10 Reasons to Never Ever Drink Soy Milk#iBelieve#ASD#Pregnancy


There’s never an excuse soy milk

Some lactose-intolerant folks drink it because they want a milk substitute. Some health-conscious people drink it because they think it is the “heart-healthy low fat option.” And some vegans drink it because they don’t want to drink cow milk.

But no matter what reason you have for drinking soy milk, it is not a valid excuse. Soy milk is not a food and has no place in anyone’s diet.

Soymilk Ingredients

Ironically, almost every ingredient in soymilk  is cause for serious concern. Here are the ingredients in Silk Soymilk…

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You know there is something about a product that professes to be healthy, and then when broken down is anything, but healthy.  I can have respect for some good chips or a chocolate dessert, there’s no facade there, but don’t present as healthy, especially with a steep price tag attached.

I was reintroduced to raw milk, and am loving it.  I am lactose-intolerant, and the natural enzymes that are still present, being the milk has not been pasteurized, make for easy digestion.  The real cream that surfaces to the top is quite nice, when making homemade ice cream.

Gut bacteria may play a role in eating disorders#iBelieve#Health#Eatingdisorder

By Dr Flannery

Eating disorders affect an estimated 5 to 10 percent of the population and are generally thought to be a psychological disorder. However, new research from France shows gut bacteria can also play a role in causing eating disorders. The study showed eating disorders developed in mice who had an immune reaction to a protein made by gut bacteria. Basically they reacted to these proteins as if they had an allergy or sensitivity to them. The protein made by the gut bacteria is very similar in structure to a satiety hormone called alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (a-MSH). When the immune system reacts to the protein it reacts to the a-MSH too because they are so similar. This reaction causes the immune system to attack a-MSH, which regulates feeding, energy usage, and anxiety.

Mistaken identity and friendly fire by the immune system

When a pathogen, such as infectious bacteria, is similar to a tissue or hormone in the body and the immune system can’t distinguish between the two and attacks both, this is called cross-reactivity. It is a very common cause of autoimmune reactions. For instance, gluten, the protein in wheat, cross-reacts with tissue in the brain. Many people with gluten sensitivity develop neurological disorders because when the immune system attacks ingested gluten it attacks the brain too, confusing it with gluten. The same holds true for dairy and some cases of type 1 diabetes, and other foods and autoimmune diseases. This study opens the door to the possibility that eating disorders may have an immune component at their root driving the psychological disorder.

Ways to address an unhealthy relationship with eating nutritionally

Although serious eating disorders are complex and require intensive therapy, certain nutritional strategies can help you obtain a more balanced approach to eating and food. The key is to follow a diet that fosters healthy brain chemistry.

Eliminate processed carbohydrates from your diet as they are addictive and skew brain chemistry in the way other addictive substances do. This can foster an unhealthy relationship with food.

Eating to keep blood sugar stable is a vital component to curbing cravings, obsessions with food, and a constant feeling of hunger. Avoid sweet, starchy foods, coffee drinks and energy drinks, going too long without eating, and relying on coffee for breakfast. Many people need to eat small, protein-dense meals frequently in the beginning to stabilize blood sugar.

It’s also important to base your diet on plenty of vegetables — research shows a plant-based diet affects the composition of gut bacteria and affects energy usage and fat storage in a way that promotes being slender naturally — without having to obsess over it.

Supporting your neurotransmitters, brain chemicals that affect mood and brain function, can also help you stabilize your approach to eating. Your brain may need serotonin or dopamine support. Serotonin is important to feel joy and ward off depression, while dopamine support may be helpful to feel motivation and ward off cravings. Both have been shown to play a role in eating disorders.

Ask my office for more advice on how to support a healthier approach to balanced, obsession-free eating.

Post in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.drflannery.com/


10 Reasons Not To Vaccinate#Family#iBelieve#retweet


The decision to vaccinate is yours alone, but it is a decision that should not be taken lightly or done under duress or pressure by others. Once vaccinated, the potential side-effects cannot be easily undone, if at all. These include death, sudden infant death syndrome, auto-immune disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, Guillian-Barré Syndrome and other neurological damage.

Your physician will most likely NOT connect the development of these unnatural disease states with vaccination, whether they occur immediately after vaccinations, several days or months later. You alone will be responsible for treating your child or yourself for these life-long diseases.

The decision to vaccinate SHOULD include extensive research to determine if it is right for your family.

The following are ten reasons not to vaccinate. Additional educational resources follow…

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The Immunity Boosting Tip that dramatically shifted my well being this past year#android#iBelieve#retweet

In reflecting back over this past year, I am especially grateful for a little description I came across on LinkedIn.

There was a picture, and description of a MassageEnergy Thermal Massage System.  The description read a little like this:

'MassageEnergized' migun table with LED DPL Red Light Facial Attachment
‘MassageEnergized’ migun table with LED DPL Red Light Facial Attachment

 The revolutionary MassageEnergy Thermal Massage System is inspired by the effects of Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chiropractic, and Massage. Its far-infrared heat provides the health benefits of a Sauna, Acupressure, and Hot Stone Massage, all in one. Become energized as you enjoy the benefits of total relaxation, balance, and health…naturally. The MassageEnergy Bed is an enhanced version of The Migun Thermal Jade Massage bed, a patented Class II medical device that will massage and energize your patients and has been reported to improve overall health

The MassageEnergy bed will give you the extraordinary feeling of being totally relaxed while your body is being completely refreshed. Some of the many benefits include: weight loss, reduced chronic pain, lowered blood pressure, better sleep, reduced digestive disorders, reduced stress, improved circulation, detoxification of the body, increased lymphatic flow, reduced lactic acid, and many more…www.massageenergy.com/

I felt drawn to try out this product.  I decided to try out the system for one week.  I went four times, and noticed improved energy, digestion, and my clothes even felt a little loose.  I had results that nothing else had brought me, and I had tried a number of different avenues, as anyone who has experienced various injuries might pursue.

I continued to use the system, and was so pleased that the circulation had significantly improved to the point of decreasing my shoe width.  That was a pleasant surprise.  After about four months, I had a side benefit of losing 28 pounds without changing much of anything else.

If you would like to learn more about these products, I have provided some links below.

For details, and demo locations call Doc toll free at 866-466-8661, and tell him aunt jen sent you.  Doc is great to work with, and is offering a $645. value package through the end of the year.

Accessory Options

So, Should You Eat Gluten Or Not?#iBelieve#family#A.S.D.

By Dana James

The gluten debate continues, often with more venom than opposition parties at election time. Why does this molecule ignite so much antagonism? After all, it’s just a food…Or is it?

Let’s start with what gluten is. It’s a protein molecule principally found in wheat. But gluten is not what it used to be. In the late 1960’s, gluten (and wheat) were cross-bred, hybridized and re-engineered to increase the yield of cereal grains. This produced over 40,000 varieties of wheat. It also increased the elasticity of wheat so that the bread would rise and be more chewy and delectable. Who doesn’t like fluffy bread? But as we’ve now learnt, once we start interfering with our food source, things can go a little hay-wire. This is what happened…

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Millions of Children Infected with ‘Vaccine Safety Experts’ Rotateq Vaccine: Dr. Paul Offit#Vaccines#family#android

Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

Dr. Paul Offit is a pediatrician who co-invented a rotavirus vaccine (trade name Rotateq), who once stated in interview that a child can be administered 100,000 vaccines safely at once (later revised to 10,000). A professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, he is the darling of the mainstream media and a widely cited self-appointed ‘vaccine safety expert,’ despite the glaring conflict of interest implied by such a designation.

...that's right, an infant can safely receive 100,000. vaccines all at once.  Well, this is my floor.  Got to get to my Rotateq (vaccine) board meeting. Looks like 2014 year-end bonuses will hit a new record!
…that’s right, an infant can safely receive 100,000. vaccines all at once. Well, this is my floor. Got to get to my Rotateq (vaccine) board meeting. Looks like 2014 year-end bonuses will hit a new record!

Unfortunately for Dr. Offit (not so affectionately named Dr. Profit), a 2010 study published in Journal of Virology revealed that his multi-million dollar grossing patent on the Rotateq vaccine contains a live simian retrovirus (with a 96% match of certainty) that has likely infected millions of children over the past few years with a virus that causes great harm.  Retrovirus infections are permanent, and can carry on indefinitely into future generations. In other words, once they are inserted into the human genome they can not be removed. View the entire PDF here

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