Is Whooping Cough Being Spread by Vaccinated People? Quite Possibly.#Vaccines#iBelieve#Pregnancy


Looks like some others in the news media are catching up to the science many of us have been discussing for the past couple of years: whooping cough (pertussis) may be spread by whooping cough vaccine. In other words: it is likely the vaccinated population–not the unvaccinated population– that is largely responsible for the resurgence in whooping cough…

Read the Entire Article Here

It’s no surprise that autoimmune reactions occur now, in one out of six children.  When peanut oil, eggs, human DNA, thirmerosol (mercury), aluminum, formaldehyde, aborted fetus material, and so forth are included in various vaccines. Does this sound healthy? Are these ingredients discussed prior to the shot?  How many parents are told the dangers, and risks of injecting these substances past the immune system.  Are fear tactics, intimidation, and misdirection necessary to garner these shots?

Government Pays Compensation to 80 Flu Vaccine Injuries and Deaths#Flu#Family#iBelieve

When we hear figures in the tens of thousands of flu deaths purported by the CDC, then one can come to believe that the flu poses a great health risk. 

When digging deeper these figures encompass more than the flu, in which the deaths by flu are quite small as compared to the number of deaths from pneumonia.  I wonder how long the CDC thought they could get away with such slight of hand, and misdirection?

The smoke and mirrors fear tactics only work for so long.

Health Impact News Editor

The December 2014 report from the Department of Justice on damages paid by the U.S. Government to vaccine victims was recently published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. There were 180 cases of vaccine injuries decided. 134 cases received compensation, while 46 cases were denied.

Most of the U.S. public is unaware that a U.S. citizen, by law, cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for damages resulting from vaccines. Congress gave them total legal immunity in 1986, and that law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. There is a special “vaccine court” called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded through a tax on vaccines. If you are injured or killed by a vaccine, you must hire an attorney and fight tax-funded government attorneys to seek damages, as you cannot sue the drug manufacturers.

As you can see from the report below, it can take years to reach a settlement. Therefore, this report probably only represents a tiny fraction of the actual number of people harmed or killed by vaccines, since it is so difficult to fight the government in court to win a settlement.

This report clearly shows that the flu vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine in America. 134 cases were awarded settlements for vaccine injuries, with 79 of the settlements being for the flu shot, including three deaths.

Most of the settlements for injuries due to the flu shot were for Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Other flu vaccine injuries included: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, shingles (herpes zoster), neuropathic demyelination, seizures, neuropathy, brachial plexopathy, rheumatoid arthritis, optic neuritis, and Bell’s palsy.

You didn’t read about this in your local or national news, did you? Here are copies of the actual report:

Read the Entire Article Here

27 year old Short Hills, NJ resident dropped dead within 48 hours of flu shot#Flu#retweet#Family

Wednesday, December 3, Jeffrey’s family finds him dead.

What significant event had occurred in the past 48 hours?  A flu shot.   I am sure this 27 year young man, and his family were looking forward to spending the holidays together, but not at a funeral.

He was a healthy young man, free of any medications, enjoyed working out, time with his girlfriend, family, and working.

My heartfelt condolences to his family, and friends.  I hope you can find peace during this time.

I suspect that Jeffrey felt media pressure to take this flu shot.  You hear the advertisements on the radio, t.v., and more, and more stores are wallpapering their walls with flu shot advertisements.

The pressure that employees are facing from employers to take the flu shot is intense.  With threats to lose bonuses, one’s job or gain an unfair reputation of being difficult in the workplace.  Isn’t this asking too much from employees?  Is it worth it?

I was contacted by a physician in Italy last week, regarding 12 deaths in Italy, and one in Switzerland where individuals died within 48 hours of a flu shot.  The pharmaceutical company reported it as a bad batch local to the area with concurrent, minimal media coverage, and limited, scattered facts.

I am sure I am not the only one with an uneasy feeling that something just doesn’t add up or maybe it is, in the pharmaceutical company bank account.

Until the full truth comes forward, and who knows how long that will take, then the chance of a fever, chills, and cold doesn’t sound so bad.

Related Articles:

To Jeffrey’s mom, Miriam, and their family, I leave this tribute to your son.



Flu Shot Ingredients#Flu#iBelieve#Android


I wouldn’t want to touch or smell these ingredients, let alone have them injected past my immune system defenses.  The thought of sticking a needle into a baby or child with these ingredients, just seems wrong.

If you think these ingredients are disturbing, and nasty, then here’s a piece out of an earlier post that informs us about human cancer cells, recently approved by the F.D.A., to be used in millions of upcoming vaccines.

Aside from the fact that the F.D.A. has a long-record of approving deadly, and harmful substances, with this latest approval, I don’t see how we can trust them to act in the best interest of you, and I.

If you didn’t know who the F.D.A. was, and only based on their track record, it would be easy to believe that their first order of business  is to Support vaccine manufacturers, and other pharmaceutical companies, with public health way down on the list.

 Making Vaccines with cancer cells: How safe is it?

Never before have cells that are derived directly from human cancer tumors been considered for use in vaccine production. Incredibly, this method has been approved despite the fact that it cannot be guaranteed that the vaccines will not induce cancer tumors in recipients.

Based on the approval by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) millions of vaccines which may induce cancer tumors will be produced. Where are the protests?

From a salvaged transcript (1) of the several hour long meeting in September 2012 between FDA and vaccine manufacturers some of the statements which jumped out of the page are quoted in this

Making Vaccines with Cancer Cells: How Safe Is It?

Well, I am sure I am not alone in feeling a need to find a place to throw-up, after reading the sick-minded comments from the so-called “doctors,” who voted to approve this process.  There is a growing chasm between doctors that hold true to their Hippocratic Oath, which I have a great respect for, and those that are “doctor” in name only. It is a reminder that evil, in many forms, exists in the world around us.  That there are individuals that can justify just about anything, especially where the mighty dollar is involved. 

Vaccines have given millions of people cancer, and now they can use the human cancer cell lines, in a cheaper fashion, to administer more vaccines.  If you are a mad scientist, absorbed in the love of money, and prestige, then what an ingenious strategy. 

Lifting the mandate on vaccines, especially, and including during a pandemic response, is critically important!!

Related Articles:


More Proof Flu Vaccines Don’t Work – Outbreak on US Navy Ship Despite 99% Vaccination Rate#iBelieve#Vaccines#Flu

Has the CDC contradicted itself again? The reports are now coming out that there was an influenza outbreak on the U.S.S. Arden. Almost a quarter of those on board caught the illness even though 99% of crew members had been vaccinated against flu per mandatory military vaccine policy.

According to the report, the ship was in San Diego, CA in early February to conduct training exercises. There were 102 crew members on board. Three days into it, 25 crewmen needed medical care after coming down with influenza.

The Naval Health Research Center determined that out of the 25, 20 of them had influenza A and 18 of these specifically were the subtype H3N2.

Due to severity of the outbreak, the ill crew members were sent home with medication and instructions on how to avoid spreading the illness. The ship had to be fully disinfected…

Read the Entire Post Here

Dr. Carley – Featured Doctors Week #Vaccines#Pets and Vaccines#Autism Spectrum

Our final, featured practitioner is Dr. Rebecca Carley.  She has helped children, adults and pets who have suffered from vaccine-induced diseases with great success for many, many years.

Through her years of research, along with other colleagues, she has uncovered many a truth in regards to the history of vaccines.  The details are found in the link below.

What’s Ailing America?

Please take a minute to view her website to find which diseases correlate with vaccine damage.  There may be a cure or long sought improvement,  for you or a friend through the work of this dedicated and courageous doctor.

Thank you, Dr. Carley, for taking the time to share your research and expertise with us today.

jen 🙂

Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases

Below are a number of different articles and diagrams offering a wealth of information on the history and current issues in relation to vaccines today.  Please review these articles prior to considering any given vaccine.

Click here for Dr. Carley’s Diagrams 1-4, WHICH REVEAL THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE AS WELL AS HOW ALL DISEASES CAN BE REVERSED WITH NATURAL THERAPIES (The 4th diagram is the big picture of her Hippocrates Protocol which she develops on an individual basis and teaches her clients who obtain consults after reviewing their history of toxin exposure)……….

“Dedicated to the Victims of Vaccines…I’m Alive” #Polio Vaccine # Vaccine-Injured #Vaccines

The title says it all.  Please take time to hear his story.

“Dedicated to the Victims of Vaccines…I’m Alive”

 Thank you Alberto Tremante.  You will be famous through your heroics with all vaccine-injured and many, many more.

Let’s all say a special prayer for Alberto and his loved ones. What wonderful examples

your parents are of charity, the true love of Christ. I am so glad to know of you and your family.

Forza Alberto!  Ti salutiami!

jen vranes  🙂

Here’s a musical gift to you from me.

The Prayer

 Story compliments of Dr. Carley who has helped many vaccine-injured throughout the world.

Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases

8 Reasons I Haven’t Vaccinated My Daughter #Mandated Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Natural Immunity