HPV Vaccines: SaneVax Message to Colombia#Family#Columbia#HPV

By Norma Erickson


SaneVax-FeaturedAttorney Monica Leon Del Rio is currently representing several Colombian girls who are experiencing new medical conditions after the administration of Gardasil. She recently invited me to speak to a group of esteemed public health officials, government representatives and medical people in Colombia to explain why the SaneVax team does not support HPV vaccination programs.Just prior to the time I was to address the meeting, the international conference call was disconnected. Despite multiple attempts to re-establish the connection I was not able to speak as scheduled.

Therefore, my intended message to Colombia is as follows:

SaneVax is an international non-profit organization working with representatives in over 25 countries, all of whom are concerned about HPV vaccines. The SaneVax team believes vaccines should meet four common sense criteria prior to their inclusion in mass vaccination programs. We believe they should be scientifically proven safe, affordable, necessary and effective prior to government approval.

The SaneVax Team cannot support HPV vaccination programs for many reasons.


  • There are over 80 vaccines approved for use in the United States. HPV vaccines account for nearly 25% of the entire Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. This is particularly disturbing because the VAERS system was established in 1990 and HPV vaccines were not introduced until mid-2006.
  • VAERS reports of ADEM have increased over 1,000% since the introduction of HPV vaccines; infertility reports increased 790%, reports of blindness increased 188%, and spontaneous abortions by 270%.
  • According to documents submitted to the Supreme Court in India, when 24,000 girls were injected with HPV vaccines during ‘demonstration projects’ an estimated 5% (1200) were left with chronic health problems and/or autoimmune disorders.
  • Japan withdrew the government recommendation for the administration of HPV vaccines after only 6 weeks when reports of adverse events after Gardasil were 26 times higher than the annual flu shot; reports after Cervarix were 52 times higher than the annual flu shot. 24.9% of the adverse events reported were considered serious.
  • Denmark reports that 24% of the adverse events reported after HPV vaccinations were considered serious.
  • Italy reports adverse events after HPV vaccines at a rate of 219/100,000 – ten times higher than most other vaccines administered in Italy. The cervical cancer rate in Italy is 7.7/100,000.


  • HPV vaccination programs do not eliminate the need for pap screening, they simply add the price of 3 injections to already overburdened healthcare systems around the globe.
  • There is an already proven safe and effective method of controlling cervical cancer in most developed countries – pap screening and good gynecological follow-up. Countries without this practice in place would be money ahead to spend their healthcare budget developing the infrastructure to provide this type of care.
  • Cervical cancer causes 2.3 deaths/100,000 women in the United States. The cost of 3 doses of HPV vaccine for 100,000 women is an estimated $30,000,000 ($100/dose) to try and eliminate less than 3 deaths which could have been avoided with pap screening and good gynecological follow-up. How many medical professionals could be trained and/or medical facilities built with that same 30 million dollars?


  • The human papillomavirus has never been proven to cause cancer by itself. Other risk factors must also be present in order to prompt the development of cancer.
  • According to the World Health Organization, only 0.15% of all people exposed to any high-risk strain of HPV will ever develop cervical cancer. The vast majority of HPV ‘infections’ are benign and cause no medical problem whatsoever.
  • HPV type prevalence varies greatly from one region to the next. Are the HPV types targeted by current vaccines the same ones prevalent in your country?
  • There is no excuse for exposing the female population of the world to the risks involved with HPV vaccination when there is an already proven safe, affordable, necessary and effective means of controlling cervical cancer.


  • According to the World Health Organization, only 1% of CIN1 progresses to the next stage, only 1.5% of CIN2 progresses. Only 12% of CIN3 lesions, which are actually considered a pre-cursor to cancer. Nevertheless, the FDA allowed the manufacturers of HPV vaccines to use these often self-reversing abnormal lesions as endpoints to judge the efficacy of their products.
  • The other endpoint used to predict efficacy was antibody titers. No one has determined what level of antibodies is necessary to prevent HPV infections. It is simply assumed that the higher the antibody titer level, the better the potential protection.
  • HPV vaccines have not been clinically proven to prevent a single case of cancer.
  • There is no guarantee that eliminating one risk factor for the development of cervical cancer will have any impact on the disease incidence or mortality rate.
  • It will take more than 20 years to determine whether or not HPV vaccines perform as advertised.
  • There is no guarantee that any suppressed oncogenic HPV type will not mutate over the next 20 years and become more dangerous.

I would respectfully submit that all of these facts should be taken into consideration when evaluating the HPV vaccination program in Colombia.

Please consider every new medical condition following HPV vaccine administration to be a potential adverse event. Thorough investigations are the only way to determine the safety profile of HPV vaccines in your country.

Please take action to protect your future generation.

Halt the current HPV vaccination program until you have determined whether or not HPV vaccines are a good addition to your cervical cancer prevention program.

You must answer the question – Are HPV vaccines Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective in Colombia?
















LSaneVax-Featureda abogada Mónica León Del Rio actualmente representa a varias niñas colombianas que están experimentando nuevas afecciones médicas después de la administración de Gardasil. Ella hace poco me invitó a hablar a un grupo de funcionarios de salud pública, representantes gubernamentales y personal médico en Colombia para explicar por qué el equipo SaneVax no respalda los programas de vacunación contra el VPH.Justo antes de mi participación en la conferencia internacional, se desconectó la llamada. A pesar de múltiples intentos para restablecer la conexión no pude hacer mi presentación.

Por lo tanto, mi mensaje destinado a Colombia es el siguiente:

SaneVax es una organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja con representantes en más de 25 países, todos los cuales están preocupados acerca de las vacunas contra el VPH. El equipo SaneVax cree que las vacunas deben cumplir con 4 criterios de sentido común antes de incluirse en los programas de vacunación masiva. Creemos que deben ser demostrados científicamente que son seguras, asequibles, necesarias y eficaces antes de ser aprobadas por el gobierno.

El Equipo SaneVax no puede apoyar los programas de vacunación contra el VPH por muchas razones.

#1 No se ha demostrado que las vacunas contra el VPH sean SEGURAS

  • Hay más de 80 vacunas aprobadas para su uso en los Estados Unidos. Las vacunas contra el VPH representan casi el 25% de toda la base de datos de Eventos Adversos de Vacunas (VAERS). Esto es especialmente preocupante porque el sistema VAERS se estableció en 1990 y vacunas contra el VPH no se introdujeron hasta mediados de 2006.
  • VAERS informa que los casos de Encefalitis Aguda Diseminada se han incrementado en un 1.000% desde la introducción de vacunas contra el VPH; los informes de infertilidad se incrementaron 790%, los casos de ceguera aumentaron 188%, y los abortos espontáneos por 270%.
  • De acuerdo con los documentos presentados a la Corte Suprema de la India, cuando 24.000 niñas fueron inyectadas con vacunas contra el VPH durante los “proyectos de demostración”, se estima que un 5% (1.200) quedaron con problemas de salud crónicos y / o trastornos autoinmunes.
  • Japón retiró la recomendación del gobierno para la administración de las vacunas contra el VPH después de sólo 6 semanas, cuando los informes de eventos adversos después de la aplicación del Gardasil eran 26 veces más altos que los de la vacuna anual contra la gripe; los informes de eventos adversos después de la aplicación de Cervarix fueron 52 veces más altos que los de la vacuna anual contra la gripe. El 24,9% de los eventos adversos informados fueron considerados graves.
  • Dinamarca informa que se consideran graves un 24% de los eventos adversos informados después de la vacunación contra el VPH.
  • Italia informa de los eventos adversos después de la aplicación de las vacunas contra el VPH a una tasa del 219/100 000 – diez veces más alta que la mayoría de las vacunas administradas en Italia. La tasa de cáncer de cuello uterino en Italia es de 7,7 / 100.000.

#2 Las vacunas contra el VPH NO SON ADSEQUIBLES

  • Los programas de vacunación contra el VPH no eliminan la necesidad de las pruebas de detección de Papanicolaou (citología vaginal), inclusive hay que añadir el precio de 3 inyecciones que se sobrecargan a los sistemas sanitarios de todo el mundo.
  • La detección mediante la prueba de citología vagina (prueba de Papanicolaou) es un método seguro y eficaz ya probado para controlar el cáncer cervical en los países más desarrollados incluyendo el buen seguimiento ginecológico.
  • El cáncer cervical provoca 2,3 muertes / 100.000 mujeres en los Estados Unidos. El costo de 3 dosis de la vacuna contra el VPH para 100.000 mujeres tiene un costo estimado de $ 30.000.000 ($ 100 / dosis) para tratar de eliminar menos de 3 muertes que podrían haberse evitado con la prueba de Papanicolaou y un buen seguimiento ginecológico. ¿Cuántos profesionales de la medicina podrían ser capacitados o cuántas instalaciones médicas se podrían construir con los mismos 30 millones de dólares?

#3 Las vacunas contra el VPH no son necesarias

  • El virus del papiloma humano nunca se ha demostrado que cause el cáncer por sí mismo. Otros factores de riesgo también deben estar presentes para facilitar el desarrollo del cáncer.
  • De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, sólo el 0,15% de todas las personas expuestas a cualquier cepa de alto riesgo de VPH desarrollarán cáncer cervical. La gran mayoría de los ”infecciones” por VPH son benignas y no causan ningún problema médico.
  • La prevalencia del tipo de VPH varía mucho de una región a otra. ¿Son los tipos de VPH que son el blanco de las vacunas actuales los mismos que prevalecen en su país?
  • No hay excusa para la exposición de la población femenina del mundo a los riesgos que implica la vacunación contra el VPH cuando ya hay métodos seguros, asequibles, necesarios y efectivos probados para el control del cáncer cervical.

#4 Las vacunas contra el VPH no tienen una eficacia demostrada

  • De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, sólo el 1% de Neoplasia Intraepitelial Cervical 1 (CIN1) avanza a la siguiente etapa CIN2 y de esta sólo el 1,5% progresa. Solo un 12% de las lesiones CIN3 son en verdad consideradas como precursoras del cáncer. Sin embargo, la FDA permitió a los fabricantes de vacunas contra el VPH utilizar estas lesiones anormales que a menudo se curan por sí mismas como criterios para juzgar la eficacia de la vacuna.
  • El otro criterio de valoración utilizado para predecir la eficacia fueron las medidas de anticuerpos. Nadie ha determinado cuál es el nivel de anticuerpos necesario para prevenir las infecciones por VPH. Simplemente se supone que el nivel más alto de anticuerpos es potencialmente mejor.
  • No se ha demostrado clínicamente que ninguna vacuna contra el VPH prevenga un solo caso de cáncer.
  • No hay garantía de que la eliminación de un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de cáncer de cuello uterino (infección por VPH) tendrá impactos sobre la incidencia de la enfermedad o tasa de mortalidad.
  • Tardará más de 20 años para determinarse si las vacunas contra el VPH funcionan o no como se anuncia.
  • No hay garantía de que cualquier tipo de VPH oncogénico suprimido por la vacuna no va a mutar en los próximos 20 años y ser más peligroso.

Me permito pedir respetuosamente que todos estos hechos sean tenidos en cuenta al evaluar el programa de vacunación contra el VPH en Colombia.

Por favor consideren que cada nuevo caso de anormalidad médica luego de la administración de la vacuna contra el VPH puede ser un evento adverso a la misma. Las investigaciones exhaustivas son la única manera de determinar el perfil de seguridad de las vacunas contra el VPH en su país.

Por favor, tomen medidas para proteger sus generaciones futuras.

Detengan el programa de vacunación contra el VPH actual hasta que se haya determinado si las vacunas contra el VPH son una buena adición al programa de prevención de cáncer de cuello uterino.

Deben responder a la pregunta – ¿Son las vacunas contra el VPH seguras, asequibles, necesarias y eficaces en Colombia?




This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

John Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines#Flu#Family#Android

By: Sylvia Booth Hubbard

A Johns Hopkins scientist has issued a blistering report on influenza vaccines in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). Peter Doshi, Ph.D., charges that although the vaccines are being pushed on the public in unprecedented numbers, they are less effective and cause more side effects than alleged by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Further, says Doshi, the studies that underlie the CDC’s policy of encouraging most people to get a yearly flu shot are often low quality studies that do not substantiate the official claims.

Promoting influenza vaccines is one of the most visible and aggressive public health policies in the United States, says Doshi of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Drug companies and public officials press for widespread vaccination each fall, offering vaccinations in drugstores and supermarkets. The results have been phenomenal. Only 20 years ago, 32 million doses of influenza vaccine were available in the United States on an annual basis. Today, the total has skyrocketed to 135 million doses.

“The vaccine may be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza seems to be overstated,” Doshi says…

Read the Entire Article Here


I have been considering boycotting stores, as much as possible, that “wallpaper” their storefronts, and such with flu shot propaganda.  Do they realize how they are hurting their customers or is it all about the mighty dollar?




Italy will investigate 11 Deaths linked to flu vaccine#Flu#Family#mtvstars

THE number of people who have died in Italy after being administered a flu vaccine made by Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis has risen to 13.

The Italian Medical Agency (AIFA) has warned against panic and stressed there is not proof yet that it was the vaccine that led to the deaths.

It said it banned two batches of the product — called FLUAD — as a precautionary measure, pending further studies…

 Read the post here


Related Articles:

John Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines

Novartis flu vaccine suspended in Italy after deaths

Investigation into reports of serious adverse events following use of Fluad

Italy Probes 11 Deaths in Novartis Flu Vaccine Review

Does one’s health, and even life seem to be the driving force behind these vaccines? 

More Proof Flu Vaccines Don’t Work – Outbreak on US Navy Ship Despite 99% Vaccination Rate#iBelieve#Vaccines#Flu

Has the CDC contradicted itself again? The reports are now coming out that there was an influenza outbreak on the U.S.S. Arden. Almost a quarter of those on board caught the illness even though 99% of crew members had been vaccinated against flu per mandatory military vaccine policy.

According to the report, the ship was in San Diego, CA in early February to conduct training exercises. There were 102 crew members on board. Three days into it, 25 crewmen needed medical care after coming down with influenza.

The Naval Health Research Center determined that out of the 25, 20 of them had influenza A and 18 of these specifically were the subtype H3N2.

Due to severity of the outbreak, the ill crew members were sent home with medication and instructions on how to avoid spreading the illness. The ship had to be fully disinfected…

Read the Entire Post Here


6 Reasons I Won’t Give My Kids The Nasal Flu Vaccine#Flu#Family#Vaccines

Written By: Celeste McGovern

Two of my daughters arrived home from primary school last week with public health packages in their bags. It’s that time of year again, when nurses are out in force like army recruitment officers, waging a war on deadly germs and rounding up volunteers for vaccines.

This year in the United Kingdom the intranasal flu vaccine is being rolled out. It’s already been used in the United States where 14 to 15 million doses of AstraZeneca’s FluMist are currently in distribution for this flu season but this is the first year it is being offered under the brand name Fluenza Tetra in the UK  to all children older than 24 months and it is heavily promoted by public health officials.  They’ve even produced  a “Flu Hero” cartoon  directed at children in which a superhero gives a little boy a nasal flu vaccine which, like a bite from a radioactive spider, transforms him into a superhero himself with super defenses.


I hate the flu as much as other parents, but the public health information struck me as superficial and smacked of a sales pitch, so I decided to look a little deeper into the vaccine and here are the top half dozen reasons my children won’t be going near it…

Read the Full Article Here


HPV Vaccination Program in Colombia: Undermining the Truth?#Family#Vaccines#Columbia

By Norma Erickson

SaneVax-FeaturedHundreds of young women in Carmen de Bolivar, Colombia ended up in hospitals since the administration of the second dose of Gardasil beginning in schools on March 20, 2014. Local newspapers report as many as 700 girls being sent to emergency rooms after receiving Gardasil over the last few months.

According to a local school teacher:

The girls in Carmen de Bolivar received their first dose of Gardasil in July 2013, after which reported reactions were similar to other vaccines (redness, swelling, pain at the injection site, etc…). The second dose was administered on the 20th of March 2014. Several girls reacted immediately and much more severely, reporting dizziness, syncope, and severe headaches. By May 29th to the 30th, the situation had turned into a full-blown crisis with scores of girls being admitted to local emergency room facilities to be treated for fainting, shortness of breath, weakness in the limbs etc…

No one seems to know what instigated this epidemic number of hospital visits. Government health officials emphatically denied that Gardasil could be causing the extraordinary number of new medical conditions. Instead, they put forth theories such as lead poisoning, mass hysteria and even too much Ouija board use.

Parents of the affected girls did not agree with any of these theories. They knew the only thing that had recently changed in their daughters’ life was the administration of the second dose of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

Hundreds of parents took to the streets in peaceful demonstrations to demand investigations; others burned tires in protest, blocking a main road connecting a coastal town with the interior. For the first time in the history of Colombia, perhaps the world, parents launched massive public protests over the administration of a vaccine that is apparently making people sick instead of protecting them. (read more)

Parents of affected children suspected Health Minister Alejandro Gaviria of being less than truthful, being misinformed, or simply protecting special interest groups supporting the use of Gardasil and they were not shy about stating their suspicions in any public forum they could gain access to.

Health Minister Gaviria accused media representatives of contributing to the creation of an epidemic of ’mass hysteria’ and publicly requested journalists and media personnel to exercise ’more responsible journalism.’

Dr. Nubia Muñoz Calero

Enter Nobel-prize nominee, Dr. Nubia Muñoz Calero

Sunday, October 5, 2014, Alda Mera, reporter for El Pais, published an article titled, The HPV vaccine saves lives, Nubia Muñoz Calero. Reporter Alda Mera apparently thought there was no one better to allay the fears of Colombian parents than an epidemiologist who had been born, raised and educated in Colombia, who had participated in cancer research for more than 30 years and been nominated to receive a Nobel Prize for her work. This medical scientist was Dr. Nubia Muñoz Calero. (read her biography here)

Unfortunately, the article published as a result of reporter Alda Mera’s interview with Dr. Nubia Muñoz Calero continues to market HPV vaccines via fear, not facts.

Please examine the statements from Alda’s article below when compared with documented factual information:

According to Dr. Muñoz Calero, when asked if Colombia understands the importance of her discovery that HPV causes cervical cancer, the good doctor states, ”I am not the inventor of (HPV) vaccines, pharmaceutical companies developed them. I have no commercial interest in them.”

FACT:  What Dr. Muñoz Calero fails to mention is that she is a member of the Merck HPV Global Advisory Board. This may not be what one would technically call a commercial interest. However, it does constitute a substantial conflict of interest when one is being portrayed as an independent scientific expert. (verify here) Why did Reporter Alda Mera not disclose this information?

According to Dr. Muñoz Calero, her contribution was to demonstrate with well-planned epidemiological studies that the human papillomavirus is the main and necessary cause of cervical cancer.

FACT:  Epidemiological studies never prove causation. They cannot prove that a specific risk factor actually causes the disease being studied. Epidemiological evidence can only show that this risk factor is associated (correlated) with a higher incidence of disease in the population exposed to that risk factor. The higher the correlation the more certain the association, but an epidemiological study cannot prove causation. (verify here)

It is also important to note that papers published prior to FDA approval of Gardasil refer to HPV as being ’associated with’ the development of cervical cancer. It was only after FDA approval of Gardasil that ’scientific’ papers began to refer to human papillomavirus as being ’causally associated’ with the development of cervical cancer. This phrase soon morphed into HPV being ’the main and necessary cause’ of cervical cancer. (verify here, in Dr. Muñoz Calero’s own published paper – simply scroll through the referenced papers and look at their dates of publication.)

According to Dr. Muñoz Calero, she had helped identify the two types of HPV (human papillomavirus) responsible for 70% of cervical cancer.

FACT:  What the esteemed doctor failed to mention is the fact that the two types identified may not be the prevalent types in the Colombian population. If HPV 16/18 are not the prevalent types in Colombian women, any effect Gardasil may have on the prevalence of cervical cancer in her country would diminish substantially. (verify here)

According to Dr. Muñoz Calero, when asked about the safety demonstrated during the clinical trials of Gardasil, she stated, ”As an intramuscular injection (Gardasil) produces some pain in 80% of girls, heat and redness in the arm. A small percentage have headaches and fevers, 10% for maybe one or two days. But these 40,000 women (who participated in clinical trials) did not suffer syncope, fainting, or diseases that (are) now blamed on the vaccine.

FACT:  According to documentation presented to the FDA prior to Gardasil approval in the United States, 73.3% of clinical trial participants who received Gardasil reported new medical conditions after vaccine administration. It is interesting to note that 76.3% of those who received the so-called ’placebo’ also reported new medical conditions after injection. The problem here is that the ’placebo’ used was not an inert substance – it consisted of the brand new (not safety tested) proprietary aluminum adjuvant Merck developed for use in Gardasil and a ’carrier’ solution with undisclosed ingredients. The only thing these clinical trials proved was that Gardasil was no less dangerous than the adjuvant used in Gardasil. Many of the new medical conditions reported during clinical trials are the same ones being reported around the world after Gardasil administration. (verify here) (list of reported new medical conditions from clinical trials here)

According to Dr. Muñoz Calero, when asked whether Gardasil had been rushed to market, stated that the laboratories created the first human papillomavirus vaccine at the end of the 90’s, and began phase I and II clinical trials before 2000.

FACT: Merck’s development program for the HPV quadrivalent vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer was granted fast track designation in 2002. Merck initiated phase 3 clinical trials of the HPV quadrivalent vaccine in 2002. (verify here) This fast track designation was granted despite the fact that Merck’s proposed vaccine did not meet any of the criteria required for fast track approval. (verify here)

According to Dr. Muñoz Calero, when asked about the adverse reactions being reported in Colombia, says she does not know in detail what is happening in Carmen de Bolivar because she does not live in the country; but based on what she’s read and been told by colleagues….200,000 million doses have been distributed (not necessarily administered) in the world. WHO, PAHO, FDA and EMA say that Gardasil is safe and there is no scientific evidence showing (that it) triggers autoimmune diseases (Guillán-Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis).

FACT:  There may be no concrete scientific proof that HPV vaccines are triggering and/or causing the adverse events being reported in every country where they are administered. However, there is also no scientific proof that HPV vaccines are NOT causing these new medical conditions either. There is no such thing as an epidemic of coincidence.

The SaneVax team would like Dr. Muñoz Calero to explain why biologically plausible mechanisms of action that could explain new medical conditions occurring after the administration of HPV vaccines presented by scientists and medical researchers around the globe is not being investigated thoroughly by any of the alphabet organizations she mentions which all have vested interests in mass administration of one of the most expensive vaccines ever produced. (verify here and here)

Near the end of the interview, Dr. Muñoz Calero is asked if it would be a good idea to stop mass HPV vaccinations in Colombia until after investigations to determine which children are at risk for adverse reactions. She states:

No. It would be a mistake to stop the program. Countries that achieve the highest coverage are those with school-based programs. What I recommend is to increase education programs for physicians, media, and communities. Make them understand that this vaccine is the best weapon against cervical cancer.

Dr. Muñoz Calero, since when is it a mistake to apply the precautionary principle to the administration of a medical intervention of any kind?

Anyone with an ounce of compassion would be fighting to protect the continued health and well-being of the young girls in their native land; NOT fighting to preserve the uptake of a vaccine which might be responsible for epidemic numbers of health problems.

The new medical conditions occurring after Gardasil administration must be investigated thoroughly before any more young women are subjected to devastating potential risks in exchange for the highly debatable promise of a reward 20 years down the road.

The latest ’medical miracle’ can wait until after independent investigations determine it to be safe.

By the way, there is a huge difference between being ’anti-vaccine’ and supporting vaccine safety.

If a pharmaceutical company cannot market their products based on facts, they should not be allowed to market them at all!

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org