
Why does Congress PROHIBIT us from suing certain drug companies?
They can poison your kids… but Congress says you CAN’T sue them???
“Drug companies allowed to poison your kids,” says Congress (???)

Imagine an electrician fixed your house and assured you everything was perfectly safe and up to code…

But then he demanded you sign away your legal rights to sue him if something bad happened.

(Even if your child brushed against an exposed wire and got shocked.)

Wouldn’t that seem a bit odd?

Yet this is exactly what all the big drug companies are doing…

On one hand they tell us that their vaccines are 100% safe and effective… and there are absolutely no risks.

But, on the other hand…

They bribe members of Congress to pass laws that make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to sue them or get fair compensation…

Even if something “accidentally” goes wrong…

Even if there are dangerous and deadly side effects…

Your child could have a severe reaction… and the drug companies would (legally) owe you NOTHING!

But here’s where it gets crazy…

In recent years, over 13,000 parents have reported vaccine related injuries like seizures, brain damage, and even death.

One mom paid over $2.1 million in medical costs to care for her son after one such “accident.”

What’s all this about?


Exposed in this startling new documentary, Bought. Including…

– How a drug company “edited” away proof that their anti-depressant drug made people “suicidal” and “emotionally unstable”… and got the study published in the most respected journal in science!

Before you (or your child) get another pill or shot, you have to watch this…

– Former GSK sales rep got FIRED when he refused to sell unapproved, off-label drugs to kids. (See his full story here… and realize… he’s not the only one.)

– Are flu shots really safe? See what caused a massive spike in deaths to unborn babies during recent influenza seasons (hint… it wasn’t the flu). And, how drug companies completely BURIED this data.

Now, you may already have a haunting suspicion that something’s up with Big Food, Big Pharma and the Health Industry. After all, you’ve heard of GMOs, lawsuits against drug companies and the like…

But if you’re at all like I was… you’ll be blown away by how deep this rabbit hole really goes.


Well, my friend, Jeff Hays is an award winning filmmaker who’s been short-listed for an Academy Award. And for the last 12 months, he’s been flying across the U.S. and examining the ugly truth about Big Food and Big Pharma.

He interviewed whistleblowers, former sales agents, doctors, scientists and professors.

A documentary for every American to watch.


Technology in Holistic Medicine#iBelieve#Family#Health

For our first ever podcast, we are excited to welcome someone who is the personification of the Evolution of Medicine. Dr. Andrew Brandeis is a licensed naturopathic doctor, who worked in an innovative interdisciplinary practice in San Francisco before starting SharePractice, a new app for physicians. Touting ‘Experienced Based Medicine’, this app allows doctors to ‘consult the collective experience’…

Oftentimes, I have been asked why I prefer a holistic physician.  The podcast above is a good example of the current technologies combined with holistic healing. I love this apps innovative idea!

Can Celiac Disease Affect the Brain?#ASD#iBelieve#Repost

 WHEN Andre H. Lagrange, a neurologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, saw the ominous white spots on the patient’s brain scan, he considered infection or lymphoma, a type of cancer. But tests ruled out both. Meanwhile, anti-epilepsy drugs failed to halt the man’s seizures. Stumped, Dr. Lagrange turned to something the mother of the 30-year-old man kept repeating. The fits coincided, she insisted, with spells of constipation and diarrhea.

That, along with an odd rash, prompted Dr. Lagrange to think beyond the brain. Antibody tests, followed by an intestinal biopsy, indicated celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder of the gut triggered by the gluten proteins in wheat and other grains….

 Read the Entire Article Here

Related Articles:

Some of the benefits from setting aside a known carcinogenic wheat, but did you know which wheat is carcinogenic?

Do you have wheat in your prescriptions, shampoo or make-up?

Are you eating toxic dwarf wheat?




Some of the benefits from setting aside a known Carcinogenic Wheat – but did you know which wheat is carcinogenic?#ASD#Family#iBelieve

Weight loss, often to astounding degrees, relief from acid reflux and bowel urgency, freedom from joint pain, reversal of eczema and other skin rashes, no more depression or anxiety just a few of the surprising and unexpected health transformations…

“Five years ago I was basically bedridden. I went to doctor after doctor and they never had any answers. Everything was ‘normal.’ I vomited every morning for five years, had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, had been hospitalized twice with blood pressure at one point of 210/115. I had chronic pain, exhausted. At 34 years old, I didn’t have much of a life.

I started working with a nutritionist who suggested leaky gut syndrome. I went low-carb and felt a little better. I went gluten-free and saw a slight improvement.

I read Wheat Belly and it was like a light bulb went off…

Continue to Success Stories

One of the best health/nutrition books I have read.  So simple, and my family and I have had quick results.  So happy I came across this book, and love the blog. 

Written by a veteran cardiologist with 1000’s of success stories.  What an observant specialist to look outside the box when things were just not adding up.  Funny, how so many health answers are truly simple, inexpensive and within reach.

Related Post – FAQs

Related Media

How Anyone Can Eat Healthy On A Tight Budget#family#iBelieve#MS

By JJ Virgin

 A few years ago, while promoting The Virgin Diet, I spoke at a local health food store. Afterwards, during the Q&A, the last question caught me off-guard. “How do you expect a mom with an out-of-work husband and three children to afford grass-fed beef?” asked a woman from the back row.

I had my answers in place. Healthy food becomes inexpensive health care, I reasoned, and those bargain menus aren’t such a great deal when you factor in bigger-picture issues like obesity and diabetes. If grass-fed beef becomes too expensive, simply stick with mostly plant foods.

Yet her question stayed with me. As a single mom with two teenage sons, I understood her situation all too well.

I became determined to dig a little deeper about eating healthy without spending half your paycheck. On my drive home that day, I brainstormed these 10 effective strategies. I’ve long employed them to stretch even the tightest food budget…

Read the Entire Article Here

If you could have a glimpse into your parents/grandparents past, everyday lives#iBelieve#health#ufollowme

If you have spent time perusing my blog, you will probably find that I have a love of learning, especially in those things that benefit our health, freedoms, and family life.

As of late, I have noticed benefits in returning to some old ways.  You know, cooking from scratch more, Knowing what is in the food you feed your family.  I have to chuckle, because that liver and onions my mom used to make, is probably loaded with good benefits. 

My mom grew up on a family farm, and knew a lot about cooking, and food.  She would mill her own wheat, freeze hand-picked corn, make homemade jellies, and the like.  I used to feel guilty about the butter, and homemade hot cocoa made from whole, raw milk. 

Now I wish I could go back and observe all the little details of my mother’s, and grandmother’s cooking.  With discussion of nutrient dense foods, I find a lot of them sound like what I used to find on my dinner table growing up.

Vegetables from a family garden, bulk higher quality grains, and meats that source from the nutrient rich parts of the animal.  Less processed foods, and making choices of grocery items that have short, recognizable ingredient lists.

What I would give, to go back and observe first hand, and learn little tips from their ways.  How I appreciate all the little details that I can remember. We have a lot of fun as siblings when we reminisce, and try to recall as much as we can.

Are you eating Toxic dwarf wheat?#ASD#iBelieve#Celiac

If you eat grains, then take a look at,

Over 50 years ago, our everyday wheat changed, mainly due to a hybridized plant that delivered 10 times the yield of prior wheat plants.  This appeared as a wonderful discovery, but decades later we now know that this dwarf wheat contains glutens that the human body cannot digest.  Thus, leading to many autoimmune disorders, and very possibly the four-fold increase in celiac disease present today. You can probably guess that this is another case with a lack of safety tests completed prior to placing this product on the market.

I have been reading, Wheat Belly, by cardiologist William Davis.  One of the best health/nutrition books I have ever read. I have backed off the toxic wheat, and have noticed an overall better state of health in a short period of time.

If you eat grains, I hope you take the time to visit this blog or read the book, and find out for yourself what health benefits lie ahead.