Developing World – The WHO’s Private Vaccine Laboratory#Android#iBelieve#mustread

by Christina England
Health Impact News

It is a recognized fact that the developing world has been used by the World Health Organization as a vaccine laboratory for decades. This has been proven in data and vaccine studies dating back as far as the 1970s.

With this in mind, we must ask ourselves, is it right to use these vulnerable children in vaccine experiments? I urge you to read the following examples before you come to any conclusions…

…Tetanus Vaccines Laced With Hormones Known to Cause Miscarriage

In 1992, the WHO, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Bank met in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the then-current status for the development of “fertility regulating vaccinations.” The minutes to that meeting were documented in a paper entitled Fertility Regulating Vaccines.

At first glance…

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Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease#Android#iPad#mustread

 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous. For example, the Johns Hopkins Patient Guide warns the immunocompromised to “Avoid contact with children who are recently vaccinated,” and to “Tell friends and family who are sick, or have recently had a live vaccine (such as chicken pox, measles, rubella, intranasal influenza, polio or smallpox) not to visit.”1

A statement on the website of St. Jude’s Hospital warns parents not to allow people to visit children undergoing cancer treatment if they have received oral polio or smallpox vaccines within four weeks, have received the nasal flu vaccine within one week, or have rashes after receiving the chickenpox vaccine or MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.2

“The public health community is blaming unvaccinated children for the outbreak of measles at Disneyland, but the illnesses could just as easily have occurred due to contact with a recently vaccinated individual,”…

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Children Around the World Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Is the U.S. Heading in the Same Direction?#Android#iBelieve#mustread

The oral polio vaccine has many serious side effects and is no longer used in the U.S. Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped the W.H.O. and other supposed health organizations from continuing it’s use in third world countries.
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
The Guardian is reporting that health officials in Pakistan are arresting and throwing into jail hundreds of parents who refuse to allow their children to receive the oral polio vaccine. These health officials are forcing children to receive the vaccine at gunpoint…
…Just to emphasize the point here, these are parents of children who are being rounded up and thrown into jail in Pakistan. Not terrorists, not murders, not thieves, but parents who do not want their children to receive the polio vaccine…
…So how bad was this polio “epidemic” that WHO declared in 2014? In May of 2014, when they made the announcement which was carried as headline news in most U.S. mainstream media outlets, there had been 74 cases – in the ENTIRE WORLD…
…All across the U.S. local state legislators and health officials are moving to take away the right to informed consent regarding vaccines for children. It Americans don’t wake up soon, whether you are pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and stop this rush to take away individual rights and liberties…


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Why Japan banned MMR vaccine#measles#iPad#Android

Why Japan banned MMR vaccine

by JENNY HOPE, Daily Mail

Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine seven years ago – virtually the only developed nation to turn its back on the jab.

Government health chiefs claim a four-year experiment with it has had serious financial and human costs.

Of the 3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, they say.

The triple jab was banned in Japan in 1993 after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions.

Official figures show there were three deaths while eight children were left with permanent handicaps ranging from damaged hearing and blindness to loss of control of limbs…

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A 5-Year-Old Girl Just Died of the Very Strain of Flu She Was Vaccinated Against#Flu#Android#Vaccines

by Melissa Melton 

Cue the pro-vaccine crowd’s b.s. arguments as to why this is doesn’t matter and we should all keep taking the risk shooting up our children in the hopes this won’t happen to us. Via Daily Mail: A five-year-old girl has died in hospital three days after developing a strain of the flu that she was vaccinated against – as a deadly outbreak of the virus continues to sweep across the country. Keira Driscoll was prescribed steroids and a nebulizer at a Quick Care clinic after she started feeling unwell with a cough and a fever at her home in Clark County, Las Vegas, last Sunday. But just hours later, she collapsed. Her mother, Tiffany Driscoll, frantically performed CPR on her small body, before she was rushed to hospital. There, she was found to have influenza A. Despite medics’ best efforts, Keira could not be resuscitated and she was placed on life support. On Tuesday, her parents made the heartbreaking decision to turn off the machine the next day. The vaccine… didn’t magically save her. Why?… 

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Related Article:

27 year old Short Hills NJ resident dropped dead within 48 hours of his flu shot


Government Pays Compensation to 80 Flu Vaccine Injuries and Deaths#Flu#Family#iBelieve

When we hear figures in the tens of thousands of flu deaths purported by the CDC, then one can come to believe that the flu poses a great health risk. 

When digging deeper these figures encompass more than the flu, in which the deaths by flu are quite small as compared to the number of deaths from pneumonia.  I wonder how long the CDC thought they could get away with such slight of hand, and misdirection?

The smoke and mirrors fear tactics only work for so long.

Health Impact News Editor

The December 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. There were 180 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 134 cases received compensation, while 46 cases were denied.

Most of the U.S. public is unaware that a U.S. citizen, by law, cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages resulting from vaccines. Congress gave them total legal immunity in 1986, and that law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. There is a special “vaccine court” called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded through a tax on vaccines. If you are injured or killed by a vaccine, you must hire an attorney and fight tax-funded government attorneys to seek damages, as you cannot sue the drug manufacturers.

As you can see from the report below, it can take years to reach a settlement. Therefore, this report probably only represents a tiny fraction of the actual number of people harmed or killed by vaccines, since it is so difficult to fight the government in court to win a settlement.

This report clearly shows that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America. 134 cases were awarded settlements for vaccine injuries, with 79 of the settlements being for the flu shot, including three deaths.

Most of the settlements for injuries due to the flu shot were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Other flu vaccine injuries included: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, shingles (herpes zoster), neuropathic demyelination, seizures, neuropathy, brachial plexopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, optic neuritis, and Bell’s palsy.

You didn’t read about this in your local or national news, did you? Here are copies of the actual report:

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27 year old Short Hills, NJ resident dropped dead within 48 hours of flu shot#Flu#retweet#Family

Wednesday, December 3, Jeffrey’s family finds him dead.

What significant event had occurred in the past 48 hours?  A flu shot.   I am sure this 27 year young man, and his family were looking forward to spending the holidays together, but not at a funeral.

He was a healthy young man, free of any medications, enjoyed working out, time with his girlfriend, family, and working.

My heartfelt condolences to his family, and friends.  I hope you can find peace during this time.

I suspect that Jeffrey felt media pressure to take this flu shot.  You hear the advertisements on the radio, t.v., and more, and more stores are wallpapering their walls with flu shot advertisements.

The pressure that employees are facing from employers to take the flu shot is intense.  With threats to lose bonuses, one’s job or gain an unfair reputation of being difficult in the workplace.  Isn’t this asking too much from employees?  Is it worth it?

I was contacted by a physician in Italy last week, regarding 12 deaths in Italy, and one in Switzerland where individuals died within 48 hours of a flu shot.  The pharmaceutical company reported it as a bad batch local to the area with concurrent, minimal media coverage, and limited, scattered facts.

I am sure I am not the only one with an uneasy feeling that something just doesn’t add up or maybe it is, in the pharmaceutical company bank account.

Until the full truth comes forward, and who knows how long that will take, then the chance of a fever, chills, and cold doesn’t sound so bad.

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To Jeffrey’s mom, Miriam, and their family, I leave this tribute to your son.



Flu Shot Ingredients#Flu#iBelieve#Android


I wouldn’t want to touch or smell these ingredients, let alone have them injected past my immune system defenses.  The thought of sticking a needle into a baby or child with these ingredients, just seems wrong.

If you think these ingredients are disturbing, and nasty, then here’s a piece out of an earlier post that informs us about human cancer cells, recently approved by the F.D.A., to be used in millions of upcoming vaccines.

Aside from the fact that the F.D.A. has a long-record of approving deadly, and harmful substances, with this latest approval, I don’t see how we can trust them to act in the best interest of you, and I.

If you didn’t know who the F.D.A. was, and only based on their track record, it would be easy to believe that their first order of business  is to Support vaccine manufacturers, and other pharmaceutical companies, with public health way down on the list.

 Making Vaccines with cancer cells: How safe is it?

Never before have cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors been considered for use in vaccine production. Incredibly, this method has been approved despite the fact that it cannot be guaranteed that the vaccines will not induce cancer tumors in recipients.

Based on the approval by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) millions of vaccines which may induce cancer tumors will be produced. Where are the protests?

From a salvaged transcript (1) of the several hour long meeting in September 2012 between FDA and vaccine manufacturers some of the statements which jumped out of the page are quoted in this

Making Vaccines with Cancer Cells: How Safe Is It?

Well, I am sure I am not alone in feeling a need to find a place to throw-up, after reading the sick-minded comments from the so-called “doctors,” who voted to approve this process.  There is a growing chasm between doctors that hold true to their Hippocratic Oath, which I have a great respect for, and those that are “doctor” in name only. It is a reminder that evil, in many forms, exists in the world around us.  That there are individuals that can justify just about anything, especially where the mighty dollar is involved. 

Vaccines have given millions of people cancer, and now they can use the human cancer cell lines, in a cheaper fashion, to administer more vaccines.  If you are a mad scientist, absorbed in the love of money, and prestige, then what an ingenious strategy. 

Lifting the mandate on vaccines, especially, and including during a pandemic response, is critically important!!

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