FDA Approved Vaccine with Autism and SIDS Listed as Adverse Events, Vaccine Safety Website Removes Information #Autism #SIDS #Vaccines

FDA Approved Vaccine with Autism and SIDS Listed as Adverse Events, Vaccine Safety Website Removes Information #Autism #SIDS #Vaccines

Click on above link to read further.

Some very disturbing news recently came across my desk from a fellow activist.

The Tripedia vaccine product insert was removed from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety website. [1]  I also discovered that it is now missing from the Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Price List. The “official” reason is likely Sanofi Pasteur’s discontinuing the production of the vaccine. [2]

However, closer inspection of the Tripedia product insert reveals another smoking-gun relationship between vaccines and autism.

– See more at: http://vactruth.com/2012/09/18/fda-vaccine-autism-sids/#sthash.bMNXt7z6.dpuf

Medical Research on SIDS and Epidemics #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #SIDS

Medical Research on SIDS and Epidemics #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #SIDS

by: Scheibner, Viera, Ph.D.

Viera Scheibner is a retired principal research scientist with a doctorate in natural sciences. During her distinguished career, she has published three books and 90 scientific papers in prestigious scientific journals. Since the mid-80’s, she has done extensive research into vaccines and vaccinations. Her first research was in the area of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). She wasn’t even studying vaccinations, but she stumbled onto a relationship between SIDS and vaccinations that lead to a very deep study into vaccination literature in medical journals. In 1983, she published her book on the results of her research Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System. She often provides expert reports for court cases involving immunizations and vaccine-damaged individuals throughout the world.


In 1985, I was introduced into the world of vaccinations through a breathing monitor invented by my husband, Leif Karlsson, who was a bio-medical engineer specializing in patient monitoring systems. Leif developed a computerized breathing monitor for babies which we called “Cotwatch”,…

Very fascinating bit of history and nation to nation health comparisons.  If you have ever had questions or concerns about SIDS read on within the above link.


SBS/SIDS Index: (Shaken Baby Syndrome) (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) #SBS #SIDS #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

SBS/SIDS Index: (Shaken Baby Syndrome) (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) #SBS #SIDS #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

Vaccination Liberation – Information

There are many medical conditions that can mimic Shaken Baby Syndrome. A good understanding can be obtained by reading the original of the two articles below…

Click on above link to reference articles.


Does Shaken Baby Syndrome Really Exist? #SBS #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Vaccines

Does Shaken Baby Syndrome Really Exist? #SBS #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Vaccines

Mainstream medicine supports the diagnosis, but some doctors claim the evidence behind it is questionable.


By Mark Anderson

In 1997, in the child abuse case involving British nanny Louise Woodward, the words shaken baby syndrome leapt from medical textbooks into international prominence. Woodward was accused of shaking infant Matthew Eappen, fatally injuring him. In the 11 years since Woodward was convicted of second-degree murder and then released on a lesser sentence for involuntary manslaughter, a debate has simmered in the child abuse world, and it is now rising to a boil…

Click on above link to read further.


At least half of all parents tried over shaken baby syndrome have been wrongly convicted, expert warns #SBS #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Vaccines

At least half of all parents tried over shaken baby syndrome have been wrongly convicted, expert warns #SBS #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Vaccines


It is a case that haunts Dr Waney Squier and one any parent will find deeply distressing.

Eleven years ago, Lorraine Harris stood trial at Nottingham Crown Court charged with manslaughter. Although described as a woman of good character and a careful and caring mother, she was accused of shaking her four-month-old baby Patrick to death two years earlier.

Neuropathologist Dr Squier wrote a report for the prosecution saying that the child was the victim of shaken baby syndrome (SBS).Lorraine, who vehemently protested her innocence, was convicted and jailed for three years.

Her punishment was not limited to incarceration, as tragic consequences rippled out from Patrick’s death. Lorraine wasn’t allowed to go to his funeral; a baby she gave birth to as she was starting her sentence was taken away for adoption; her partner left her and both her parents died while she was in prison. Her life fell apart.

By the time Lorraine’s appeal was heard in 2005, Dr Squier had become convinced the criteria she had used to define whether SBS had taken place were wrong. In a complete U-turn, she now appeared as an expert witness for the defence. Lorraine’s conviction was quashed.

London Daily Mail

Swine flu shot linked to narcolepsy, study finds #Swine Flu #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines

Swine flu shot linked to narcolepsy, study finds #Swine Flu #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines