HPV Vaccines: Updates from Central and South America#android#iPad#retweet

By Norma Erickson

Are HPV vaccines the number one cause of coincidence around the globe? Are we facing one of the worst epidemics of mass hysteria the world has ever seen?  Apparently, health authorities around the world would like us to believe one of these two scenarios.

Almost without exception, survivors of new medical conditions after the administration of Gardasil or Cervarix are told their problems are coincidental, psychosomatic, mass hysteria, conversion disorder, and so on…ad nauseam. The health authorities in one country (Colombia) even went so far as to attribute new medical conditions after Gardasil to the overuse of Ouija boards.

If all of the above fail, the next step is to try and blame the new symptoms on the parents with phrases like Munchausen by proxy, factitious disorder, fabricated or induced illness, attention seeking, simply out for money, and so on.

The first problem with all of these theories is they are usually put forth after little or no medical investigation. This leaves parents who believed their health authorities and had their daughters injected with the newest miracle vaccine feeling confused, abandoned and betrayed by the very people they trusted to protect their children’s health and well-being.

The second problem with all of these theories is they delay potentially life-saving treatments which could be provided if investigations took place, accurate diagnoses made and treatment protocols designed and implemented.

Read the following updates and ask yourself – What is wrong with this picture?

Colombia: First Reported Fatality after Gardasil

On May 22, 2015 16-year old Karen Durán-Cantor died after complications related to new onset autoimmune disorders believed to have been triggered by two injections of Gardasil, the human papillomavirus vaccine currently being given to school age girls throughout the country.

Karen received her first Gardasil shot at the end of 2013 and the second one a few months later in early 2014. According to her mother, Karen’s hands got swollen almost imediately. She began to experience joint and finger pain that was diagnosed as Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Despite receiving medical therapy, her disease progressed forcing Karen to stop attending school due to the constant severe pain. Consequently, she was not able to graduate from high school with her classmates.

Karen and her family sought a second opinion in Bogotá’s Clinica Colsubsidio where she was also diagnosed with pleural effusion requiring drainage to help her breathe. By this time, Karen had lost the ability to walk. She could not go to the bathroom or take a shower by herself. She had nearly constant pain on the right side of her body (the side where the Gardasil injection was administered). Karen frequently complained she was short of breath and it was difficult for her to breathe.

Just prior to her death, Karen experienced difficulty breathing and required oxygen. She was referred to La Samaritana Hospital in Bogotá where she was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit where she developed fatal respiratory failure.

These are photos of Karen before and after her Gardasil injections. Please note this dramatic change occured between the end of 2013 and the middle of 2015 – approximately a year-and-a-half.

Karen before Gardasil

Karen after Gardasil

Despite her personal pain, Karen produced a video to warn others about the possible consequences of using Gardasil shortly before her death.

This is the first documented death after the development of autoimmune disorders following the administration of Gardasil in Colombia.

In addition to the pain and grief this family has already had to endure, they have a long journey ahead of them as they attempt to locate a forensic expert to determine the exact cause of their daughter’s death.

Karen’s family is not alone in Colombia. Hundreds of girls have developed new medical conditions that may have been triggered by Colombia’s recent mandatory HPV vaccination program. The Colombian National Institute of Health did carry out an investigation. The lead investigator was Dr. Fernando De La Hoz, a prominent epidemiologist, who resigned after concluding that the adverse events developed by the girls was a result of mass psychogenic disease.

What is wrong with this picture?

Mexico: Several schools cancel HPV vaccinations

Gardasil was introduced in Mexico in 2008, but only to 125 targeted municipalities with the ”lowest human development index” which were estimated to have the highest incidence of cervical cancer. The quadrivalent HPV vaccine was delivered to these communities via mobile health clinics to girls who were 12-16 years of age using the currently recommended dosing schedule of 0, 2, and 6-months.

In 2009, the program was expanded to include 182 municipalities, still with the ”lowest human development index,” but this time with the first two doses being delivered at 0 and 6 months and the third dose 60 months later (5 years) and the targeted girls being ages 9-12.

Considering the current Supreme Court Case in India, one has to wonder… Were these parents informed of the fact their daughters were participants in a clinical trial to determine appropriate dosing regimens?

Why did both programs target girls in so many locations with the lowest human development index? What was the rate of adverse events among the participants?

In 2011, Mexico’s National Immunization Council approved a nationwide expansion of its HPV vaccination program to include school-based HPV vaccination for all 9-year-old girls.

Two months before leaving office in 2012, Mexican President Felipe Calderon made HPV vaccination mandatory for all 11-12 year old girls.

According to Chapter 4 of the Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control: A guide to essential practice, published on February 11, 2013 by the World Health organization, Mexico is currently using alternative dosing schedule, which is not approved or recommended by WHO at this time. (verify on page 6)

May 2015, after only 500 doses of Gardasil were administered under this program, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) had to cancel the HPV immunization program at some schools because parents were refusing to allow their 9-year-old girls to receive the injections.

What is wrong with this picture?

Brazil: Uptake of HPV vaccine drops from 83% to 40%

In 2012, Gardasil sales in Japan generated $140 million. In 2013, the Japanese Health Ministry rescinded its recommendation for the use of HPV vaccines causing Merck to look for replacement markets.

By August of the same year, Brazil had agreed to set aside almost $160 million for the purchase of HPV vaccines for use in 2014.

But, 2014 would not be Brazilian girl’s first exposure to Gardasil. According to an article published in Elselvier’s Trials in Vaccinology in 2013, clinical trials using Gardasil were being conducted in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during 2010, 2011 and 2012.

According to the abstract, the objectives of these trials were:

Assess vaccination coverage in that municipality after adopting several strategies for active search and missed opportunities for vaccination against HPV. Evaluate acceptance for the vaccine and reasons for refusal the HPV vaccine. Evaluate the frequency and occurrence of adverse events to that vaccine. A survey of reduction of genital warts was also conducted.

The paper goes on to state that between September 2010 and December 2012, approximately 90,000 doses of Gardasil were used. This number of doses should have covered 30,000 recipients.

However, the ’evaluation of the frequency and occurrence of adverse events’ consisted of conducting a survey of 1,000 randomly selected teenagers to be followed up on 96 hours after vaccine administration to evaluate safety and tolerability.

The authors stated the results of this survey as follows:

There were observed a total of 430 local and systemic events in 360 subjects (36% of 1000 girls), stratified by each dose received. No serious adverse events or any hospitalization were reported;

96 hours; only four days? Are these people serious? How can the safety and tolerability of any vaccine be accurately assessed only 4 days after administration?

Nevertheless, the authors’ conclusion confidently stated:

According to our results, it seems evident that the good coverage achieved by vaccination against HPV in Campos dos Goytacazes, coupled with no serious adverse events to the vaccine reported throughout the study, point to the feasibility of this vaccination strategy, which can also be used in other municipalities. Taking into account not only the benefits but also the results with regard to the reduction of genital warts, amply demonstrated by international studies [18] and [19], we then seek to suggest the inclusion of HPV vaccination in the Brazilian calendar.

By the end of the same year this study was published, Brazilian health authorities had committed nearly $160 million precious healthcare dollars to the purchase of Gardasil for their 2014 national immunization program.

Between March and May of 2014, 83% of the targeted girls (ages 11-13) in Brazil had received their Gardasil injections. By the end of the year 100% of the targeted 4.9 million girls had been vaccinated.

During the same period (March through May) this year another 4.9 million girls (ages 9-11) were targeted, but only 40.2% of them took the vaccine. Could it be because of stories like these?

What is wrong with this picture?

Part of this article has been translated into French here.



This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Gardasil Survivors in Ireland Launch Support Group#android#iPad#retweet

Are Gardasil and other HPV vaccines causing the greatest epidemic of 'conversion disorder' the world has ever seen?

Members of ten families from all over the country came together to share experiences and express their exasperation at the inability of health authorities to recognise the pattern of serious adverse reactions being suffered by children who, up until receiving the Gardasil injection, enjoyed an active healthy lifestyle. One of the main complaints raised at the meeting was that the information provided by the HSE (as part of the ‘informed consent’ process) is extremely misleading, particularly with regard to how safe the vaccine is.

A high incidence of serious reactions have been reported in the U.S ever since Gardasil was released there in 2006. Even the drug manufacturer’s own clinical trials reveal a 1 in 40 (2.5%) incidence of a serious adverse reaction*, yet Irish parents are still told by the HSE that Gardasil is ‘very safe’.

Although its cancer-preventing properties have never been proven, the HSE insists that the benefits of Gardasil outweigh the risks and even claim that it has been ‘fully tested’. This is despite the limited safety testing that took place as a result of this “life-saving vaccine” being fast-tracked through the regulatory approval process. HSE did not inform parents that Gardasil contains genetically engineered non-human recombinant DNA, the effects of which are unknown and unpredictable when injected into a human host.

The types of long term debilitating health conditions reported by Irish parents have in many cases meant that the girls are unable to continue their education in school. Because of the nature of the chronic illnesses, Irish doctors and consultants are unable to offer any effective treatment. With 1 or 2 rare exceptions, medical professionals dismiss these serious reactions as unrelated to Gardasil and merely coincidental. When tests come back negative, parents are often told that their girls simply have psychological/psychosomatic problems.

The group also launched the website www.Regret.ie, where parents can read first-hand accounts from Irish victims and their families. The site is a focal point for raising awareness among other parents whose daughters have yet to receive the injection, with the schools vaccination program set to resume in September.

The group can be contacted at Support@Regret.ie

According to Catherine Weitbrecht, spokesperson for R.E.G.R.E.T.,

Since the the group was formed, 4 new parents with daughters injured by Gardasil have come forward via the website to join our group. 2 of these stories are particularly horrendous. One is so depressed she has to be watched 24/7;  the other has a bleeding disorder so bad that she could literally bleed to death if she has a small accident. The third girl had POTS and the fourth has seizures.

It seems Gardasil and other HPV vaccines are causing the greatest epidemic of ’conversion disorder’ the world has ever seen.

*According to the FDA a serious adverse event must fit one of the following criteria: death, life-threatening, hospitalization, disability or permanent damage, congenital abnormality/birth defect, or the requirement to intervene to prevent permanent impairment.

This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org

Breaking News: Vaccine Tragedy in Mexico#android#iPad#retweet

By Mario Lamo-Jiménez, Guest Author

May 8, 2015: The indigenous municipality of Simojovel, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico reported the death of two babies after the administration of vaccines against hepatitis B (HepB), tuberculosis (BCG), and rotavirus.

Within hours of receiving the vaccines, 37 babies out of a total of 52 vaccinated had adverse reactions; some began to convulse with the tragic result of two dead and 37 hospitalized, 13 of whom reported to be in critical condition.

According to the Catholic organization Pueblo Creyente, the dead included a 30-day-old girl and a 28-day-old boy.

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) ordered the preventive suspension of the BCG (Tuberculosis), Rotavirus and Hepatitis B vaccine, after what they suspect were allergic reactions to the vaccines administered to the minors in Chiapas.

Although this news has been widely disseminated in the Spanish-language press, it has been virtually ignored by the English-language press.

What is wrong with this picture?

A recent outbreak of measles originating in Disneyland with no fatalities received world-wide media coverage and calls for legislation resulting in a heated battle regarding public vaccination policies.

A vaccination incident in Mexico which negatively impacted nearly 80% of the recipients, resulting in two deaths, 37 hospitalizations and 13 babies fighting for their lives has not been reported to the community at large and is certainly not being reported in other countries, particularly the United States.

Is this lack of media coverage because vaccines are promoted as “safe and effective” and no one wants to tarnish that image?

Is the lack of media coverage because it would negatively impact efforts to make vaccines mandatory and affect the profits of vaccine manufacturers and various other stakeholders?

It is crucial that the international community be informed of these deaths and of the fact that these vaccines have as of now been suspended in Mexico. It is an essential part of the universal right to informed consent.

Mothers in Simojevel are now asking themselves how safe these vaccines can be if they can kill perfectly healthy children within hours, and also leave many more in a very precarious health condition.

The municipality if Simojevel has historically been besieged by drug traffickers with their religious leaders have received death threats. It seems the only state intervention so far has been to promote these vaccinations, with the reported catastrophic results.

When will human lives become more important than vaccine uptake?

Read this article in Spanish here.


Business Standard reports two killed 37 sickened after reactions to vaccines in Mexico
IMSS suspended Tuberculosis vaccine, Rotavirus and Hepatitis B after events in Chiapas
IMSS will investigate poisoning of children in Chiapas after being vaccinated

Article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org


Gardasil: When will our nightmare end?#android#iPad#retweet

By Martin, County Meath, Republic of Ireland

Gardasil: When will the nightmare end?

My daughter, Abbey, was a healthy happy 13 year old when she started secondary school. On the 22nd September 2014 she received her Gardasil vaccine along with the Tdap vaccine in school. She had an adverse reaction straight away. For over an hour, she was left lying on a mat on the floor while the rest of the girls were being vaccinated.

During this time she had seizure-like jerking, rolling eyes, blurred vision, headache, nausea etc. Eventually after an hour and twenty minutes we were called to the school to pick her up. No ambulance was called. The school administrators were not informed this episode had happened until the next day.

When I arrived at the school and asked why an ambulance wasn’t called,I was told I was OVERREACTING and this would wear off.

The next day, her mother and I thought Abbey was suffering withdrawals. Little did we know our nightmare was only getting started.

Two days after the vaccine Abbey returned to school but took another seizure and was taken by ambulance to Drogheda hospital A&E and admitted for six days.

After loads of blood tests, an MRI, and a lot of scratching of heads she was sent home with no diagnosis and no medication. We were told we would learn to adjust our lives and live with the situation.

Six months later, we are still waiting to see a neurologist.

At the moment, Abbey is not attending school because of her illness.  Every day is a struggle thanks to Gardasil. Most days she simply wishes all this would be fixed and she can get back to school.

There has been no help offered from either the school or the health service!!

The vision problems, chest pains and stroke like symptoms continue!! The doctors keep suggesting BEHAVIOURAL problems and panic attacks but we have known our child for 13 years. She has never had any type of behavioural problems as the doctors are trying to suggest.

We have shortened this story a good bit so as not to bore the readers but our nightmare is now over 6 months long…….we can only speculate as to how much longer we must endure.

This article in it’s entirety, is complements of http://sanevax.org

Martin, Abbey and mom,

I am speechless and so sorry you have endured this.  What kind of people would treat anyone like this, let alone a child?  It’s time for our school, government and health officials to wake-up.  No more. 

Our youth are the best asset this world has to offer.

The last thing Abbey needs is to have someone tell her this is all in her head.  Treat the source, right.

You all are really strong and please know there are many, many wonderful people cheering you on across the world.

Fortunately, you know of Sanevax.org.  They have helped many youth and their families to locate doctors with expertise in this area.  I also have practitioners within my Featured Doctors section as well.  I hope you find a healing source soon and know that you are never alone in this. 

Below is a clip that I hope lifts your spirits.  Pray always.

God bless, and remember even with all the chaos, and this can be especially hard to do, remember this phrase:

A light heart lives long.

Your friend, jen

Is there Prozac in our water supply?#android#iPad#follow

You may be a bit stunned and left speechless by the clip below.

Doesn’t the surgeon general’s position include health safety?

Did he mention anything about the risks when getting a vaccine if ill? Did he mention anything about the vaccine insert warnings? How about the risks of “vaccine cocktails”?

Maybe part II could include the friendly vaccine ingredients.

I bet little children would be fascinated about how the formaldehyde surrounding dead frogs, in their science classrooms, is included in vaccines or maybe the colorful blue and pink antifreeze that sprays on their daddy’s windshield is also in the “helpful” shot.

This clip is nothing short of embarrassing and I can’t help but think that the repetitive laughing, tickle-me-Elmo would have been a better puppet in this scene.

HPV vaccines: Colombian Controversy Continues#android#iPad#follow

By Norma Erickson

On February 16, 2015, Colombia enacted a new law (1751 of 2015) which establishes human health as an autonomous fundamental right. As a fundamental right, it means services promoting health, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, rehabilitation and palliative care should be ensured under the responsibility of State to all people without distinction of any kind. What this means for Colombian survivors of HPV vaccinations remains to be seen.

Theoretically, this new law would guarantee the victims of serious adverse events after HPV vaccines could receive any diagnostic tests and treatments necessary for them to recover their former state of health at the expense of the government regardless of their health insurance status, social standing, or location. This is particularly true since the government mandated the HPV vaccines which have apparently injured so many young women in Colombia.

Fernando de la Hoz

February 26, 2015, Fernando de la Hoz resigned from his position as Director General of the INS (National  Institute of Health). Despite the fact that de la Hoz held this position for just a little over a year, he claims his resignation had nothing to do with the recent controversy over the multitude of serious new medical conditions occurring after Colombia’s recent HPV vaccination program.

Fernando de la Hoz said his resignation was not related to the backlash from parents in Colombia who believe their daughters are survivors of severe adverse reactions to HPV vaccines resulting from the release of a report compiled by the National Institute of Health (INS) which declared the symptoms to be a result of mass psychogenic illness.

Parents March for their Daughters

Parents demand action.

March 6, 2015, hundreds of parents of girls with new medical conditions occurring after the second dose of Gardasil marched in Carmen de Bolivar to bring attention to the serious health issues their daughters are dealing with.

March 8, 2015, in conjunction with parades celebrating International Women’s Day and the March for Life, parents from Carmen de Bolivar were joined by others marching in Bogota, Cali, Medelin and Sincelejo.

According to Jaun Carlos Jimenez of the Committee of Parents of Girls of Carmen de Bolivar, all marches were focusing on demands for their government health officials to:

  1. Conduct studies to determine the exact cause(s) of the new medical conditions suffered by so many after the administration of HPV vaccines
  2. Provide adequate treatment for the 800 girls known to be affected to date
  3. Suspend the use of HPV vaccines in Colombia until such time as the safety issues are resolved

Parents of affected girls say government health authorities have eliminated any possibility of real diagnoses and treatment for their children by adopting the theory put forth by a Colombian National Institute of Health (INS) study stating that the vaccine has no relation to these diseases and that they are due to mass psychogenesis.

This leaves hundreds of Colombian parents desperate for answers and treatment protocols for their daughters, parents who believe their girls are survivors of adverse reactions to HPV vaccines.

Independent Medical Professionals Agree with Parents

Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld, arguably the world’s foremost expert on autoimmune disorders, shocked the audience of the III Colombian Symposium on Autoimmunity by stating he would not recommend HPV vaccines for his own daughter.

When asked about the mass psychogenesis theory explaining the new medical conditions occurring in so many Colombian girls shortly after HPV vaccinations, he replied:

Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld

Although it is known that there are sometimes panic reactions, especially among women, it is very unlikely that the symtoms presented after receiving the vaccine are due to psychological reasons, expecially if one takes into account what is happening in different parts of the world with the same signs and symptoms.

When we administered HPV vaccines to mice, they had the same symptoms as girls affected. I don’t believe the mice bewitched each other. As with any drug prescriberd to a patient, we must consider whether certain vaccines are needed.

If the negative effects outweigh the benefits, the vaccine should not be prescribed.

For Dr. Shoenfeld, HPV vaccines fall into this category. According to Dr. Shoenfeld, this has been demonstrated in Colombia where hundreds of children are suffering from autoimmune disorders directly caused by the vaccine. Dr. Shoenfeld stated:

If there is a case, or an avalanche of cases, this must be investigated in the proper way. To say it is something psychological or  viral is not enough. You need scientists from different disciplines to analyze it.

We believe aluminum is a toxic substance for the brain. It accumulates, continues this for weeks and months. It’s like a Trojan Horse for the brain. Aluminum is a neurotoxin. Experimental research shows clearly that aluminum adjuvants have a potential for inducing serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum adjuvants carry a risk for autoimmunity, inflammation of the brain and neurological long-term complications and therefore can have profound and widespread consequences for health.

According to Dr. Juan Manuel Anaya, director of the Center for Autoimmune Diseases, University of Rosario,

The development of autoimmune diseases is an issue of paramount importance when it comes to vaccines.

The trouble  is that the risk-benefit ratio of developing autoimmune diseases after vaccination for HPV has not yet been resolved.

Remember Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld’s words, ”If the negative effects outweigh the benefits, the vaccine should not be prescribed.”

Merck’s own prescribing information sheet states for every 100,000 people who use Gardasil 2,500 serious adverse events are to be expected.

According to the FDA a serious adverse event must fit one of the following criteria: death, life-threatening, hospitalization, disability or permanent damage, congenital abnormality/birth defect, or the requirement to intervene to prevent permanent impairment.

No Country in the World has a cervical cancer diagnosis rate of 2500 /100,000

Help us save our children

As a matter of fact, Malawi currently has the highest cervical cancer diagnosis rate in the world at 75.9/100,000. No one in their right mind would trade that number for 2,500 serious adverse events per 100,000 vaccine recipients.

When it comes to HPV vaccines, the risks obviously do NOT outweigh the benefits.

The time has come to halt all HPV vaccination programs until the safety issues have been resolved and efficacy has been scientifically proven.

Stop sacrificing our children on the altar of The Greater Good!

Money and profit should NEVER trump children’s health!



This article in it’s entirety, is compliments of www.SaneVax.org


Nickson Would be Celebrating Life if it Weren’t for Vaccines#android#iPad#retweet

by Augustina Ursino

One mother, Lindsey Pelton, lost her son less than 12 hours after he was given routine vaccines. She wants to share the truth about how families are left to fend for themselves and are denied help, even for burial costs, after vaccines harmed their child. Her journey through the process of filing a vaccine injury claim will open your eyes to another part of the vaccine debate in which unsuspecting parents may find themselves.

Vaccines are advertised as safe and pushed onto the public, but no vaccine is guaranteed to be safe or effective. Vaccine information sheets state these drugs can cause serious health problems, including severe allergic reactions and death.[1] Yet, doctors mostly deny these known adverse reactions when they occur, leaving parents abandoned by their child’s pediatrician that pushed the vaccines in the first place…


Continue to the Article Here

