More Proof Flu Vaccines Don’t Work – Outbreak on US Navy Ship Despite 99% Vaccination Rate#iBelieve#Vaccines#Flu

Has the CDC contradicted itself again? The reports are now coming out that there was an influenza outbreak on the U.S.S. Arden. Almost a quarter of those on board caught the illness even though 99% of crew members had been vaccinated against flu per mandatory military vaccine policy.

According to the report, the ship was in San Diego, CA in early February to conduct training exercises. There were 102 crew members on board. Three days into it, 25 crewmen needed medical care after coming down with influenza.

The Naval Health Research Center determined that out of the 25, 20 of them had influenza A and 18 of these specifically were the subtype H3N2.

Due to severity of the outbreak, the ill crew members were sent home with medication and instructions on how to avoid spreading the illness. The ship had to be fully disinfected…

Read the Entire Post Here

Dr. Carley – Featured Doctors Week #Vaccines#Pets and Vaccines#Autism Spectrum

Our final, featured practitioner is Dr. Rebecca Carley.  She has helped children, adults and pets who have suffered from vaccine-induced diseases with great success for many, many years.

Through her years of research, along with other colleagues, she has uncovered many a truth in regards to the history of vaccines.  The details are found in the link below.

What’s Ailing America?

Please take a minute to view her website to find which diseases correlate with vaccine damage.  There may be a cure or long sought improvement,  for you or a friend through the work of this dedicated and courageous doctor.

Thank you, Dr. Carley, for taking the time to share your research and expertise with us today.

jen 🙂

Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases

Below are a number of different articles and diagrams offering a wealth of information on the history and current issues in relation to vaccines today.  Please review these articles prior to considering any given vaccine.

Click here for Dr. Carley’s Diagrams 1-4, WHICH REVEAL THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE AS WELL AS HOW ALL DISEASES CAN BE REVERSED WITH NATURAL THERAPIES (The 4th diagram is the big picture of her Hippocrates Protocol which she develops on an individual basis and teaches her clients who obtain consults after reviewing their history of toxin exposure)……….

Why Giving the Flu Vaccine During Pregnancy Doesn’t Make Any Sense #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) recommends flu vaccination during all trimesters of pregnancy.

However, according to a report published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, this recommendation is unjustified, unwise, and should be withdrawn.

Citing ACIP’s own sources, as well as current literature, the report based its conclusions on the following findings:

  • Flu infection is rarely a threat during normal pregnancy.
  • There is no “convincing evidence” that the flu vaccination is effective during pregnancy.
  • Studies have not adequately assessed the risk of flu vaccination during pregnancy.
  • Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative present in most flu vaccines, has been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, in humans.
  • Thimerosal has been linked to a number of animal reproductive toxicities including teratogenicity, mutagenicity and fetal death…

Click on above link to read more.

Welcome to the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

Welcome to the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines

Comprehensive comparison of vaccines.
Different brands of vaccines have significant differences in their ingredients.  Prior to creating a Vaccination Plan, consider comparing the ingredients in various brands.  Plan for safety…

Click on above link to run the calculator.


Beyond Conformity #MMR #Vaccines #Merck

Beyond Conformity #MMR #Vaccines #Merck

Merck’s illegal MMR smokescreen continues

Hilary Butler – Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Question: When is a legal case really newsworthy?

Answer: When it’s never covered by the mainstream media. Yet the on-going Merck MMR case – which no-one is being told about – is even more important than VIOXX was.

I wonder how Merck has managed to so skillfully keep it out of mainstream media….

So let’s update the news, …. that isn’t being told.

An article planted recently in the pro-corporate website Law360 says pretty much what Merck’s lawyers wanted it to say.  Naturally, it was ignored by mainstream media. It said:

Click on above link to read more.

Related Articles:


Merck’s MMR murk – where to from here?

Merck’s next problem – Japan

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys #Vaccines #AIDS #Cancer

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys Learn more: #Vaccines #AIDS #Cancer

Sunday, September 08, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) If you haven’t yet realized the truth about how vaccines contain hidden cancer viruses, prepare yourself to be shocked by the admission you’re about to hear. Decades ago, one of the most prominent vaccine scientists in the history of the vaccine industry — a Merck scientist — made a recording where he openly admitted that vaccines given to Americans were contaminated with leukemia and cancer viruses.In hearing this admission, his colleagues (who are also recorded here) break into laughter and seem to think it’s hilarious. They then suggest that because these vaccines are first tested in Russia, their side effects will help the U.S. win the Olympics because the Russian athletes will all be “loaded down with tumors.”For the record, this is the same vaccine that was given to tens of millions of Americans and promoted by the government. To this day, people still carry these hidden cancer viruses which have proven to be a boon to the cancer industry.Click on above link to read more.Listen to this astonishing admission at:…

Govt Agency Votes to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Kids #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Anthrax

Govt Agency Votes to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Kids

Whiteout Press

Independent News for independent thinkers and independent voters!

October 30, 2011. Washington. On Friday, the government’s National Biodefense Science Board voted overwhelmingly to recommend carrying out experiments to test the highly controversial anthrax vaccine on America’s children…

Read on at the above link.

Additional Article Below:

Proposed Government Experiment to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

Proposed Government Experiment to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children