2012: The Top Fifteen Selling Vaccines #NCVIA #Vaccines #Shot Schedule

2012: The Top Fifteen Selling Vaccines

By Norma Erickson


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC):

The topic of vaccine safety became prominent during the mid 1970s with increases in lawsuits filed on behalf of those presumably injured by the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) vaccine. Legal decisions were made and damages awarded despite the lack of scientific evidence to support vaccine injury claims. As a result of these decisions, liability and prices soared, and several manufacturers halted production. A vaccine shortage resulted and public health officials became concerned about the return of epidemic disease. To reduce liability and respond to public health concerns, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) in 1986.

Twelve questions you should ask yourself prior to a vaccine injection.

Top psychiatrist: ‘We are turning childhood into a disease’ Read more: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health-fitness/top-psychiatrist-8216we-are-turning-childhood-into-a-disease8217/story-fneuzlbd-1226680254702#ixzz2ZT7XwUMg #Autism #Mental Health #ADHD

Top psychiatrist: ‘We are turning childhood into a disease’ Read more: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health-fitness/top-psychiatrist-8216we-are-turning-childhood-into-a-disease8217/story-fneuzlbd-1226680254702#ixzz2ZT7XwUMg


FOR any parent, having to accept your child needs psychiatric drugs must be agonising. But when Susan Bevis’s 13-year-old daughter Amy suffered a breakdown after a vicious campaign of school bullying, drugs seemed the only option – as instructed by psychiatrists.

Schizophrenia, ADHD and Autism, to name a few are believed to be over diagnosed with  untested medications on children.  Much more covered in the article in relation to mental illness diagnosis. Would love a day when doctors and researchers have more authority and research clout than the pharmaceutical companies.