Developing World – The WHO’s Private Vaccine Laboratory#Android#iBelieve#mustread

by Christina England
Health Impact News

It is a recognized fact that the developing world has been used by the World Health Organization as a vaccine laboratory for decades. This has been proven in data and vaccine studies dating back as far as the 1970s.

With this in mind, we must ask ourselves, is it right to use these vulnerable children in vaccine experiments? I urge you to read the following examples before you come to any conclusions…

…Tetanus Vaccines Laced With Hormones Known to Cause Miscarriage

In 1992, the WHO, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Bank met in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the then-current status for the development of “fertility regulating vaccinations.” The minutes to that meeting were documented in a paper entitled Fertility Regulating Vaccines.

At first glance…

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Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease#Android#iPad#mustread

 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous. For example, the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to “Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to “Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.”1

A statement on the website of St. Jude’s Hospital warns parents not to allow people to visit children undergoing cancer treatment if they have received oral polio or smallpox vaccines within four weeks, have received the nasal flu vaccine within one week, or have rashes after receiving the chickenpox vaccine or MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.2

“The public health community is blaming unvaccinated children for the outbreak of measles at Disneyland, but the illnesses could just as easily have occurred due to contact with a recently vaccinated individual,”…

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Children Around the World Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Is the U.S. Heading in the Same Direction?#Android#iBelieve#mustread

The oral polio vaccine has many serious side effects and is no longer used in the U.S. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped the W.H.O. and other supposed health organizations from continuing it’s use in third world countries.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Guardian is reporting that health officials in Pakistan are arresting and throwing into jail hundreds of parents who refuse to allow their children to receive the oral polio vaccine. These health officials are forcing children to receive the vaccine at gunpoint…
…Just to emphasize the point here, these are parents of children who are being rounded up and thrown into jail in Pakistan. Not terrorists, not murders, not thieves, but parents who do not want their children to receive the polio vaccine…
…So how bad was this polio “epidemic” that WHO declared in 2014? In May of 2014, when they made the announcement which was carried as headline news in most U.S. mainstream media outlets, there had been 74 cases – in the ENTIRE WORLD…
…All across the U.S. local state legislators and health officials are moving to take away the right to informed consent regarding vaccines for children. It Americans don’t wake up soon, whether you are pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and stop this rush to take away individual rights and liberties…


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Bringing Much-Needed Sanity to the Vaccine Debate#iBelieve#Android#Measles

 by Kevin Geary

I’ve tried to stay away from the vaccine debate, but it’s reached a psychological tipping point for me.

Watching the back-and-forth on social media alone has made it clear that there are massive critical thinking issues. And if we’re going to get to any sort of agreement or respect between the camps, those critical thinking issues have to end.

As the title says, I want to bring sanity to the discussion. That doesn’t mean I want to change your position on vaccines…it means I want people to stop acting irrationally.

So, while this is quite random, here’s what needs to be addressed in order to restore sanity…

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by Tim O’Shea DC

Despite hospital dangers, 99% of infants are born healthy. Most people are healthy when they get vaccines. Does it make sense to inject healthy people with anything that can kill them or possibly make them sick in order to maintain that health? Vaccines must have a 0% chance of any harmful effects whatsoever to the recipient.

Are today’s vaccines 100% safe, with 0% side effects? Keep reading.


At this time, vaccines are not mandatory in the US. Why not? Why not end all the hysterical media controversy and simply pass a law saying that everyone must get the full complement of vaccines on the CDC Schedule? Why don’t they do that?

OK, no more exemptions. As of today, every man, woman and child in the whole country must get all the 69 recommended vaccines…

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For those that are about to hyperventilate at the thought of not everyone choosing to vaccinate with every vaccine on the “recommended” schedule, please keep in mind that there are another 200 new vaccines in the making.  There are many healthy families that choose not to vaccinate or to adjust the schedule as they see fit with doctors that educate and support in the process.  

As found in the above newsletter, the media is not specifying between the vaccine strain of measles and the naturally occurring strain.  If there is such a “panic”, then wouldn’t this be identified, as well as how the measles cases were each individually identified?

California is facing a pressing threat to have their long-time exemptions removed, save a medical exemption.  Many, many doctors are gun shy to give a medical exemption,  despite what a media “talking-head” might lead one to believe.  Exemptions are critical to keep in place to protect one’s family. 

One other thought.  I expect there would be many economic blows to California if these exemptions are revoked.  One of the first would be families opting to leave the state,  being there are a high percentage of private school families that invoke exemptions, especially in many of California’s ritzy areas.



Welcome to the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP)#iBelieve#CDCwhistleblower#HearThisWell

Welcome to the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP)

Achieving and protecting the right to informed consent to vaccination is more important now than ever before, and we need your help to make that happen. NVIC wants to help you, our members, to organize and make a difference in your home state right where you live to protect and expand vaccine exemptions.  It is at the state level that mass vaccination policies are made, and it is at the state level where your action to protect your rights can have the greatest impact.  Also, when national vaccine issues occur, you will be plugged in to the information and action items necessary to make sure your voice is heard. 

Register to be an NVIC Advocacy Team Member:  Just minutes of your time…

What the Measles Scare is Really About, and What We MUST Do About It NOW!#iBelieve#HearThisWell#CDCWhistleblower

by Alan Phillips, J.D.

February 20, 2015

What the Measles Scare is Really About, and What We MUST Do About It NOW!

The mainstream media measles blitz is being used to create a wave of fear to enable vaccine manufacturers to rush legislation through state legislatures removing all non-medical vaccine exemptions. Bills have already been introduced in several states, and more are surely coming. New vaccine mandates for adults will quickly follow, multiplying vaccine profits.

We are at a crisis point.

We either push back and stop this now, or become a nation of aware people with no rights. Awareness is key, a prerequisite, but without action, it is only a consolation prize.

The federal government lacks authority to mandate vaccines for state residents,[1] so the primary focus is at the state level. Each of us must engage in the legislative process. In fact, we need to go beyond mere defensive action, we must proactively demanding *more* freedom to make informed choices where that is warranted.

To find out if a bill has been introduced into your state, go to the NVIC Advocacy Portal at If there is no bill in your state yet, considering meeting with your state reps now to demand a personal/philosophical exemption if your state doesn’t already have one. This will introduce them to the issue and set the stage for a proactive, rather than merely reactive, stance on our part.

There’s no one right way to do this, but here are some suggestions from my own and others’ legislative activism experience:

1. Keep your eye on the ball. The goal is to keep or expand the right to make an informed choice, NOT to convert your representative.

2. We don’t have to win the vaccine debate, we only need to raise reasonable doubt.

3. Join the NVIC Advocacy Portal,, they have terrific information about legislative activism. Learn who your representatives are, and how to contact them there, or at your state legislative website. 4. It is critical to meet face-to-face meeting with your representatives. They do not have time to read individual emails and letters. If that’s not possible, schedule a telephone call, and arrange for your information to be in their hands during the call. Sending letters and emails is certainly better than nothing, but in my experience, you may get no response or a generic response.

5. Have a clear, concise, focused goal. “To keep our personal belief exemption,” or “To enact a personal belief exemption,” etc.

6. Do NOT bring or send voluminous information to your representatives, they won’t have time to read it. Nail down a few key, concise, irrefutable, referenced facts (no opinions) that fit on one page if at all possible. See one example here:

7. Meet with your representatives alone, or with a friend or group. If possible, include a healthcare professional, an attorney, someone with a vaccine adverse events story. I’ve spoken to representatives and healthcare committees around the U.S. in the past by phone, and would be happy to speak to yours. Other experts may be available to help, also.

8. Be polite and respectful of your representative and the opposition! The quickest way to be ignored is to show disrespect. Given the enormous amount of pharmaceutical money in politics, some think it best to say nothing negative about the pharmaceutical industry at all. You decide, but be balanced. If you do criticize the industry, consider saying like, “the pharmaceutical industry has done a lot of good, but things have gotten out of hand…”

9. Stay abreast of new developments:

    a. Tune in to The Know Your Rights Hour radio show, Monday nights 9 pm ET (8 CT, 7 MT, 6 PT), with co-hosts Vaccine Researcher and Author Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips,

    b. Tune in to The Vaccine Agenda radio show, Tuesday nights 8 pm ET (7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT), host Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips,

    c. Sign up for the Vaccine Rights E-newsletter for weekly updates on vaccine radio shows and news:


[1] The Measles: Background and Federal Role in Vaccine Policy,