Cease Therapy #Autism Spectrum#MMR Vaccine#Mandated Vaccines

Dr. Domenic Stanghini

 Domenic Stanghini

  Autism symptoms are increasing exponentially and the established medical thought is at a loss to explain or reverse this phenomenon. Our vulnerable children are the future for humankind and at this point it is looking bleak with 1 in 50 children being diagnosed as having ASD symptoms. ASD parents are spending everything they have to help recover their children with few positive results. Do NOT lose hope parents. There is something to help your ASD children when all else has failed. CEASE Therapy! And you will save thousands of dollars in the process when compared to other therapies.

 CEASE stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression. It was developed by Dr. Tinus Smits from Holland and has its roots in Homeopathic Medicine. Dr. Tinus Smits wrote a book called Autism Beyond Despair. CEASE goes one step further than the natural Classical Homeopathic remedies that are suggested to recover Autistic children. It uses Isotherapy, which is a form of homeopathy, to detoxify anything in the human body that has become toxic. Each of us are different and what is toxic to one person or child may not be toxic to another. In some sensitive adults and children, vaccines, medications, or illness can become toxic. In other words the system can become overloaded and then any extra doses of the vaccine/medication can become toxic to the system. If this is continued over and over as is the case with vaccine/medications (or even salt etc.) then it becomes toxic to the body and the body has a hard time to remove it from the system and then stores it in the body. These stored toxins can become the source of ASD symptoms. CEASE therapy addresses the these toxins as the root cause. Once the root cause has been found and removed then the child can proceed forward and recover from Autism.

 A simple explanation as to how our children are affected with ASD symptoms. Imagine you are in a physical fist fight with someone. You are fighting and they are fighting and no one is winning. At some point they gain the upper hand and land more blows. You are now in a weakened position with no ability to defend yourself. You continue trying to defend yourself but now the same amount of blows are doing damage to you whereas before they were doing minimal. As you continue with the fight you are incredibly weakened and the punches and kicks are increasing and NOW they are doing more damage as your ABILITY to defend yourself has been downgraded. What caused the inability to fight? Was it the first punch or kick? The 10th punch or kick or the 50th punch or kick? Hard to say but at some point it is observable that you are weakened and you were not the same. You lost the ability to defend yourself and any further blows to your physical body resulted in further damage to the physical body.

 In some ASD children this is what is occurring! It may not have been the last illness, vaccine, or medication that caused the autism issue but this could be where the parents first noticed that their child regressed or changed. It could very well have been the 1 or 2 or 3 vaccines/medications or illness before that caused the regression. That regression could have been subtle. Like the 20th punch or kick above, the vaccine or medication, caused a subtle regression but the body is now at the maximum limit to defend itself. Follow that up with a cold/flu etc and then another round of vaccines/medications and then the body regress’s further. But now it is really noticeable. This is where the parents eyes are wide open that harm has been done. That their child has changed and regressed. And yet going to their health care provider they are told to soldier on and give more medications and vaccines leading to further regression in the child. Therefore, it might not be where the parent notices the regression in the child that caused the regression but the illness, vaccine, or medication just before that that caused the issue.

 Let me first say that not all vaccines or medications for children cause issues. In some cases it is needed and assists the child to grow healthy. In other cases it most definitely causes issues and there is a method to help the child recover, CEASE THERAPY. If you look at the above metaphor the child is the one who is defending itself in the fight really well. At some point the physical assault is not defended well and they are weakened. We could say that the blows and kicks that are not defended well could be any illness, any vaccines, any medication, any emotional issues, any thought issues that the child has that it can NOT process and then return to homeostasis. When that occurs the child is vulnerable. When a child is vulnerable and has a reduced ability to defend itself it is open to further attacks whether the intention is to help or hurt. The road to Hell is sometimes started with “positive intentions” Let me give an extremely typical scenario that any CEASE therapist has heard over and over in their practice.

 Child is given their routine vaccines for 16 months and all is well and child is growing normally in all respects. They eat well, sleep well, eliminate well. Then the child gets a cold or cough and is feeling unwell. The next scheduled vaccine is given despite the illness, and the child cries lots with fever, pain etc. The parents give child Tylenol. Child gets worse. They then develop the flu and this leads to bronchitis. Antibiotics are given. This illness lasts for 6 months and now spreads to ear infection and more antibiotics are given. The next vaccine date is now upon the child and they are still not better and yet are given the next scheduled vaccine. The child has been dealing with illness for 12 months and 6 months ago the mother notices that their child is different. They are more different, talk less, more shrieking, mores stimming, more neurotic, more anger or apathy, talk is reduced, refuses to listen, anxiety and OCD increase, etc. etc. The mother was sure that it was after the last vaccine. And yet with this long list of illness the vaccine could have been that “last straw that broke the camels back”. These stories are very typical for the autistic community. As a CEASE practitioner we investigate and try to find the most causative agent that caused the turn downwards in health for the child. In this very typical case it could have been the multiple antibiotics or the vaccines or a combination of both. When the body is very low in immunity and is assaulted with more medications than it can handle it can become toxic to the system rather than help the system overcome the illness. Lots of medications can unbalance the homoeostasis of the GI Tract and then this upsets the delicate dance that goes on in our human ecosystem. This alone can contribute to ASD symptoms and many many ASD parents have seen their children have strange eating habits that have been very hard to change and this further leads to an unbalanced gut ecosystem and continued ASD symptoms.

 It can also happen that giving the isotherapy of what the parents think caused the issue does nothing. In this case the CEASE trained homeopath will look to either what happened before this vaccine to further assist. Sometimes it is not that last vaccine/medication that caused the dam to break” but maybe was the vaccine/medication given before that.

 With CEASE therapy we also use orthomolecular medicine. Basically we use 3 supplements and this will be a welcome change for some parents that have used upwards of 20-30 supplements and lots of $$$ for their child in hopes of recovering them. With CEASE therapy we use Omega 3 fatty acids to help with brain functions, high doses of vitamin C (fat and water soluble) to control inflammation, and zinc to aid with heavy metal removal.

 If you are interested in their form of therapy for your child please go to CEASE Therapy and there you will get more information and find a practitioner in your area. Interview someone over the phone or skype and find someone that you feel comfortable working with. That is the most important thing. Find someone that willl listen to you, your child, your issues, someone that you can be completely honest to, and they will assist you to help recover your child from an Autism diagnosis.




From a parent’s perspective – ilovequeenanneslace.com

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Gardasil: The decision we will always regret#HPV Vaccine#Vaccines#Vaccine-induced injuries

Gardasil: The decision we will always regret

By Kim Robinson, Red Hill, Pennsylvania

Katie's Gardasil Experience

Katie’s Gardasil Experience

By all accounts, our daughter was normal before receiving the HPV vaccine.  Katie performed very well in school.  She was conscientious, hard-working and took pride in getting good grades.  She loved dancing having taken dance classes since she was 3 years old.  Katie always danced and twirled throughout our home and anywhere else she happened to be.  When Katie was 10, she joined cheerleading and became involved in competition cheerleading.  She was very active, taking four hours of dance class every week plus spending many more hours practicing with her competition cheer team.  Katie was healthy and vibrant.

We were very diligent with our children’s health.  We never missed an annual check-up and we also followed the pediatrician’s recommended vaccine schedule including annual flu shots.  Our pediatrician recommended the Gardasil vaccine.  The Gardasil vaccine was heavily advertised on TV.  We read the vaccine Disclosure.  It said that the vaccine should not be given to those with HIV.  Katie did not have HIV so we signed the Consent. 

On September 2, 2010 at the age of 11, Katie received the first Gardasil vaccine.  Katie’s first day of middle school was September 7, 2010.  Initially, we believed that her fatigue and headaches were being caused by having to get up much earlier in the morning for middle school.  However, she never adjusted to the new schedule and soon her symptoms began exploding.  Katie would often tell us “I don’t know what’s wrong, I just don’t feel good.”  She began sleeping a lot – over 12 hours a day and even more on the weekends, which would allow her gather enough energy to go to school a few days before she crashed again.  She missed days at school, dance lessons and cheer practices.  Soon her illness was visible on the outside too.  Katie didn’t look good – constant dark circles under her eyes, her skin color was ashen and she appeared listless. 

To us, it seemed that her symptoms must be related to the Gardasil vaccine.  Katie’s earliest symptoms began after receiving this vaccine.  We searched the internet but only found vague information – nothing that matched our daughter’s symptoms.  We asked Katie’s pediatrician and other specialists if the Gardasil vaccine could be related to her symptoms but our inquiries were quickly dismissed as not having any correlation to her illness.  Katie’s earliest symptoms were a constant headache or migraine that did not respond to pain relievers, stabbing 24/7 bilateral ear pain, fatigue not relieved by sleep, abdominal pain, nausea and joint pain.  We called and visited her pediatrician repeatedly.  We began taking Katie to specialists including Neurologists, ENT’s, GI, and an OBGYN and made several visits to the Emergency Room.  Katie also received many blood tests, CAT scans and an MRI.  Nothing any of the doctors did relieved Katie’s symptoms.  As a matter of fact, the drugs prescribed to alleviate her symptoms only made her feel worse.  Our pediatrician and other doctors involved with Katie’s care began suggesting that her illness was psychosomatic and recommended that we take her to a psychologist.  We soon found that we were on our own, dealing with a medical issue we did not understand but trying desperately to help our daughter. 

When searching the internet with Katie’s symptoms, Lyme disease would always come up as the search result.  In addition to asking all of Katie’s doctors if the Gardasil vaccine was the cause of Katie’s illness, we also began asking if Lyme disease could be the culprit.  In October 2010, Katie was first tested for Lyme disease.  The results were negative as were two later rounds of testing.  We read on the internet that ELISA and Western Blot tests for Lyme disease are unreliable and that many people who actually had Lyme disease tested negative.  Since this information is all over the internet, we thought it was common knowledge to doctors as well.   Instead, we were emphatically told by doctor after doctor that this was not true, that the testing for Lyme disease is highly reliable and that there was no way Katie had Lyme disease.  In April 2011, Katie could no longer go to school or participate in dance or cheerleading – the pain and fatigue was all consuming.  Nothing any of the doctors did provided any relief yet every doctor refused to consider Lyme disease or that the Gardasil vaccine was related to her illness.   

Katie’s list of symptoms included the following:  24/7 headaches and migraines, 24/7 stabbing ear pain, hyperacusis, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, all over joint pain, constant sore throat, visual disturbances, light sensitivity, cognitive issues such as memory and severe comprehension problems, random numbness and tingling, weird “bug crawling” skin sensations, generalized weakness throughout her body (it was difficult for Katie to just sit in the shower to bathe), dizziness, fainting and heart palpitations.  She slept long hours and stayed in her bedroom shielding herself from the noise of everyday living. 

In May, we requested testing through a lab specializing in tick-borne disease testing.  Katie’s pediatrician reluctantly signed the lab Requisition Form.  This time the test results showed that Katie was highly positive for Bartonella Henselae, a tick-borne disease also known as a co-infection to Lyme disease.  She was also highly positive for Mycoplasma Pneumonia and the testing showed that her immune system was struggling.  Katie’s Western Blot for Lyme disease was negative.  

Katie: My Gardasil Nightmare

Katie: My Gardasil Nightmare

We took those results with us to a long awaited CHOP Diagnostic Center appointment (think the “Dr. House” of the Children’s Hospital) and also to her CHOP Neurologist.  Katie even had the classic Bartonella rash (looks like purple and red stretch marks) surrounding her breasts and hips which is confirmation of an active Bartonella infection.  Both doctors told us that these test results only showed that Katie was “exposed” to Bartonella – it did not mean she had an active infection.  Both came to the same conclusion that her Bartonella rash was actually just stretch marks.  That was particularly hard for us to believe.  Katie was muscular and lean from years of dance and cheer. 

Neither doctor was concerned about her blazing Mycoplasma Pneumonia infection nor was the fact that the testing showed her immune system impaired.  Instead, CHOP Diagnostic Center diagnosed Katie with the beginning stages of Dysautonomia (a malfunctioning automatic nervous system).  We were told that there was no cure and that symptoms were managed with medications. The CHOP Neurologist wasn’t in agreement with CHOP Diagnostic Center; instead she stuck to her prior diagnosis – Chronic Migraine Disorder with Chronic Ear Pain Neuralgia.  The Neurologist recommended that we continue with the same treatment of 20 pills a day even though it did absolutely nothing for Katie other than increase her nausea and head pain.   We felt utter disbelief, despair and anger.

We found our way to a local support group for those suffering with tick-borne diseases, which provided recommendations to LLMD’s (Lyme Literate Medical Doctors).  Katie’s first appointment with an LLMD was in June 2011.  This physician spent an hour reviewing blood tests and other medical reports we collected and asked a lot of questions that had never been asked before.  He clinically diagnosed Katie with Lyme disease and agreed with the test results that reported active infections with Bartonella Henselae and Mycoplasma Pneumonia. He told us that Katie was very sick.  Ironically, upon hearing that news we felt utter relief.  This was the first doctor, since Katie’s illness began over nine months before that acknowledged she was ill.  Since that time, Katie was diagnosed with chronic Strep, HHV6, hypo-coagulation, susceptibility to bio-toxin illness (mold and environmental sensitivities) and has acquired autoimmune thyroid disease. 

It has been three and a half years since Katie received the Gardasil vaccine and she still remains chronically ill.  She was unable to attend school in 7th and 8th grades.  This year, Katie decided to repeat 8th grade again rather than begin high school still sick.  Katie has an IEP plan in school which reduces her daily schedule to three core classes only.  Unfortunately, Katie is still too sick to attend school with any regularity.  Most days, a teacher comes to our home to review the lessons she missed at school.  Some days, Katie’s pain levels are too high so that she can’t even tolerate home tutoring.  Although she longs to get back to dancing again, she spends most days in her room sleeping or resting and trying to cope with chronic pain.  At 14 years old, Katie’s life closely resembles a sick elderly person instead of an active vibrant teenager she should be.    

After Katie was finally diagnosed with tick-borne diseases, we put our initial suspicion about the Gardasil vaccine aside.  Since the treatment of tick-borne diseases is considered emerging medicine, I am always combing the internet for new information on tick-borne diseases, the latest research or treatments.  To our utter disbelief, I came across an article reporting that the Gardasil vaccine can activate a latent Bartonella infection that was otherwise being suppressed by a properly functioning immune system prior to vaccination.   We now believe our earliest suspicion was correct.

We found many stories about devastating health changes post-vaccine.  These stories are eerily familiar to our daughter’s.  The Gardasil vaccine is known to activate latent infections and viruses, such as Epstein Barr and Bartonella.  The Gardasil vaccine deregulates the immune system and that allows latent infections and viruses, which were kept in check pre-vaccine by a then properly functioning immune system, to activate post-vaccine.  Now, there is evidence that the HPV vaccine is linked to the onset of autoimmune diseases. 

We recently consulted Katie’s LLMD and also her Primary Care Physician, who reviewed Katie’s vaccine log and extensive medical records.  Both agree that Katie’s immune system was injured by the Gardasil vaccine and that it was the catalyst to her cascading health problems and chronic illness.  Katie’s LLMD is now treating her for a vaccine injury in addition to treating multiple tick-borne diseases, other infections/viruses and autoimmune thyroid disease. 

At this point, we are totally outside our insurance company and most everything is out-of-pocket.  The overall expense of Katie’s illness greatly outpaces our income so many expenses are put on credit cards.  But the biggest cost by far is the toll that the Gardasil vaccine has taken on our daughter’s health and well-being.  We wonder if she will ever be able to reclaim her health and get back to living a normal life free of pain.

We deeply regret consenting to the Gardasil vaccine.  We had no idea of the severe side effects some experience post vaccine.  Every day, we wish we had been more informed.  Parents beware of blindly following your doctor’s recommended vaccine schedule.  Do not rely or expect your doctor to know everything.  You must do your own research and ask plenty of questions.  Our family found out the hard way that it is possible for a vaccine to have lasting and devastating effects. 

Article complements of sanevax.org.


I can only imagine the grief and pain you are enduring.  Thank heavens for your supportive and dedicated family.

I think that with difficult circumstances and trials, that are unique to this era,  our father in heaven  provides

blessings of healing and health that are unique to this time as well. 

Continue to keep Him in your prayers and don’t lose hope.

You are a strong and talented girl, and none of that has changed. 

Thank you , for sharing your story.  We all have much to learn from you and your family’s journey.

I have a special, little gift for you.  I hope it can help take your mind off things for awhile.

Our hats are off to you,  from cheerleaders all over.

Your friend,

jen   🙂



Sandy Lunoe

Refreshingly, there was a brave attempt recently in a popular show seen by over two million viewers on ABC TV1 to present balanced information regarding the controversial HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccines.

(1) It was expected that to touch on the subject of vaccine injuries and death would bring down the wrath of the vaccine industry. And it certainly appeared to do so.

In addition to opinions from vaccine promoters there were interviews with a grieving mother who shared the tragic story of her daughter’s death and a brave young girl who described her suffering after the vaccine. Two doctors gave their opinions. Whilst one was in favor of the vaccine the other questioned its necessity given the overall success of Pap testing to screen for cervical cancer…

Bombshell TV Show About HPV Vaccines Reveals Cruel Nature of Vaccine Pushers

Click on the link above to read the entire article. 

Words cannot express the sympathy and love I feel towards the many families hit hard by vaccine injuries.  I was hesitant to post the above article due to the hateful comments towards these families.  I am almost speechless by this prejudice and only wish to say, “By their fruits ye shall know them”.

UK: Concerns over cervical cancer jab side-effects#HPV Vaccine#Vaccine-induced diseases#World

March 7, 2013 By sanevax.org

By Janet Boyle, The Sunday Post 

Hundreds of schoolgirls have experienced adverse reactions to the new cervical cancer jab. 

A health watchdog has admitted 1,001 suspected side-effects have been reported since the Gardasil vaccine was introduced into the UK six months ago.

They include cases of girls aged just 12 and 13 suffering seizures, breathing difficulties, joint pain, fatigue and stomach problems.

Parents claim they weren’t warned about the potential dangers of the jab while campaigners have also expressed concern.

However, the authorities insist the vaccine is safe and that the proportion of adverse reaction reports is to be expected.

Jackie Fletcher, of the vaccine support group Jabs, said,

We are not happy with the lack of information given to parents about the safety of this vaccine. It does not allow them to make an informed choice.

Read the entire article here

Hats off to the pediatrician who recognized the adverse reaction after the first injection, and suggested  to not complete the three vaccine course. I am certain 15 year-old, Jackie wished she never got the first shot.

Just a reminder for our unique, Featured Doctors week, beginning Monday, February third.  This is a recognition of specific doctors the world over, who have one thing in common.  They have had significant success in treating vaccine-injured individuals.  Hear what they have to say.  Very fascinating.

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Consumer-Engaged Prevention of Cervical Cancer#HPV#Vaccine-induced diseases#Gardasil

You might want to think twice before receiving any H.P.V. vaccinations.  Hear what this Medical Director has to say…

January 17, 2011 by admin By:  Sin Hang Lee, MD

Pathologist, Milford Hospital and Director, Milford Medical Laboratory, Milford, CT

Dr. Sin Hang Lee

Dr. Sin Hang Lee


The American health care system is unfixable at the national level because there are too many competing interests. There is an emerging consensus in the health policy community that informed and engaged consumers have a vital role to play in improving the quality of care that the U.S. health system delivers to patients. The expectation is that when consumers are armed with the right information they will demand high-quality services from their providers, choose treatment options wisely, and become active participants and self-managers of their own health and health care. However, the frontier of medical research has expanded so much and so fast in the past few decades that the relevant correct information is not easy to find. It is also difficult for the consumers to distinguish genuine medical progress from promotional publications for commercial products without proven health benefits. This document presents some important information to the women consumers who wish to be informed and engaged on the issue of cervical cancer prevention, and may be used as materials for discussion in consultation with their health care providers.


Cervical cancer is a major lethal malignancy in underdeveloped countries, but not in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) record showed that 3,976 women died from cervical cancer in the U.S. in 2006. For comparison, uterine endometrial cancer will kill about 7,950 American women in 2010, according to a National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimate. The Papanicolaou (Pap) smear program, started in the 1940’s in the U.S., has reduced the cervical cancer prevalence from 44 per 100,000 to less than 5 per 100,000 among the mainstream American women. However, there has been a business trend initiated by some advocates in the NCI and their closely-allied commercial interests, begun in the late 1980’s, to replace the traditional Pap smear technology with a human papillomavirus (HPV) test kit. A historical analysis of this business trend with its associated risks was summarized in an Editorial by Dr. R. M. Austin, entitled Dismantling of the U.S. cytotechnology educational infrastructure is premature and carries significant risks,” which was published in the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2008 Feb;132(2):154-8. Unfortunately, the Editorial drew little attention from the medical establishment and the news media because it was not “trendy” in business.


Now, Drs. Schiffman and Wentzensen from the NCI have proposed in a recent article entitled “From Concept to Practice: from human papillomavirus to cervical cancer,” published in the official journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [1], to further reduce the role of Pap smears in future medical practice. They recommend using prophylactic vaccination of adolescents against carcinogenic HPV infections, HPV testing, and colposcopy to replace the traditional Pap smear screening for cervical cancer prevention. The consumers must be informed that while the concept of such a proposal may be debatable, the practice is highly risky for the following reasons:


1)   The current type-specific HPV vaccines have been claimed to be almost 100% effective against infection by HPV-16 and HPV-18, and perhaps also against HPV-31 and HPV-45 infections. However, we do not know if these four HPV types are the most prevalent carcinogenic HPV genotypes in the U.S. According to two published reports [2, 3] – one by the CDC, HPV-52 not HPV-16 or HPV-18 was found to be the most prevalent “carcinogenic” genotype infecting young American women. In addition, the clinical trial studies of the HPV vaccines were largely conducted in foreign countries, such as Costa Rica, where the cervical cancer prevalence rates are much higher than in the U. S. The genetic make-up, dietary habits and the life-styles of the women in these foreign trial populations may be quite different from those of the mainstream American women. Extrapolation of the efficacy results of HPV vaccination obtained in such foreign populations to marketing a vaccine for the American women consumers as the major means to prevent cervical cancer is highly risky. In the clinical trial designs for follow-up, at least in one of the publications it stated “At the 6-month clinic visit, all sexually experienced womenwere instructed to self-collect a cervicovaginal specimen usinga Dacron swab. Exfoliated cells from this collection were storedin Preservcyt solution and used for HPV DNA testing [4].” It is hard to believe that the women in Costa Rica could self-collect the cells of the transformation zone, where squamous epithelium gradually undermines and replaces glandular epithelium-namely the site of cervical cancer development-for HPV study. Failure to collect the right samples for follow-up HPV testing during the post-vaccination period might generate false-negative results, and might have artificially augmented the efficacy of the vaccines. Furthermore, there is evidence to show that HPV vaccination does not accelerate clearance of an existent vaccine-relevant HPV infection, and instead it may cause harm in women who have had a vaccine-relevant HPV infection acquired before vaccination.


2)   The accuracy of the currently marketed Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved HPV tests is open to question. One of the two FDA-approved HPV tests has been found to generate 2 to 4 times more positive results than the other FDA-approved HPV test [5]. The latter test was developed using a 25-year old technology. In 2009, the FDA guidance recommended polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/DNA sequencing to be used as the standard for validating all new HPV genotyping tests [6].


3)   By eliminating Pap smear cytology as a gatekeeper, referrals to colposcopic biopsies would be largely based on HPV testing. According to a report from the Harvard School of Public Health [7], about 95% of colposcopic biopsies based on the current FDA-approved HC2 HPV assay to determine the needs for cancer work-up in the U.S. have been found to be excessive and cause unnecessary harm to women at a great cost to society.


Based on the above three evidence-based arguments, American women consumers should take an active role in future cervical cancer prevention as follows: 


1)   Continue visiting your gynecologist for regular Pap smear screenings.


2)   If the Pap smear is reported as “negative,” demand to see the cytology report and find out if the report states “endocervical cells present,” which is the traditional Pap smear technology requirement for specimen adequacy. If the report only states “specimen adequate for evaluation” without mentioning the presence of endocervical cells, the result may have a chance to be false-negative because the gynecologist did not collect the cells correctly from the transformation zone in the cervix, or the commercial laboratory did not prepare the slides properly.


3)   Accept the recommendation for immediate colposcopic examination and biopsy to rule out precancer or cancer if the cytology diagnosis is “HSIL” (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion), cancer, or suggestive of cancer.


4)   Ask why a colposcopic biopsy is needed if the Pap cytology result is less severe than “HSIL.” A caring gynecologist will give you a good reason why you should be subjected to a traumatic procedure. This is a judgment call, a decision usually based on persistent high-risk HPV infection and an ambiguous Pap smear cytology.


5)   If a positive HPV is reported, ask for the exact genotyping and demand to see a DNA sequence for the HPV genotyping report. Without a DNA sequencing electropherogram (a color tracing with DNA bases) and a matched GenBank genotyping result, the HPV genotyping result can be erroneous and should not be used for making a decision for your further treatment.


6)   If you decide to receive HPV vaccinations, it is prudent to let your gynecologist know that you want to be sure that you are not already infected by HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-31 or HPV-45 – the four vaccine-relevant HPV genotypes – and you want to be tested by a PCR/DNA sequencing method as the 2009 FDA guidance recommended for evaluating HPV testing kits [see Ref. 6 below].


7)   If you have had your HPV vaccinations and are now found to have an abnormal Pap cytology after vaccination, you should ask your gynecologist to order an HPV test by PCR/ DNA sequencing to make sure that the abnormal Pap result is not associated with a vaccine-relevant HPV-16, HPV-18, HPV-31 or HPV-45 infection because such association may carry a higher risk of developing precancer or cancer of the cervix, and may require a closer monitoring schedule.

 Article complements of sanvax.org

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1)   Schiffman M, Wentzensen N. From human papillomavirus to cervical cancer. Obstet Gynecol 2010;116:177-85. 


2)   Brown DR, Shew ML, Qadadri B, Neptune N, Vargas M, Tu W, et al. A longitudinal study of genital human papillomavirus infection in a cohort of closely followed adolescent women. J Infect Dis 2005;191:182-92.


3)   Dunne EF, Unger ER, Sternberg M, McQuillan G, Swan DC, Patel SS, et al. Prevalence of HPV infection among females in the United States. JAMA 2007;297:813-9.


4)   Hildesheim A, Herrero R, Wacholder S, Rodriguez AC, Solomon D, Bratti MC, Schiller JT, Gonzalez P, Dubin G, Porras C, Jimenez SE, Lowy DR; Costa Rican HPV Vaccine Trial Group. Effect of human papillomavirus 16/18 L1 viruslike particle vaccine among young women with preexisting infection: a randomized trial. JAMA. 2007;15;298:743-53.


5)   Kinney W, Stoler MH, Castle PE. Special commentary: patient safety and the next generation of HPV DNA tests. Am J Clin Path 2010;134:193-9.


6)   US Food and Drug Administration Document: Draft Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff -Establishing the Performance Characteristics of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices for the Detection or  Detection and Differentiation of Human Papillomaviruses. September 9, 2009.  http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm181509.htm


7)   Stout NK, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Ortendahl JD, Goldie SJ. Trade-offs in cervical cancer prevention: balancing benefits and risks. Arch Intern Med 2008;168:1881-9.


Fearing Fish in Pregnancy?#Pregnancy#Pregnancy & Vaccines#Flu Shot

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014  Posted by Kelly Brogan MD

Despite your OB’s concerns on one hand about mercury in fish – while somehow blithely injecting thimerosol-containing (ethylmercury) flu shots, on the other – many women remain confused about the role of seafood in a pregnancy diet….

Fearing Fish in Pregnancy?

Click on the above article to read more about positive health tips during pregnancy.  I love Dr. Brogan’s insights. It is always a pleasure reading her articles and snippets.

Kelly Brogan MD

Holistic Women’s Health Psychiatry

caring for the whole woman naturally

Kelly Borgan MD Photo


  • Board Certified in Integrative Holistic Medicine, ABIHM
  • Board Certified in Psychosomatic Medicine/ Consultation Psychiatry, ABPN
  • Board Certified in Psychiatry, ABPN
  • NYU School of Medicine, NY Faculty, Clinical Instructor; Fellowship in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
  • NYU School of Medicine, NY   Resident in Psychiatry; NYU Reproductive Psychiatry Program


  • Cornell University Medical College, NY Doctor of Medicine
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA BS in Brain and Cognitive Science/Systems Neuroscience


    • Brogan K. Birthing Bliss, Birthing Trauma, and Postpartum Depression. Pathways to Family Wellness. 2013; 40: 32-33.
    • Brogan K. Fire in the mind: The depression-inflammation connection. The Carlat Report: Psychiatry. 2013; November; 11 (11).
    • Brogan K. Putting theory into preliminary practice: Neuroinflammatory models of postpartum depression. OA Alternative Medicine 2013 May 01;1(2):12.
    • Brogan K. Quantum Leaps in Comprehension: Supporting the Body’s Innate Wisdom. Pathways to Family Wellness. 2013; 38: 54-57.
    • Brogan K. Perinatal depression and anxiety: beyond psychopharmacology. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2013 Mar;36(1):183-8
    • Brogan K., Lux J. Management of Common Psychiatric Conditions in the HIV+ Population. Current HIV/AIDS Reports. 2009 May; 6(2).
    • Brogan K., Bernstein C. Review of Medical Psychiatry: The Quick Reference. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2008 October; 69(10): 1665.
  • Brogan K. Pregnant and Mentally Ill: Protecting Mother and Child (Letter to the Editor). Current Psychiatry. April 2008.
  • Hurria A., Panageas K., Brogan K., et al.  Effect of Creatinine Clearance on Patterns of Toxicity in Breast Cancer Patients Age 65 and Older Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Drugs and Aging. 2005;22(9):785-91.
  • Hurria A., Brogan K., et al. Change in Cycle 1 to Cycle 2 Haematological Counts Predicts Toxicity in Older Patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Drugs and Aging. 2005;22(8):709-15.
  • Hurria A., Brogan K., et al. Patterns of Toxicity in Older Patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2005 Jul;92(2):151-6.
  • Altemus M., Brogan K. Women and Anxiety Disorders: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment. Pregnancy and Postpartum.  CNS Spectrums, Symposium Monograph Supplement. 2004 Sep 9 (9): 10-11.
  • Brogan K. James. JAMA. 2003 Sep 3;290(9):1221-2.
  • Hurria A., Brogan K., et al. Toxicity to Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients Age 65 and Older. International Conference of Geriatric Oncology: Cancer in the Elderly. September, 2001. (Abstract).

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If You MUST Vaccinate, Aim for This Body Part #Pets #Pets & Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

January 10, 2014

By Dr. Becker

It is estimated that from one to 10 cats out of every 10,000 vaccinated will develop cancer at the vaccine injection site, also known as vaccine-associated sarcoma (VAS). A sarcoma is a type of cancer resulting from changes in connective tissue cells. Feline vaccine-associated sarcoma is a malignant tumor that is primarily associated with two vaccines: the rabies vaccine, and the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) vaccine.

For several years, it has been customary for feline rabies vaccines to be given in the right rear leg and FeLV vaccines in the left rear leg. The injections are made below the knee joint so that amputation of the lower portion of the leg can be offered to cat owners as a cancer treatment option. However, many owners of cats with VAS refuse amputation of their kitty’s leg because it’s painful, disfiguring and costly….

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If You MUST Vaccinate, Aim for This Body Part

Related Post:  5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cancer-Free for Life



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Find a “Mentor” #Vaccines #Autism #Autism Spectrum

Newly Diagnosed – Find a Mentor

Generation Rescue provides autism treatment support through its Rescue Angels program.

Rescue Angels are parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder who have seen significant improvement or loss of diagnosis through the use of biomedical intervention.

Our Rescue Angels donate their time to answer questions, give guidance and provide resources for families starting out on their biomedical journey.

If you are looking to find a Rescue Angel, you can register to search for the mentor best suited for your family.

Please note that Rescue Angels are not medical doctors.  They are mentors who donate their time to helping families in need by sharing their experiences.  If you have specific questions about your child’s health, please reach out to a qualified healthcare professional.

To find a  Rescue Angel click here.

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