Do You Know What’s In Your Vaccines?#android#iPad#retweet

by Barbara Loe Fisher and Patrice La Vigne

Forget for a moment that government and physician recommended vaccines contain lab altered bacteria and attenuated viruses causing the infections you are trying to avoid contracting. It is important to learn more about the additives and other ingredients in vaccines, including animal DNA and chemicals and heavy metals. In the day and age when many children are suffering with severe food allergies and other kinds of chronic health problems, parents are paying closer attention to what they feed their babies and taking steps to limit toxic exposures. Reading the vaccine manufacturer package insert is an essential part of making an informed vaccination decision for yourself or your child.

The vaccine package insert lists vaccine ingredients like gelatin, egg protein and antibiotics, all of which can cause an allergic reactions in susceptible people. However, there are many more ingredients in vaccines that have not been fully evaluated for their potential adverse effects on human health, particularly when given in combination and repeatedly injected.1 2 The mercury preservative, Thimerosal, and the vaccine adjuvant, aluminum, are two controversial ingredients in vaccines that have been in the news for the past decade.3

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Gardasil Firestorm in Denmark#android#iPad#retweet

By Norma Erickson

In March 2015, a Danish national television station (TV2) aired a documentary focusing on girls who suspected they had been injured by the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Immediately after the airing of the show, girls with similar experiences started coming out of the woodwork. Virtually all of the girls had the same story to tell.

They began to have serious new medical conditions shortly after using Gardasil so they would go to the doctor. According to Luise Juellund, the vast majority of doctors would tell them the HPV vaccine has no serious side effects and offer psychological problems as an alternative reason for the new symptoms.

Luise should know, her daughter is one of the seriously injured and cannot be left home alone because of daily seizures and hour-long periods of unconsciousness. After disclosing the new symptoms she was experiencing after Gardasil, she was referred for psychological evaluation. Psychiatrists cleared her and she has now been diagnosed with POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) a suspected side effect of HPV vaccines.

According to Peter la Cour, Head of the Center for Functional Disorders in Copenhagen, the practice of refusing girls the opportunity for medical examination and treatment on the grounds that psychological problems can cause similar symptoms is terrible. He states:

The handful of girls I’ve seen has not been mentally ill, but very physically sick and disabled. We simply cannot have sick people rejected under the assumption that they are mentally ill. None of us know anything about why they are so sick. Alleged knowledge of psychological reasons is scandalous character assassination of the young women.

Serious Adverse Reactions Reach One in 500

Denmark is divided into five healthcare regions. On June 1, the government established a single point of entrance in each one of these regions to accept and examine anyone suspected of having a negative reaction to Gardasil. The response was overwhelming.

The influx of girls seeking care was 60% higher than expected, suggesting the harmful effects was greater than Danish health authorities had foreseen. By June 9th, the waiting list to be evaluated was at least six to nine months long. (See map below.) Two of the five centers did not know how long the girls would have to wait.

Jesper Mehlsen from Synkopecenteret at Frederiksberg Hospital is one of the specialists who takes care of the girls. He stated:

We thought it (the serious adverse event rate) was about one in 10,000 people who had side effects. Now it turns out that there are at least two per 10 000. Suddenly it was doubled.



Unfortunately, the avalanche of girls seeking medical diagnoses and treatment after their HPV vaccinations continued to increase.

Only two days later, on June 11th, Dr. Jesper Mehlsen had to revise his estimate of the number of injured girls stating:

A realistic estimate is that one in 500 girls – or 1,000 of the 500,000 vaccinated experience serious side effects.

Dr. Mehlsen helped to research the HPV vaccine and personally vaccinated 3,000 girls. Now, he operates the regional intake center in Frederiksberg and will be in charge of coordinating work across the country. He noted that as of June 11th, 360 girls had been referred for study.

Dr. Stig Gerdes fears this is only the tip of the iceberg. He stated:

It will not it surprise me if we end up reaching several thousand who have been sick. I even stopped administering Gardasil a few years ago, after vaccinating about 100 patients.

More than a handful of them became ill after the vaccine. Several of them very, very seriously and completely devastated.

Is HPV vaccine safety based on mere guesswork?

Danish Health Minister, Nick Haekkerup, and the National Board of Health continue to defend the use of the HPV vaccine Gardasil despite the more than 600 young girls suspected of becoming seriously ill from the vaccine. Both still claim the vaccine is safe and the benefits outweigh the risks.

Experts who are working with the injured girls disagree. Coordinator of the Danish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s national guidelines for HPV vaccination, Gynecologist Jeppe Schroll states:

We can simply not say because we do not know. There is so much uncertainty in the studies that were made on the vaccine – so it is a pure guess. It may well be that they (the health authorities) are right, but it could just as well be the opposite.

His opinion is reinforced by Dr. Diane Harper, who helped develop Gardasil for Merck and stated:

There is no data to substantiate that the benefits outweigh the risks. The truth is that we know very little about the side effects of the HPV vaccine.

Dr. Schroll suggests that Merck’s own analysis of possible serious side effects is based on a questionnaire which clinical trial participants completed two weeks after the vaccine was given.  In the years since, women are asked whether they have received ’new medical conditions.’

According to Dr. Schroll, this provides a high degree of uncertainty. Some may get sick during the first 14 days, but women who become ill later may not connect it to the vaccine.

Dr. Schroll stated another source of error is that in the last major Danish/Swedish study among a million girls only looked at those with a diagnosis; not necessarily those with a list of symptoms such as debilitating paralysis of the arms and legs, pain, chronic fatigue, sudden daily fainting, daily migraines and dizziness – like the more than 600 Danish girls currently referred for evaluation.

According to Dr. Jeppe Schroll:

I think the reason why they have not found the side effects in the studies is that they have not been looking for them.

Experts weigh in on HPV vaccination policy

Danish GP’s believe one should examine the many sick girls who are suspected to have had adverse reactions to Gardasil before even considering implementing Gardasil 9.

Deputy Chairman of the PLO and member of the Board of Health’s vaccination committee, Niels Urich Holm agrees, stating:

We know too little about the side effects. We fear first, that it (Gardasil 9) might have more side effects than the current one (Gardasil), which has greater side effects than other vaccines. And secondly, we believe that it would be prudent to await the investigations currently going on in all regions to find out about the disease and symptoms we have seen in a number of girls, maybe caused by the vaccine. Therefore, one should wait to introduce the new HPV vaccine, which is being approved for use in Denmark until the five new regional HPV centers have studied the sick girls who received the current vaccine properly.

SF (Socialist People’s Party) spokesperson Ozlem Cekic also backed up the GP’s request that the cautionary principle be applied when she stated:

I do not understand why the National Board of Health is so eager to launch a new HPV vaccine. I think overall that the Agency has behaved foolishly in this case, where they have been too slow to react. We can see that many girls may have become ill by severe side effects. It shall be fully investigated.

She also stated that the Socialist People’s Party will take HPV vaccine issues up politically after the election and shall require deeper insight into the documentation underlying the vaccine.

Health Rapporteur Liselott Blixt of the Danish People’s Party was one of the people who led the effort to get the HPV vaccine Gardasil introduced in Denmark in 2008. She now wants it abolished. She states:

The fact that we have so many, perhaps up to 5,000 young women who suddenly become so sick must have the consequence that we simply stop the vaccine. I was the first who said a big ‘yes’ to it, but now I will also be the first to abolish it, because we politicians must take responsibility for ensuring that we have adopted it. Not least in light of the fact that we do not actually have any treatment options to offer the most sick.

Let’s hope the authorities in Denmark follow expert advice and make sure that young women’s health is no longer sacrificed for the promise of a benefit fifteen to twenty years from now.

No healthy young woman should have to sacrifice her health to see if a cancer prevention experiment will work!




This article in its entirety, is compliments of


CPS Threatens To Kidnap 7 Year Old in California When Parents Try to Transfer to Different Hospital#android#iPad#retweet

by Health Impact News/ Staff

Kennedy May Willey’s first seizure took place when she was nine months old, on December 26, 2008. It occurred 8 days after receiving her DTaP vaccination. The seizure lasted over 40 minutes and entailed a dramatic helicopter ride to the nearest major hospital in Texas which was over an hour away. Fortunately, little Kennedy rebounded and within a few hours the doctors wanted to send her home, saying that the seizure that had nearly killed her was a “normal febrile seizure.”

Her mother Dawn knew there was nothing “normal” about it and insisted that they keep Kennedy overnight for observation. A nurse told her she was paranoid, but within five minutes she was seizing again.

Dravet Syndrome Diagnosis

Eventually, two pediatricians, one allergist, one cardiologist and no less than six neurologists later, Kennedy was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome. This was not good news. For parent or child, Dravet can be a terrifying diagnosis.

The prognosis is anything but encouraging, the mortality rate is exceptionally high — 15-20% — with most dying suddenly while asleep, and seizures are severe…

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Gardasil: When will our nightmare end?#android#iPad#retweet

By Martin, County Meath, Republic of Ireland

Gardasil: When will the nightmare end?

My daughter, Abbey, was a healthy happy 13 year old when she started secondary school. On the 22nd September 2014 she received her Gardasil vaccine along with the Tdap vaccine in school. She had an adverse reaction straight away. For over an hour, she was left lying on a mat on the floor while the rest of the girls were being vaccinated.

During this time she had seizure-like jerking, rolling eyes, blurred vision, headache, nausea etc. Eventually after an hour and twenty minutes we were called to the school to pick her up. No ambulance was called. The school administrators were not informed this episode had happened until the next day.

When I arrived at the school and asked why an ambulance wasn’t called,I was told I was OVERREACTING and this would wear off.

The next day, her mother and I thought Abbey was suffering withdrawals. Little did we know our nightmare was only getting started.

Two days after the vaccine Abbey returned to school but took another seizure and was taken by ambulance to Drogheda hospital A&E and admitted for six days.

After loads of blood tests, an MRI, and a lot of scratching of heads she was sent home with no diagnosis and no medication. We were told we would learn to adjust our lives and live with the situation.

Six months later, we are still waiting to see a neurologist.

At the moment, Abbey is not attending school because of her illness.  Every day is a struggle thanks to Gardasil. Most days she simply wishes all this would be fixed and she can get back to school.

There has been no help offered from either the school or the health service!!

The vision problems, chest pains and stroke like symptoms continue!! The doctors keep suggesting BEHAVIOURAL problems and panic attacks but we have known our child for 13 years. She has never had any type of behavioural problems as the doctors are trying to suggest.

We have shortened this story a good bit so as not to bore the readers but our nightmare is now over 6 months long…….we can only speculate as to how much longer we must endure.

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of

Martin, Abbey and mom,

I am speechless and so sorry you have endured this.  What kind of people would treat anyone like this, let alone a child?  It’s time for our school, government and health officials to wake-up.  No more. 

Our youth are the best asset this world has to offer.

The last thing Abbey needs is to have someone tell her this is all in her head.  Treat the source, right.

You all are really strong and please know there are many, many wonderful people cheering you on across the world.

Fortunately, you know of  They have helped many youth and their families to locate doctors with expertise in this area.  I also have practitioners within my Featured Doctors section as well.  I hope you find a healing source soon and know that you are never alone in this. 

Below is a clip that I hope lifts your spirits.  Pray always.

God bless, and remember even with all the chaos, and this can be especially hard to do, remember this phrase:

A light heart lives long.

Your friend, jen

HPV Vaccines: A Danish Documentary#android#iPad#retweet

By Norma Erickson

Thursday, March 26, 2015, TV2 one of Denmark’s national television stations aired a documentary on HPV vaccines entitled, The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed. It focused on the condition of 3 girls suffering from serious new medical conditions after being vaccinated against HPV with Gardasil. The one thing they have in common with thousands of other girls around the world is they were healthy before they got the vaccine – now, they are seriously ill.

All three girls have been examined from head to toe with no conclusive diagnosis and no help with their symptoms, much like the girls in other countries where HPV vaccines are being used.

During the documentary, two Danish doctors from Frederiksberg Hospital said they have never seen anything similar to this during their entire careers. Both doctors said they had sent correspondence to the Danish Health and Medicines Authority a total of four times during the last year to warn them of possible adverse events after HPV injections.

Dr. Louise Brinth of Frederiksberg Hospital has personally examined around 80 girls whom she suspects may be suffering adverse effects of HPV vaccinations. She states:

They are all dizzy, they pass out, and so the vast majority of them severe headache – often chronic headaches. They have abdominal pain and nausea. They have weird muscle movements, they cannot control. And they’re very tired….

We see a pattern that screams to heaven, and that should be examined by some solid research.

Danish Director of Health, Henrik G. Jenson agrees but stated:

Yes, there is a pattern, but it is not the same as saying that there is a connection. When we see a pattern in how some reports, there is a basis for making some more explanations, and delve into this stuff. Now, the fact that the vaccine is approved by the European Medicines Agency EMA, and that is, they are the ones who make the safety assessment.

While conducting research prior to the production of this documentary, TV2 requested the Danish Health and Medicines Authority to provide full disclosure of all documents pertinent to the HPV vaccination program in Denmark. Unfortunately, Director Henrik G. Jenson and his staff ’forgot’ to supply the news team with any information regarding the four warnings the Danish Health and Medicines Authority had received from medical professionals in their country.

Watch the Danish Documentary with English subtitles:


This HPV vaccine documentary made a huge impact

A closed Facebook page set up for suspected victims of adverse reactions to Gardasil in Denmark reported having 398 members before this documentary was aired. A short two weeks later membership had increased to 938. Because each request for membership is contacted personally by the administrators of the group for verification, there are an additional 40 people currently waiting to be granted membership.

Much to the credit of the Danish health authorities, they are making efforts to respond in an appropriate manner to the crisis they are facing in the wake of their HPV vaccination program. Denmark is divided into five healthcare regions. They have established a single point of entrance in each one of these regions to accept and examine anyone suspected of having a negative reaction to Gardasil. So far there is no official protocol established for the analysis and treatment of those admitted.

Danish health authorities realize that the side effects are extremely serious and want to do more research. Unfortunately, it will take months (if not years) of research to discover exactly what has happened to these girls much less develop successful protocols to treat them without cooperation on a global scale. Where does this leave the survivors in the meantime?

Should the HPV vaccination program be halted until this research is completed?

Are those in charge of the Danish Health and Medicines Authority willing to risk the 2500 serious adverse reactions per 100,000 Gardasil recipients disclosed in Merck’s latest prescribing information packet to try and avoid 12.1 cases of cervical cancer per 100,000?

Are the women of Denmark willing to accept the same risk? Do the women of Denmark think it is reasonable to trade 2500 potentially devastating medical conditions to save 12 people per 100,000 users from the diagnosis of a very treatable cancer?

As a matter of fact, Gardasil was introduced in Denmark in 2009.  In 2008, the youngest woman to die of cervical cancer in Denmark was 30 years old. Three years after the introduction of Gardasil (in 2012), the youngest woman to die of cervical cancer was only 20. Why is this?

Consider this chart from Denmark:

Denmark Cervical Cancer Deaths

Why are deaths from cervical cancer increasing so rapidly AFTER the introduction of Gardasil? Is this not potentially a safety signal that needs investigation?

One of the studies Merck presented to the FDA prior to marketing approval indicated that those who had been previously exposed to vaccine-relevant HPV types prior to vaccination may have a 44.6% greater chance of being diagnosed with pre-cancerous lesions. Could the increased rate of cervical cancer deaths be an indication this study was correct?

The Danish health authorities and political representatives need to understand their experience with Gardasil is not unique to their country. Every country using HPV vaccines is experiencing similar events. This is a global problem.

Vaccines are a medical intervention utilized in healthy populations. The precautionary principle must apply. It only makes good sense to temporarily suspend HPV vaccination programs until all safety and efficacy issues are resolved.

Those individuals who are most susceptible to the risk of serious adverse events must be identified, quantified, qualified and eliminated from HPV vaccination programs.

The current survivors of HPV vaccine injury must be identified, acknowledged and provided with appropriate medical treatment.

Stop sacrificing children on the altar of ’The Greater Good’ – Profit should never trump children’s health!


This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of

Nurse’s Aide Awarded $11.6 Million for Being Paralyzed by Mandatory Flu Vaccine#android##iPad#retweet

The Morning Call of Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania is now reporting that one nurse’s aide has been awarded $11.6 million for being paralyzed with GBS after receiving a flu shot. This is newsworthy, because pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued in civil court for damages due to vaccines. Congress gave them total immunity to such lawsuits in 1986 and that law was upheld by the pro-Pharma Supreme Court in 2011. Sales of vaccines include a tax that is paid to fund a special court where government attorneys fight for the U.S. government to prevent paying out damages due to vaccines. It is a long and difficult process, so settled cases represent only a tiny fraction of the amount of vaccine damaged people in our society…

By Peter Hall
The Morning Call


Sarah Behie’s symptoms started nearly three weeks after she got a flu shot.

The nurse’s aide at Lehigh Valley Hospital noticed that her knees and arms hurt and that her limbs felt weak.

As the pain and weakness grew worse, the 20-year-old was admitted to the hospital and later diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological condition that would leave her partially paralyzed and living in hospitals and nursing homes for nearly four years…

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Nickson Would be Celebrating Life if it Weren’t for Vaccines#android#iPad#retweet

by Augustina Ursino

One mother, Lindsey Pelton, lost her son less than 12 hours after he was given routine vaccines. She wants to share the truth about how families are left to fend for themselves and are denied help, even for burial costs, after vaccines harmed their child. Her journey through the process of filing a vaccine injury claim will open your eyes to another part of the vaccine debate in which unsuspecting parents may find themselves.

Vaccines are advertised as safe and pushed onto the public, but no vaccine is guaranteed to be safe or effective. Vaccine information sheets state these drugs can cause serious health problems, including severe allergic reactions and death.[1] Yet, doctors mostly deny these known adverse reactions when they occur, leaving parents abandoned by their child’s pediatrician that pushed the vaccines in the first place…


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