Tag: pertussis vacccine
Vaccines cause sudden death, proves document hidden by Big Pharma for two years#android#iPad#retweet
An Italian court has unearthed a formerly classified document that proves vaccines cause death, and that vaccine companies don’t want you to know this. As published on the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) website, a 1,271-page report by British drug firm GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) reveals that certain combination vaccines administered to children are known to cause sudden death, but the company chose to obscure and conceal this in official safety reports.
The document deals specifically with the Infanrix Hexa vaccine (combined diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, hepatitis B, inactivated poliomyelitis and haemophilus influenza type B) made by GSK, as well as the Prevenar 13 vaccine by Pfizer and several other vaccines. It explains that, contrary to the skewed data presented by GSK suggesting that dozens of sudden death cases following vaccination were not linked to Infanrix Hexa, the same data broken down by time of occurrence reveals that the vaccine was, in fact, directly linked to the deaths…
Mainstream Media Warns About the Dangers of the Vaccinated Spreading Disease, Wait, What, Really?#android#iPad#retweet
by Roger Landry
…the discovery of autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), the work of leading researchers from 14 countries on the role of adjuvants in different vaccines and how they can induce diverse autoimmune clinical manifestations in genetically prone individuals has been published in the newly released medical textbook, Vaccines and Autoimmunity.
The textbook, which is intended for advanced students and researchers working in pathogenic and epidemiological studies…
…Contributors to Vaccines and Autoimmunity include clinical physicians and scientists at major universities and research hospitals in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, Japan, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Columbia, Mexico and Slovenia…
…It would seem that the true message of vaccine dangers and damage is finally bubbling to the surface.
We live in a time when the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) appears to be losing some of its grip on past loyalties or purchased secrecy, and knowledge of this mechanism is becoming available even from sources we would not have expected a scant few years ago, the MSM and medical schools. These were bastions of absolute support for them in days gone by. It is my hope that we are in fact seeing an erosion of that very support…

Susan McCreadie, MD: I Rest Easier NOT Vaccinating my Children#android#iPad#retweet
by Susan McCreadie, MD
Since finishing my pediatric training, I have come to realize that you can find evidence to support your decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate.
When I started my pediatric practice fresh out of residency, I was a primary care physician and offered vaccinations to those families who chose to vaccinate their children. I actually gave the children the vaccines myself (I’m so glad I no longer do that – I truly disliked that part of my job!).
I was also one of the parents who chose to vaccinate my child. I did educate myself about the pros and cons of vaccines, and felt I still needed to vaccinate Kaitlin (my oldest), but selectively vaccinate and on an alternative schedule (one vaccine per month).
After the 5th vaccine, her eczema continued to worsen. I started to have the uncomfortable feeling of having to step outside the lines of what the standard medical community recommended, on behalf of the health of my child. I have always been a rule follower, so naturally stepping outside ‘the standard of care’ was very uncomfortable for me…
13 Reasons Why the CDC is Right and You Should Vaccinate Your Kids#android#iPad#retweet
If you have any reservations at all about the current CDC vaccine schedule, don’t worry. It has been scientifically proven that there’s absolutely no reason for concern. Vaccines save countless lives, just like antibiotics. And the more vaccines we give, the more lives we save. Just like antibiotics. Adverse reactions from vaccines occur but they are really rare. It certainly does not matter how many vaccinations we give our babies at one time! Why should it? Listen, if you drink too much water you can die of water poisoning. Vaccines are like that: as safe and benign as water.
All those articles, podcasts, blogs, talks by M.D.’s, scientific studies, and TV news reports that are making you have some doubts about some of the vaccines given to children in the United States? Are you becoming concerned that we are giving 49 doses of 14 different vaccines before age six? Are you worried that children in America have more chronic diseases (like asthma, allergies, juvenile diabetes, Crohn’s disease), autism, and learning disabilities than at any other time in America’s history?
You’re smarter than that…