Less than 30% of Congress Admits to Vaccinating Their OWN KIDS!!!#android#iPad#retweet

In a story released yesterday, NBC “News” reports on the results of their poll to United States Congressmen and Congresswomen.

NBC asked our nation’s leaders, “Are your kids vaccinated?”

Here are the results of the poll:

Out of 434 members of the House of Representatives, 121 responded affirmatively, indicating “Yes. My children are vaccinated.”

That’s less than 30% – 27.65% to be exact.

How did NBC report the results?

They declared “It’s UNAMINOUS!”

On Capitol Hill, disagreement is the rule, not the exception.

But when it comes to the issue of vaccinations, there appears to be a level of unanimous agreement. An NBC News survey of all 434 voting members currently serving in the House of Representatives finds that not a single member indicated that their children had NOT been vaccinated.

Wait. What?

How can NBC say the results of their survey indicate “UNANIMOUS” agreement, when their own numbers reveal less than 30% of House Representatives said their kids are vaccinated?

What do the results of the survey REALLY indicate?…

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Zika virus outbreak linked to release of genetically engineered mosquitoes… disastrous unintended consequences now threaten life across the Americas #android#iPad#retweet

….Now we may be seeing the first wave of the horrific destruction that can be unleashed by self-replicating genetically modified organisms. The Zika virus, now spreading with unbridled ferocity, appears to have been caused by the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes that scientists hoped would sharply reduce malaria infections.

Brazilian Shrunken Head Babies: Zika or Tdap?#android#iPad#retweet

In late 2014, the Ministry of Health of Brazil announced the introduction of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine for all pregnant women in that country as part of its routine vaccination program. The move was aimed at trying to contain the resurgence of pertussis in Brazil.

In December 2015, the Brazilian government declared an emergency after 2,400 Brazilian babies were found to be born with shrunken heads (microcephaly) and damaged brains since October.

Brazilian public health officials don’t know what is causing the increase in microcephaly cases in babies born in Brazil, but they are theorizing that it may be caused by a virus known as “Zika,” which is spread by mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti)—in the same way as is the West Nile virus.

The theory is largely based on the fact that they found the Zika virus in a baby with microcephaly following an autopsy of the dead child. The virus was also found in the amniotic fluid of two mothers whose babies had the condition.

Note that Zika is not a new virus; it has been around for decades. No explanation has been given as to why suddenly it could be causing all these cases of microcephaly. No one is seriously asking the question, “What has changed?”

There is no theorizing about the possibility that the cases of microcephaly could be linked to the mandating of the Tdap vaccine for all pregnant women in Brazil about 10 months earlier. The government has “assumed” the cause is a virus.

FACT—Drug companies did not test the safety and effectiveness of giving Tdap vaccine to pregnant women before the vaccines were licensed in the U.S….

Click below to learn more about this issue


Vaccinating Without Parental Knowledge Soon To Become The Norm Across The World#android#iPad#retweet

Health officials in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia and around the world are officially crossing into dangerous territory with parents when it comes to vaccinations. Not only are public health entities habitually and deliberately failing to inform the public of their right to refuse vaccines in both school and work settings, but they are working towards mandatory vaccination protocols which will allow officials to conduct childhood vaccinations without any parental consent at all.

It was just a little over one year ago when the pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Centers for Disease Control allocated millions of dollars in funding to establish vaccine clinics in public schools, causing a huge uproar from concerned parents.

The RAND Corporation, paid by Sanofi Pasteur, outlined how to turn schools into vaccine clinics, which critics claimed will inevitably poison children with multi-dose vaccines.

These school based health centers (SBHCs) are located in school…

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Parents Share Why They Will Never Vaccinate Again#android#iPad#retweet

1. My Son died 40 hours after his 2 mos. shots. I NEVER knew of vaccine injury before. I feel guilty everyday because it was the one thing I didn’t look into and wish I did. Death

2. After my daughter suffered an adverse reaction to her 2 month shots, we were made to believe it was normal and that she’d be fine. It didn’t sit right so we delayed heavily. She received her 6 month shots at her 8 month appointment and then they suggested we catch her up. I was so angry that they would even recommend such a thing! So many shots full of multiple vaccines in one sitting. We never went back. In fact, my daughter has never been to a doctor appointment since then except her follow up with a specialist after breaking her arm and visiting the ER.  Injury or adverse reaction

3. I wish that were the case for me. I get blackmailed into well child visits. I work for a state gov and the insurance is fantastic. The whole family is on my insurance. However I also have to participate in this “health enhancement program”. We have to do physicals and well visits and things like that. They say it’s a choice but if you choose not to be a part of the program the cost of insurance triples and I can’t afford that. Luckily we like our pediatrician who doesn’t force the vax issue. But I hate being told I have to do things which are unnecessary. If the program ever made childhood vaccines something you had to do I would have no choice but to drop this insurance and we would be screwed.  Coerced or forced…

…4. For me it was when I had to be revaccinated for hep b to take a job in the medical field. I had records showing I’d had the full series, yet was being shown through a titer for hep b that I had no antibodies towards it. I thought how could that be, don’t vaccines make you immune….why do I need more? I started my research from there, this was years before we had kids.  Research or Family Experience

5. I’m a nurse and I worked giving the flu vaccine to employees all over los angeles. We were told to lie about the shots and the contents. Also the way we handled the vials was very important. We were not supposed to get vaccine on our hands.  Then my daughter started getting reactions and I found myself praying she didn’t die after her round of shots from the dr. When I finally realized I could say no, I did.

What were the lies specifically? That there wasn’t mercury or other ingredients or anything else?…

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Rise In Autism Linked To Chickenpox Vaccine Containing Aborted Fetal DNA#android#iPad#retweet

The Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute has uncovered CDC and Department of Education data that shows that chickenpox vaccine use is highly statistically related to autism disorder prevalence in every state in the US.

While many parents have questioned vaccines containing mercury for years as possibly related to the rise in autism, this new research suggests another and far more ghoulish contaminant – aborted fetal remains. That’s right. Some vaccines actually contain aborted fetal DNA material. And while the use of mercury in vaccines has declined drastically, autism rates have continued to climb along with the inclusion of abortion materials in vaccines!! With autism a constant focus in our society today, why won’t the CDC and Department of Education – or the mainstream media – touch this??

Following is the compelling report of Dr. Theresa Deisher, President, Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute:

Over four years ago it was obvious to my eye that autism disorder rates changed dramatically in certain specific years. Looking at autism disorder prevalence data from the US Dept of Education it was clear that there were three specific years in which autism prevalence rose dramatically, and Sound Choice went on to perform the statistical analysis to show that 1980, 1988 and 1996 were ‘changepoint’ years for autism disorder.

In 2010 the EPA published data confirming the 1988 changepoint as a worldwide autism disorder changepoint. As the EPA scientists point out in their publication, identification of ‘changepoints’ such as these tell us that some environmental factor was introduced that triggered such a sudden and dramatic rise in autism. Shown in the accompanying diagram are the 3 changepoints Sound Choice identified for autism disorder prevalence in the US. What environmental factor is associated with these three changepoints? The only childhood universal factor that is associated with all three changepoints is the introduction ofvaccines contaminated with aborted fetal DNA and retroviral fragments…

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DHHS Withholds Vaccine Injury Data and Rolls Out Vaccine Confidence Plan#android#iPad#retweet

by Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director

In recent years, information about compensated vaccine injury claims published in the VICP Data and Statistics Report has changed – but not for the better. This report prepared by DHHS officials continues to provide limited insight into vaccine injury and death awards, despite the fact that federal law states the public has a right to additional information,1 much of which is presented in bits and pieces during ACCV meetings.

Under the 1986 law, the public is entitled to the following information about VICP vaccine injury and death petitions:

  • the number of petitions filed with the VICP and their disposition, the dates of when vaccine-related injuries and deaths occurred;
  • the types and amounts of awards; and,
  • the length of time for the disposition of petitions;

While DHHS gives some of this information to the ACCV on a quarterly basis, the information is not as meaningful as it could be because of the way it is presented in ACCV meetings and on the VICP’s website. There is no ability for the public, or the ACCV for that matter, to connect the dots between vaccine injuries compensated by vaccine and condition over time, or to determine the reasons and any associated trends on why petitions are dismissed and claimants are denied compensation…

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