Tag: paralisi
Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys #Vaccines #AIDS #Cancer
Sunday, September 08, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Govt Agency Votes to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Kids #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Anthrax
Govt Agency Votes to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Kids
Independent News for independent thinkers and independent voters!
October 30, 2011. Washington. On Friday, the government’s National Biodefense Science Board voted overwhelmingly to recommend carrying out experiments to test the highly controversial anthrax vaccine on America’s children…
Read on at the above link.
Additional Article Below:
Proposed Government Experiment to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children
Proposed Government Experiment to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children
The Military Vaccine Resource Directory #Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines
The Military Vaccine Resource Directory #Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines
We remember. We honor. There is a rent in the fabric of our lives, and yet the gift you have given remains in our hearts.
Welcome to The Military Vaccine Resource Directory. This site is a resource directory for active-duty service members, veterans, and others who are concerned about the military’s mandatory bioterrorism vaccines. Here you will find an overview of these vaccines, news about developments in the field, support groups, health care tips, medical and legal resources, and more.
Please note: This site is in no way connected to the military. We provide documented, verifiable and public information. Stories from the troops are first-hand accounts, posted with their permission
This is a highly comprehensive sight. Great resource for personal research. Click the above link to read further.
Service Member Shares Vaccine Experience #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Vaccines
Service Member Shares Vaccine Experience #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Vaccines
Mar 19th, 2013
From an anonymous service member,
I do not know what-all was in these vaccines, but I thought I would share my story of three vaccines, all received in the last three years of the U.S. Navy…
Click on above link to read her story.
From an anonymous service member,
From an anonymous service member,
“I do not know what-all was in these vaccines, but I thought I would share my story of three vaccines, all received in the last three years in the US Navy. I had never had a serious reaction to any vaccine before, and it was after the third round of it that I decided to do some research for myself. Now I am carrying my first child
– See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/03/19/service-member-shares/#sthash.kLrIKEIC.dpuf
Vaccination Myths and Truths #Mandated Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Vaccines
Vaccination Myths and Truths #Mandated Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Vaccines
Alan G. Philips is an attorney with the following credentials:
– he’s one of the few American lawyers whose practice includes vaccine exemption and waiver issues;
– he advises other attorneys seeking help for their own clients on vaccine exemptions;
– he co-founded Citizens for Healthcare Freedom (CHF) as “a grassroots, nonprofit organization supporting an exciting new Consumer Health Freedom Act in North Carolina” where he lives and practices law;
– he “may be the only attorney in the US with a website dedicated to vaccine exemptions” – vaccinerights.com;
– he authored “The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions;” and
– he’s written numerous articles and publications on vaccinations and immunizations, including “Dispelling Vaccination Myths: An Introduction to the Contradictions Between Medical Science and Immunization Policy,” published in 1996 and most recently updated in 2007.
Given the possibility of universally mandated untested, experimental, toxic, and extremely dangerous Swine Flu vaccinations this fall, Philips’ work is especially relevant and vital…
This article and the link to the one below provide a clear overview on some vaccinehistory.
Myths and Facts
There are two reasons why people perpetuate a lie, even if they are not the original creators of it. Some do it out of ignorance or carelessness. Others do it deliberately with full knowledge. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether facts are falsified deliberately or out of ignorance. Whatever the case, it is important to set the record straight when distortion of facts perpetuate a lie, especially when the lives of human beings are at stake.