPV vaccinations receive proper medical diagnosis and treatment.



This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of


The HPV vaccine: injuries and treatment#Vaccines#HPV#iBelieve

By Stig Gerdes, Guest Author

The HPV vaccine Gardasil was introduced into the childhood vaccination program in Denmark in 2009. The decision was made already in 2006 by the former Minister of Health Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

In the spring of 2013 there came reports in the Danish press and on Facebook that young girls/women had developed some symptoms characterized by damage to the skin, nervous system, immune system, etc. These symptoms were associated to the Gardasil vaccine.

It was claimed that the vaccination was stopped in Denmark and that the injured were diagnosed and treated for all the many serious damages which were described. The problem is that many did not know and still do not know, the strange symptoms they experienced after Gardasil injections are vaccine injuries.

The health authorities responded by promoting the vaccine and saying the serious injuries of the HPV vaccine was Functional disorders, caused by psychological reasons. The Danish Health and Medicines Authority however would increase surveillance of the HPV vaccine, but nothing was communicated about this, and the doctors did not get any information about the strong suspicion, and they were not informed about the contraindications for the HPV vaccine, it was quite obvious that The Danish Health and Medicines Authority, SSI and The Danish Cancer Society had a financial interest in promoting the vaccine.

At one point, however it was admitted that the HPV vaccine can injure the youngsters. The Minister of Health Nick Hækkerup therefore answers:

“The Danish Health and Medicines Authority consider it important to ensure that patients receive a comprehensive diagnose and treatment, and there is a particular challenge for The Regions to ensure that for patients with severe and unexplained symptoms  this requires collaboration across specialties.”

Subsequently, it was asked for an expert committee to assist The Regions in diagnosing and treating the injured. The Regions thought this was a good idea, but The Danish Health and Medicines Authority refused.

It is important to keep in mind that new HPV injured patients will continue to emerge, because we continue to vaccinate!

Since then, the focus has raised on the HPV vaccine safety outside Denmark, due to healthcare professionals and people around the world linking the severe injuries and possible deaths to the HPV vaccine.

India has cancelled the HPV vaccine trials after 7 deaths and multiple adverse events after vaccine administration.

Japan has pulled the government recommendation for HPV vaccines and replaced their top three government health officials after discovering the high incidence of adverse reactions after HPV vaccine administration.

Spain has scheduled trials.

France discusses the pros and cons.

England’s vaccination victims have been speaking in The Parliament.

Columbia is in turmoil due to deaths and severe injuries ……

The association of HPV Update has held two meetings convened by The Ministry of Health. The Regions and the Danish Health and Medicines Authority were also invited to discuss the frequency and severity of injuries caused by the HPV vaccine.

A worldwide non-profit organization was founded in 2010, SaneVax (Safe affordable, necessary and effective vaccines) in response to the HPV vaccine controversy. This is the link

In Denmark, the pressure on the Health Authorities has been so strong that the Minister of Health, Nick Hækkerup, has put diagnosing and treatment in the hands of the Regions.

To make sure that ordinary people and professionals can recognize the HPV vaccine damages, I have summarized these as they are mentioned in the manufacturer Merck’s “leaflet.” The Danish Authorities have not translated adequately, and therefore many of the adverse events are not on the Danish translation. It is a big mistake!

The adverse events are listed below. It must be remembered that the individual injured can have many symptoms at the same time. Most HPV vaccine injured have over 15 symptoms simultaneously.

  • Anaphylactic reaction
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Inflammation of the pancreas
  • Inflammation of the stomach / intestines
  • Inflammation in other tissues, such as muscles and tendons
  • Inflammation of the sinuses
  • Inflammation of the bladder
  • Inflammation of the lungs
  • Inflammation of the brain
  • Inflammation of the kidney / pelvic
  • Chest pain, they are as violent as by a blood clot in the heart or lungs.
  • Fainting
  • Cell changes in the cervix (if at the time of vaccination, the HP virus in the blood).
  • Death
  • Diarrhoea
  • Fever
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Weakness
  • Chills (fever)
  • Jaw Pain
  • Nausea
  • Paralysis
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Hives
  • Vomiting
  • POTS (high heart rate, low blood pressure)
  • Insomnia
  • Spasms in the lungs bronchi
  • Dizziness
  • Toothache
  • Fatigue

If you have many of these symptoms, consult your doctor. Bring this article with you, so he can diagnose HPV vaccine injury, and invalidate the diagnosis Functional suffering – and therefore refer you to one of The Region’s hospitals or orthomolecular doctors who can provide you proper treatment paid by The Region.

The characteristic of the HPV injured is that they largely tell the same history of severe tiredness, general aches and pain throughout the body, headache, fainting, seizures, etc.., so that they spend most of their time in bed, and are unable to carry out their schooling, work or household responsibilities. In short term, their functional and work are reduced from 100% to below 30%.

It is encouraging that there is now a symptomatic and perhaps curative treatment!

The reason for the HPV vaccine injuries is finding mitochondria (the cellular powerhouses) at the cellular level destroyed by metals such as lead, mercury, aluminium and artificial HPV DNA.

The treatment is well known in the form of intravenous vitamin C and Glutathione, as well as supplement of vitamins and salts, and to avoid foods that contain metals and allergens.

Several young women have been treated successfully. How long the treatment should continue, is yet unknown, but it seems that intravenous therapy improves symptoms rapidly (i.e. after 6-12 treatments) and may be discontinued after a period, so the injured can continue taking antioxidants, vitamins and salts by mouth.

It should be strongly emphasized that the treated relapse if treatment is stopped and the good effect returns when treatment is resumed.

The good thing about the treatment is that it has been used for many years for other disorders – with good effect, although not recognized by The Health Authorities in Denmark.

One big advantage is this treatment has great effect and no adverse events; unlike HPV vaccines which have plenty of adverse events and has no effect!

The intravenous treatment may be performed by the patient’s GP, but when The Minister of Health has handed over the responsibility for the diagnosis and treatment to The Regions, it must be the hospitals around The Regions that are responsible for treating the HPV vaccine injured when the diagnosis is made. The diagnosis is currently clinically, but safe laboratory tests are under development.

Treatment Protocol:

The intravenous treatment consists of vitamin C administered 2 times a week and Glutathione 1 time per week. Start example is: IV. Vitamin C  25 grams in 250-500 ml of Ringer’s Lactate administered over 3-4 hours, for example, Monday and Friday. Iv. Glutathione Wednesdays, 200-1.200 mg administered in 100-250 ml of saline over 1-1 ½ hours. Vitamin C is gradually increased to 50 grams after 4 infusions. Glutathione increased from 200-1.200 mg after some infusions.

It’s worth knowing:

By IV. Vitamin C the patient are recommended to drink at least 1 ½ litres of water.

The rest of the day the patient are recommended to continue to drink much water.

In order to strengthen the intravenous treatment it is recommended to make a vitamin and mineral plan for supplements. A significant and effective action is seen by the following vitamin and mineral combinations by mouth:

Vitamin C in large doses, Vitamin E, Selenium, Q10, Omega 3, Magnesium, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin), Lime, Zinc, Alpha Lipoic acid and N-Acetyl Cysteine.

The dosage and selection of the above should be performed by a specialist in the area. Intravenous treatments should be performed by physicians with adequate experience in the field. The patients’ safety comes first.

Insomnia is a known adverse event after the HPV vaccine. In order to improve sleep it is recommended to take Melatonin which is released over 6 hours.

Avoid food and drinks containing sugar, avoid light products too.

E-numbers and aluminium are found everywhere – try to avoid it. E171, E173 and E621 and aluminium should be avoided completely. There are aluminium (E173) and titanium dioxin (171) everywhere. Baking soda, white flour, white sugar, toothpaste, deodorants, cosmetics, candy, seasoning and often in pills…

The HPV vaccine provides food intolerance frequently. Pay attention to the quality of food. Until the immune system is in place and the nervous system damages are restored, all food is recommended to be organic. This also applies to dietary supplements.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of

Gardasil: Reclaiming my life#iBelieve#Vaccines#HPV

With C-vitamin/Glutathione treatment protocol

By Anika Hjorth, Denmark

Gardasil changed our lives

This is the sequel to Gardasil changed my whole life.

I have been in treatment for six weeks now. The first three weeks I only got IV C-vitamin, starting at half dose (25.000 mg). Glutathione was also given IV in half dose to begin with (See protocol here).

September 11th – after 42 days of treatment – 11 IV C-vitamin and 3 IV glutathione

I have listed my symptoms before and after treatment. The treatment continues.

  • Extremely low blood pressure (down to 70/43). Only a few days in the beginning of the treatment, none since that time
  • Nausea. Stopped after 8 treatments with C-vitamin
  • Fluctuating heart rate. A few days in the beginning
  • Burning pain in the body. Still some pain in the legs – but getting better
  • Heartburn. Disappeared after 8 treatments with C-vitamins
  • Pressure in the chest, difficulties breathing – often in the evening/during the night. Had a severe event as the body could not take the high dose of C-vitamin. Then the dose was lowered and the symptom disappeared
  • Short of breath even when doing light exercise. Still a symptom – Is really getting better
  • Disturbance in short-time memory. No problems any longer
  • Pain in the stomach. No problems any longer
  • Lots of pain the legs and the soles of the foot. Still lots of pain
  • Loss of strength in the muscles
  • Heavy pain during menstruation and strong bleeding. Still very painful but reduction of bleeding
  • Disturbance of vision of left eye. Still some disturbance
  • Oppression in the ears. Not any longer
  • Lack of B3, d-vitamin and calcium. Do not know

After startup of treatment I have a better appetite and a stronger desire to live. The bubble I have been living in for 1½ years has disappeared – I have a huge surplus of energy….

Sequel to: Gardasil Changed My Whole Life

Tomorrow’s post goes into detail on Anika’s healing protocol. 

Thank you Anika, for sharing these details, and God Bless!!

India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes#iBelieve#Family#Vaccines

by Christina England

As Bill Gates faces a lawsuit for the illegal testing of tribal children in India, it appears that his crimes against humanity have finally caught up with him.

A recent report published by Health Impact News has reported that the Gates Foundation has found itself facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation that is being carried out by the Supreme Courts of India.

Health Impact News stated:

“While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream media outlets are available via the Internet.

One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court.” [1]

The Health Impact News article centered largely on a four-page report that was recently published by Economic Times India.

Eager to know more, I investigated their story and discovered that the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation and two organizations funded by them, PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), have found themselves under fire…

Coninue to the Full Article Here