Is Your Unborn Baby Part of a Vaccine Experiment?#android#iPad#retweet

by Christina England
Health Impact News

When a woman becomes pregnant, naturally, she would want to protect her unborn child above all else. Therefore, when offered a series of vaccinations said to protect her newborn baby against disease in the first few weeks of life, she will probably accept the vaccinations without a moment’s hesitation.

However, would she accept those vaccinations so readily if she knew that her unborn child was going to be used as part of a vaccine experiment being conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the vaccine manufacturers?

The Growing Fetus Marked as Big Pharmas Latest Guinea Pig

According to CDC paperwork, both the Tdap and the Dtap are vaccinations offered to pregnant women during pregnancy, supposedly to protect their newborn infant from contracting pertussis (whooping cough) in the first few weeks of life.

However, despite recommending these vaccinations to all pregnant women, the CDC readily admits in their own documentation that neither vaccine has ever been tested during pregnancy for vaccine safety and that they have no idea whether the vaccines could harm a growing fetus.

In other words, by recommending these vaccinations to pregnant women, the CDC is fully prepared to use unborn babies as part of a massive vaccine experiment. What is even more worrying is the fact that, in doing this, they are potentially risking the lives of millions of unborn babies.

Why would the CDC do this?…

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Pincushion Pregnancy: New Data on the DTaP Vaccine#Pregnancy#Vaccines#Baby

by Kelly Brogan MD

New Data on the DTaP Vaccine

Despite evidence of inefficacy and risk associated not only with active spread of infection, but with the hazards of aluminum AND mercury, the DTaP vaccine is recommended to pregnant women as of 2012. As is the nature of the vaccination program, there is no regard for personal history, immunologic risk factors, or lifestyle…

What this means is that, receipt of the vaccine resulted in a statistically significant increase in an inflammatory condition in pregnancy, a time when inflammation above and beyond what is physiologic, can derail the health of that baby into adulthood…

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Would you trust your car mechanic to deliver your baby?#Family#World#Vaccines

I love and think highly of all my brothers.  Heaven knows I have been given many of them, especially when you include all my   pregnant womanbrothers by marriage as well.

The thought came to mind, would I trust my brother, who is a rocket scientist to step in and build my dream log house for me tomorrow?  Well, no I would not, even though he is brilliant. 

Now my brother-in-law, Ty, absolutely I would trust him to build my dream home.  He is a developer/builder and he would be my first choice in building my future home.

Now, David, the rocket scientist, I would happily trust to build the mechanical systems in a shuttle.  That is, if I were to take a flight around the world tomorrow, and of course I would want to know the safety systems were sound and trustworthy. So David would be my first choice in this respect.

The same goes for vaccines, even if we have a brother, friend or neighbor and so forth that is our family doctor.  Even though we trust and respect this individual, if they are not properly trained in this area, then putting trust in this specific area is naive and unwise.

If they have not been trained on the reactions of adjuvants, let alone familiar with the ingredients, and if they have not been trained on how to recognize adverse reactions to vaccines then our trust in this area is unwise.

The related articles will shed more light on this topic:

Japan international medical researchers issue warning about hpv vaccine side effects

Have hpv vaccines caused a global epidemic of psychosomatic disorders?

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