Tag: polio vaksine
“Police State” Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status – See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/04/26/police-state-registry-system/#sthash.ZiMcAIBP.dpuf #Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines
Click on link to read more.
The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called the Immunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. [1] This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations.
What is the intention of such programs?
My colleague Leslie Manookian, writer and director of the movie The Greater Good, wrote in a recent article, the “CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of ‘undervaccination’ so that they can be ‘addressed’ and brought into ‘compliance.’” [2]
– See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/04/26/police-state-registry-system/#sthash.ZiMcAIBP.dpuf
Apr 26th, 2013 | By Jeffry John Aufderheide
HIV Testing Paid By Federal Grants Completed On Infant Wards of the State #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #AIDS
AIDS Drug /Vaccine Experiments on Foster Children |
Hearing of the NYS Assembly Committee on Health and Committee on Children and Families
by Vera Hassner Sharav, President
Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP)
speak on behalf of the ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION (AHRP), the organization that filed the federal complaint about the enrollment of foster care children as experimental subjects of Phase I and II trials of AIDS drugs, vaccines, and drug/vaccine combinations. See: http://www.ahrp.org/ahrpspeaks/HIVkids0304
Where Are The Watch Dogs?
How could any rational adult condone such an experiment let alone be a part of it?
I heard once for numbers sake. If just one family per church nationwide adopted a foster child then there would be no need for the system.
Why Are Doctors Silent? #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines
Why Are Doctors Silent? #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines
Doctors care about their patients, so why aren’t they more critical of vaccination? Is it lack of awareness, an inability or unwillingness to connect the dots, years of indoctrination or fear of possible professional repercussions if they speak out…? Dr. Bernice Eddy, (see Politics of Power and Contol;) Dr. Robert Simpson, Dr. Rebecca Carley, Dr. Jane Donegan and Dr. Andrew Wakefield are but a few examples of doctors who’ve been professionally penalized for not towing the party line
Topics on this page:
- The Need to Alert Physicians
- The Power of Indoctrination
- Feeling the Pressure
- Denial… Refusing to Connect the Dots
- Professional Repercussions
- Doctors… Starting to Question and Taking a Stand
Excellent data found on above link and at:
NY to Give Vaccines to Minors Without Parental Consent #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #HPV
NY to Give Vaccines to Minors Without Parental Consent #Vaccines #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #HPV
It’s illegal for children to vote. It’s illegal for children to choose to drink alcohol. It’s illegal for children to drive. It’s illegal for children to give consent for medical procedures. Yet, New York is planning to let children give consent for vaccinations, a potentially life-changing or destroying procedure, without parental consent? [Gaia Health]
Click on above link to read further.
Rally in Chicago for Vaccine Personal Choice #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Vaccines
Today, we stand in the heartland of America and affirm our rights to vaccination choice and parental consent.
We are many hundreds of us here, joined by thousands more from all over the world, watching the live webcast of this event in their homes, at house parties and satellite rallies…
We demand, for this medical intervention that is mandated for all of our children, as for every other medical intervention, the human rights standard around the world.
That is… the right to free and informed consent. Vaccination choice is a human right….
Click on above link to read more and view video clips.
Link to the home page: http://americanpersonalrights.com/
Are Preemies More At Risk For Harm From Vaccines? – Recent Medical Study Says So #Adverse Reaction To Vaccines #Mandated Vaccines #Vaccines
One of modern medicine’s routine practices is vaccination of virtually all infants on a schedule—even if they’re premature. This study clearly documents the likelihood that preemies are being subjected to severe harm by the practice. Yet, health agencies and doctors won’t even slow down in the rush to jam needles into the weakest among us.
by Heidi Stevenson
Three Babies Die Following HPV Vaccine #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #HPV #Vaccines
Three Babies Die Following HPV Vaccine #Adverse Reactions To Vaccines #HPV #Vaccines
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 By Missy Fluegge
Families of three babies who died shortly after receiving their routine hepatitis B vaccine are mourning the loss of their children. The babies, vaccinated in Vietnam under the country’s National Expanded Program on Immunization, died on July 20 in the central province of Quang Tri, according to the report. [1]