Tag: pneumococcal ਦਾ ਟੀਕਾ
This Pharmaceutical Company Used NSA-Like Tactics to Monitor Parents’ Concerns About Vaccines – See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/08/21/pharmaceutical-spy-tactics/#sthash.k5F1YbWM.dpuf #Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #NSA
Click on above link and be more informed on tactics used between pharmaceutical companies and separate parenting websites.
Imagine you are about to be a new mother in three months and you want to learn more about vaccines. You read information on a website discussing the different toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents contained in vaccines. (Get the list here.) – See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/08/21/pharmaceutical-spy-tactics/#sthash.k5F1YbWM.dpuf
Aug 21st, 2013 | By Jeffry John Aufderheide
Blood Donations are Potential Biohazard from Those Vaccinated with Gardasil – See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/09/10/gardasil-potential-biohazard/#sthash.JuVOr3LR.dpuf #Vaccines #One Less #Gardasil
Click on the above link to access the article in regards to the dangers of receiving blood from anyone who has received the Gardasil vaccine.
The huge wave of serious adverse conditions after Gardasil vaccination has caused deep concern across the world. However, the suffering may not only be limited to those who are vaccinated. Blood donated from individuals vaccinated with Gardasil may have horrific consequences for the recipients’ health.
HPV was found in a girl’s blood two years after vaccination. It should not be present!
– See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/09/10/gardasil-potential-biohazard/#sthash.JuVOr3LR.dpuf
The Dark Side of Gardasil #Vaccines #Gardasil #One Less
The Dark Side of Gardasil #Vaccines #Gardasil #One Less
September 11, 2013 By Ashley Adair
My name is Ashley Adair. I live in Georgia. I have suffered for five years from the side effects of something I thought would help me. I received the Gardasil vaccine because the people and doctors all around me kept telling me “OH! This vaccine is the best thing to happen to the medical industry!” Of course my mom and I fell for it like many others. I want to let people know about the dark side of this vaccine….
Click on link to read more and if you feel so inclined, leave a heartfelt comment for this young girl.
Thanks to so many parents and teens speaking out:
Vaccine victory: Widespread resistance from parents to HPV jab for daughters shows truth is spreading far and wideMonday, March 25, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer |
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/039634_HPV_vaccines_resistance_victory.html
Welcome to the Vaccine Ingredients Calculator #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines
Comprehensive comparison of vaccines.
Different brands of vaccines have significant differences in their ingredients. Prior to creating a Vaccination Plan, consider comparing the ingredients in various brands. Plan for safety…
Click on above link to run the calculator.
Beyond Conformity #MMR #Vaccines #Merck
Beyond Conformity #MMR #Vaccines #Merck
Merck’s illegal MMR smokescreen continues
Question: When is a legal case really newsworthy?
Answer: When it’s never covered by the mainstream media. Yet the on-going Merck MMR case – which no-one is being told about – is even more important than VIOXX was.
I wonder how Merck has managed to so skillfully keep it out of mainstream media….
So let’s update the news, …. that isn’t being told.
An article planted recently in the pro-corporate website Law360 says pretty much what Merck’s lawyers wanted it to say. Naturally, it was ignored by mainstream media. It said:
Click on above link to read more.
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Merck’s MMR murk – where to from here?
Merck’s next problem – Japan