Tag: healthcare
H1N1 Side Effects #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #H1N1
H1N1 Side Effects #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #H1N1
The H1N1 Flu vaccine has proven to cause many unwanted side effects. Between the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting system in Washington and other reliable sources, the side effects are stacking up. Not only was the vaccine rushed to the market, it was based on flawed reports from the Center of Disease Control and the World Health Organization…
Click on the above link to read further from this thirty year veteran of vaccine research.
A Little Background on Adjuvants #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Superstitions – Vaccines?
A Little Background on Adjuvants #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #
Click on above link to access reports on adjuvants.
If you don’t know what an adjuvant is then you are just at the beginning of your understanding of vaccines.
There is quite a bit to this topic and the following link will shed light on the subject.
7 Most Disgusting Ingredients Used to Make Vaccines #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions From Vaccines #Human Fetal Diploid Cells
You may find interesting, the bizarre ingredients used in the manufacturing of many different vaccines.
Click on above link to read more.
I wouldn’t eat right before reading through the items listed in the above article.
What if you saw each ingredient included in the shot prior to the shot. How many would think twice?
Q & A With Leading Vaccine Experts #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Flu
November 26, 2013
I have had a number of specific questions sent to me through comments and emails. I love hearing your thoughts.
I will forward your questions on through our upcoming Q & A articles. You can use your name or if you prefer, please specify if you would like to remain anonymous.
As you may have heard me reference before, Happy Sailing in your personal vaccine research. It’s a wonderful feeling to take your health into your own hands with God at the helm. It’s a much more simple and peaceful way to live.
Yours truly,
Jen Vranes 🙂
Seven Year-Old Vaccine-Injured Boy Refused Compensation For Not Being Disabled Enough #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #H1N1
Click on above link to read more.
This seems to be a common response as of late, not being disabled enough.
Along with the fact that the total amount possible for compensation is exceptionally small for a said incurable disease, I would hope hearts would soften so these children and their families can receive some long lasting relief.
On September 25, 2013, the Daily Mail reported that seven year-old Josh Hadfield had been refused compensation by the UK government, despite being left with severe narcolepsy after receiving the swine flu vaccine in 2010.
Josh was a healthy four year-old little boy until he received the H1N1 vaccine Pandemrix. Within two weeks of receiving this vaccine, his life changed forever.
– See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/10/11/not-disabled-enough/#sthash.TiRZEu1J.dpuf