Tag: Natural Health
No HIPAA for us in healthcare #Vaccines #HIPAA #Flu Shot
30th December, 2013
The observations of Karen Sullivan Sibert, MD a Los Angeles anesthesiologist, writer, and mother.
We guard the privacy of patients in my hospital zealously—we take care of a lot of celebrities since we’re right in the shadow of Beverly Hills. And of course we live in terror of HIPAA violations, those federally mandated HHS rules that protect individually identifiable healthcare information and could bring down “civil money penalties” upon us if we don’t keep our patients’ medical records strictly confidential.
But for healthcare workers—physicians, nurses, technicians, even medical supply vendors—in LA County, the usual privacy rules don’t apply any more. Now everybody gets to know at least some of our medical history: whether or not we’ve been vaccinated against influenza….
Click on the link below to continue reading post.
Gardasil: What lack of informed consent did for me #Vaccine-Injured #Gardasil #HPV Vaccines
January 10, 2014
By Nicole Alexandra, Sacramento California
I had seen many Gardasil commercials on television and wanted to be ‘one less girl’ affected by cervical cancer. My doctor said I needed the HPV vaccine and I trusted the information I was given. I believed the vaccine was important for my health. I chose to get vaccinated.
I was not told that regular pap smears were an effective way to detect abnormal cells which could be treated before they developed into cervical cancer. I was not told the vast majority of HPV infections would clear up on their own with no health consequences. I was not given adequate information about the adverse reactions that could occur after Gardasil. I had never taken the time to research Gardasil, or any other vaccines. I believed vaccines were simply a part of the ‘healthcare’ system; a system I trusted.
I did not know vaccinating while your immune system was compromised could exacerbate the risks of adverse vaccine reactions. My doctors didn’t warn me. I wish I had known then what I know now.
My Health before Gardasil
I have been dealing with spinal issues and pain since I was a teenager. Nevertheless, I worked nearly full time at a physically demanding job and attended classes part time. In October of 2010, I had another injury that put me out of work. Because of this injury, I was prescribed heavy doses of muscle relaxers by my doctor. I had been taking those medications for six months. The muscle relaxers were causing gastrointestinal (GI) complications in my body, exacerbating GI issues I already had. So, I weaned myself off the medications a couple weeks before my upcoming OB/GYN checkup. I thought this appointment would be beneficial, and I was happy to be off the muscle relaxers two weeks prior. I was hoping to keep what small progress I had going.
My First Gardasil Injection
On January 29th, 2011, at 23 years old, I went for my Gynecological check-up with my fiancé to discuss birth control pills and the HPV vaccine. Trusting my doctor’s advice, I got my first injection of Gardasil that day.
Within the first few days and for the week after the Gardasil shot, I was bedridden, sick with what we thought was a bad flu. It was also possible I was having a reaction from the muscle relaxer withdrawal or the side effects of my newly prescribed birth control pills. I stopped taking the birth control pills after eight days and my symptoms worsened.
My mother and fiancé remember the physical changes when I wasn’t feeling well, but those few days after Gardasil have blurred together for me. I was so sick. During the days, weeks and months to come, I experienced the worst nausea, weakness, vomiting, and most severe pain in every crevice of my stomach and body that I have ever felt in my life. Even the other stomach sensitivities and spinal issues I had experienced previously absolutely paled in comparison to what happened to me after getting Gardasil.
The Doctors
We went to every doctor appointment and tested everything we possibly could. The tests kept coming back ‘normal’. (Ironically, they never tested for metal poisoning, which I expressed symptoms of. If any doctor would have known those symptoms, I had nearly all of them, perhaps I wouldn’t have suffered for so long.) None of the doctors said there could be any connection with Gardasil. In fact, most told us just the opposite; that my symptoms were definitely not caused by Gardasil. It was not until blood tests taken outside of my doctor’s office nine months later that we discovered the toxic stress, deadly amount of candida (yeast), metal poisoning and other toxins were filtering through my bloodstream. (Gardasil ingredients included; we finally connected it with certainty here after finally doing research online. We were overwhelmed with the side effects we read about, especially how similar other girls’ adverse reactions were in comparison to my own. ) Within a month of my only Gardasil vaccine I was a completely changed, debilitated human being.
The Pain and Nausea
During this period of many months, for twenty four hours a day, every moment of my life, I was nauseas, sick to my stomach and alternating puking. I could not drink water or eat anything without getting sick. Digesting anything was extremely painful and my stomach and body hurt excruciatingly. This was more pain and ongoing debilitating symptoms than I have ever experienced. It hurt and was very difficult to move, to walk or to do anything I could not even wear jeans around my waist for seven months because of how painful my stomach felt. I discovered new levels of dizziness and came close to passing out many times upon standing. I was losing weight rapidly, up to 15 pounds a month, with limited activity.
Left: me in December 2010, one month before Gardasil. Right: a year and a half later, July 2012 after the extreme weight loss post Gardasil.
I tried to focus and meditate healing into my body to counteract what was happening. I lost 100 pounds within that first year and a half. My diastolic blood pressure dropped to the 50′s/40′s. It used to be consistently around 120′s/60-70′s. My hair fell out at the rate of my weight loss – quickly.
My tongue turned a grey black color in the center; my eyes turned a slight yellow. The acupuncturist, whom I was seeing before Gardasil, was documenting my progressive decline in health throughout these early months after my injection. My liver, spleen, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines were not functioning properly and under severe stress.
I went to the hospital once for the pain in my right side and stomach, and was given morphine, pain pills and sent home without an answer.
The most challenging and embarrassing issues were the gastrointestinal problems, which were horrifying on their own. Every time I had to use the restroom, it made me more ill than I already felt. The pain I experienced is something I will never forget. The pain in my stomach and body was disorientating every day. It physically hurt everywhere, my brain, mind and body felt foggy and deprived of energy and focus. I struggled to focus, verbalize my feelings, anxiety or frustrations because I felt so toxic and constantly overwhelmed within my own body. I was in more pain, more exhausted and more fatigued than I had ever felt. It was often overwhelming, especially trying to sleep with comfort or ease.
Meanwhile through all of this, I was told by my doctors that I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and to go on a whole grain diet. That was the only advice they had for us, after all my symptoms, IBS. We knew we needed other help and resources.
Family Support
My family focused all of their efforts on helping me any way they could. I was already seeing an acupuncturist outside of my insurance every week and she was documenting my progressing issues as time went on.
We bought vitamins, herbs, protein powders, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and fiber supplements to treat IBS issues. We began the first of many dramatic diet changes to facilitate gut healing.
After months of using these products, they were helping on a small scale by not making things feel worse, with some slight benefits. The nausea and pain were still constant. My back and whole body were amongst the most excruciating pains and because of the pain, my mobility, energy and strength were limited.
As the months went by, I became further immobilized. I walked as much as I was able. I tried swimming during the summer, but it exacerbated my pain greatly. My physical therapist told me, “This was as good as I was going to get.”
We decided to go somewhere else after that.
Out of Desperation
We were at our tip of desperation after I returned from a two day trip with my fiancé. We went out of town to see friends. It was traveling, something I hadn’t done during this year of many changes. We were trying to make it work even with my health complications.
It was wonderful seeing my friends, but my body could not recover from exhaustion after returning. We sought additional help.
The physicians we saw during this time had not helped, many would not help and denied my symptoms. It was my acupuncturist, who stuck with us and tried to heal me. She gave me the name of a chiropractor in the area.
It was worth a try.
Chiropractic Health
One of our biggest blessings through this chaos was finding chiropractic care and meeting my chiropractor, Dr. McKillican. He recognized the crisis my health and nervous system were in and was the first sincere and genuine doctor that strived to help us.
A chiropractor was not on any of my insurance or among the recommendations suggested to me, ever. In fact, I was advised to stay away from them earlier in life. The fifteen minute drive to their office, walking in and sitting down was excruciating, and with how my insides felt, I was deteriorating every day. We knew there, though, we had found a life-long missing link for health and healing. The adjustments I have had and which I am still continuing to have, have improved my health and lifestyle enormously.
I know with my whole being that chiropractic saved my life, especially during this crucial time of debilitating disease and sickness. I have been getting weekly adjustments for nearly two years, beginning seven months after getting Gardasil. Chiropractic adjustments have made significant and dramatic improvements in healing and strengthening my nervous system and body. Regular adjustments work on our nervous system to remove nerve interference within us and to promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Vital Hematology and Nutrition
Nine months after Gardasil, I worked with a vital hematologist to detoxify my body naturally. We used a focused diet that included: juicing specific veggies, fruits, herbs, multiple vitamins, digestive enzymes, colloidal silver, olive leaf extract, glutathione, aloe vera juice. This regime greatly helped with my unbearable, chronic nausea. It seems to have reduced the intensity of pain throughout my stomach. I have had significant improvements in GI health.
This past year and a half I also began working with a nutritionist to deal with the continuous mending needed to repair my GI and organ issues, adrenal dysfunction, low energy levels and fluctuations, memory, brain, cranial issues, appetite/food challenges and over all internal damages.
I am thankful beyond words for the healing I have experienced, despite the pain and many challenges I have faced post Gardasil. My body is mending at the rate it can handle. I use my energy to focus on this.
Two and a Half Years Post Gardasil
The issues I am still working on healing and mending are different two and half years after Gardasil. Now, I primarily deal with the autoimmunity changes and pain levels. These include: gastrointestinal issues, body pain, appetite dysregulation and the ability to eat enough, malabsorption of nutrients, low blood pressure and dizziness, energy, a strong sensitivity to cold temperature, smells and chemicals.
Food and my appetite can be very overwhelming sometimes. It used to bring me to tears every day, especially my lack of desire to eat. I often don’t have the desire to eat or I get full too quickly. I also get really hungry all at once, often unexpectedly and painfully. The food and appetite issues are a constant work in progress that are still very complex.
They have become somewhat easier to work with now than in the years before. I find focusing on ratios of carbs, fats and protein I need helps me, especially with my energy fluctuations. I have also eliminated foods with gluten, GMO or that are processed. I can no longer eat foods that are spicy or acidic. I eat raw organic veggies only – juiced because my GI tract cannot tolerate the un-juiced vegetables. I watch my sugar intake, including many fruits, and other foods that I am sensitive to. I eat whole foods, organic vegetables and fruits, good fats (grass fed/organic butter and coconut oil have helped immensely here) and as much healthy, grass fed, organic protein and protein shakes as my body needs to be balanced. All this has helped substantially.
My healthy lifestyle is vital to keep my progress going. There is a combined effort of balanced nutrition, vitamins, medicinal herbs, supplements, regular chiropractic adjustments, lymphatic massages, physical therapy, removing as many toxins from my environment, and adding as much movement, exercise, walking or stretching as I can.
I also use coffee enemas and drink alkalized water (and lots of it). My body now seems to be on the path it needs to recover from the atrocity that Gardasil caused.
Every day is different with pain and energy levels, but I focus on the blessings, because I know how much worse it can be. I live in chronic daily pain, with pain levels, exhaustion and auto immune changes I never experienced before Gardasil, but these experiences have humbled me deeply in life and in the lives of my loved ones.
The Support of My Family
It has taken a substantial amount of money, time and sacrifices from my extraordinary mother and fiancé to care for me post Gardasil. They help me daily with everything, especially during times when more help is physically needed. Without them, none of this progress could have been possible. I am more grateful and humbled than ever to be alive and for all the amazing, most abundant love and support of people I’m blessed to share my life with. I could not have come this far without these wonderful people.
Gardasil changed my health, my life, and family’s lives forever; physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.
We have had to educate ourselves about health in ways we never did before. I have a humbled appreciation to be alive after how ill I was nearly three years ago. We have learned to educate, read, and research what we put into our bodies.
We encourage everyone we know to do their own research on everything that is put into their body, especially through injection. The HPV vaccine adverse reactions will not stop until these vaccines do.
What I can give and share with others through this experience is the truth, my experiences, and the real facts and statistics regarding Gardasil. I plan to do this until this vaccine exists no more.
Gardasil: What lack of informed consent did for me sanevax.org
Thank you Nicole for your example of perseverance, humility and perspective. I hope your story travels far and many others receive your knowledge and insight. You have inspired me with your triumphant spirit. Here’s a little song of how I envision your influence on others. Thank you for your strength.
jen 🙂
Speak Life
HPV Gardasil Vaccine Proves Lethal – 140 Girls have now Died #HPV Vaccines #Gardasil #One Less
Watch the following clip to hear facts and testimonies from vaccine-injured youth and specialists. They need to feel our support.
They want more than anything to stop another from living this ongoing nightmare of pain and hopefully be healed themselves.
There are parts in this clip that were obviously not filmed in a professional studio but the message still comes through.
Please take the time to hear their stories.
SaneVax Announces a New Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey #HPV #Gardasil #Cervarix
Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective Vaccines and Vaccination Practices
May 9, 2013 By
The SaneVax team is pleased to announce an opportunity for Gardasil and Cervarix HPV vaccine recipients and their families to help provide data regarding HPV vaccines’ risk versus benefit profile. The study is being conducted by an independent scientist, Dr. Chandler Marrs, and hosted on her website, Hormones Matter TM. The purpose of this study is to delineate the range, frequency and severity of adverse events as well as determine which, if any pre-existing conditions predispose one to adverse reactions. As now the vaccine has been on the market for several years, the study also looks at the longer-term side-effects and adverse events.
Whether your experience with Gardasil or Cervarix has been good, bad, or ugly, the SaneVax team encourages you to take a few minutes to complete the Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey. Please, help provide the information people need in order to make an informed choice when it comes to HPV vaccines. Help provide accurate data to those medical professionals who prescribe HPV vaccines.
Hormones MatterTM is a health education and direct-to-patient research community, committed to giving women the information they need to make informed medical decisions. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey is the third, in what Dr. Marrs hopes will be a long line of research projects tackling the underserved areas of women’s health. As Dr. Marrs tells her story:
I am an independent scientist, a fierce women’s health advocate and a mom. I have background in women’s health research, specifically the role of hormones in various conditions. My passions are research, diagnostics and health education. Over the last year, I developed a health site called Hormones Matter. There we cover all-manner of health related topics, even a little health policy, politics and humor. We are totally unfunded and operate purely on the passion of volunteers. I also have a company called Lucine Biotech and an organization called Lucine Women, currently unfunded as well, that will one-day offer lab based research opportunities and develop diagnostics in critical areas of women’s health.
Undeterred by the lack of funding, I decided that I would no longer wait for funding to conduct the research that needed to be completed. It was time to bring more data into the field of women’s health. About three months ago, I began conducting online research. I began with an oral contraceptives study looking at the off-label uses of oral contraceptives, along with side-effects and adverse events associated with the different formulations/brands. Phase 1 of the Oral Contraceptives Survey has over 600 respondents. The next study launched was the Hysterectomy Survey, and it has over 200 respondents so far. Last week, we launched our Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey. My plan is to tackle critical and ignored areas of women’s health care, one survey at a time.
As an unfunded, independent researcher, I am crowdsourcing the data collection. I rely heavily on social media and community advocates and organizations to spread the word. As a strong believer in listening to patients, I also rely heavily on the broader patient communities to inform the direction and design of the research and the even topics we cover on Hormones MatterTM. Do not hesitate to email questions, concerns, suggestions and ideas: info@hormonesmatter.com
All surveys are anonymous. They are hosted on a secure cloud site (Survey Monkey). The data reports from these surveys will be published and available to women and their physicians.
I want to thank SaneVax for supporting these efforts and to personally thank all of the survey respondents who take the time to complete this survey. Together we can improve women’s healthcare, one data point at a time. Thank you.
The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.
Utah health official bans Gardasil, stirring controversy #Gardasil #One Less #HPV
Thank you Dr. David Blodgett, you are a Hero among us.
By kirsten stewart | The Salt Lake Tribune
First Published Dec 06 2013 01:01 am • Last Updated Dec 06 2013 08:27 p
Citing low demand, high costs — and questioning the benefits, Utah’s Southwest Public Department of Health does not stock or recommend Gardasil, the vaccine against HPV, the cancer-causing human papilloma virus.
The decision to exclude the vaccine from its public health clinics in Beaver, Iron, Garfield, Kane and Washington counties was made years ago, not by the area’s Board of Health, but by the agency’s director, physician David Blodgett.
Demand for Gardasil, or the HPV vaccine, varies across Utah. The vaccine offers the best protection to girls and boys who receive all three doses by age 11 or 12, in time to develop immunity before they become sexually active, federal health officials say.
Southwest Utah Public Health Department (Beaver, Iron, Washington, Garfield and Kane counties)
10.9 percent of youth between ages 12 and 17 had received one dose of the three-dose vaccine as of 2012; 6.7 percent had received two doses and 4.2 percent had received three doses.
Salt Lake County Health Department
17 percent of youth between ages 12 and 17 years of age had received one dose of the three-dose vaccine; 11.1 percent had received two doses; and 7.3 percent had received three doses.
“The backlash and sentiment against it was strong enough that there’s no reason to go there,” Blodgett explained. “No one wants it and it’s too expensive when we’re not funded to provide it.”
But in light of Utah’s dismal HPV vaccination rate, Blodgett’s decision is stirring new debate in public health circles.
The vaccine isn’t mandated in Utah. But the Utah Department of Health has been recommending it for preteen girls since 2006, and for boys since 2011.
At 42 percent, Utah ranks lowest in the nation for completion of the three-injection series among girls who start it. The national rate is 71 percent, according to the National Immunization Survey. There isn’t enough data on boys to publish.
Reasons for the slow uptake are varied, including concerns that giving the vaccine at such a young age, by 11 or 12, is a license to be promiscuous — which research has disputed, said William Cosgrove, a pediatrician in Murray and a member of the Utah Scientific Immunization Advisory Committee.
For a senior health official to downplay the benefits of a life-saving vaccine is “highly unethical,” said Cosgrove.
Gardasil is safe and more than 95 percent effective at preventing four sexually transmitted viruses responsible for 70 percent of cervical cancer and 90 percent of genital warts, he said. It’s also proven effective at preventing throat, penile and anal cancers.
“Adolescents face an 80 percent chance of being infected by one or more of these viruses,” said Cosgrove.
The three-shot series can retail for $360, but is fully covered by private insurance and provided free of charge to low-income families — and public health clinics — through the federal Vaccines for Children program.
“To be dissuaded by cost issues, or to not stock the vaccine due to low public demand, is disingenuous, especially for someone with responsibilities to protect the public,” said Cosgrove. “I believe the real medical issues here are clouded by a moralistic belief system that precludes any frank discussion about sexuality in adolescents.”
Blodgett cites other problems with Gardasil, namely that it was fast-tracked through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and a belief that its benefits were oversold by drug maker Merck.
“The science wasn’t good… We had physicians in our community arguing that we not make it available,” said Blodgett.
HPV is “absolutely a risk for cervical cancer,” but it’s not the only risk, he said, arguing the vaccine cuts risk by 17 percent. Cancers caused by HPV are extremely rare and immunization comes with no guarantee for long-term protection; women are still supposed to get regular Pap smears to test for the virus, he said.
Weighed against the vaccine’s risks, “the public isn’t buying it,” he contends. “It’s eroding public trust in immunization programs.”
TriCounty Health Department, spanning Daggett, Duchesne and Uintah counties, makes the vaccine available only with a doctor’s prescription.
“It’s a complicated vaccine that requires discussion about [sexual health] and a physical exam and follow-up visits with a doctor,” said the agency’s director, Joseph Shaffer. “My feeling is that’s better held in the physician’s office than here at the health department.”
Fear that Gardasil is dangerous hasn’t been eased by the FDA’s assurances. The agency approved and monitors the drug and says its safety profile matches those of other vaccines.
How closely does the CDC monitor HPV vaccine safety? #CDC #HPV #Gardasil
January 5, 2014
By Norma Erickson
December 4, 2013, the Katie Couric Show aired several segments focusing on The HPV Vaccine Controversy. Her guests included Emily Tarsell, Rosemary and Lauren Mathis, Dr. Diane Harper and Dr. Mallika Marshall.
In response to the ensuing firestorm of criticism the show generated, Katie Couric invited Dr. Anne Schuchat, Assistant Surgeon General and Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, to do a segment for Friday’s show in order to “make sure people understand the facts about this vaccine and human papillomavirus (HPV).”
I am going to interject something before you read the rest of Norma’s article.
Click below to watch a completely useless six and half minute schpeel from a CDC Representative.
Thankfully Norma spelled the details out for us. I happen to know, Norma cares deeply for the many girls whose journey she has shared and has researched this topic in depth. As for those girls I want them to know so many care about you and keep you in their prayers. A phrase from one of Faith Hills songs comes to mind.
“There will come a day”
It’s not easy
Trying to understand
How the world can be so cold
Stealing the souls of man
Cloudy skies rain down
On all your dreams
You wrestle with the fear and doubt
Sometimes it’s hard, but you gotta believe…
Here’s a live concert of Faith Hill sharing this beautiful song with us. Hopefully, this can replace the inexcusable interview above.
Dr. Schuchat’s answers to Katie Couric’s questions can be viewed in the video above, or on HPV Vaccine Conversation Continued. During the interview Dr. Schuchat was asked about the safety of HPV vaccines, she stated:
“As the leader of the CDC Immunization Program, I am really committed to a very strong safety monitoring system. What I can say is more than 57 million doses have been used and with all the tests and systems that we track, we aren’t finding any concerning problems.”
Really, Dr. Schuchat – No concerning problems?
According to the CDC, VAERS data are monitored to:
- Detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events
- Monitor increases in known adverse events
- Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse events
- Identify vaccine lots with increased numbers or types of reported adverse events
- Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines
Ostensibly, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is the first line of defense when monitoring vaccine safety. Despite the obvious limitations of drawing concrete conclusions from VAERS data, it does provide an excellent tool for recognizing potential safety signals, red flags if you will, when looking at a specific vaccine’s safety profile.
This article will look at a few items which would raise red flags for the average medical consumer. Perhaps Dr. Schuchat can explain why they are not ‘concerning problems’ for the leader of the CDC Immunization Program.
According to the Rare Diseases Act of 2002, any disease or condition that affects less than 200,000 people in the United States is classified as a rare disease. There are currently more than 6,000 known rare diseases. One could safely assume that if one or more of these rare diseases began to show up in the VAERS database with any regularity it would certainly constitute a safety signal – a signal demanding further investigation.
Let’s take a look at a few examples of VAERS data that should at the very least raise a few eyebrows.
HPV Vaccines and ADEM
According to the NIH, National Institute of Health, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is characterized by a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers. ADEM often follows viral or bacterial infections, or less often, vaccination for measles, mumps, or rubella.
In other words, ADEM is a known side effect of some vaccines. It is listed as a rare disease in both the United States and Europe. Examine the following chart showing the VAERS reports of ADEM after all vaccines used in the United States each year from May 1997 through May 2013.
One would think an 8,100% average per anum increase in reports of this rare condition after the introduction of HPV vaccines would be a huge red flag. Apparently, that is not the case for Dr. Schuchat despite the fact that ADEM is a known adverse effect of some vaccines.
HPV Vaccines and POTS
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is one of a group of rare disorders that have orthostatic intolerance (OI) as their primary symptom (when an excessively reduced volume of blood returns to the heart after an individual stands up from a lying down position). In POTS, orthostatic intolerance causes lightheadedness or fainting, and there is also a rapid increase in heartbeat.
The following chart shows VAERS reports of POTS and related symptoms after HPV vaccines compared to the number of reports filed after all other FDA approved vaccines.
There are over 80 vaccines FDA approved for use in the United States. If all vaccines were equally safe, HPV vaccines should account for around 3% of the total reports filed with VAERS. As you can clearly see, depending upon the symptom, HPV vaccines account for a disproportionate percentage of the reports filed pertaining to POTS and related symptoms. What is wrong with this picture?
Still – no ‘concerning problems’ Dr. Schuchat? Not with an average increase of 137% in reports filed per year?
HPV Vaccines and ITP
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) occurs when immune system cells produce antibodies that destroy platelets, which are necessary for normal blood clotting. The antibodies attach to the platelets. The spleen destroys the platelets that carry the antibodies.
The chart below illustrates the average number of reports of purpura on an annual basis for all vaccines listed in the VAERS database. There has been a 68% increase in the average number of purpura cases reported annually since the introduction of HPV vaccines in 2006.
Seriously, Dr. Schuchat, wouldn’t this fall under the heading of potential unusual vaccine adverse events which the VAERS system is designed to alert the members of your staff to investigate?
HPV Vaccines and Infertility
Infertility in the United States is no small problem. The CDC estimates that 10.9% of women ages 15 to 44 experience fertility problems. This estimate was made from data collected from 2006-2010. Since this is not a rare disorder, one would think that any signal which indicated a tendency to exacerbate the problem would be of particular concern.
OK, the chart above shows a substantial increase of the reports of fertility problems, a 790% increase in the annual average to be exact beginning in 2007. What could have caused such an increase? Does it have anything to do with the introduction of HPV vaccines in mid-2006?
Let’s compare the percentage of infertility reports after HPV vaccines to infertility problems reported after all other vaccines in the VAERS database from May 2007 to November 2013.
Dr. Schuchat, how can 2 vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, account for such a large percentage of infertility reports to VAERS for such an extended period of time without being a concern?
One Final Chart
Once again, Dr. Schuchat, how can two vaccines account for such a large percentage of the VAERS database? Why is this not a matter of concern?
Perhaps the mission statement for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Illness says it all:
“The mission of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) is the prevention of disease, disability, and death through immunization and by control of respiratory and related diseases.”
The amount of disease, disability, and death potentially caused by Gardasil and Cervarix are obviously not a ‘concerning problem’ for those who are supposed to be monitoring HPV vaccine safety at the CDC.
Thank you, Dr. Schuchat, for making that perfectly clear to medical consumers in the United States and around the world.
For more revealing graphs, click here.
A printable copy is attached for those who wish to distribute it – or perhaps send to the CDC or political representatives to ask them to explain why no red flags have been raised when it comes to the question of HPV vaccine safety.