Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India#cdcwhistleblower#HearThisWell#Vaccines

There have been over 37,000. adverse events and 214 deaths from the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines with no evidence of any benefit from the vaccine.  These figures are off of the November 2014 VAERS report and estimated to be only 1-10% of actual cases.  


  •  Tribal girls were given shots of cervical cancer vaccines during trial
  • Children given Merck’s Gardasil and Cervarix vaccines
  • Petitioners also asked judges to investigate trials of new drug Gardasil 9
  • Drug has allegedly caused side-effects in children as young as nine
  • Investigation claims children were used as unwitting human guinea pigs
  • Supreme Court has given the government one month to provide answers

Judges in India’s Supreme Court have demanded answers after children died during a controversial cervical cancer vaccine trial.

Young tribal girls received shots of pharmaceutical company Merck’s Gardasil vaccine and Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

The vaccines are given to girls as young as nine in many countries – including the UK and the US – to protect against the human papilloma virus, one of the major causes of cervical cancer.

But the Indian court yesterday heard a challenge by campaigners who claim the study – funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – failed to obtain the informed consent of the children or their parents.

They say that a ‘study’ carried out for the foundation by a US organisation was in fact an illegal drugs trial.

Continue to the Article Here


Vaccines Proven To Cause Sudden Death in Children – 67 Deaths Only Explicable As Caused By Vaccines – Drug Safety Regulators Had The Information for Over 2 Years And Let Children Die#cdcwhistleblower#family#iBelieve

by ChildHealthSafety

 This confirmation vaccines cause children to die suddenly is only hours old and is conclusive.  There is no room for argument.  It was published today on the US National Library of Medicine’s website.

For decades regulators and public health officials have insisted parents were wrong to blame vaccines when their children died suddenly shortly after vaccination.  It was coincidence they would say – nothing more. 

The deaths were no more than the number usually to be expected they would add.

But all the time drug safety regulators appear to have been holding the evidence.

A confidential 1271 page GSK document ordered recently by an Italian Court to be published shows

Read the Entire Article Here


My daughter’s life altering changes after Gardasil#cdcwhistleblower#Family#iBelieve

By Shanna DeJaynes, Okay Oklahoma

It breaks my heart to know my daughter had none of these medical issues until after she received those two shots of Gardasil. As a mother, I struggle daily with regret. I allowed my daughter to get this vaccine thinking I was doing the right thing. As it turned out, nothing was further from the truth.

My daughter lives a Gardasil nightmare.  Our family has suffered along with her for almost three years. I refuse to be silent any longer. I share my daughter’s story as a warning to others – Gardasil is not safe for everyone – please, don’t make the same mistake we did.

At 13 years old my daughter, Breanna DeJaynes, was involved in volleyball, basketball and cheerleading at school. She was very outgoing and not shy to make new friends at all. She was a good student, hardly ever missed school and got good grades. She was on the honor roll for several years in a row. Breanna was very active both in and out of school. I could hardly keep her inside; when she wasn’t out practicing or in the classroom, she was with her friends. In short, Breanna was a healthy, happy, all-American girl before Gardasil.

She received her first HPV vaccine injection in April of 2011. Within a couple of days she started having some mild symptoms like dizziness, headaches, cramps in both her legs and arms, passing out, getting over heated easily and complaining that the arm she had the injection in was achy at times.

Every time something happened we would take her to the doctor. If it happened at school they would call 911 and have EMS come and rush her to the hospital (it was school policy to call 911 whenever something happened at a school-sponsored event).

We were always told she was just overdoing it with her sports, she had just hyperventilated, or that she had stood up too fast, or she had taken too hot a bath or shower, got overheated, wasn’t drinking enough water, was dehydrated and so on. We were told everything under the sun. The possibility that her new symptoms could be related to the HPV vaccine never crossed my mind at the time.

As the weeks passed her symptoms continued to get worse. She received her second Gardasil injection in June or July of 2011 and things got worse than before. Her headaches got so severe she couldn’t even stand to be in light, it would make her nauseous. The headaches were always in the same spot on her head in the frontal lobe. Her leg and arm cramps got worse, passing out continued, then she started having seizures both with and without memory loss, at times forgetting her friends, family and so on.

She suddenly couldn’t handle being in large crowds, it would make her so nervous she would start to cry hysterically and hide behind whoever or whatever she could. When she had a seizure it wiped her out to the point where she couldn’t walk or even talk sometimes due to being so confused and disoriented, not knowing where she was most of the time.

She could no longer concentrate at school due to the extreme headaches and body aches, feeling sick, or focus on school work. When she had a severe seizure she couldn’t remember what she had learned the week before, sometimes even the day before. Breanna would get exhausted very easily, be confused, and have involuntary tremors, muscles spasms and so much more. The list of symptoms goes on and on.

In early October 2012, she had over 15 seizures in one day so I was called home from work. I decided I was fed up with taking her to our local hospitals and getting nowhere. I took her to the Children’s Hospital in Tulsa.

She was admitted and put on an EEG monitor for several days. As they were doing the intake paperwork for her to be admitted they had asked all the common questions, for example: ‘Had there been any changes in her routine? Had we had an accident of any kind? Had I recently changed anything at home? Did I think that she was doing too much activity wise?’

The answers to all of the questions was of course ‘no’. Nothing had changed EXCEPT for the fact she had been given the first and second doses of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

After the doctor left the room, a nurse asked if I had researched information about Gardasil and I told her no, I had not because I was told that it was “perfectly safe.”

With the high risk of cancer in our family I thought “Why wouldn’t I want to try and prevent her from getting cancer in the future if that was something that I could do? It could possibly save her life,” or so I thought!

The nurse continued to talk to me about the vaccine and told me to go home and do some research on the Gardasil vaccine.

As Breanna sat in the hospital for the next several days, she only had one seizure. It happened before they got her hooked up to all the monitors because of course it took them forever to get us up to a room and get things going for the monitor. But after she had the one on the hospital floor she was assigned to, every nurse and doctor on duty on that floor was there in a heartbeat. And THEN they put in a rush order to get her hooked up to the monitors as soon as possible.

One morning the doctor asked if it was ok to speak to Breanna alone. I said yes. I was sure that it would be fine. I had no idea what was going to take place.

As he talked with her, he started accusing her of making all this up, that it was all to get attention, it was all in her head and she needed to grow up and stop playing games.

After he finished talking to her I went back into the room. I found her in tears, shaking and trying to pull all the wires off. She cried, “Please take me home – I don’t want to be here anymore.”

It took me a while to calm her down, but I finally got her to tell me what the doctor had said to her.

At this point I was ready to have him called back into the room so that I could give him a piece of my mind AND my fist. My blood was boiling by this point. How dare they treat my daughter this way!

I called the nurse in and asked to speak with a supervisor. They came in a short time later and were extremely apologetic.

I told them I did NOT want that physician to come back into her room under any circumstances or there was going to be a serious problem. I also demanded a different physician for her.

A new doctor came and said there was no activity that had showed up on the EEG testing while she was hooked up to the monitors and sent us home.

We were referred to a neurologist and many other kinds of specialist during this time. After being released from the hospital her symptoms continued to get worse. She was prescribed one seizure medication after another with no relief for over a year and a half. At that time the neurology visits literally consisted of us just walking into the room, her asking how my daughter had been and saying there would be a different medication waiting for her at our pharmacy. It literally took us longer to find a parking place than the time we were in the room with the doctor.

I finally got to the point where I understood we were getting no help. I took Breanna back to her pediatrician and demanded that he send her to another neurologist. I began to ask questions about whether her new symptoms could possibly be related to the HPV vaccine injections she had.

I was always reassured there was no way her current condition was associated with the HPV vaccine no matter what I told them. It did not seem to matter that she had none of these symptoms before she received Gardasil. It did not seem to matter that Gardasil had been the only new thing in her life when this nightmare began.

We started to see the new doctor and of course he ordered all the same tests which had already been done, office and in-home EEG’s, EKG’s, blood work, urine tests etc. He got the same results – everything was negative.

Breanna started to suffer in school due to the memory loss with the seizures, cramping tremors, extreme headaches etc. to the extent that it was causing her grades to go down. She couldn’t remember her school assignments. She had to quit all sports because she was just too weak to do any of that anymore.

Not understanding what was going on with her, most of her friends started to abandon her and not have anything to do with her any more. This caused her to go into a deep depressive state where she wouldn’t leave the house for months. She was too embarrassed about what people would say and worried that she was getting made fun of. That was very hard for her to deal with.

She has continued to miss school and not be able to complete a lot of her work due to her seizures and memory problems. We are now in the process of trying to get her in an online school so she can work at her own pace when she feels well enough to be able to do it. This way she can work at any time of the day so hopefully she will be able to graduate on time. One thing we are thankful for is that we have a good school. They have been very supportive of what is going on with her because they realize it is a medical issue. But when she has any kind of episodes at school I have to go and pick her up right away because of the potential liability for the school if she were to get injured at school.

The doctors have recently taken her off seizure meds but that simply made her seizures worse.

I lost my job of over 7 years because I have to be available to get her from school at a moment’s notice, be here to care for her and watch over her 24 hours a day. Right now, she has seizures 4 or more times a week, sometimes having more than one a day. She isn’t allowed to take a shower or bath without someone there with her. As a 16 year old teenager that is particularly difficult because she can’t have her privacy. As a mother I need and want to be there especially when she has a seizure and is in a state of confusion, when she has them so bad that she loses her ability to remember anyone or anything. We never know when the seizures will come or how long her memory loss will last so I have to be here at all times. Until this nightmare is over, it is impossible for me to hold down a job.

We continue to struggle with her every day to deal with whatever her issues may be that particular day. Breanna has accepted the fact that this is something she has to learn to cope with until we find someone who can help her. We struggle to help her make it through every single day. It is not easy, but we get through it as a family.

It breaks my heart to know my daughter had none of these medical issues until after she received those two shots of Gardasil. As a mother, I struggle daily with regret. I allowed my daughter to get this vaccine thinking I was doing the right thing. As it turned out, nothing was further from the truth.

Seeing your child suffer on a daily basis without the ability to do anything to help them is something no parent should ever have to deal with after a routine vaccine. I only wish I could turn back time so she could have the life she had before being injected with Gardasil.

Now that I have been able to share Breanna’s story I have discovered she isn’t the only young lady, or young boy, that has suffered with issues from this vaccine. It just breaks my heart to know there are so many girls who have very similar or even worse symptoms than those Breanna struggles with.

I am just thankful I did some research before I took her to get the last shot of Gardasil.

Thank you SaneVax for letting me share Breanna’s story. It has been a long road and will continue to be until she gets proper care and this poison out of her body.

Since first coming out with Breanna’s story I have been in contact with many other families who are going through the same kinds of issues or worse. It’s overwhelming, but comforting at the same time. We know we are not alone. Getting to speak with other moms who have been where we are is nice.

There are people that just don’t understand what Breanna’s issues are. I just pray for those people and hope that they never have to deal with what we deal with every day of our lives. I pray parents research all aspects of HPV vaccines before exercising their right to informed consent.

I pray no other parent makes the same mistake I did – allowing my daughter get the HPV vaccine before doing MY homework!

This article in it’s entirety is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Shanna, my heart just aches as I read what Breanna and your family has suffered through these past few years.  I am so sorry that you had a physician demean and verbally attack your daughter.  It is hard to believe that there are some who choose an industry that is based on caring for others that lash out to the most vulnerable.  Just unthinkable, though it goes on all too frequently.

I am so glad that Breanna has a mother like you.  I think this is one of the most difficult trials,  for teens and their families right now, worldwide.  Thanks to people like you, the word is getting out and many will avoid this trial or stop and limit the number of shots and negative outcomes.

Breanna you are such a bright light and I hope you hang onto the hope of something better.  Keep the Lord by your side and the best possible outcomes will show forth.

As you know, many in the healthcare industry are unaware of the symptoms and care following a Gardasil shot.  I have a menu option on my blog with Featured Doctors that have experience with treating vaccine injuries and overall strengthening of the immune system.  SaneVax.org also has wonderful connections with doctors that have proven records of treating vaccine injuries with success.  The team at SaneVax is great to work with and you are in good hands with them.

I would like to share an artistic gift with you.  I hope this takes your mind away from your cares and brings you some light and joy into your life right now, and Breanna I hope you just let any hurtful words just wash away.  Always remember the bright, beautiful and strong girl you are.  You are amazing!!  You will be able to rise above this time in your life.  Just Believe. Your friend, jen.





FDA approved Gardasil 9: Malfeasance or Stupidity?#HPV#Family#iBelieve

By Norma Erickson

SaneVax-FeaturedMalfeasance is when a public official violates the public trust by performing an act that is wrongful, legally unjustified, or contrary to law. Nonfeasance is the failure to act where there is a duty to act. Misfeasance is conduct that is lawful but inappropriate. Perhaps, when it comes to the recent approval of Gardasil 9 all of these apply.

10 December 2014: The FDA approved the use of a reportedly ’new and improved’ version of Gardasil, which will be marketed as Gardasil 9. According to the FDA approval letter, this action was taken without consultation with VRBPAC (the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) which is responsible for reviewing and evaluating data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use of vaccines and related biological products.

The FDA approval letter, signed by Marion Gruber, Director of Office of Vaccines Research and Review CBER,  states the reason for bypassing the advice of VRBPAC writing:

”We did not refer your application to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because our review of information submitted in your BLA, including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues which would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion.”

So, the Office of Vaccines Research and Review, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) committee took it upon themselves to decide there were ”no concerns or controversial issues” regarding the approval of Gardasil 9?

This division of CBER decided there would be no benefit from ”an advisory committee discussion”?

FDAAccording to their own mission statement, the FDA is ”responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.”

The FDA, and all committees associated with the FDA, are public officials and therefore obliged to act in the public’s best interest particularly when it comes to health and safety issues.

Is bypassing advisory committee discussions regarding Gardasil 9’s potential safety and efficacy acting in the public’s best interest, or is it malfeasance, nonfeasance and/or misfeasance?

Examine some Gardasil 9 facts

CBER decided there was no need for VRBPAC to review or evaluate any data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use of Merck’s proposed Gardasil 9 vaccine before making a decision to approve the nine-valent HPV vaccine. This move is particularly disturbing when one considers the worldwide controversy surrounding Gardasil’s safety, effectiveness and appropriate use.

The proposed Gardasil 9 package insert and the current Gardasil package insert are a good place to start a critical examination. The table below lists the ingredients of both Gardasil and Gardasil 9. All differences from one HPV vaccine package insert to the next are highlighted.

Gardasil Ingredient Gardasil 9
225 mcg AAHS (aluminum adjuvant) 500 mcg
9.56 mcg Sodium Chloride 9.56 mcg
.78 mcg L-Histidine .78 mcg
50 mcg Polysorbate 80 50 mcg
35 mcg Sodium Borate 35 mcg
<7 mcg Yeast Protein <7 mcg
20 mcg HPV 6 L1 protein 30 mcg
40 mcg HPV 11 L1 protein 40 mcg
40 mcg HPV 16 L1 protein 60 mcg
20 mcg HPV 18 L1 protein 40 mcg
HPV 31 L1 protein 20 mcg
HPV 33 L1 protein 20 mcg
HPV 45 L1 protein 20 mcg
HPV 52 L1 protein 20 mcg
HPV 58 L1 protein 20 mcg

Take a look at the first line in the chart to the left. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin. A quick search of PubMed for ’aluminum toxicity human’ returns no less than 1652 peer-reviewed and published scientific papers on the subject. Why did Merck more than double the amount of aluminum adjuvant in Gardasil 9?

What long-term health consequences are associated with the injection of 1,500 mcg of aluminum over a period of less than a year via 3 doses of Gardasil 9?

Does this risk increase if Gardasil 9 is received at the same time as another vaccine containing an aluminum adjuvant? If so, how much?

Surely the members of CBER are aware there are potential health risks resulting from aluminum exposure. Did they discuss these risks before making a decision?

Why did Merck increase the amount of HPV L1 protein for 3 of the HPV types already contained in the first version of Gardasil and not for the 4th type? Why do the amounts of these increases vary so much from one HPV type to another?

Are there any potential health risks associated with increasing the total amount of antigen (HPV L1 protein) from 120 mcg in Gardasil to 270 mcg in Gardasil 9?

There seems to be no public record of the CBER meeting, so the general public – including medical professionals who will be expected to administer this new HPV vaccine to their patients may never know whether or not these subjects were even discussed.

Bombshells from the Gardasil 9 package insert

The potential risks discussed above pale in comparison to some of the bombs dropped in the rest of the Gardasil 9 package insert. Any medical professional who reads the entire package insert and still recommends the use of either Gardasil, or Gardasil 9 does not care about the health and well-being of their patients.

Bombshell #1 Serious Adverse Events

According to the FDA a serious adverse event must fit one of the following criteria: death, life-threatening, hospitalization, disability or permanent damage, congenital abnormality/birth defect, or the requirement to intervene to prevent permanent impairment.

According to the Gardasil 9 package insert, the following percentage of serious adverse events were collected during follow-up (up to 48 months):


Number receiving shot Type of vaccine Percentage Serious AE’s Number of Serious AE’s
13,236 Gardasil 9 2.3% 305
7,378 Gardasil 2.5% 185

For the first time, Merck has disclosed what may indeed be close to the true rate of serious adverse events people are suffering after the use of Gardasil and will probably continue to suffer if they consent to using Gardasil 9. The only difference would be that the rates may be higher when used in the general population because certain at-risk groups are excluded from clinical trial participation but not from vaccination programs.

2.3-2.5% doesn’t sound that bad until you compare apples to apples. Cervical cancer rates are always quoted as # per 100,000. Given the above information, for every 100,000 people using Gardasil 9 there would be 2,300 serious adverse events. The cervical cancer diagnosis rate in the United States is 7.9/100,000.

What health official in their right mind is willing to anticipate 2,300 serious adverse events to try and prevent 7.9 cases of cervical cancer?

Keep in mind that the cost of vaccinating 100,000 people is around $30 million ($100 per injection, 3 injections). This doesn’t even begin to address the cost of treating 2,300 serious adverse events, the emotional, physical and financial expense to families and the cost to society via the lost productivity of the injured.

Bombshell #2 Systemic Autoimmune Disorders

An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders. Many of the people diagnosed as suffering systemic autoimmune disorders after HPV vaccines were first mis-diagnosed with conversion disorder or psychosomatic illnesses. Below are the rates of “new medical conditions potentially indicative of autoimmune disorders” experienced during Merck’s Gardasil 9 clinical trials.


Number receiving shot Type of vaccine Autoimmune Disorders Number
13,234 Gardasil 9 2.4% 321
7,378 Gardasil 3.3% 240

So, in addition to the serious adverse events, you now have an additional 2,400 people who may be left with systemic autoimmune disorders. How can any health official possibly think Gardasil 9 is worth this kind of risk?

Bombshell #3 Pregnancy Outcomes

According to the Gardasil 9 package insert, 1,028 women who were injected with Gardasil 9 became pregnant during the course of the clinical trials along with 991 women who had been injected with Gardasil. Overall, 14.1% of the Gardasil 9 women suffered adverse outcomes while 17.0% of the Gardasil women suffered the same fate. A total of 313 women either lost their babies to spontaneous abortion or late fetal death or gave birth to children with congenital anomalies.

This population was further broken down into those who became pregnant within 30 days of an injection and those who became pregnant more than 30 days post-injection. The charts are below.


Number of pregnancies Type of vaccine % abortion/stillborn Lost Babies
62 Gardasil 9 27.4% 17
55 Gardasil 12.7% 7


Number of pregnancies Type of vaccine % abortion/stillborn Lost Babies
960 Gardasil 9 10.9% 105
933 Gardasil 14.6% 136

Note: The numbers from these two charts do not add up to the total number Merck stated in the first paragraph. That is because in the ’more than 30 days’ group there were also 20 cases of congenital anomalies after Gardasil 9 and 21 cases after Gardasil.

Merck stated in the package insert, ”The proportions of adverse outcomes observed were consistent with pregnancy outcomes observed in the general population.”

Unless they are talking about some country other than the United States, THIS IS NOT TRUE.

According to the CDC’s latest publication on fetal mortality, the rate of spontaneous abortions and fetal deaths in the United States is 6.05/1,000 pregnancies or 0.605% – hardly 10.9%, much less 27.4%, and certainly not ’consistent with outcomes observed in the general population’ of the United States.

Do CBER officials not even go to the trouble of verifying the ’facts’ presented by vaccine manufacturers when they are ’evaluating data concerning the safety, effectiveness, and appropriate use’ of vaccines?

Whether these actions, or lack of proper actions are a result of malfeasance, laziness, or just plain stupidity does not matter at this point. It is obvious to the most casual observer the FDA either cannot or will not properly handle their responsibility to protect and preserve the public’s health and safety. They have violated the public trust.

There is absolutely no excuse for exposing young women and men to this level of risk for a vaccine that provides nothing other than promises of results far down the road.

The FDA needs to be removed from the responsibility of ’assuring the safety, efficacy and security’ of vaccines. It is quite obvious they are not up to the task. They are most certainly not acting in the best interests of the public.

Medical consumers – do not consent to the administration of Gardasil 9 unless you and your medical provider have read and discussed the entire package insert together. The choice is yours, make it an informed one.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Gardasil: I should have researched first#HPV#Family#retweet

By Paula from Alzey, Germany

When I received my first Gardasil-Vaccination/Immunization at the beginning of the Easter holidays in 2014, I felt very uncomfortable. It felt as if I had been injected with something viscous, like dough or batter.

The spot in which the needle was pricked, was very thick and hard. Furthermore, it hurt and I directly fainted at the ambulance. I was put on a lounger and after a short while I was able to stand up again. We didn`t do anything to combat the pain because I thought it`s something like a bruise.

One day later: I stood up like always, but I had a strong giddiness and felt as if I had a glass dome above my head. Three days later I was experiencing palpitations during the evenings for around one week. Also I often had chills and would shiver a lot. Afterwards I sweated and my right leg and right arm were vibrating (nervous twitching).

In school I was distracted and couldn`t concentrate. This lasted for a few weeks. For eight weeks I ran a fever every day. The doctor called it sub-febrile temperature. The whole thing was so bad that I could not sleep, stand up or eat anything. The vaccinating house doctor told me that my discomfort had nothing to do with the vaccination.

I had to give up my favorite sport because I was not able to take part in training anymore. Since I missed a lot of school lessons (classes), I have to catch up a lot. This is very exhausting so my family and I decided to cancel my sport school membership to fully concentrate on my academic studies at school. Even though I felt well again it would be too much at the moment.

But back to my bad time after the vaccination!

My blood was tested two times and my Immunoglobulin M was much too high. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics because she had no other solution. She didn´t want me to get a bacterial infection in addition to the virus infection.

It had been found out that the Gardasil-Vaccination triggered Gluten and Histamine hyper-sensitivity. Whenever I eat normal bread I get a bad stomach which will last until the next day.

In May I went for the first time to the osteopathic practice of Chr. Plothe. There, my problems were taken seriously for the first time. Everything was explained to me in detail and they carried out a lot of tests (blood, etc.). I was given the services of a dietitian and my therapy was discussed. I also had to take some dietary supplements, was detoxified, got infusions and was treated by an osteopath. Step by step I felt better.

In general, I missed school for forty days. Often, my mother brought me to class for only two lessons, because I was not able to handle more. Simply the bus drive to school was impossible for me.

It was remarkable that my palpitations (which I had only for one week in the beginning), the shivering and the twitching of my leg and my arm strongly reoccurred shortly after the first Glutathione infusion. It felt as if my body worked very hard. The high doses of Vitamin C infusions which I was given in the clinic helped me a lot. Moreover I felt much better after the osteopathic treatment.

Since the first week of summer vacation I feel very well again. The glass dome above my head disappeared. I have new energy and I am able to stand up in the morning.

After the holidays I was in school for one complete week. I am able to keep attending class and to do my homework afterwards. Two months ago I thought that I would never get healthy again.

I am so thankful to have been able to go to this clinic and receive this treatment and I would highly recommend it. It saved me from having long-term health issues.

How I wish we had looked into the side effects which can occur with the Gardasil vaccine before agreeing to being inoculated.

I strongly recommend that every family does a thorough investigation before deciding to use Gardasil. Check the internet. You will find many thousands of young people with serious health issues after being vaccinated with Gardasil.

I am one of the lucky ones who was given a treatment that helped me recover. Many others have not been so lucky.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Paula, I am so glad you found Chr. Pothe’s Osteopathic office. They sound like they must have been a godsend, when you needed them most.  Thank you for taking the time to help others avoid a brutal situation, and help direct those, in need of care.

You are a very determined individual, and I hope that your future opens up to beautiful opportunities for you.  Below is a little artistic gift that I hope you enjoy.

Warning: Gardasil injuries can have a permanent impact#retweet#Vaccines#HPV

By Annette, Melbourne, Australia

vaccine science?

I write our daughter’s story to give you an idea of the permanent impact Gardasil injuries can have on a young girl’s life. My daughter has battled her injuries for over 5.5 years. Thank you for taking the time to read her story.

Before our girl got sick she was a high achieving student, an active member of the Student Leadership Council, a Scouts girl and a fantastic field hockey player. She got sick after receiving 2 Gardasil vaccinations in the beginning of 2009.

She has a Vaccine Injury and has officially been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, Hypotension (low blood pressure) and Tachycardia (high heart rate when standing up, to pump blood to brain), also called POTS.

At the moment, she still suffers from (extreme) fatigue on a daily basis, headaches (especially end of the day), her hands are sore with nerve pain and she lives with daily joint and muscle pain. Her ears pop every time she swallows and she has trouble hearing. She has difficulty concentrating when there is noise around her. Her feet are always cold but she doesn’t feel it. And that isn’t all of it…

Her days vary; one good day doesn’t mean the next will be ok. One good week doesn’t mean the next week might be better. Sometimes her symptoms come on quickly. A severe headache can appear in a couple of minutes.

In the last 5.5 years our daughter also had to deal with fatigue that made her a couple of times lay in bed fulltime for (6) months in a row, a constant (excruciating) headache that lasted 2.5 years (!), sore throats, swollen glands, chest pains, dizziness with black outs, weakness in her legs making it unable to walk without assistance, abdominal pain, muscle pain, brain fog, trouble concentrating and short term memory and gastro-intestinal problems. She picked up every bug that was around and had high temperatures about every 4-5 weeks.

After 2.5 years of being sick (and no doctor or specialist knowing what to do to help her) our daughter deteriorated so much that we almost lost her (mid 2011), she was too weak to talk, or even eat and drink. Her body was so toxic that her organs were shutting down. For months we were afraid to go into her room in the morning….

Neuro training, brain training, osteopathy, detoxing, a strict diet, supplements and more alternative treatments all helped to improve her health.

We have seen great results; she has had a couple of fantastic months…. until a relapse happens. We have also seen her deteriorate very quickly to being fulltime in bed again around September/October in the last three years. Each time this happens it is hard to get healthier again.

Because of being sick our girl missed about 3 years of her schooling. She wants to be at school but her body doesn’t always let her, which is very disappointing every time it happens. There are many times she needs to spend all her energy on catching up with school work. Through all of this she still wants to finish high school with year 12 and study at a University (she is interested in Political Science).

Next to missing out at school she struggles with her social life. She is lucky to have a couple of friends that have stood by her from the time she got sick, but a lot of people don’t understand. She always worries if people will understand her limits, when she isn’t able to stay in touch because she is just too exhausted or when she needs to cancel last minute. She is now 18 and still can’t do sport or a hobby next to (part time) school. She is not able to get a regular job to make some money like most of her peers.

Besides the physical illness, the stress of not knowing if she would ever get better, of not having a “normal” life, of disappointment after disappointment, of people not believing you, has been enormous, not only for her, but also for her younger sister, my husband and I. Gardasil changed our lives completely, we have learned to appreciate the little things in life.

We are very proud of our daughter and admire her way of handling all the challenges in her life. She has become mature very quickly in certain ways, but she has missed out on lots of experiences as well. We still fight hard to make her health improve more, we hope she will stay good for longer than a couple of months and keep our fingers crossed she will be able to accomplish everything she is dreaming of…

Through sharing our daughter’s story I hope that people research before they say yes to the unnecessary Gardasil vaccine. We trusted the system and thought we did the right thing, but the system has failed us.

Nobody wants to take the responsibility when this happens to your child. This “one solution fits all” system needs to change.

Please go to www.sanevax.org, or the Facebook groups set up for families injured by HPV vaccines. Do some research before you decide if Gardasil is a good choice.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Annette, I feel at a loss for words after reading the enduring trial you, your daughter, and family are living.  I ache for the lack of attention, and support for your family.

It’s ludicrous to have millions poured into marketing these girls, on their favorite channels, at school, and so forth, and then silence when they are injured by the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines.  It’s a tragedy, and I hope, and pray that your silence is lifted, and you are received by loving arms of those who know what to do in these circumstances.

You have proven strong, and dedicated, and I Know that many will receive guidance, and warning through your words.

I am grateful that you have found the kind, and educated folks at SaneVax Inc.  They will have good advice, and I as well have a link to doctors that are experienced in this area.  Distance in most cases is not an issue.  Here is the link to my, Featured Doctors.

I know as you trust in your Father in Heaven, he will continue to guide, and bless you. 

I have little to give, but here is a musical gift that I hope you enjoy, and find some respite at this time. Your friend in truth, jen.


How This Journalist Was Censored For Writing Reasonably About Vaccines#Android#Family#Vaccines

When the editor of the Washington Independent Review of Books invited me to review a recent narrative book about vaccines, I said yes. It was a natural fit, since I’ve been researching vaccines for the past fifteen years, participating publicly in vaccine debates, and writing about the vexing issue of childhood vaccination for nearly as long.

But when an advanced reading copy came in the mail, I recognized the author’s name as someone who had mentioned me in a January 2013 article in Harper’s Magazine. I flipped through the book, and since her essay from Harper’s was printed there nearly verbatim, my name was also in the book.

I called the editor to ask if that might create the perception of a conflict of interest.

“Do you think you can write a fair and balanced review,” the editor asked me on the phone.

I do not know this writer personally. We’ve never spoken or met. We aren’t connected on social media. We did have a very brief email exchange after her Harper’s article came out — I wrote to thank her for mentioning me. I have never taken money from her, as many scientists who are asked to review industry products routinely do…

Read the Full Article Here


Making Vaccines with cancer cells: How safe is it?#Vaccines#Android#Family

By Sandy Lunoe, Guest Author

Will vaccines produced using human cancer cells make vaccines more likely to cause cancer?

Do the amounts of residual cancer DNA present in the vaccines vary between batches?

What genetic mutations could occur should the residual cancer DNA enter a human cell and begin reproducing?

Will manufacturers be obliged to conduct adequate safety studies before these vaccines are licensed?

The truth is no one knows.

Never before have cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors been considered for use in vaccine production. Incredibly, this method has been approved despite the fact that it cannot be guaranteed that the vaccines will not induce cancer tumors in recipients.

Based on the approval by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) millions of vaccines which may induce cancer tumors will be produced. Where are the protests?

From a salvaged transcript (1) of the several hour long meeting in September 2012 between FDA and vaccine manufacturers some of the statements which jumped out of the page are quoted in this article…

Read the entire article here
